Файл: weatut.ru/system/func.php
Строк: 391
$mc = mysql_connect('localhost', 'xaker_169_parviz', 'N844tjZg9UkU') or die('<center>Сайт будет доступен через минут 5)Всё нормально)просто убираем 1 баг!)</center>');
mysql_query('SET NAMES `utf8`', $mc);
mysql_select_db('xaker_169_yed9t1', $mc) or die('Указанная таблица не найдена');
##### СЕССИИ #####
##### ФИЛЬТРАЦИИ #####
function text($m){
$m = htmlspecialchars($m);
$m = mysql_escape_string($m);
$m = trim($m);
return $m;
} /* Фильтрует текст */
function num($m){
$m = intval($m);
$m = abs($m);
return $m;
} /* Фильтрует цифры */
##### КУКИ #####
if (isset($_COOKIE['login']) and isset($_COOKIE['password'])) {
$login = text($_COOKIE['login']);
$password = text($_COOKIE['password']);
$dbs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `login` = '".$login."' and `password` = '".$password."' LIMIT 1");
$user = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbs);
if (isset($user['id'])) {
if ($user['login'] != $login or $user['password'] != $password) {
setcookie('login', '', time() - 86400*31);
setcookie('password', '', time() - 86400*31);
$users = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `login` = '".$login."' and `password`='".$password."' LIMIT 1"));
if(isset($user['id']) && $users['login']!=$login or $users['password']!=$password) {
setcookie('login', '', time() - 86400*31);
setcookie('password', '', time() - 86400*31);
if (isset($_COOKIE['uid']) && isset($_COOKIE['is_soc_key'])){
$is_uid = num($_COOKIE['uid']);
$is_soc_key = text($_COOKIE['is_soc_key']);
$user = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '".$is_uid."' AND `is_soc_key` = '".(md5($is_soc_key))."' "));
if($user == null){
setcookie('uid', '', time()+86400*365, '/');
setcookie('is_soc_key', '', time()+86400*365, '/');
$auction = 0;
$myLogin = $user['login'];
$myID = $user['id'];
$__str = round($user['str']/6);
$___str = round($user['str']/4);
$_str = rand($__str, $___str);
$__def = round($user['def']/12);
$___def = round($user['def']/7);
$_def = rand($__def, $___def);
if($user['health'] < 0)$user['health'] = 0;
if($user['energy'] < 0)$user['energy'] = 0;
define('H', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
require_once H.'/system/effects.php';
require_once H.'/system/duel.php';
require_once H.'/system/gold.php';
require_once H.'/system/limit_clan_kazna.php';
require_once H.'/system/MySQL_Zapros.php';
##### Инергия и Жизнь #####
$be = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hp_mp WHERE id_user = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1"));
if($be['id_user'] != $user['id']){
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET health = '".num($user[max_health])."', energy = '$user[max_energy]' WHERE id = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hp_mp` SET `id_user` = '$user[id]', `last` = '".time()."'");
$k_point = intval((time()-$be['last'])/10);
if($effect_4[on] == 1)$k_point = intval((time()-$be['last'])/5);
if($k_point >= 1 && isset($user)){
$hp = $user['health']+(3*$k_point);
$mp = $user['energy']+(1*$k_point);
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET health = '$hp', energy = '$mp' WHERE id = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1");
mysql_query("UPDATE hp_mp SET last = '".time()."' WHERE id_user = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1");
if($user['health'] > num($user['max_health']))$user['health'] = num($user['max_health']);
if($user['energy'] > $user['max_energy'])$user['energy'] = $user['max_energy'];
mysql_query("update `users` set `online` = '".time()."', `ip` = '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."' where (`id` = '".$myID."')");
##### ФУНКЦИИ #####
function exp_koll($exp){
global $user;
global $auction;
$koll = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bashna`"));
$good = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bashna` WHERE `side` = 'good'"));
