Файл: WMR/inc.wmxml.php
Строк: 906
# #
# MD4 pure PHP edition by DKameleon (http://dkameleon.com) #
# #
# A PHP implementation of the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD4 Message #
# Digest Algorithm, as defined in RFC 1320. #
# Based on JavaScript realization taken from: http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5/ #
# #
# Updates and new versions: http://my-tools.net/md4php/ #
# #
# History of changes: #
# 2007.04.06 #
# - initial release #
# 2007.04.15 #
# - fixed safe_add function #
# 2007.08.26 #
# - changed code to single class implementation #
# - changed safe_add function a little #
# - added self test function #
# 2009.01.16 #
# - added some optimizations suggested (by Alex Polushin) #
# #
# MD4 class
class MD4 {
var $mode = 0; // safe_add mode. got one report about optimization
function MD4($selftest = true) {
if ($selftest) { $this->SelfTest(); }
function SelfTest() {
$result = $this->Calc("12345678") == "012d73e0fab8d26e0f4d65e36077511e";
$this->mode = $result ? 0 : 1;
return $result;
function str2blks($str) {
$nblk = ((strlen($str) + 8) >> 6) + 1;
for($i = 0; $i < $nblk * 16; $i++) $blks[$i] = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++)
$blks[$i >> 2] |= ord($str{$i}) << (($i % 4) * 8);
$blks[$i >> 2] |= 0x80 << (($i % 4) * 8);
$blks[$nblk * 16 - 2] = strlen($str) * 8;
return $blks;
function safe_add($x, $y) {
if ($this->mode == 0) {
return ($x + $y) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
$lsw = ($x & 0xFFFF) + ($y & 0xFFFF);
$msw = ($x >> 16) + ($y >> 16) + ($lsw >> 16);
return ($msw << 16) | ($lsw & 0xFFFF);
function zeroFill($a, $b) {
$z = hexdec(80000000);
if ($z & $a) {
$a >>= 1;
$a &= (~$z);
$a |= 0x40000000;
$a >>= ($b-1);
} else {
$a >>= $b;
return $a;
function rol($num, $cnt) {
return ($num << $cnt) | ($this->zeroFill($num, (32 - $cnt)));
function cmn($q, $a, $b, $x, $s, $t) {
return $this->safe_add($this->rol($this->safe_add($this->safe_add($a, $q), $this->safe_add($x, $t)), $s), $b);
function ffMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x, $s) {
return $this->cmn(($b & $c) | ((~$b) & $d), $a, 0, $x, $s, 0);
function ggMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x, $s) {
return $this->cmn(($b & $c) | ($b & $d) | ($c & $d), $a, 0, $x, $s, 1518500249);
function hhMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x, $s) {
return $this->cmn($b ^ $c ^ $d, $a, 0, $x, $s, 1859775393);
function Calc($str, $raw_output = false) {
$x = $this->str2blks($str);
$a = 1732584193;
$b = -271733879;
$c = -1732584194;
$d = 271733878;
for($i = 0; $i < count($x); $i += 16) {
$olda = $a;
$oldb = $b;
$oldc = $c;
$oldd = $d;
$a = $this->ffMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x[$i+ 0], 3 );
$d = $this->ffMD4($d, $a, $b, $c, $x[$i+ 1], 7 );
$c = $this->ffMD4($c, $d, $a, $b, $x[$i+ 2], 11);
$b = $this->ffMD4($b, $c, $d, $a, $x[$i+ 3], 19);
$a = $this->ffMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x[$i+ 4], 3 );
$d = $this->ffMD4($d, $a, $b, $c, $x[$i+ 5], 7 );
$c = $this->ffMD4($c, $d, $a, $b, $x[$i+ 6], 11);
$b = $this->ffMD4($b, $c, $d, $a, $x[$i+ 7], 19);
$a = $this->ffMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x[$i+ 8], 3 );
$d = $this->ffMD4($d, $a, $b, $c, $x[$i+ 9], 7 );
$c = $this->ffMD4($c, $d, $a, $b, $x[$i+10], 11);
$b = $this->ffMD4($b, $c, $d, $a, $x[$i+11], 19);
$a = $this->ffMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x[$i+12], 3 );
$d = $this->ffMD4($d, $a, $b, $c, $x[$i+13], 7 );
$c = $this->ffMD4($c, $d, $a, $b, $x[$i+14], 11);
$b = $this->ffMD4($b, $c, $d, $a, $x[$i+15], 19);
$a = $this->ggMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x[$i+ 0], 3 );
$d = $this->ggMD4($d, $a, $b, $c, $x[$i+ 4], 5 );
$c = $this->ggMD4($c, $d, $a, $b, $x[$i+ 8], 9 );
$b = $this->ggMD4($b, $c, $d, $a, $x[$i+12], 13);
$a = $this->ggMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x[$i+ 1], 3 );
$d = $this->ggMD4($d, $a, $b, $c, $x[$i+ 5], 5 );
$c = $this->ggMD4($c, $d, $a, $b, $x[$i+ 9], 9 );
$b = $this->ggMD4($b, $c, $d, $a, $x[$i+13], 13);
