Файл: public_html/inc/language_en.php
Строк: 1858
$languagepackage = array (
"langAdd000" => "Categories",
"langAdd001" => "show all",
"langAdd002" => "New Ads",
"langAdd003" => "Create Free Ad",
"langAdd004" => "or",
"langAdd005" => "Login war nicht erfolgreich!",
"langAdd006" => "Sie müssen Ihren Account noch freischalten. Wir haben Ihnen bereits eine E-Mail gesendet. Überprüfen Sie auch Ihren 'Spam-Ordner'.",
"langAdd007" => "Nur noch ein Schritt zur Registrierung.<br /><br />Wir haben eine E-Mail an Sie geschickt. Bitte aktivieren Sie Ihren Account,<br />indem Sie dem Link in der E-Mail folgen.",
"langAdd008" => "Registrierung war erfolgreich. Mit Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse und Ihrem Passwort können Sie sich nun jederzeit einloggen.",
"langAdd008" => "Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzerklärung zustimmen.",
"langAdd009" => "Das ist keine gültige E-Mail Adresse.",
"langAdd010" => "Bitte gebe eine E-Mail Adresse ein.",
"langAdd011" => 'Mit dieser Email Adresse, existiert bereits ein Account. Hast du dein <a href="recover">Passwort vergessen?</a>',
"langAdd012" => "Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.",
"langAdd013" => "Bitte gebe ein Passwort zu Registrierung ein.",
"langAdd014" => "Sign in",
"langAdd015" => "Email",
"langAdd016" => "Password",
"langAdd017" => "Login",
"langAdd018" => 'Forgot your password?<br><b><a href="recover">Create new password</a></b>',
"langAdd019" => "Sign up",
"langAdd020" => "Name",
"langAdd021" => "Password",
"langAdd022" => "Password wdh.",
"langAdd023" => "Register as",
"langAdd024" => "Private person",
"langAdd025" => "Merchant",
"langAdd026" => "Agent for property",
"langAdd027" => 'You accept our <a href="page.php?id=3">Terms of us</a> and our <a href="page.php?id=2">Privacy Rules</a>.',
"langAdd028" => "Register",
"langAdd029" => "Send new password",
"langAdd030" => "Delete from<br />watchlist",
"langAdd031" => "Days",
"langAdd032" => "unique",
"langAdd033" => "Moving up",
"langAdd034" => "Highlight",
"langAdd035" => "Galerie",
"langAdd036" => "Complete",
"langAdd037" => "Checkout",
"langAdd038" => "Checkout",
"langAdd039" => "Selected Booking Options",
"langAdd040" => "Highlight Ad",
"langAdd041" => "Ad move up",
"langAdd042" => "Galerie Ad",
"langAdd043" => "Select a payment method",
"langAdd044" => "Total price:",
"langAdd045" => "Pay with PayPal",
"langAdd046" => "General terms and conditions of business",
"langAdd047" => "set it to watchlist",
"langAdd048" => "Disable",
"langAdd049" => "Renew",
"langAdd050" => "Ending",
"langAdd051" => "Visiter",
"langAdd052" => "Enable",
"langAdd053" => "Durch die Nutzung unserer Dienste erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass wir Cookies setzen.",
"langAdd054" => "Weitere Informationen",
"langAdd055" => "Sorry...",
"langAdd056" => "Die angegebene Seite wurde nicht gefunden!",
"langAdd057" => "Gehe zurück zur Startseite",
"langAdd058" => "Cars on",
"langAdd059" => "Real estate on",
"installLang00" => "Welcome",
"installLang01" => "The next few steps will help you to install Kogao on your server.",
"installLang02" => "Continue",
"installLang03" => "Verification of rights folder",
"installLang04" => "Is the",
"installLang05" => "folder on",
"installLang06" => "Database connection",
"installLang07" => "Set up Database",
"installLang08" => "Conclusion",
"installLang09" => "Database has been transferred successfully.",
"installLang10" => "You can find more help on",
"installLang11" => "Please delete the 'install.php' and the folder 'installsql/' from the server",
"installLang12" => "User name",
"installLang13" => "Password",
"installLang14" => "Directly after the first login in the profile settings change the admin password.",
"addAdminLang00" => "Delete member",
