Файл: public_html/lib/wmxi/WMSigner.php
Строк: 274
# #
# Webmoney Signer PHP edition by DKameleon (http://dkameleon.com) #
# #
# Updates and new versions: http://my-tools.net/wmxi/ #
# #
# Server requirements: #
# - BCMath or GMP #
# - MD4 or MHash or Hash #
# #
# including classes
if (!defined('__DIR__')) { define('__DIR__', dirname(__FILE__)); }
require_once(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'WMXILogger.php');
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'MD4.php')) { include_once(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'MD4.php'); }
# WMSigner class
class WMSigner {
private $wmid = '';
private $ekey = '';
private $nkey = '';
private $md4_use = '';
private $math_use = '';
private $md4 = null;
# debug switch
private $debug = false;
# constructor
public function __construct($wmid, $key) {
$this->debug = defined('WMXI_LOG');
$this->math_use = $this->InitMath();
$this->md4_use = $this->InitMD4();
WMXILogger::Append("$this->math_use = ".$this->math_use.";");
WMXILogger::Append("$this->md4_use = ".$this->md4_use.";");
$this->wmid = $wmid;
# loading e-n-key
if (isset($key['ekey']) && isset($key['nkey'])) {
$this->ekey = $key['ekey'];
$this->nkey = $key['nkey'];
return true;
$pass = isset($key['pass']) ? $key['pass'] : '';
if (isset($key['file'])) {
if (!file_exists($key['file'])) { die('Key file not found: ' . $key['file']); }
$data = file_get_contents($key['file']);
if (isset($key['data'])) { $data = $key['data']; }
# seems can be another size (162 bytes)
# if ($this->_strlen($data) != 164) { die('Key data has invalid size: ' . $this->_strlen($data)); }
// extracting n & e from data
$key_data = unpack('vreserved/vsignflag/a16crc/Vlen/a*buf', $data);
$key_test = $this->SecureKeyByIDPW($wmid, $pass, $key_data);
$sign_keys = $this->InitKeys($key_test);
$this->ekey = $this->_hex2dec(bin2hex(strrev($sign_keys['ekey'])));
$this->nkey = $this->_hex2dec(bin2hex(strrev($sign_keys['nkey'])));
# export keys for feature usage
public function ExportKeys() {
return array('ekey' => $this->ekey, 'nkey' => $this->nkey);
# Math init
private function InitMath() {
if (defined('WMXI_MATH')) {
switch (WMXI_MATH) {
case 'gmp': if (extension_loaded('gmp')) { return WMXI_MATH; } break;
case 'bcmath5': if (function_exists('bcpowmod')) { return WMXI_MATH; } break;
case 'bcmath4': if (extension_loaded('bcmath')) { return WMXI_MATH; } break;
die('Can not use WMXI_MATH = '. WMXI_MATH);
} else {
if (extension_loaded('gmp')) { return 'gmp'; }
if (function_exists('bcpowmod')) { return 'bcmath5'; }
if (extension_loaded('bcmath')) { return 'bcmath4'; }
die('Supported math implementations not found.');
# MD4 init
private function InitMD4() {
if (defined('WMXI_MD4')) {
switch (WMXI_MD4) {
case 'mhash': if (function_exists('mhash')) { return WMXI_MD4; } break;
case 'hash': if (function_exists('hash')) { return WMXI_MD4; } break;
case 'class': if (class_exists('MD4')) { $this->md4 = new MD4(true); return WMXI_MD4; } break;
die('Can not use WMXI_MD4 = '. WMXI_MD4);
} else {
if (function_exists('mhash')) { return 'mhash'; }
if (function_exists('hash')) { return 'hash'; }
if (class_exists('MD4')) {
$this->md4 = new MD4(true);
return 'class';
die('Supported MD4 implementations not found.');
private function _strlen($data) {
return mb_strlen($data, 'windows-1251');
# md4 wrapper
private function _md4($data) {
if ($this->md4_use == 'mhash') { return mhash(MHASH_MD4, $data); }
if ($this->md4_use == 'hash' ) { return hash('md4', $data, true); }
if ($this->md4_use == 'class') { return $this->md4->Calc($data, true); }
die('MD4 implementations not found for _md4.');
# bcpowmod wrapper for old PHP
private function _bcpowmod($m, $e, $n) {
if ($this->math_use == 'gmp') { return gmp_strval(gmp_powm($m, $e, $n)); }
if ($this->math_use == 'bcmath5') { return bcpowmod($m, $e, $n); }
if ($this->math_use == 'bcmath4') {
$r = '';
while ($e != '0') {
$t = bcmod($e, '4096');
$r = substr('000000000000'.decbin(intval($t)), -12).$r;
$e = bcdiv($e, '4096', 0);
WMXILogger::Append("$t = $t; $e = $e;");
$r = preg_replace('!^0+!', '', $r);
if ($r == '') $r = '0';
$m = bcmod($m, $n);