$a = $this->ggMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x[$i+ 2], 3 );
$d = $this->ggMD4($d, $a, $b, $c, $x[$i+ 6], 5 );
$c = $this->ggMD4($c, $d, $a, $b, $x[$i+10], 9 );
$b = $this->ggMD4($b, $c, $d, $a, $x[$i+14], 13);
$a = $this->ggMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x[$i+ 3], 3 );
$d = $this->ggMD4($d, $a, $b, $c, $x[$i+ 7], 5 );
$c = $this->ggMD4($c, $d, $a, $b, $x[$i+11], 9 );
$b = $this->ggMD4($b, $c, $d, $a, $x[$i+15], 13);
$a = $this->hhMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x[$i+ 0], 3 );
$d = $this->hhMD4($d, $a, $b, $c, $x[$i+ 8], 9 );
$c = $this->hhMD4($c, $d, $a, $b, $x[$i+ 4], 11);
$b = $this->hhMD4($b, $c, $d, $a, $x[$i+12], 15);
$a = $this->hhMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x[$i+ 2], 3 );
$d = $this->hhMD4($d, $a, $b, $c, $x[$i+10], 9 );
$c = $this->hhMD4($c, $d, $a, $b, $x[$i+ 6], 11);
$b = $this->hhMD4($b, $c, $d, $a, $x[$i+14], 15);
$a = $this->hhMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x[$i+ 1], 3 );
$d = $this->hhMD4($d, $a, $b, $c, $x[$i+ 9], 9 );
$c = $this->hhMD4($c, $d, $a, $b, $x[$i+ 5], 11);
$b = $this->hhMD4($b, $c, $d, $a, $x[$i+13], 15);
$a = $this->hhMD4($a, $b, $c, $d, $x[$i+ 3], 3 );
$d = $this->hhMD4($d, $a, $b, $c, $x[$i+11], 9 );
$c = $this->hhMD4($c, $d, $a, $b, $x[$i+ 7], 11);
$b = $this->hhMD4($b, $c, $d, $a, $x[$i+15], 15);
$a = $this->safe_add($a, $olda);
$b = $this->safe_add($b, $oldb);
$c = $this->safe_add($c, $oldc);
$d = $this->safe_add($d, $oldd);
$x = pack('V4', $a, $b, $c, $d);
if ($raw_output) { return $x; }
return bin2hex($x);
# MD4 class
# #
# Webmoney Signer PHP edition by DKameleon (http://dkameleon.com) #
# #
# Updates and new versions: http://my-tools.net/wmxi/ #
# #
# Server requirements: #
# - MHash (not needed from 2007.04.06) #
# - BCMath or GMP #
# #
# History of changes: #
# 2007.02.14 #
# - initial release of the signer #
# 2007.04.06 #
# - replaced MHash md4 with pure PHP md4 #
# 2007.08.26 #
# - added automatical switching between available MD4 implementations #
# - added error messages #
# - added possibility to accept binary key data #
# 2007.04.06 #
# - added gmp support (by Alex Polushin) #
# - improved _bcpowmod(), _md4(), _dec2hex(), _hex2dec() (by Alex Polushin) #
# 2009.01.25 #
# - implemented backward compatibility for updated functions #
# - added internal debug option #
# #
# WMSigner class
class WMSigner {
var $wmid = "";
var $pass = "";
var $kwm = "";
# backward compatibility switch
var $old = true;
# debug switch
var $debug = false;
# constructor
function WMSigner($wmid, $pass, $kwm) {
$this->wmid = $wmid;
$this->pass = $pass;
$this->kwm = file_exists($kwm) ? file_get_contents($kwm) : $kwm;
if (strlen($this->kwm) != 164) {
die("KWM file not found or KWM data invalid");
# bcpowmod wrapper for old PHP
function _bcpowmod($m, $e, $n) {
if (function_exists("bcpowmod")) {
return bcpowmod($m, $e, $n);
if (function_exists("gmp_powm")) {
return trim(gmp_strval(gmp_powm($m, $e, $n)));
# backward compatibility switch
if ($this->old) {
$r = "";
while ($e != "0") {
$t = bcmod($e, "4096");
$r = substr("000000000000".decbin(intval($t)), -12).$r;
$e = bcdiv($e, "4096");
$r = preg_replace("!^0+!", "", $r);
if ($r == "") $r = "0";
$m = bcmod($m, $n);
$erb = strrev($r);
$result = "1";
$a[0] = $m;
for ($i = 1; $i < strlen($erb); $i++) {
$a[$i] = bcmod(bcmul($a[$i-1], $a[$i-1]), $n);
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($erb); $i++) {
if ($erb[$i] == "1") {
$result = bcmod(bcmul($result, $a[$i]), $n);
return $result;
} else {
$e = $this->_dec2hex($e);
$a["0"] = "1";
for($i = 1; $i < 16; $i++) {
$a[dechex($i)] = bcmod(bcmul($a[dechex($i-1)], $m), $n);
$result = $a[$e{0}];
$l = strlen($e);
for($i = 1; $i < $l; $i++) {
$result = bcmod(bcmul(bcpow($result, 16), $a[$e{$i}]), $n);
return $result;
# md4 wrapper
function _md4($data) {
if (function_exists("mhash")) { return mhash(MHASH_MD4, $data); }
if (function_exists("hash")) { return hash("md4", $data, true); }
if (class_exists("MD4")) {
$md = new MD4(true);
return $md->Calc($data, true);
