Строк: 3079
/* Table of Contents
- - - - - - - - -
1. Global
2. Standard
3. Header
4. Home Page
5. Inner Pages
6. Footer
7. Media
- - - - - - - - -
/* ============
1 = Global
============ */
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UI", Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: normal;
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/* ==================
2 = Standard Forms
================== */
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/* ==================
3 = Header
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Video Header */
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/* Navigation
---------------------- */
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/* ==================
4 =
Home Page
================== */
/* Features */
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/* Call to Action */
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/* Pricing Tables - Boxes */
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/* Testimonials */
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/* Monitoring
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5 = Inner Pages
================== */
shared hosting - features */
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/* Domain Names Search Box ------------------------
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/* Support
------------------------ */
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Testimonials Page ------------------------ */
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/* Typography
------------------------ */
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Login ------------------------ */
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/* Contact ------------------------
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/* About Us
------------------------ */
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Infrastructure Tabs */
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Active state tab anchor */
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Disabled accordion button */
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6 = Order Slider
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/* End Order Slider - VPS Page
/* Blog ---------------------- */
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6 = Footer
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Back to Top Button ----------------------- */
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7 = Media Queries
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