"addAdminLang01" => "Ex.",
"addAdminLang02" => "Save",
"addAdminLang03" => "Place now",
"addAdminLang04" => "PayPal transaction ID",
"addAdminLang05" => "Money",
"addAdminLang06" => "Display",
"addAdminLang07" => "Clock",
"addAdminLang08" => "Open ads",
"addAdminLang09" => "Reason",
"addAdminLang10" => "View ad",
"addAdminLang11" => "Remove report",
"addAdminLang12" => "Remove ad",
"addAdminLang13" => "Campaign:",
"addAdminLang14" => "of",
"addAdminLang15" => "Enable ad",
"addAdminLang16" => "Disable ad",
"addAdminLang17" => "Unlock ad",
"addAdminLang18" => "Lock ad",
"addAdminLang19" => "Remove from Top Ads",
"addAdminLang20" => "Delete all ads",
"addAdminLang21" => "Title",
"addAdminLang22" => "Delete",
"addAdminLang23" => "$",
"addAdminLang24" => "Help",
"addAdminLang25" => "Read how you must configure your PayPal settings",
"addAdminLang26" => "How change the prices from the Top Ads",
"tplLang001_" => "Categorys",
"tplLang002_" => "show all",
"tplLang003_" => "By using our services, you agree that we use cookies.",
"tplLang004_" => "Ok",
"tplLang005_" => "More information",
"tplLang006_" => "We currently perform work through our system. We're almost there again.",
"tplLang007_" => "Maintenance",
"tplLang008_" => "Real estate on",
"tplLang009_" => "Cars on",
"tplLang010_" => "New ads",
"tplLang011_" => "Add to watchlist",
"tplLang012_" => "Privat person",
"tplLang013_" => "Dealer",
"tplLang014_" => "Price:",
"tplLang000" => "Price",
"tplLang001" => "Category",
"tplLang002" => "Location",
"tplLang003" => "Date",
"tplLang004" => "Number",
"tplLang005" => "Visits",
"tplLang006" => "Adress",
"tplLang007" => "My Ad",
"tplLang008" => "Options",
"tplLang009" => "Watchlist",
"tplLang010" => "Messages",
"tplLang011" => "Delete",
"tplLang012" => "Edit",
"addLang000" => "Follow us",
"addLang001" => "Next",
"addLang002" => "Create Ad",
"addLang003" => "Find",
"addLang004" => "Edit",
"admin00" => 'Delete',
"admin01" => 'Edit',
"admin02" => 'Save',
"admin03" => 'Add',
"admin04" => 'New',
"site000" => 'Maintenance',
"site001" => 'We are currently performing work by our system. Well be right back.',
"carsID" => 40,
"estateID"=> 39,
"title00" => 'Motors, Cars, Bicycles, car parts',
"currency"=> '$',
"langX00" => 'Search',
"lang_00" => "in",
"lang001" => "Sign in",
"lang002" => "or",
"lang003" => "Register",
"lang004" => 'Support',
"lang005" => "Help & Support",
"lang006" => "What are you looking for?",
"lang007" => "Circumcircle search",
"lang008" => "Zip Code or City",
"lang009" => "Radius",
"lang010" => "All Categories",
"lang011" => "Car & Bike",
"lang012" => "Real estate",
"lang013" => "Multimedia & Electronics",
"lang014" => "Create Ad",
"lang015" => "Create FREE Ad",
"lang016" => "List of all categories",
"lang017" => "Popular Searches",
"lang018" => "Top Ad",
"lang019" => "My",
"lang020" => "Trends",
"lang021" => "Popular Top Ads",
"lang022" => "in",
"lang023" => "My last visited ads",
"lang024" => "for Smartphone & Tablet",
"lang025" => "More information",
"lang026" => "Package Services and Service Information",
"lang027" => "Tracking packages",
"lang028" => "Top Listing for create ad",
"lang029" => "Advertise on create",
"lang030" => "Developer Tools for your website",
"lang031" => "All rights reserved. Extreme",
"lang032" => "Designated trademarks and brands belong to their respective owners",
"lang033" => "Partner links:",
//Registrieren oder Einloggen
"lang034" => "Email",
"lang035" => "Password",
"lang036" => "Did you forget your password?",
"lang037" => "Request new password",
"lang038" => "Registration",
"lang039" => "Name",
"lang040" => "Password",
"lang041" => "or",
"lang042" => "Log on as",
"lang043" => "Private citizen",
"lang044" => "Merchant",
"lang045" => "Agent for property",
