Файл: MoneyExchange v2.1/assets/js/cryptobox.js
Строк: 158
* Cryptocoin Payment Box Javascript
* @package GoUrl Bitcoin/Altcoin Payment Box and Crypto Captcha
* @copyright 2014-2016 Delta Consultants
* @category Javascript
* @website https://gourl.io
* @api https://gourl.io/api.html
* @version 1.7.4
function cryptobox_cookie(name)
var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0)
return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return '';
function cryptobox_show(boxID, coinName, public_key, amount, amountUSD, period, language, iframeID, userID, userFormat, orderID, cookieName, webdev_key, hash, width, height)
if (typeof width !== 'number') width = 0;
if (typeof height !== 'number') height = 0;
var id = public_key.substr(0, public_key.indexOf("AA"));
if (id == '' || boxID != id || public_key.indexOf("PUB") == -1) alert('Invalid payment box public_key');
else if ((amount <= 0 && amountUSD <= 0) || (amount > 0 && amountUSD > 0)) alert('You can use in payment box options one of variable only: amount or amountUSD. You cannot place values in that two variables together');
else if (amount != 0 && ((amount - 0) != amount || amount < 0.0001)) alert('Invalid payment box amount');
else if (amountUSD != 0 && ((amountUSD - 0) != amountUSD || amountUSD < 0.01)) alert('Invalid payment box amountUSD');
else if (userFormat != 'COOKIE' && userFormat != 'SESSION' && userFormat != 'IPADDRESS' && userFormat != 'MANUAL') alert('Invalid payment box userFormat value');
else if (userFormat == 'COOKIE' && cookieName == '') alert('Invalid payment box cookie name');
else if (userFormat == 'COOKIE' && cryptobox_cookie(cookieName) == '') alert('Please enable Cookies in your browser !');
else if (userFormat == 'COOKIE' && cryptobox_cookie(cookieName) != userID) alert('Invalid cookie value. It may be you are viewing an older copy of the page that is stored in the website cache. Please contact with website owner, need to disable/turn-off caching for current page');
else if (orderID == '') alert('Invalid orderID');
else if (period == '') alert('Invalid period');
else if (public_key.length != 50) alert('Invalid public key');
else if (webdev_key != '' && (webdev_key.indexOf("DEV") == -1 || webdev_key.length < 20)) alert('Invalid webdev_key, leave it empty');
else if (hash == '') alert('Invalid payment box hash');
var url = 'https://coins.gourl.io' +
'/pe/'+encodeURIComponent(period.replace(' ', '_'))+'/l/'+encodeURIComponent(language)+
var html = document.getElementById(iframeID);
if (html == null) alert('Cryptobox iframeID HTML with id "' + iframeID + '" not exist!');
else html.src = url;
return true;
function cryptobox_msghide (id)
setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById(id).style.display='none';}, 15000 );