$evil = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bashna` WHERE `side` = 'evil'"));
if($user['side'] == 'good'){
$my = $good;
$my = $evil;
$domination = round($my/$koll*100);
if($domination > 50){
$exp = $exp+ceil($exp*35/100);
if($domination == 50){
$exp == $exp+ceil($exp*25/100);
return $exp;
function rez_text( $text, $maxwords = 40, $maxchar = 45 ){
$sep=' ';
$words = explode($sep,$text);
$char = iconv_strlen($text,'utf-8');
if (count($words) > $maxwords){
$text = join($sep, array_slice($words, 0, $maxwords));
if ( $char > $maxchar ){
$text = iconv_substr( $text, 0, $maxchar, 'utf-8' );
return $text.$sep2;
function icons_user($user){
$user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '".$user."' LIMIT 1");
$user = mysql_fetch_assoc($user);
if($user['online'] > time()-300){
$image = "<img src='/images/icons/".($user['sex'] == 'w' ? 'w' : '')."$user[side].png' width='15px'>";
$image = "<img src='/images/icons/".($user['sex'] == 'w' ? 'w' : '')."$user[side].png' style='opacity: 0.3;' width='15px'>";
return $image;
function text_msg($msg){
global $ank;
if($ank['access'] >= 0){
$bbcode['/[url=(.+)](.+)[/url]/isU'] = "<a href='$1'>$2</a>";
if($ank['access'] >= 0){
$bbcode['/[img=(.*)](.*)[/img]/isU'] = "<img src='$1'/>";
if($ank['access'] >= 0){
$bbcode['/[center](.+)[/center]/isU'] = '<center>$1</center>';
if($ank['access'] >= 0){
$bbcode['/[u](.+)[/u]/isU'] = '<u>$1</u>';
if($ank['access'] >= 0){
$bbcode['/[i](.+)[/i]/isU'] = '<i>$1</i>';
if($ank['access'] >= 0){
$bbcode['/[b](.+)[/b]/isU'] = '<b>$1</b>';
if($ank['access'] >= 0){
$bbcode['/[url=(.+)](.+)[/url]/isU'] = "<a href='$1'>$2</a>";
if($ank['access'] >= 0){
$bbcode['/[q](.+)[/q]/isU'] = "<q>$1</q>";
if($ank['access'] >= 0){
$bbcode['/[a](.+)[/a]/isU'] = "<a>$1</a>";
if($ank['access'] >= 0){
$bbcode['/[(.+)](.+)[/(.+)]/isU'] = "<font color='$1'>$2</font>";
if (count($bbcode))$msg = preg_replace(array_keys($bbcode), array_values($bbcode), $msg);
if($ank['access'] == 2)$msg = "<span class='item-2'>$msg</span>";
if($ank['access'] == 1)$msg = "<span class='item-1'>$msg</span>";
if($ank['access'] == 0)$msg = "<font color='#eacc54'>$msg</font>";
$msg = str_replace(array('Гг'), '<img src="/images/smiles/gg.gif" alt="*"/>', $msg);
$msg = str_replace(array('*ban*'), '<img src="/images/smiles/ban3.gif" alt="*"/>', $msg);
$msg = str_replace(array(':D'), '<img src="/images/smiles/ag.gif" alt="*"/>', $msg);
$msg = str_replace(array('.ничоси.'), '<img src="/images/smiles/nichosi.png" alt="*"/>', $msg);
$msg = str_replace(array(':ded'), '<img src="/images/smiles/mini_ded.gif" alt="*"/>', $msg);
$msg = str_replace(array('O:-)'), '<img src="/images/smiles/mini_angel.gif" alt="*"/>', $msg);
$msg = str_replace(array(']:-)'), '<img src="/images/smiles/mini_diablo.gif" alt="*"/>', $msg);
$msg = str_replace(array(':$'), '<img src="/images/smiles/mini_blush.gif" alt="*"/>', $msg);
$msg = str_replace(array(':)'), '<img src="/images/smiles/mini_lol.gif" alt="*"/>', $msg);
$msg = str_replace(array('_wearose_'), '<img src="/images/smiles/mini_rose.gif" alt="*"/>', $msg);
$msg = str_replace(array(']:-)'), '<img src="/images/smiles/mini_diablo.gif" alt="*"/>', $msg);
$msg = str_replace(array('_ochkonavt_'), '<img src="/images/smiles/mini_palki.gif" alt="*"/>', $msg);
$msg = str_replace(array('_hyi_'), '<img src="/images/smiles/mini_fig.gif" alt="*"/>', $msg);
$msg = str_replace(array('_love_'), '<img src="/images/smiles/mini_heart.gif" alt="*"/>', $msg);
// Определяем слава которые нарушают правила
$msg = str_replace(array('блять','соси','дибил','еблан','нахуй','ебан','хуй','бля','гавно','хрень','мудак','пидор','чмо','aux','пизда','пабл'), '<font color="red">мат</font>', $msg);
return $msg;
function msg($sms){
echo '<div class="bntf"><div class="nl"><div class="nr cntr lyell lh1 p5 sh"><b><h2> '.$sms.' </h2></b></div></div></div><div class="stone"></div>';
function ico($dir,$file){
$img = '<img src="/images/'.$dir.'/'.$file.'" width="15px" alt="*" />';