"lang046" => "By registering, you agree with our",
"lang047" => "Terms of Use",
"lang048" => "and our",
"lang049" => "Privacy Statement",
//Eingeloggter Zustand
"lang050" => "You have no classifieds, click on",
"lang051" => "Create Ad",
"lang052" => "to create a classified ad.",
"lang053" => "Create a classified ad",
"lang054" => "Hello,",
"lang055" => "My classifieds",
"lang056" => "Messages",
"lang057" => "Watchlist",
"lang058" => "Logout",
//Meine Anzeigen
"lang059" => "My current Classifieds",
"lang060" => "Fixed price",
"lang061" => "Created on:",
"lang062" => "Views:",
"lang063" => "Watcher:",
"lang064" => "Remove ad",
"lang065" => "Yes to delete,",
"lang066" => "Disable Ad",
"lang067" => "Edit ad",
"lang068" => "Classified advertisement",
"lang069" => "Choose date",
"lang070" => "Indicator to place classified advertisement",
"lang071" => "Yes, I confirm that I place this ad as a search display.",
"lang072" => "Top off display",
"lang073" => "Top display",
"lang074" => "Place display as the primary display",
"lang075" => "Yes, I confirm that I put this display as the primary display.",
"lang076" => "Top Categories",
"lang077" => "Place Card category display",
"lang078" => "Yes, I confirm that I put this post as category display.",
"lang079" => "No news available",
"lang080" => "Select from the left menue messages ",
"lang081" => "delete",
"lang082" => "Watchlist",
"lang083" => "Remove from watchlist",
//Hilfe & Support
"lang084" => "Support",
"lang085" => "Contact us if you have questions or problems",
"lang086" => "Regard",
"lang087" => "General Question",
"lang088" => "Question for top display",
"lang089" => "General problems",
"lang090" => "Payment problems",
"lang091" => "Your Email Address",
"lang092" => "Message",
"lang093" => "Enter your Message",
"lang094" => "Send Message",
//Profil Einstellungen
"lang095" => "Profile settings",
"lang096" => "General attitude",
"lang097" => "Account type:",
"lang098" => "Personal Details of your invoices",
"lang099" => "First and last name:",
"lang100" => "Street & No.:",
"lang101" => "ZIP / City:",
"lang102" => "Change password",
"lang103" => "Old Password:",
"lang104" => "New Password",
"lang105" => "Password Re.:",
"lang106" => "Save settings",
//Meine Rechnungen
"lang107" => "Invoice's",
"lang108" => "open Invoices",
"lang109" => "There are no invoices available.",
"lang110" => "Paid invoices",
"lang111" => "There are no invoices available.",
"lang112" => "Car search",
"lang113" => "All brands",
"lang114" => "Price until",
"lang115" => "Mileage",
"lang116" => "Model",
"lang117" => "First registration:",
"lang118" => "Choose a fuel",
"lang119" => "Zip or City",
"lang120" => "Search",
"lang121" => "Trailers and Commercial Vehicles",
"lang122" => "Search our trailers and commercial vehicles",
"lang123" => "Auto parts & tires",
"lang124" => "Search our auto parts and tires",
"lang125" => "Motorcycles & Parts",
"lang126" => "Search our motorcycles and parts",
"lang127" => "Caravans & scooters",
"lang128" => "Search our Caravans & scooters",
"lang129" => "Repairs & Services",
"lang130" => "Search our Repairs & Services",
"lang131" => "Bicycles",
"lang132" => "Search our bikes",
"lang133" => "Brand Search for cars",
"lang134" => "To rent an apartment",
"lang135" => "Rent a house",
"lang136" => "House for Sale",
"lang137" => "Commercial Property",
"lang138" => "Property Search",
"lang139" => "To rent an apartment",
"lang140" => "Price to $",
"lang141" => "Surface from m²",
"lang142" => "Rooms from:",
"lang143" => "Search",
"lang144" => "Wanted advertisement",
"lang145" => "Improve your chances of getting your dream home with the personal Wanted advertisement on Property",
"lang146" => "Create email alert Ad",
"lang147" => "Buy house or rent",