die("MD4 function not found.");
# XOR two strings
function _XOR($str, $xor_str, $shift = 0) {
$str_len = strlen($str);
$xor_len = strlen($xor_str);
$i = $shift;
$k = 0;
while ($i < $str_len) {
$str{$i} = chr(ord($str{$i}) ^ ord($xor_str[$k]));
if ($k >= $xor_len) { $k = 0; }
return $str;
# convert decimal to hexadecimal
function _dec2hex($number) {
if (function_exists("gmp_strval")) {
$hexval = trim(gmp_strval($number,16));
if (strlen($hexval) % 2) { $hexval = "0".$hexval; }
return $hexval;
# backward compatibility switch
if ($this->old) {
$hexvalues = array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F");
$hexval = "";
while($number != "0") {
$hexval = $hexvalues[bcmod($number, "16")].$hexval;
$number = bcdiv($number, "16", 0);
if (strlen($hexval) % 2) { $hexval = "0".$hexval; }
return $hexval;
} else {
$hexval = "";
do {
$hexval = dechex(substr($number, -8) % 256).$hexval;
if (strlen($hexval) % 2) { $hexval = "0".$hexval; }
$number = bcdiv($number, 256, 0);
} while($number != "0");
return $hexval;
# convert hexadecimal to decimal
function _hex2dec($number) {
if (function_exists("gmp_strval")) {
return trim(gmp_strval("0x$number",10));
# backward compatibility switch
if ($this->old) {
$decvalues = array(
"0" => "0", "1" => "1", "2" => "2", "3" => "3",
"4" => "4", "5" => "5", "6" => "6", "7" => "7",
"8" => "8", "9" => "9", "A" => "10", "B" => "11",
"C" => "12", "D" => "13", "E" => "14", "F" => "15");
$decval = "0";
$number = strrev(strtoupper($number));
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($number); $i++) {
$decval = bcadd(bcmul(bcpow("16", $i, 0), $decvalues[$number{$i}]), $decval);
return $decval;
} else {
$n = strlen($number);
$p = $n % 7;
if ($p==0) $p = 7;
$decval = hexdec(substr($number, 0, $p));
while ($p < $n) {
$decval = bcadd(bcmul($decval, 0x10000000), hexdec(substr($number, $p, 7)));
$p += 7;
return $decval;
# swap hexadecimal string
function _shortunswap($hex_str) {
$len = strlen($hex_str);
if(($len / 2) % 2) {
$hex_str = "00".$hex_str;
$len = strlen($hex_str);
$pre_res = strrev($hex_str);
$res = "";
for($i = 0; $i < $len / 4; ++$i) {
$res .= $pre_res[$i*4 + 3];
$res .= $pre_res[$i*4 + 2];
$res .= $pre_res[$i*4 + 1];
$res .= $pre_res[$i*4 + 0];
return $res;
# both of SecureKeyByIDPW
function SecureKeyByIDPW($wmid, $pass, $key_data, $half = false) {
$idpw = $wmid;
$pass_len = strlen($pass) >> ($half ? 1 : 0);
$idpw .= substr($pass, 0, $pass_len);
$digest = $this->_md4($idpw);
$result = $key_data;
$result["buf"] = $this->_XOR($result["buf"], $digest, 6);
return $result;
# initializing E and N
function Init($content, $key_data, &$keys) {
if (strlen($content) < 24) { return 1; }
if (strlen($content) - 8 < $key_data["len"]) { return -1; }
$crc_cont = "";
$crc_cont .= pack("v", $key_data["reserved"]);
$crc_cont .= pack("v", $key_data["signflag"]);
$crc_cont .= pack("V4", 0, 0, 0, 0);
$crc_cont .= pack("V", $key_data["len"]);
$crc_cont .= $key_data["buf"];
$digest = $this->_md4($crc_cont);
if (strcmp($digest, $key_data["crc"])) { return -1; }
$tmp = unpack("Vreserved/vek_base", $key_data["buf"]);
$tmp["buf"] = substr($key_data["buf"], 6);
$keys["ekey"] = substr($tmp["buf"], 0, $tmp["ek_base"]);
$tmp2 = unpack("vnk_base", substr($tmp["buf"], $tmp["ek_base"]));
$tmp2["buf"] = substr($tmp["buf"], $tmp["ek_base"] + 2);
$keys["nkey"] = substr($tmp2["buf"], 0, $tmp2["nk_base"]);
return 0;
# sign data
function Sign($data) {
$result = "";
$key_data = unpack("vreserved/vsignflag/a16crc/Vlen/a*buf", $this->kwm);
$sign_keys = array();
$key_test = $this->SecureKeyByIDPW($this->wmid, $this->pass, $key_data, true);
$key_test["signflag"] = 0;
if ($this->Init($this->kwm, $key_test, $sign_keys) != 0) {
$key_test = $this->SecureKeyByIDPW($this->wmid, $this->pass, $key_data, false);
$key_test["signflag"] = 0;
if ($this->Init($this->kwm, $key_test, $sign_keys) != 0) {
die("Checksum failed. KWM password invalid.");
if (isset($sign_keys["ekey"]) && isset($sign_keys["nkey"])) {
$digest = $this->_md4($data);
$to_encrypt = $digest;