return $img;
function img($dir,$file){
$img = '<img src="/images/'.$dir.'/'.$file.'" alt="*" />';
return $img;
function tl($tl){
$dayt="".($day>0?"$day д. ":null)."";
$hourt="".($hour>0?"$hour ч. ":null)."";
$minutet="".($minute>0?"$minute м. ":null)."";
$secondt="".($second>0?"$second с. ":null)."";
if($hour>0 && $day==0){
return "$dayt$hourt$minutet$secondt";
} /* Вывод оставшегося времени */
function vremja($time=NULL){
if ($time == NULL)$time = time();
$timep="".date("j M yг. в H:i", $time)."";
$time_p[0]=date("j n Y", $time);
$time_p[1]=date("H:i", $time);
if ($time_p[0] == date("j n Y"))$timep = date("H:i:s", $time);
if ($time_p[0] == date("j n Y", time()-60*60*24))$timep = "Вчера в $time_p[1]";
return $timep;
} /* Вывод времени */
function noauth(){
global $user;
if(isset($user['id'])) header('Location: /main');
function auth(){
global $user;
if(!isset($user['id'])) header('Location: /');
function access($access = 0){
global $user;
if($user['access'] < $access) header('Location: /main');
function page($k_page=1){ // Выдает текущую страницу
if (isset($_GET['page'])){
if ($_GET['page']=='end')$page=intval($k_page);elseif(is_numeric($_GET['page'])) $page=intval($_GET['page']);}
if ($page<1)$page=1;
if ($page>$k_page)$page=$k_page;
return $page;}
function k_page($k_post=0,$k_p_str=10){ // Высчитывает количество страниц
if ($k_post!=0){$v_pages=ceil($k_post/$k_p_str);return $v_pages;}
else return 1;}
function str($link='?',$k_page=1,$page=1){ // Вывод номеров страниц (только на первый взгляд кажется сложно ;))
if ($page<1)$page=1;
echo "<div class="str">n";
if ($page!=1)echo "<span class='pag'><a href="".$link."page=".($page-1)."" title='Предыдущая страница (№".($page-1).")'>Назад</a></span> ";else echo "<span class='white'>Назад</span>";
echo " | ";
if ($page!=$k_page)echo " <span class='pag'><a href="".$link."page=".($page+1)."" title='Следующая страница (№".($page+1).")'>Вперёд</a></span>";else echo "<span class='white'>Вперёд</span>";
echo "<br />n";
if ($page!=1)echo "<span class='pag'><a href="".$link."page=1" title='Первая страница'><<</a></span> ";
if ($page!=1)echo "<span class='pag'><a href="".$link."page=1" title='Страница №1'>1</a></span>";else echo "<span class='white'>1</span>";
for ($ot=-3; $ot<=3; $ot++){
if ($page+$ot>1 && $page+$ot<$k_page){
if ($ot==-3 && $page+$ot>2)echo " ..";
if ($ot!=0)echo " <span class='pag'><a href="".$link."page=".($page+$ot)."" title='Страница №".($page+$ot)."'>".($page+$ot)."</a></span>";else echo " <span class='white'> ".($page+$ot)."</span>";
if ($ot==3 && $page+$ot<$k_page-1)echo " ..";}}
if ($page!=$k_page)echo " <span class='pag'><a href="".$link."page=end" title='Страница №$k_page'>$k_page</a></span>";elseif ($k_page>1)echo " <span class='white'>$k_page</span>";
if ($page!=$k_page)echo " <span class='pag'><a href="".$link."page=end" title='Последняя страница'> >></a></span>";
echo "</div>n";
function n_f($i, $tip = 0) {
if($tip == 1){
$i = number_format($i, 0, '', ''');
if($i >= 10000 && $i < 1000000) {
$i = number_format($i, 0, '', '.');
$i = round($i,1).'K';
elseif($i >= 1000000) {
$i = number_format($i, 0, '', '.');
$i = round($i,1).'M';
$i = number_format($i, 0, '', ''');
return $i;
function skill($skill){
case 0:
$class = 0;
case 1:
$class = 1;
case 10:
$class = 2;
case 26:
$class = 3;
case 48:
$class = 4;
case 100:
$class = 5;
return $class;
$random = rand(4999,6999);
/* -- функции by InstalScript-- */
if($user['login'] == 'XaKeRoK'){
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
echo "
if($user['login'] == 'Злобный Я'){
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
echo "
function user($uid,$colon){
$user = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '".num($uid)."' "));
return $user[$colon];
function logi($log){if($log != null){$_SESSION['log'][] = $log;}}
function logs(){
$count = count($_SESSION['log']);for($i = '0';$i <= $count;$i++){$text = $text."<div>".$_SESSION['log'][$i]."</div>";}