"lang148" => "So you are sure to find your dream home Compare home provider. Whether massive house, prefabricated house or wooden house.",
"lang149" => "Find Dream Home Now",
"lang150" => "Trade",
"lang151" => "Whether office, practice, restaurant, retail or commercial space - can be found with the right property for your business.",
//Anzeige erstellen
"lang152" => "Select category",
"lang153" => "Category*",
"lang154" => "Under Category*",
"lang155" => "Brand / Type *",
"lang156" => "Model*",
"lang157" => "General information for your ad",
"lang158" => "Select Category and Type",
"lang159" => "change category",
"lang160" => "Ad Type",
"lang161" => "I offer",
"lang162" => "I'm looking for",
"lang163" => "Privately",
"lang164" => "Business",
"lang165" => "General Information",
"lang166" => "Ad Title",
"lang167" => "Price:",
"lang168" => "Street & No .:",
"lang169" => "Phone or mobile:",
"lang170" => "Hint",
"lang171" => "Give your ad a meaningful title in order to improve the findability of your display using the search function.",
"lang172" => "If you specify street and phone number are displayed on your ad to interested parties.",
"lang173" => "Additional Information",
"lang174" => "Condition:",
"lang175" => "Choose condition",
"lang176" => "New",
"lang177" => "Secondhand",
"lang178" => "Overhauled by the Seller",
"lang179" => "Shipping:",
"lang180" => "Shipping costs in $",
"lang181" => "Ship with",
"lang182" => "Guarantee:",
"lang183" => "Select",
"lang184" => "Yes",
"lang185" => "No",
"lang186" => "Pay with PayPal:",
"lang187" => "No PayPal",
"lang188" => "Yes, accept PayPal",
"lang189" => "Pictures and Videos",
"lang190" => "Add YouTube video",
"lang191" => "Add pictures",
"lang192" => "Select a photo:",
"lang193" => "Select a photo from your computer",
"lang194" => "Ads with pictures are more successful!",
"lang195" => "Description",
"lang196" => "Ads text*:",
"lang197" => "Post your ad",
"lang198" => "By publishing a classified ad you agree with our",
"lang199" => "Terms of Use",
"lang200" => "and our",
"lang201" => "Privacy Statement.",
//Anzeige suchen
"lang202" => "Create your ad in this category",
"lang203" => "All Offers",
"lang204" => "Offers from private",
"lang205" => "Commercial Offers",
"lang206" => "Requests",
"lang207" => "Offer Type",
"lang208" => "Offers",
"lang209" => "Advertising",
//Artikel aufrufen
"lang210" => "Pictures",
"lang211" => "Add to checklist",
"lang212" => "Location",
"lang213" => "Contact the Provider",
"lang214" => "Tips for Your Safety",
"lang215" => "Report this advert",
"lang216" => "Print View",
"lang217" => "All listings from this agent",
"lang218" => "Reference:",
"lang219" => "Date of creation:",
"lang220" => "Details",
"lang221" => "Contact provider directly:",
"lang222" => "You might also be interested in",
"lang223" => "Show all",
"lang224" => "Delete list",
"lang225" => "The comparison table for parcel services",
"lang226" => "Status:",
//Versand in Deutschland
"lang227" => "Shipping in Germany",
"lang228" => "own transport network, little subcontractor takes 1-2 days",
"lang229" => "own transport network, many subcontractors takes 1-2 days",
"lang230" => "own transport network, only subcontractor takes 1-2 days",
"lang231" => "own transport network, a large number of subcontractors duration 1-3 days",
"lang232" => "own transport network, with an i.d.R. subcontractors run 1 day",
"lang233" => "own transport network, only subcontractors run 1 day",
//Versand ins Ausland
"lang234" => "Shipping to",
"lang235" => "own transport network in over 200 countries (worldwide)",
"lang236" => "own transport network in over 40 countries ($ope), other countries: Partner parcel services",
"lang237" => "own transport network in over 40 countries ($ope), other countries: Partner parcel services",