WMXILogger::Append("$m = $m;");
$erb = strrev($r);
WMXILogger::Append("$erb = $erb;");
$result = '1';
$a[0] = $m;
for ($i = 1; $i < $this->_strlen($erb); $i++) {
$a[$i] = bcmod(bcmul($a[$i-1], $a[$i-1], 0), $n);
WMXILogger::Append("$a = $a;");
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->_strlen($erb); $i++) {
if ($erb[$i] == '1') {
$result = bcmod(bcmul($result, $a[$i], 0), $n);
WMXILogger::Append("$result = $result;");
return $result;
die('Math implementations not found for _bcpowmod.');
# convert decimal to hexadecimal
private function _dec2hex($number) {
if ($this->math_use == 'gmp') {
$hexval = gmp_strval($number, 16);
if ($this->_strlen($hexval) % 2) { $hexval = '0'.$hexval; }
WMXILogger::Append("$hexval = $hexval;");
return $hexval;
if ($this->math_use == 'bcmath4' || $this->math_use == 'bcmath5') {
$hexvalues = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F');
$hexval = '';
while($number != '0') {
$hexval = $hexvalues[bcmod($number, '16')].$hexval;
$number = bcdiv($number, '16', 0);
if ($this->_strlen($hexval) % 2) { $hexval = '0'.$hexval; }
WMXILogger::Append("$hexval = $hexval;");
return $hexval;
die('Math implementations not found for _dec2hex.');
# convert hexadecimal to decimal
private function _hex2dec($number) {
if ($this->math_use == 'gmp') { return gmp_strval("0x$number", 10); }
if ($this->math_use == 'bcmath4' || $this->math_use == 'bcmath5') {
$decvalues = array(
'0' => '0', '1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3',
'4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6', '7' => '7',
'8' => '8', '9' => '9', 'A' => '10', 'B' => '11',
'C' => '12', 'D' => '13', 'E' => '14', 'F' => '15');
$decval = '0';
$number = strrev(strtoupper($number));
WMXILogger::Append("$number = $number;");
for($i = 0; $i < $this->_strlen($number); $i++) {
$decval = bcadd(bcmul(bcpow('16', $i, 0), $decvalues[$number[$i]], 0), $decval, 0);
WMXILogger::Append("$decval = $decval;");
return $decval;
die('Math implementations not found for _hex2dec.');
# swap hexadecimal string
private function _shortunswap($hex_str) {
$result = '';
while($this->_strlen($hex_str) < 132) { $hex_str = '00'.$hex_str; }
for($i = 0; $i < $this->_strlen($hex_str) / 4; $i++) {
$result = substr($hex_str, $i * 4, 4).$result;
return $result;
# XOR two strings
private function _XOR($str, $xor_str, $shift = 0) {
$str_len = $this->_strlen($str);
$xor_len = $this->_strlen($xor_str);
$i = $shift;
$k = 0;
while ($i < $str_len) {
$str[$i] = chr(ord($str[$i]) ^ ord($xor_str[$k]));
if ($k >= $xor_len) { $k = 0; }
return $str;
# both of SecureKeyByIDPW
private function SecureKeyByIDPW($wmid, $pass, $key_data) {
$digest = $this->_md4($wmid . $pass);
$result = $key_data;
$result['buf'] = $this->_XOR($result['buf'], $digest, 6);
return $result;
# initializing E and N
private function InitKeys($key_data) {
$crc_cont = '';
$crc_cont .= pack('v', $key_data['reserved']);
$crc_cont .= pack('v', 0);
$crc_cont .= pack('V4', 0, 0, 0, 0);
$crc_cont .= pack('V', $key_data['len']);
$crc_cont .= $key_data['buf'];
$digest = $this->_md4($crc_cont);
if (strcmp($digest, $key_data['crc'])) { die('Checksum failed. KWM seems corrupted.'); }
$keys = unpack('Vreserved/ve_len', $key_data['buf']);
$keys = unpack('Vreserved/ve_len/a'.$keys['e_len'].'ekey/vn_len', $key_data['buf']);
$keys = unpack('Vreserved/ve_len/a'.$keys['e_len'].'ekey/vn_len/a'.$keys['n_len'].'nkey', $key_data['buf']);
return $keys;
# sign data
public function Sign($data) {
if ($this->ekey == '' || $this->nkey == '') { die('Key is not loaded.'); }
WMXILogger::Append("$ekey = ".$this->ekey.";");
WMXILogger::Append("$nkey = ".$this->nkey.";");
$result = '';
$plain = $this->_md4($data);
for($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) { $plain .= pack('V', $this->debug ? 0 : mt_rand()); }
$plain = pack('v', $this->_strlen($plain)).$plain;
$m = $this->_hex2dec(bin2hex(strrev($plain)));
WMXILogger::Append("$m = $m;");
$a = $this->_bcpowmod($m, $this->ekey, $this->nkey);
WMXILogger::Append("$a = $a;");
$result = strtolower($this->_shortunswap($this->_dec2hex($a)));
WMXILogger::Append("$result = $result;");
return $result;