Файл: Update 2.1.1/sources/ipn_deposit/perfectmoney.php
Строк: 120
This script demonstrates getting and validating SCI
payment confirmation data from Perfec Money server
!!! WARNING !!!
This sample PHP-script is provided AS IS and you should
use it at your own risk.
The only purpose of this script is to demonstarate main
principles of SCI-payment validation proccess.
You MUST modify it before using with your particular
Perfect Money account.
/* Constant below contains md5-hashed alternate passhrase in upper case.
You can generate it like this:
Where `your_passphrase' is Alternate Passphrase you entered
in your Perfect Money account.
!!! WARNING !!!
We strongly recommend NOT to include plain Alternate Passphrase in
this script and use its pre-generated hashed version instead (just
like we did in this scipt below).
This is the best way to keep it secure. */
define('ALTERNATE_PHRASE_HASH', '80F632EBFE5295A9F8933E360EB382DF');
// Path to directory to save logs. Make sure it has write permissions.
define('PATH_TO_LOG', '/somewhere/out/of/document_root/');
$orderid = $_POST['PAYMENT_ID'];
$amount = $_POST['PAYMENT_AMOUNT'];
$currency = $_POST['PAYMENT_UNITS'];
$buyer = $_POST['PAYEE_ACCOUNT'];
$trans_id = $_POST['PAYMENT_BATCH_NUM'];
$date = date("d/m/Y H:i:s");
$accountQuery = $db->query("SELECT * FROM companies WHERE name='Perfect Money'");
$time = time();
$acc = $accountQuery->fetch_assoc();
if(checkSession()) { $uid = $_SESSION['suid']; } else { $uid = 0; }
$check_trans = $db->query("SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE tid='$trans_id' and date='$date' and uid='$uid'");
Please use this tool to see how valid hash is genereted:
if($hash==$_POST['V2_HASH']){ // proccessing payment if only hash is valid
/* In section below you must implement comparing of data you recieved
with data you sent. This means to check if $_POST['PAYMENT_AMOUNT'] is
particular amount you billed to client and so on. */
if($check_trans->num_rows>0) {
echo error($lang['error_15']);
} else {
$insert = $db->query("INSERT transactions (tid,from,uid,in,amount,currency,date) VALUES ('$trans_id','$buyer','$uid','Perfect Money','$amount','$currency','$date')");
$check_wallet = $db->query("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE uid='$_SESSION[suid]' and currency='$currency'");
if($check_wallet->num_rows>0) {
$update_wallet = $db->query("UPDATE wallets SET amount=amount+$amount,updated='$time' WHERE uid='$_SESSION[suid]' and currency='$currency'");
echo success("Your deposit was successfully. You added $amount $currency to your wallet.");
} else {
$insert = $db->query("INSERT wallets (uid,amount,currency,created) VALUES ('$_SESSION[suid]','$amount','$currency','$time')");
echo success("Your deposit was successfully. You added $amount $currency to your wallet.");
}else{ // you can also save invalid payments for debug purposes
echo error($lang['error_21']);
}else{ // you can also save invalid payments for debug purposes
echo error($lang['error_2']);