for($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) { $to_encrypt .= pack("V", $this->debug ? 0 : mt_rand()); }
$to_encrypt = pack("v", strlen($to_encrypt)).$to_encrypt;
$m = $this->_hex2dec(bin2hex(strrev($to_encrypt)));
$e = $this->_hex2dec(bin2hex(strrev($sign_keys["ekey"])));
$n = $this->_hex2dec(bin2hex(strrev($sign_keys["nkey"])));
$a = $this->_bcpowmod($m, $e, $n);
$result = $this->_shortunswap($this->_dec2hex($a));
return strtolower($result);
# WMSigner class
# WMSigner caller
function Sign($data, $wmid, $pass, $kwm) {
$wmsigner = new WMSigner($wmid, $pass, $kwm);
return $wmsigner->Sign($data);
# Подключаем библиотеку, отвечающую за выполнение
# запросов на сервер и приём ответов
# #
# Webmoney XML Interfaces by DKameleon (http://dkameleon.com) #
# #
# Updates and new versions: http://my-tools.net/wmxi/ #
# #
# Server requirements: #
# - CURL #
# - MBString #
# #
# History of changes: #
# 2007.02.14 #
# - initial release of X1 - X11 interfaces #
# 2007.03.02 #
# - some technical fixes of X7 interface #
# 2007.04.19 #
# - enchanced special chars correction #
# 2007.08.26 #
# - added certificate existance check #
# 2007.12.05 #
# - added X13 - X16 interfaces #
# #
# WMXI constants
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X1", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLInvoice.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X1", "https://w3s.wmtransfer.com/asp/XMLInvoiceCert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X2", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLTrans.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X2", "https://w3s.wmtransfer.com/asp/XMLTransCert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X3", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLOperations.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X3", "https://w3s.wmtransfer.com/asp/XMLOperationsCert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X4", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLOutInvoices.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X4", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLOutInvoicesCert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X5", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLFinishProtect.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X5", "https://w3s.wmtransfer.com/asp/XMLFinishProtectCert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X6", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLSendMsg.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X6", "https://w3s.wmtransfer.com/asp/XMLSendMsgCert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X7", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLClassicAuth.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X7", "https://w3s.wmtransfer.com/asp/XMLClassicAuthCert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X8", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLFindWMPurse.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X8", "https://w3s.wmtransfer.com/asp/XMLFindWMPurseCert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X9", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLPurses.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X9", "https://w3s.wmtransfer.com/asp/XMLPursesCert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X10", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLInInvoices.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X10", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLInInvoicesCert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X11", "https://passport.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLGetWMPassport.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X11", "https://passport.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLGetWMPassport.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X13", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLRejectProtect.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X13", "https://w3s.wmtransfer.com/asp/XMLRejectProtectCert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X14", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLTransMoneyback.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X14", "https://w3s.wmtransfer.com/asp/XMLTransMoneybackCert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X15a", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLTrustList.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X15a", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLTrustListCert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X15b", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLTrustList2.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X15b", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLTrustList2Cert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X15c", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLTrustSave2.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X15c", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLTrustSave2Cert.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X16", "https://w3s.webmoney.ru/asp/XMLCreatePurse.asp");
define("WMXI_URL_LITE_X16", "https://w3s.wmtransfer.com/asp/XMLCreatePurseCert.asp");
# WMXI class
class WMXI {
var $classic = true;
var $wm_cert = "";
var $encoding = "UTF-8";
var $kwm = ""; # classic
var $wmid = ""; # classic
var $pass = ""; # classic + lite
var $rsa_key = ""; # lite
var $rsa_cert = ""; # lite
# constructor
function WMXI($wm_cert = "", $encoding = "UTF-8") {
if (($wm_cert != "") && !file_exists($wm_cert)) {
die("Specified certificate $wm_cert not found.");
$this->wm_cert = $wm_cert;
$this->encoding = $encoding;
# initialize classic
function Classic($wmid, $pass, $kwm) {
$this->classic = true;
$this->wmid = $wmid;
$this->pass = $pass;
$this->kwm = $kwm;
# initialize lite
function Lite($rsa_key, $rsa_cert, $pass) {
$this->classic = false;
$this->rsa_key = $rsa_key;
$this->rsa_cert = $rsa_cert;
$this->pass = $pass;
# change string encoding
function _change_encoding($text, $encoding, $entities = false) {
$text = $entities ? htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES) : $text;
return mb_convert_encoding($text, $encoding, $this->encoding);
# generate reqn
function _reqn() {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", substr(microtime(), 2));
return substr($sec.$usec, 0, 15);
# external sign function
function _sign($data) {
$text = $this->_change_encoding($data, "windows-1251");
return Sign($text, $this->wmid, $this->pass, $this->kwm);
# external request structure creator
function _xml($data, $name = "w3s.request") {
return $this->__xml(array($name => $data));
# internal request structure creator
function __xml($data) {
$result = "";
foreach($data as $k => $v) {
$value = is_array($v) ? "n".$this->__xml($v) : $this->_change_encoding($v, "HTML-ENTITIES", true);
$result .= "<$k>$value</$k>n";
return $result;
# request to server
function _request($url, $xml) {
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml);
if ($this->wm_cert != "") {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $this->wm_cert);
} else {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLKEY, $this->rsa_key);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD , $this->pass);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $this->rsa_cert);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
if(curl_errno($ch) != 0) {
$result = "";
$result .= "<errno>".curl_errno($ch)."</errno>n";
$result .= "<error>".curl_error($ch)."</error>n";
return $result;
# interface X1
function X1($orderid, $customerwmid, $storepurse, $amount, $desc, $address, $period, $expiration) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["invoice"] = array(
"orderid" => $orderid,
"customerwmid" => $customerwmid,
"storepurse" => $storepurse,
"amount" => $amount,
"desc" => $desc,
"address" => $address,
"period" => $period,
"expiration" => $expiration,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign(implode("", array_values($data["invoice"])).$data["reqn"]);
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X1 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X1;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X2
