Файл: Update 2.1.2/admin/sources/exchanges.php
Строк: 353
$b = protect($_GET['b']);
$id = protect($_GET['id']);
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<li><a href="./">WebAdmin</a></li>
<?php if($b == "preview") { ?>
<li><a href="./?a=exchanges">Exchanges</a></li>
<li class="active">Preview</li>
<?php } else { ?>
<li class="active">Exchanges</li>
<?php } ?>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
if($b == "preview") {
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM exchanges WHERE id='$id'");
if($query->num_rows==0) { header("Location: ./?a=exchanges"); }
$row = $query->fetch_assoc();
<div class="panel panel-primary">
<div class="panel-heading">
<i class="fa fa-search"></i> Preview exchange
<div class="panel-body">
<h3>Exchange id: <?php echo $row['exchange_id']; ?></h3>
<table class="table">
<td><?php if($row['uid']>0) { echo idinfo($row['uid'],"username"); } else { echo 'Anonymous ('.$row[ip].')'; } ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['cfrom']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['cto']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['amount_from']; ?> <?php echo $row['currency_from']; ?></td>
if($row['status'] == "1") { echo '<span class="label label-info">Awaiting payment</span>'; }
elseif($row['status'] == "2") { echo '<span class="label label-info">Processing</span>'; }
elseif($row['status'] == "3") { echo '<span class="label label-danger">Payment fail</span>'; }
elseif($row['status'] == "4") { echo '<span class="label label-danger">Refused</span>'; }
elseif($row['status'] == "5") { echo '<span class="label label-success">Processed</span>'; }
elseif($row['status'] == "6") { echo '<span class="label label-danger">Timeout</span>'; }
else {
echo '<span class="label label-default">Unknown</span>';
<td colspan="5"> </td>
<td>Referral id</td>
<td>Exchange rate</td>
<td>Amount receive</td>
<td>Requested on</td>
<td><?php echo $row1['account']; ?></td>
<td><?php if($row['referral_id'] == "0") { echo 'None'; } else { echo idinfo($row['referral_id'],"username"); } ?></td>
<td><?php if($row['wallet_id'] > 0) { echo $row['rate']."%"; } else { echo "1 ".$row['currency_from']." = ".$row['rate']." ".$row['currency_to']; } ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['amount_to']; ?> <?php echo $row['currency_to']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo date("d/m/Y H:i",$row['created']); ?></td>
<td colspan="5"> </td>
<td>Receiver account</td>
<td>Receiver email</td>
<td><?php echo $row['u_field_1']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['u_field_2']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo date("d/m/Y H:i",$row['expiration']); ?></td>
<td><?php if($row['status'] == "5") { echo number_format($row['amount_from']-$row['amount_to'],2); echo $row['currency_from']; } ?></td>
<?php if($row['status'] == "2" or $row['cto'] == "Bank Transfer" or $row['cto'] == "Western union" or $row['cto'] == "Moneygram" or $row['cfrom'] == "Bank Transfer" or $row['cfrom'] == "Western union" or $row['cfrom'] == "Moneygram") { ?>
if($row['cto'] == "Bank Transfer") {
<h3>Details to make transfer:</h3>
<b>Client name</b>: <?php echo $row['u_field_3'];?><br/>
<b>Client location</b>: <?php echo $row['u_field_4'];?><br/>
<b>Bank name</b>: <?php echo $row['u_field_5'];?><br/>
<b>Bank account number/IBAN</b>: <?php echo $row['u_field_6'];?><br/>
<b>Bank swift</b>: <?php echo $row['u_field_7'];?><br/>
<b>Description</b>: Exchange <?php echo $row['amount_from']; ?> <?php echo $row['currency_from']; ?><br/>
<b>Amount</b>: <?php echo $row['amount_to']; ?> <?php echo $row['currency_to']; ?><br><br>
} elseif($row['cto'] == "Western union") {
<h3>Details to make transfer:</h3>
<b>Send to</b>: <?php echo $row['u_field_3']; ?><br/>
<b>Location</b>: <?php echo $row['u_field_4']; ?><br/>
<b>Description</b>: Exchange <?php echo $row['amount_from']; ?> <?php echo $row['currency_from']; ?><br/>
<b>Amount</b>: <?php echo $row['amount_to']; ?> <?php echo $row['currency_to']; ?><br><br>
} elseif($row['cto'] == "Moneygram") {
<h3>Details to make transfer:</h3>
<b>Send to</b>: <?php echo $row['u_field_3']; ?><br/>
<b>Location</b>: <?php echo $row['u_field_4']; ?><br/>
<b>Description</b>: Exchange <?php echo $row['amount_from']; ?> <?php echo $row['currency_from']; ?><br/>
<b>Amount</b>: <?php echo $row['amount_to']; ?> <?php echo $row['currency_to']; ?><br><br>
} else {
<div id="take_action">
if(isset($_POST['btn_update'])) {
$redirect = './?a=exchanges&b=preview&id='.$id;
$status = protect($_POST['status']);
$pin = protect($_POST['pin']);
if($status == "5") {
$earnings = $row['amount_from']-$row['amount_to'];
$date = date("d/m/Y");
$check_e = $db->query("SELECT * FROM earnings WHERE company='$row[cfrom]' and currency='$row[currency_from]'");
if($check_e->num_rows>0) {
$update = $db->query("UPDATE earnings SET amount=amount+$earnings WHERE company='$row[cfrom]' and currency='$row[currency_from]'");
} else {
$insert = $db->query("INSERT earnings (amount,currency,company) VALUES ('$earnings','$row[currency_from]','$row[cfrom]')");
if($row['referral_id']>0) {
$com = $row['amount_from'] - $row['amount_to'];
$comm = 100+$settings[referral_comission];
$com2 = ($com * 100) / $comm;
$com = $com-$com2;
$comission = $com;
$comission = number_format($comission,2);
$time = time();
$check_wallet = $db->query("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE uid='$row[referral_id]' and currency='$row[currency_from]'");
if($check_wallet->num_rows>0) {
$update_wallet = $db->query("UPDATE wallets SET amount=amount+$comission,updated='$time' WHERE uid='$row[referral_id]' and currency='$row[currency_from]'");
} else {
$insert = $db->query("INSERT wallets (uid,amount,currency,created) VALUES ('$row[referral_id]','$comission','$row[currency_from]','$time')");
$update = $db->query("UPDATE exchanges SET status='5' WHERE id='$row[id]'");
if($row['cto'] == "Western union") {
$pin = 'Your Western union pin: '.$pin;
} elseif($row['cto'] == "Moneygram") {
$pin = 'Your Moneygram pin: '.$pin;
} else {
$pin = '';
$msubject = '['.$settings[sitename].'] Exchange '.$row[exchange_id].' was processed.';
$mreceiver = $row[email];
$message = 'Hi, '.$row[email].'
