Файл: inc/func.php
Строк: 124
/* Скрипт знакомств без регистрации
Автор: romanvht
roman.vkostin@gmail.com */
function in_t($a){
global $db;
$a = $db->real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars(trim($a)));
return $a;
function int($a){
$a = abs(intval($a));
return $a;
function who(){
global $db;
$ip_on = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$onl = $db->query("SELECT `id` FROM `online` WHERE `ip` = '$ip_on' AND `ua` = '$ua_on'")->num_rows;
$db->query("INSERT INTO `online`(`time`,`ip`,`ua`) VALUES ('".(time()+600)."','".$ip_on."','".$ua_on."')");
$db->query("UPDATE `online` SET `time` = '".(time()+600)."' WHERE `ip` = '$ip_on' AND `ua` = '$ua_on'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM `online` WHERE `time`< '".time()."'");
$online = $db->query("SELECT `id` FROM `online`")->num_rows;
return $online;
// Пошла навигация
class navigator {
public $all = 0;
public $page;
public $start = 0;
public $end = 0;
public $limit = 'LIMIT 0';
public $htmlForm = '<br/><form action="%s" method="post">На стр: <input type="text" name="page" size="2" value="%s"><input type="submit" name="" value=">"></form>';
public $buttonBack = '<a href="%spage=%s">« Назад</a>';
public $buttonBackName = '«Назад';
public $buttonForward = '<a href="%spage=%s">Далее »</a>';
public $buttonForwardName = 'Далее»';
public $separator = ' ';
public $listStr = '<br/>Стр: %s <a href="%spage=%s" title="Далее">»</a><br />';
public $blocAllNavi = '%1$s %2$s %3$s';
function __construct($all, $pnumber, $skript = '')
$this->all = $all;
$this->skript = $skript == '' ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' : rtrim($skript);
$this->page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) && (int)$_REQUEST['page'] ? (int)$_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
$this->num_pages = ceil($all / $pnumber);
if (isset($_GET['last'])) $this->page = $this->num_pages;
if ($this->page > $this->num_pages || $this->page < 1) $this->page = 1;
if ($all) {
$this->start = $this->page * $pnumber - $pnumber;
$this->end = ($end = $this->start + $pnumber) > $all ? $all : $end;
$this->limit = sprintf('LIMIT %s,%s', $this->start, $pnumber);
$this->pnumber = $pnumber;
function form()
return ($this->num_pages < 2) ? '' : sprintf($this->htmlForm, $this->skript, $this->page);
function button()
$back = $this->page > 1 ? sprintf($this->buttonBack, $this->skript, $this->page-1) : '';
$forward = $this->page != $this->num_pages ? sprintf($this->buttonForward, $this->skript, $this->page+1) : '';
return ($this->num_pages < 2) ? '' : $back . $this->separator . $forward;
function str()
$buff = '';
for($pr = '', $i = 1; $i <= $this->num_pages; $i++) {
$buff .= $pr = (($i == 1 || $i == $this->num_pages || abs($i - $this->page) < 3) ? ($i == $this->page ? '<span class="selected">'.$i.'</span>' : sprintf(' <span class="next"><a href="%spage=%s">%2$s</a></span> ', $this->skript, $i)) : (($pr == ' ... ' || $pr == '') ? '' : ' ... '));
return ($this->num_pages < 2) ? '' : sprintf($this->listStr, $buff, $this->skript, ($this->page != $this->num_pages ? $this->page+1 : $this->page) );
function navi($str = true, $button = true, $form = true)
$str = $str ? $this->str() : '';
$button = $button ? $this->button() : '';
$form = ($form AND $this->num_pages >= 3) ? $this->form() : '';
$div1 = ($this->num_pages > 1) ? '<div class="text">' : '';
$div2 = ($this->num_pages > 1) ? '</div>' : '';
return $div1.sprintf($this->blocAllNavi, $button, $str, $form).$div2;
function vrem($time)
$timep = date("j M Y в H:i", $time);
if (date("Y", $time) == date("Y")) $timep = date("j M в H:i", $time);
$time_p[0] = date("j n Y", $time);
$time_p[1] = date("H:i", $time);
if ($time_p[0] == date("j n Y")) $timep = 'Сегодня в '.date("H:i", $time);
if ($time_p[0] == date("j n Y", time() - 60 * 60 * 24)) $timep = "Вчера в $time_p[1]";
$timep = str_replace("Jan","Янв", $timep);
$timep = str_replace("Feb","Фев", $timep);
$timep = str_replace("Mar","Марта", $timep);
$timep = str_replace("May","Мая", $timep);
$timep = str_replace("Apr","Апр", $timep);
$timep = str_replace("Jun","Июня", $timep);
$timep = str_replace("Jul","Июля", $timep);
$timep = str_replace("Aug","Авг", $timep);
$timep = str_replace("Sep","Сент", $timep);
$timep = str_replace("Oct","Окт", $timep);
$timep = str_replace("Nov","Ноября", $timep);
$timep = str_replace("Dec","Дек", $timep);
return $timep;