function X2($tranid, $pursesrc, $pursedest, $amount, $period, $pcode, $desc, $wminvid) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["trans"] = array(
"tranid" => $tranid,
"pursesrc" => $pursesrc,
"pursedest" => $pursedest,
"amount" => $amount,
"period" => $period,
"pcode" => $pcode,
"desc" => $desc,
"wminvid" => $wminvid,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign($data["reqn"].implode("", array_values($data["trans"])));
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X2 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X2;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X3
function X3($purse, $wmtranid, $tranid, $wminvid, $orderid, $datestart, $datefinish) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["getoperations"] = array(
"purse" => $purse,
"wmtranid" => $wmtranid,
"tranid" => $tranid,
"wminvid" => $wminvid,
"orderid" => $orderid,
"datestart" => $datestart,
"datefinish" => $datefinish,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign($data["getoperations"]["purse"].$data["reqn"]);
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X3 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X3;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X4
function X4($purse, $wminvid, $orderid, $datestart, $datefinish) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["getoutinvoices"] = array(
"purse" => $purse,
"wminvid" => $wminvid,
"orderid" => $orderid,
"datestart" => $datestart,
"datefinish" => $datefinish,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign($data["getoutinvoices"]["purse"].$data["reqn"]);
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X4 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X4;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X5
function X5($wmtranid, $pcode) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["finishprotect"] = array(
"wmtranid" => $wmtranid,
"pcode" => $pcode,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign(implode("", array_values($data["finishprotect"])).$data["reqn"]);
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X5 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X5;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X6
function X6($receiverwmid, $msgsubj, $msgtext) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["message"] = array(
"receiverwmid" => $receiverwmid,
"msgsubj" => $msgsubj,
"msgtext" => $msgtext,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign($data["message"]["receiverwmid"].$data["reqn"].$data["message"]["msgtext"].$data["message"]["msgsubj"]);
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X6 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X6;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X7
function X7($wmid, $plan, $sign) {
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["testsign"] = array(
"wmid" => $wmid,
"plan" => $plan,
"sign" => $sign,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign($data["wmid"].implode("", array_values($data["testsign"])));
# $data["testsign"]["plan"] = "<![CDATA[".$data["testsign"]["plan"]."]]>";
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X7 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X7;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X8
function X8($wmid, $purse) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["testwmpurse"] = array(
"wmid" => $wmid,
"purse" => $purse,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign(implode("", array_values($data["testwmpurse"])));
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X8 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X8;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X9
function X9($wmid) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["getpurses"] = array(
"wmid" => $wmid,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign(implode("", array_values($data["getpurses"])).$data["reqn"]);
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X9 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X9;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X10