if($count > '0'){
return $text.logn();
function logn(){unset($_SESSION['log']);}
function isTimer($var){
$timer = $var - time();
$isDay = floor($timer/86400);
$isHour = floor($timer/3600);
$isMin = floor($timer/60);
$hourOs = $isHour - ($isDay*24); // Остаток часов от дня
$minOs = $isMin - ($isHour * 60); // Остаток минут от часов
$secOs = $timer - ($isMin * 60); // остаток секунд от часов
if($isDay > '0'){$day = $isDay." д ";}
if($hourOs > '0'){$hour = $hourOs." ч ";}
if($minOs > '0'){$minute = $minOs." м ";}
if($secOs > '0'){$sec = $secOs ." с ";}
$times = $day.$hour.$minute.$sec;
return $times;
function isLogin($uid,$n){
$vip = explode("/",(user($uid,'is_vip')));
$nick = user($uid,'login');
if($vip['0'] == '1'){
if($vip['1'] < time()){
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `vip` = '0/0/0/0' WHERE `id` = '".($uid)."' ");
$nick = "".user($uid,'login')."<img src = '/images/icons/vip_icon.png'>";
return $nick;
function isUnotification($uid,$idu,$text,$did,$type,$page){
$uid = num($uid); // id игрока (кто получит)
$idu = num($idu); // id игрока (кто отправил)
$did = num($did); // id - дополнительный
$text = text($text); // Сообщение
$type = text($type); // Тип (место от куда оправленно)
$page = num($page); // номер страницы (с которой отправили)
$opponent = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '".($uid)."' "));
if($opponent != null && $uid != $idu){
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `is_time` SET `text` = '".$text."',`uid` = '".$uid."',`idu` = '".$idu."',`did` = '".($did)."',`type` = '".$type."',`type2` = 'notification',`time` = '".(time())."' ");
function isUnotificationAct($uid){
$uid = num($uid);
$not = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `is_time` WHERE `type2` = 'notification' AND `uid` = '".$uid."' "),0);
if($not > 0){
echo "<div class = 'block'>";
$notif = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `is_time` WHERE `type2` = 'notification' AND `uid` = '".$uid."' ");
while($n = mysql_fetch_assoc($notif)){
$isLogin = (isLogin($n['idu'],''));
echo "
<div class = 'isLogin'>".$isLogin."</div>ответил".(user($n['idu'],'sex') == 'w' ? "а" : "")." вам
<div class = 'isNotifMsg'>".$n['text']."</div>";
if($n['type'] == 'chat'){
$chat = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `chat` WHERE `id` >= '".$n['did']."' "),0);
$page = ceil($chat/10);
if($_GET['notification'] == $n['id']){
if($chat == '0'){
$_SESSION['msg'] = "Сообщение не найдено! Возможно оно удалено!";
$lnk = "?page=".$page."&#message".$n['did']."";
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `is_time` WHERE `id` = '".num($_GET['notification'])."' ");
echo "<a href = '/main?notification=".$n['id']."'>Перейти к сообщению</a>";
echo "</div>";
$my_ban = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ban` WHERE `id_user` = '".$user['id']."' "));
if($my_ban != null && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != '/uban'){
$vip = explode("/",(user($user['id'],'is_vip')));
if($vip['1'] <= time()){
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `is_vip` = '' WHERE `id` = '".($user['id'])."' ");
if($vip['2'] < $user['exp'] or $vip['3'] < $user['crystals']){
$n_exp = ($user['exp'] - $vip['2']) * 2;
$n_crystals = ($user['crystals'] - $vip['3']) * 2;
$u_exp = (($user['exp'] - $vip['2']) * 2);
$u_crystals = (($user['crystals'] - $vip['3']) * 2);
$u_exp = $user['exp'] + $u_exp - 3;
$u_crystals = $user['crystals'] + $u_crystals - 3;
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `exp` = '".$u_exp."',`crystals` = '".$u_crystals."',`is_vip` = '".$vip['0']."/".$vip['1']."/".$u_exp."/".$u_crystals."' WHERE `id` = '".$user['id']."' ");
if($user['crystals'] < $vip['3']){
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `is_vip` = '".$vip['0']."/".$vip['1']."/".$vip['2']."/".$user['crystals']."' WHERE `id` = '".$user['id']."' ");
/* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --*/