"lang238" => "Shipping in almost 30 countries ($ope) possible to partially transfer to partner parcel services",
"lang239" => "own transport network in over 200 countries (worldwide)",
"lang240" => "own transport network in over 170 countries (worldwide)",
"lang241" => "Price level",
"lang242" => "from 5,90 $ (accommodation business customers only express parcels are subject to VAT)",
"lang243" => "from 4,30 $",
"lang244" => "from 4,10 $",
"lang245" => "from 3,80 $",
"lang246" => "from about 7, - $ (partner shops) or about 10, - $ Pickup",
"lang247" => "Prices on request; rather unsuitable for disposable Shipping",
//Komfort für Versender
"lang248" => "Comfort",
"lang249" => "Very high: Transmission to post offices or postal agencies, package boxes and packing stations. Packet pick incur additional charges.",
"lang250" => "Parcel can not be paid online. Delivered in a package store or pick up at the front door (additional charge)",
"lang251" => "Parcel can be ordered online and paid for. Delivered in a package store or pick up at the front door (additional charge)",
"lang252" => "Parcel can not be paid online. Delivered in a package store or by collection (additional charge)",
"lang253" => "Few Partner Shops self admission, usually Package pickup by UPS driver",
"lang254" => "No charge admission with price savings possible. Collection by TNT.",
//Komfort für Empfänger
"lang255" => "Comfort",
"lang256" => "Extra High: sending notice via paket.de; Collection from one of our stores or in packing stations, delivery even on Saturdays",
"lang257" => "means; 4,000 parcel shops for pickup, delivery with Flex package announcement, notification, but only Mon.",
"lang258" => "Medium to high; Delivery only Mon-Fri, 6000 PaketShops-store collection, package announcement and diversion",
"lang259" => "Medium to high; 14,000 Parcel Shops self pickup, delivery on Saturdays",
"lang260" => "Medium to high; i.s.t. no neighborhood delivery without authority, packet redirection possible, but no dense network Depot in-store collection. Delivery only Mo-Fr.",
"lang261" => "Means; Very few stores for pickup but delivery can be arranged with desired time. Delivery only Mo-Fr.",
//Anzahl der Zustellversuche
"lang262" => "Number of",
"lang263" => "1 delivery attempt, with DHL notification card may be charged a second delivery",
"lang264" => "3 delivery attempts at DPD",
"lang265" => "GLS tries max. 2 deliveries",
"lang266" => "Up to 4 Hermes delivery attempts",
"lang267" => "3 delivery attempts, after 5 days of storage at UPS",
"lang268" => "second delivery free of charge, additional fee (the sender)",
"lang269" => "Complaints",
"lang270" => "Liability to 500 $os. Damage display subsequently.",
"lang271" => "Liability to 520 $os. Complaint directly to the deliverer",
"lang272" => "Liability to 750 $os. Complaint directly to the deliverer",
"lang273" => "Liability to 500 $os. Delivery lead Claim forms with it",
"lang274" => "Liability unknown. Damage display subsequently.",
"lang275" => "Liability to 750 $os. Damage display so online.",
"lang276" => "DHL is characterized by acceptable working conditions and good customer service (for example, on Facebook and Twitter). Eco-labeling: GoGreen",
"lang277" => "Positioned strong eco-friendly package service (certified: Total Zero), yet no publicly known staffing problems.",
"lang278" => "Own claim as a leader in quality, but much criticized by Wallraff reportage. Eco-Label: Think Green",
"lang279" => "Cheap, but sometimes slow. Makes an effort to be more customer-friendly.",
"lang280" => "Well suited for time-critical packages (eg cooling required) national + international. UPS enjoys a high reputation and enhances the image of the sender to the recipient",