function X10($wmid, $wminvid, $datestart, $datefinish) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["getininvoices"] = array(
"wmid" => $wmid,
"wminvid" => $wminvid,
"datestart" => $datestart,
"datefinish" => $datefinish,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign(implode("", array_values($data["getininvoices"])).$data["reqn"]);
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X10 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X10;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X11
function X11($passportwmid, $dict, $info, $mode) {
# 2008.09.17 change made due bug report:
# https://forum.webmoney.ru/Default.aspx?g=posts&m=66321#66321
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; } else { $data["wmid"] = ""; }
$data["passportwmid"] = $passportwmid;
/*if ($this->classic) {*/ $data["sign"] = ""; /*}*/
$data["params"] = array(
"dict" => $dict,
"info" => $info,
"mode" => $mode,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign($data["wmid"].$data["passportwmid"]);
$xml = $this->_xml($data, "request");
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X11 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X11;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X13
function X13($wmtranid) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["rejectprotect"] = array(
"wmtranid" => $wmtranid,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign($data["rejectprotect"]["wmtranid"].$data["reqn"]);
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X13 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X13;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X14
function X14($inwmtranid, $amount) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["trans"] = array(
"inwmtranid" => $inwmtranid,
"amount" => $amount,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign($data["reqn"].implode("", array_values($data["trans"])));
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X14 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X14;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X15a
function X15a($wmid) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["gettrustlist"] = array(
"wmid" => $wmid,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign(implode("", array_values($data["gettrustlist"])).$data["reqn"]);
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X15a : WMXI_URL_LITE_X15a;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X15b
function X15b($wmid) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["gettrustlist"] = array(
"wmid" => $wmid,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign(implode("", array_values($data["gettrustlist"])).$data["reqn"]);
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X15b : WMXI_URL_LITE_X15b;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X15c
function X15c($masterwmid, $slavewmid, $purse, $ainv, $atrans, $apurse, $atranshist, $limit, $daylimit, $weeklimit, $monthlimit) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["trust"] = array(
"masterwmid" => $masterwmid,
"slavewmid" => $slavewmid,
"purse" => $purse,
"limit" => $limit,
"daylimit" => $daylimit,
"weeklimit" => $weeklimit,
"monthlimit" => $monthlimit,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign($data["wmid"].$data["trust"]["purse"].$data["trust"]["masterwmid"].$data["reqn"]);
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$attr = '<trust inv="'
.($ainv ? "1" : "0").'" trans="'
.($atrans ? "1" : "0").'" purse="'
.($apurse ? "1" : "0").'" transhist="'
.($atranshist ? "1" : "0").'">';
$xml = str_replace("<trust>", $attr, $xml);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X15c : WMXI_URL_LITE_X15c;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# interface X16
function X16($wmid, $pursetype, $desc) {
$data["reqn"] = $this->_reqn();
if ($this->classic) { $data["wmid"] = $this->wmid; }
if ($this->classic) { $data["sign"] = ""; }
$data["createpurse"] = array(
"wmid" => $wmid,
"pursetype" => $pursetype,
"desc" => $desc,
