Файл: MoneyExchange v2.1/sources/ipn/payza.php
Строк: 135
$c = protect($_GET['c']);
//The value is the Security Code generated from the IPN section of your Payza account. Please change it to yours.
define("IPN_SECURITY_CODE", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
define("MY_MERCHANT_EMAIL", "name@example.com");
//Setting information about the transaction
$receivedSecurityCode = $_POST['ap_securitycode'];
$receivedMerchantEmailAddress = $_POST['ap_merchant'];
$transactionStatus = $_POST['ap_status'];
$testModeStatus = $_POST['ap_test'];
$purchaseType = $_POST['ap_purchasetype'];
$totalAmountReceived = $_POST['ap_totalamount'];
$feeAmount = $_POST['ap_feeamount'];
$netAmount = $_POST['ap_netamount'];
$transactionReferenceNumber = $_POST['ap_referencenumber'];
$currency = $_POST['ap_currency'];
$transactionDate= $_POST['ap_transactiondate'];
$transactionType= $_POST['ap_transactiontype'];
//Setting the customer's information from the IPN post variables
$customerFirstName = $_POST['ap_custfirstname'];
$customerLastName = $_POST['ap_custlastname'];
$customerAddress = $_POST['ap_custaddress'];
$customerCity = $_POST['ap_custcity'];
$customerState = $_POST['ap_custstate'];
$customerCountry = $_POST['ap_custcountry'];
$customerZipCode = $_POST['ap_custzip'];
$customerEmailAddress = $_POST['ap_custemailaddress'];
//Setting information about the purchased item from the IPN post variables
$myItemName = $_POST['ap_itemname'];
$myItemCode = $_POST['ap_itemcode'];
$myItemDescription = $_POST['ap_description'];
$myItemQuantity = $_POST['ap_quantity'];
$myItemAmount = $_POST['ap_amount'];
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM exchanges WHERE id='$myItemCode'");
if($query->num_rows==0) { header("Location: $settings[url]"); }
$row = $query->fetch_assoc();
$accountQuery = $db->query("SELECT * FROM companies WHERE name='$row[cfrom]'");
$acc = $accountQuery->fetch_assoc();
$date = date("d/m/Y H:i:s");
if(checkSession()) { $uid = $_SESSION['suid']; } else { $uid = 0; }
$check_trans = $db->query("SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE txn_id='$transactionReferenceNumber' and time='$date' and uid='$uid'");
//Setting extra information about the purchased item from the IPN post variables
$additionalCharges = $_POST['ap_additionalcharges'];
$shippingCharges = $_POST['ap_shippingcharges'];
$taxAmount = $_POST['ap_taxamount'];
$discountAmount = $_POST['ap_discountamount'];
//Setting your customs fields received from the IPN post variables
$myCustomField_1 = $_POST['apc_1'];
$myCustomField_2 = $_POST['apc_2'];
$myCustomField_3 = $_POST['apc_3'];
$myCustomField_4 = $_POST['apc_4'];
$myCustomField_5 = $_POST['apc_5'];
$myCustomField_6 = $_POST['apc_6'];
if($c == "results") {
if ($receivedMerchantEmailAddress != $acc['a_field_1']) {
echo error($lang['error_20']);
else {
//Check if the security code matches
if ($receivedSecurityCode != $acc['a_field_2']) {
echo error($lang['error_20']);
else {
if ($transactionStatus == "Success") {
if ($testModeStatus == "1") {
// Since Test Mode is ON, no transaction reference number will be returned.
// Your site is currently being integrated with Payza IPN for TESTING PURPOSES
// ONLY. Don't store any information in your production database and
// DO NOT process this transaction as a real order.
else {
if($check_trans->num_rows>0) {
echo error($lang['error_15']);
} else {
$insert = $db->query("INSERT transactions (txn_id,payee,uid,company,amount,currency,time) VALUES ('$txn_id','$payer_email','$uid','PayPal','$payment_amount','$payment_currency','$date')");
$update = $db->query("UPDATE exchanges SET status='2' WHERE id='$row[id]'");
echo success($lang['success_4']);
else {
echo error($lang['error_20']);
} elseif($c == "cancel") {
$update = $db->query("UPDATE exchanges SET status='3' WHERE id='$row[id]'");
echo error($lang['error_18']);
} else {
echo error($lang['error_2']);