"lang281" => "TNT also transported critical packages such as Hazardous, sensitive components or bulky cargo. Ideal for express freight.",
"lang282" => "Order Tracking",
"lang283" => "Search with your package ID for the current status",
"lang284" => "Package ID",
"lang285" => "Parcel number",
"lang286" => "Sent with",
"lang287" => "Tracking of shipment",
"lang288" => "Top ads",
"lang289" => "Lifting your product or service in front of a Top ads",
"lang290" => "Top listing in the search",
"lang291" => "Your ad will appear in the search",
"lang292" => "The likely that your ad is found is very high",
"lang293" => "Hints",
"lang294" => "If you want to be with the term DJ found, they mention möglist to start in the title description, the word DJ",
"lang295" => "Create Ad",
"lang296" => "Top Card Featured Ad",
"lang297" => "Your ad will appear on the home page",
"lang298" => "The likely find that your ad is in the middle range",
"lang299" => "To the front to appear with in the first 4 ads, advertising time is crucial. Book 6 months, and other providers only 3 months, you are faced with the providers who have opted for 3 months.",
"lang300" => "Top display in the categories",
"lang301" => "Your ad will appear in the selected categories above in AD-scroller",
"lang302" => "The likely that your ad is found is very high",
"lang303" => "To the front to appear with in the first 4 ads, advertising time is crucial. Book 6 months, and other providers only 3 months, you are faced with the providers who have opted for 3 months.",
"lang304" => "Price list",
"lang305" => "Wanted advertisement",
"lang306" => "Featured Ad",
"lang307" => "Category Displays",
"lang308" => "Days",
"lang309" => "Month",
"lang310" => "By PayPal",
"lang311" => "Immediately transfer",
"lang312" => "By Transfer",
"lang313" => "Visa/Mastercard",
"lang314" => "Developers",
"lang315" => "Products",
"lang316" => "I like Button",
"lang317" => "Give me other people to assess the possibility of a service based on a Like button.",
"lang318" => "Get Started Now",
"lang319" => "Badges",
"lang320" => "Generate your own banner with your ad on Kogao. You can use the banner for forum signatures your website.",
"lang321" => "Give you a Top ad to reach your product or service in front of more people.",
"lang322" => "Read More",
"lang323" => "Integrating a Like Button of your ad by Kogao on your site.",
"lang324" => "Add the URL to display",
"lang325" => "Banner Badges",
"lang326" => "Here you can create a banner for your website or forum signature.",
"lang327" => "Tools and information",
"lang328" => "Helpful links",
"lang329" => "Classifieds",
"lang330" => "Categories",
"lang331" => "information & help",
"lang332" => "Help Shipping",
"lang333" => "Parcel services information",
"lang334" => "Tracking for packages",
"lang335" => "about",
"lang336" => "Follow us",
"lang337" => "on Facebook",
"lang338" => "on Twitter",
"lang339" => "on Google+",
"lang340" => "Create an Ad",
"lang341" => "Banner format",
"lang342" => "300x250 Banner",
"lang343" => "728x90 Banner",
"lang344" => "120x600 Banner",
"lang345" => "Bannercode",
"lang346" => "If you use a banner code you need not fill in the fields image and link.",
"lang347" => "Image",
"lang348" => "Link",
"lang349" => "Campaign Name",
"lang350" => "Stop at a certain time",
"lang351" => "300x250 Banner configure",
"lang352" => "728x90 Banner configure",
"lang353" => "120x600 Banner configure",
"lang354" => "Unlock ad",
"lang355" => "Overview of the displays",
"lang356" => "Manage classifieds",
"lang357" => "Active Advert at top",
"lang358" => "Overview of Top Ads",
"lang359" => "General Settings",
"lang360" => "Title",
"lang361" => "Keywords",
"lang362" => "Slogan",
"lang363" => "Supportmail",
"lang364" => "Social Networks",
"lang365" => "Carrying the links to my fan page",