Your exchange ('.$row[exchange_id].') was processed successfully.
You receive in your '.$row[cto].' account '.$row[amount_to].' '.$row[currency_to].'
If you have some problems please feel free to contact with us on '.$settings[siteemail];
$headers = 'From: '.$settings[siteemail].'' . "rn" .
'Reply-To: '.$settings[siteemail].'' . "rn" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
mail($mreceiver, $msubject, $message, $headers);
header("Location: $redirect");
} else {
if($status == "4") {
if($row['wallet_id'] > 0) {
$update = $db->query("UPDATE wallets SET amount=amount+$row[amount_from] WHERE id='$row[wallet_id]'");
$update = $db->query("UPDATE exchanges SET status='$status' WHERE id='$row[id]'");
header("Location: $redirect");
<form action="" method="POST">
<div class="form-group">
<select name="status" class="form-control">
<option value="1" <?php if($row['status'] == "1") { echo 'selected'; } ?>>Awaiting payment</option>
<option value="2" <?php if($row['status'] == "2") { echo 'selected'; } ?>>Processing</option>
<option value="3" <?php if($row['status'] == "3") { echo 'selected'; } ?>>Payment fail</option>
<option value="4" <?php if($row['status'] == "4") { echo 'selected'; } ?>>Refused</option>
<option value="5" <?php if($row['status'] == "5") { echo 'selected'; } ?>>Processed</option>
<option value="6" <?php if($row['status'] == "6") { echo 'selected'; } ?>>Timeout</option>
if($row['cto'] == "Western union") {
<div class="form-group">
<label>Enter Western union PIN CODE (will be send to user via email to get his/her money)</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="pin">
} elseif($row['cto'] == "Moneygram") {
<div class="form-group">
<label>Enter Moneygram PIN CODE (will be send to user via email to get his/her money)</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="pin">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="btn_update"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> Update</button>
<?php } ?>
} else {
<div class="panel panel-primary">
<div class="panel-heading">
<i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> Exchanges
<span class="pull-right">
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="text" class="input_search" name="qry" placeholder="Search by exchange id...">
<div class="panel-body">
<table class="table table-hover">
<td width="25%">User</td>
<td width="20%">Send</td>
<td width="20%">Receive</td>
<td width="15%">Amount</td>
<td width="15%">Status</td>
<td width="5%">Action</td>
$page = (int) (!isset($_GET["page"]) ? 1 : $_GET["page"]);
$limit = 20;
$startpoint = ($page * $limit) - $limit;
if($page == 1) {
$i = 1;
} else {
$i = $page * $limit;
if(isset($_POST['qry'])) {
$qry = protect($_POST['qry']);
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM exchanges WHERE exchange_id='$qry' ORDER BY id");
} else {
$statement = "exchanges";
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$statement} ORDER BY id LIMIT {$startpoint} , {$limit}");
if($query->num_rows>0) {
while($row = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
$rows[] = $row;
foreach($rows as $row) {
<td><?php if($row['uid'] == "0") { echo 'Anonymous'; } else { echo idinfo($row['uid'],"username"); } ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['cfrom']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['cto']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['amount_from']; ?> <?php echo $row['currency_from']; ?></td>
if($row['status'] == "1") { echo '<span class="label label-info">Awaiting payment</span>'; }
elseif($row['status'] == "2") { echo '<span class="label label-info">Processing</span>'; }
elseif($row['status'] == "3") { echo '<span class="label label-danger">Payment fail</span>'; }
elseif($row['status'] == "4") { echo '<span class="label label-danger">Refused</span>'; }
elseif($row['status'] == "5") { echo '<span class="label label-success">Processed</span>'; }
elseif($row['status'] == "6") { echo '<span class="label label-danger">Timeout</span>'; }
else {
echo '<span class="label label-default">Unknown</span>';
<a href="./?a=exchanges&b=preview&id=<?php echo $row['id']; ?>" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Preview"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></a>
} else {
if($searching==1) {
echo '<tr><td colspan="6">No found results.</td></tr>';
} else {
echo '<tr><td colspan="6">No have recorded exchanges.</td></tr>';
if($searching==0) {
$ver = "./?a=exchanges";
if(admin_pagination($statement,$ver,$limit,$page)) {
echo admin_pagination($statement,$ver,$limit,$page);