Файл: liwar.ru/forum/who.php
Строк: 33
include_once 'Yadro/PDO_connect.php';
$set = DB::$dbs->queryFetch("SELECT * FROM `set_modul`");
$thema = DB::$dbs->queryFetch("SELECT * FROM `forum_themes` where `id` = ? limit 1",array(abs(intval($_GET['id']))));
if($thema == 0){header('location:/forum');}
verh('Кто в теме "'.$thema['name'].'"?');
echo '<div class="munus"><div class="zag">В теме "'.$thema['name'].'" '.DB::$dbs->querySingle("SELECT count(id) from `forum_kto` where `thema` = ? and `time` > ?",array($thema['id'],time()-120)).' человек</div>';
include 'Yadro/Functions.php';
$num = 10;
$posts = DB::$dbs->querySingle("SELECT count(id) from `forum_kto` where `thema` = ? and `time` > ?",array($thema['id'],time()-120));
$total = intval(($posts - 1) / $num) + 1;
$page = abs(intval($_GET['page']));
if(empty($page) or $page < 0) $page = 1;
if($page > $total) $page = $total;
$start = $page * $num - $num;
echo '<div class="news">';
$kto = DB::$dbs->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_kto` where `thema` = ? and `time` > ? order by `time` desc limit $start,$num",array($thema['id'],(time()-120)));
while($k = $kto -> fetch()){
echo $func->uNick($k['user']).', ';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';