"lang366" => "Google Plus",
"lang367" => "Billing information",
"lang368" => "Data which appear as donor invoice to the customer (Top Ads bookings)",
"lang369" => "Name or company",
"lang370" => "Street",
"lang371" => "Postal code and city",
"lang372" => "Country",
"lang373" => "Phone",
"lang374" => "Fax",
"lang375" => "Bank details",
"lang376" => "Bank name",
"lang377" => "Inactive",
"lang378" => "Iban",
"lang379" => "BIZ",
"lang380" => "Special Settings",
"lang381" => "Status",
"lang382" => "Active",
"lang383" => "Maintenance Mode",
"lang384" => "Car market",
"lang385" => "Image Upload",
"lang386" => "The maximum number of images may a Member per ad Submit",
"lang387" => "Colors and logos",
"lang388" => "Header color",
"lang389" => "Once you have uploaded a new image updated twice your browser window with F5.",
"lang390" => "Since the logo image is yours in the cache and must be re-cached.",
"lang391" => "Logo",
"lang392" => "Options:",
"lang393" => "Maximum width: 250px",
"lang394" => "Maximum height: 53px",
"lang395" => "Must be in PNG format",
"lang396" => "Logo motors",
"lang397" => "Logo property",
"lang398" => "Copyright information",
"lang399" => "Name of the page",
"lang400" => "Start of page",
"lang401" => "From - To",
"lang402" => "Copyright",
"lang403" => "Respect the Copyright Kogao may only be set to inactive if you have a copyright license.",
"lang404" => "Dispatches",
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"lang411" => "All active Top Ads",
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"lang414" => "Members overview",
"lang415" => "Other settings",
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"lang426" => "Pages",
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"lang428" => "Title:",
"lang429" => "Link:",
"lang430" => "Overview of Partner Links",
"lang431" => "Top Ads Products",
"lang432" => "Booking up",
"lang433" => "Action",
"lang434" => "Advert at top bookings",
"lang435" => "Observer, the following display remember",
"lang436" => "List of observers",
"lang437" => "Pinned on",
"lang438" => "Username was missing",
"lang439" => "Show on map",
"lang440" => "Category*",
"lang441" => "Category",
"lang442" => "In business profits displays is an imprint obligation",
"lang443" => "VB (negotiable)",
"lang444" => "On Demand",
"lang445" => "First Registration",
"lang446" => "Mileage:",
"lang447" => "fuel:",
"lang448" => "All",
"lang449" => "Petrol",
"lang450" => "Diesel",
"lang451" => "Gas (all)",
"lang452" => "Gas",
"lang453" => "Cargas (LPG)",
"lang454" => "Natural gas (CNG)",
"lang455" => "Hybrid",
"lang456" => "Electric/Petrol",
"lang457" => "Electric/Diesel",
"lang458" => "Ethanol",
"lang459" => "Electro",
"lang460" => "Hydrogen",
"lang461" => "Other",
"lang462" => "Gears",
"lang463" => "Select transmission",
"lang464" => "Manual transmission",
"lang465" => "Automatic",
"lang466" => "Condition:",
"lang467" => "Not ready to drive",
"lang468" => "Vehicle accident",
"lang469" => "kW and PS:",
"lang470" => "Information about property",
"lang471" => "Room:",
"lang472" => "Select",
"lang473" => "Size in m²:",
"lang474" => "Fitted Kitchen?",
"lang475" => "Basement?",
"lang476" => "Balcony?",
"lang477" => "Garden?",
"lang478" => "Information for rental",
"lang479" => "Monthly rent:",
"lang480" => "$",
"lang481" => "Additional costs:",
"lang482" => "Heating costs:",
"lang483" => "Deposit:",
"lang484" => "Vacant:",
"lang485" => "Commission for tenant:",
"lang486" => "DHL",
"lang487" => "Hermes",
"lang488" => "DPD",
"lang489" => "GLS",
"lang490" => "UPS",
"lang491" => "TNT",
"lang492" => "Other",
"lang493" => "Help? What shipping should I take?",
"lang494" => "List of parcel services",
"lang495" => "(Optimal)",
"lang496" => "(At least 1 photo / 10 Photos *)",