if ($this->classic) {
$data["sign"] = $this->_sign($data["createpurse"]["wmid"].$data["createpurse"]["pursetype"].$data["reqn"]);
$xml = $this->_xml($data);
$url = $this->classic ? WMXI_URL_CLASSIC_X16 : WMXI_URL_LITE_X16;
$result = $this->_request($url, $xml);
return $result;
# WMXI class
# Создаём объект класса WMXI. Передаваемые параметры:
# - путь к сертификату, используемому для защиты от атаки с подменой ДНС
# - кодировка, используемая на сайте. По умолчанию используется UTF-8
$wmxi = new WMXI($define['bonus_cert_path'], DOC_ENCODING);
# Инициализация с помощью резервной копии ключей
# от Webmoney Keeper Classic. Передаваемые параметры:
# - WMID - идентификатор пользователя
# - пароль пользователя от резервной копии файла ключей
# - путь к резервной копии файла ключей размером 164 байта
# или бинарное содержимое файла ключа
$wmxi->Classic($define['bonus_wmid'], $define['bonus_pkwm'] , $define['bonus_kwm']);
# $kwm = file_get_contents("../keys/000000000000.kwm");
#$wmxi->Classic("000000000000", "password", $kwm);
# http://www.webmoney.ru/rus/developers/interfaces/xml/xml_php/index.shtml
# Раздел "Работа с сертификатами WM Keeper Light (X.509)"
# Инициализация с помощью сертификата
# от Webmoney Keeper Lite. Передаваемые параметры:
# - путь к файлу приватного ключа
# - путь к файлу сертификата
# - пароль от приватного ключа
# $wmxi->Lite("keyfile.key", "keyfile.cer", "pass");
# Подключаем парсер ответа сервера и создаём объект
# #
# Webmoney XML Interfaces parser by DKameleon (http://dkameleon.com) #
# #
# Updates and new versions: http://my-tools.net/wmxi/ #
# #
# Server requirements: #
# - Enabled XML support #
# #
# History of changes: #
# 2007.02.24 #
# - initial release #
# 2007.04.19 #
# - set up default parser encoding to UTF-8 #
# - added encoding conversion support #
# 2007.04.21 #
# - changed parser mechanism to more flexible one #
# #
# WMXIParser class
class WMXIParser {
var $parser_encoding = "UTF-8";
var $parser;
var $error_code;
var $error_string;
var $current_line;
var $current_column;
var $datas = array();
var $data = array();
function _tagOpen($parser, $tag, $attribs) {
$node = array(
'name' => strtolower($tag),
'data' => '',
if (count($attribs) > 0) { $node["@"] = $attribs; }
$this->data['node'][] = $node;
$this->datas[] =& $this->data;
$this->data =& $this->data['node'][count($this->data['node'])-1];
function _tagClose($parser, $tag) {
$this->data =& $this->datas[count($this->datas)-1];
function _tagData($parser, $cdata) {
$this->data['data'] .= $cdata;
function _change_encoding($data, $encoding) {
$result = array();
foreach($data as $k => $v) {
$value = is_array($v) ? $this->_change_encoding($v, $encoding) : mb_convert_encoding($v, $encoding, $this->parser_encoding);
$result[$k] = $value;
return $result;
function Parse($data, $encoding = "UTF-8") {
if (!$this->parser = @xml_parser_create($this->parser_encoding)) {
$this->parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_set_object($this->parser, $this);
xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, '_tagOpen', '_tagClose');
xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, '_tagData');
if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $data)) {
$this->data = array();
$this->error_code = xml_get_error_code($this->parser);
$this->error_string = xml_error_string($this->error_code);
$this->current_line = xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser);
$this->current_column = xml_get_current_column_number($this->parser);
} else {
$this->data = $this->data['node'];
$this->data = $this->_change_encoding($this->data, $encoding);
return $this->data;
function Reindex($data, $skip_attr = false) {
$result = array();
foreach($data as $k => $v) {
$name = $v["name"];
if ($skip_attr) {
$result[$name] = isset($v["node"]) ? $this->Reindex($v["node"], $skip_attr) : $v["data"];
} else {
if (isset($v["@"]) && !$skip_attr) { $result[$name]["@"] = $v["@"]; }
$result[$name]["data"] = isset($v["node"]) ? $this->Reindex($v["node"], $skip_attr) : $v["data"];
return $result;
# WMXIParser class