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"lang508_"=> "Find Real estate",
"lang509" => "Cars and Motorcycles",
"lang510" => "NEW",
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"lang514" => "Your Ad here",
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"lang517" => "The ad was created successfully. This listing has a",
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"lang521" => "Tweet",
"lang522" => "Video",
"lang523" => "Imprint",
"lang524" => "Remove from watchlist",
"lang525" => "Contact the seller",
"lang526" => "kw/PS:",
"lang527" => "Miles",
"lang528" => "Details about this property",
"lang529" => "living space ca.:",
"lang530" => "Fitted kitchen:",
"lang531" => "Basement:",
"lang532" => "Balcony:",
"lang533" => "Garden:",
"lang534" => "TV/Internet/Phone:",
"lang535" => "Availability in",
"lang536" => "test",
"lang537" => "Power consumption:",
"lang538" => "Open Flow Calculator",
"lang539" => "Total cost:",
"lang540" => "Shipping cost:",
"lang541" => "Shipping with:",
"lang542" => "Pay with PayPal:",
"lang543" => "No,PayPal possible",
"lang544" => "Other ads of this advertiser",
"lang545" => "newest first",
"lang546" => "PS",
"lang547" => "USD",
"lang548" => "Price",
"lang549" => "Top Ads only",
"lang550" => "sent message",
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"lang552" => "View the advertiser",
"lang553" => "No Name",
"lang554" => "PayPal payment was successful, the display is now a top display.",
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"lang556" => "Show observers",
"lang557" => "This case was not yet available.",
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"lang559" => "Sorry, your ad, we can not share.",
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"lang589" => "Delivery attempts",
"lang590" => "Conclusion",
"lang591" => "The old password provided is not correct!",
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"lang596" => "Email:",
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"lang598" => "Energy Performance Certificate:",
"lang599" => "Why Address:",
"lang600" => "Imprint, including specifying §34c:",
"lang601" => "Merchant imprint",
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"lang603" => "There is not a member of the E Mail:",
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"lang627" => "in USD",
"lang628" => "ZIP",
"lang629" => "Place",
"lang630" => "No.",
"lang631" => "Ex.",
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"lang646" => "Wrong category",
"lang647" => "Different Reasons",
"lang648" => "ad report",
"lang649" => "Calculate power consumption",
"lang650" => "Calculate power consumption",
"lang651" => "Apartment Size m²",
"lang652" => "Person",
"lang653" => "People",
"lang654" => "+ Show more options",
"lang655" => "Washing machine",
"lang656" => "Dryer",
"lang657" => "Refrigerator",
"lang658" => "Freezer",
"lang659" => "Dishwasher",
"lang660" => "Electric stove",
"lang661" => "Microwave",
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"lang663" => "Statistics",
"lang664" => "Members",
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"lang666" => "Top ads",
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"lang673" => "By registering you agree with our",
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"lang677" => "Please enter a password to register.",
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"lang680" => "Did forget your",
"lang681" => "password?",
"lang682" => "Please enter an email address.",
"lang683" => "This is not a valid E-Mail address.",
"lang684" => "Agree to the terms of use and privacy policy.",
"lang685" => "Registration was successful. With your email address and password you can login at any time.",
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