Файл: iShort-PHP/ishort-functions.php
Строк: 922
function php_a_button($b_name,$b_link,$b_class="link",$b_color="1",$b_button="1",$b_target="self") {
$html = <<<HTML
<a class="color-{$b_color} ishort-btn-{$b_button}" href="{$b_link}" target="_{$b_target}">
<span><i class="fa {$b_class}"></i></span>
echo $html;
//info, warning, succes note system
function php_ap_notes($notetext="Sample Text",$notecolor="",$rounded="") {
$isround = $rounded ? " ".$rounded : "";
$notecolorx = $notecolor ? $notecolor : "";
$htmldefault = <<<HTML
<div class="ap_note{$notecolorx}{$isround}"> <p>{$notetext}</p> </div>
$htmlred = <<<HTML
<div class="ap_note red{$isround}"> <p>{$notetext}</p> </div>
$htmlblue = <<<HTML
<div class="ap_note blue{$isround}"> <p>{$notetext}</p> </div>
$htmltaupe = <<<HTML
<div class="ap_note taupe{$isround}"> <p>{$notetext}</p> </div>
if($notecolor == "red") {
echo $htmlred;
elseif($notecolor == "blue") {
echo $htmlblue;
elseif($notecolor == "taupe") {
echo $htmltaupe;
else {
echo $htmldefault;
//Social Share
function php_share_with_count($actual_link) {
$html = <<<HTML
<div class="article-share-bottom"><b>Social Share</b>
<span class="social-icon"><a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u={$actual_link}" data-url="{$actual_link}" class="social-button ot-share" style="background:#495fbd;" target="_blank"><span class="icon-text fa fa-facebook"></span><font>SHARE </font></a><span class="social-count"><span class="countface">0</span><span class="social-arrow"> </span></span></span>
<span class="social-icon"><a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?hashtags=&original_referer={$actual_link}&source=tweetbutton&url={$actual_link}&hashtags=#Kibris365" data-hashtags="#Kibris365" data-url="{$actual_link}" data-text="<your-title>" class="social-button ot-tweet" style="background:#43bedd;" target="_blank"><span class="icon-text fa fa-twitter"></span><font>TWEET </font></a><span class="social-count"><span class="counttweet">0</span><span class="social-arrow"> </span></span></span>
<span class="social-icon"><a href="http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url={$actual_link}&description=<your-title>" data-url="{$actual_link}" class="social-button ot-pin" style="background:#d23131;"><span class="icon-text fa fa-pinterest"></span><font>PİNTEREST </font></a><span class="social-count"><span class="countpin">0</span><span class="social-arrow"> </span></span></span>
<span class="social-icon"><a href="http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url={$actual_link}&title=<your-title>" class="social-button ot-link" data-url="{$actual_link}" style="background:#264c84;"><span class="icon-text fa fa-linkedin"></span><font>LİNKEDİN </font></a><span class="social-count"><span class="countlink">0</span><span class="social-arrow"> </span></span></span> <div class="clear-float"></div> </div>
echo $html;
//Change number like twitter and facebook
function ap_custom_number_format($num) {
$x = round($num);
$x_number_format = number_format($x);
$x_array = explode(',', $x_number_format);
$x_parts = array('K', 'M', 'B', 'T');
$x_count_parts = count($x_array) - 1;
$x_display = $x;
$x_display = $x_array[0] . ((int) $x_array[1][0] !== 0 ? '.' . $x_array[1][0] : '');
$x_display .= $x_parts[$x_count_parts - 1];
return $x_display;
//Yahoo Weather
function php_weather_ap($citycode = "664942", $tempstat = "cloudy") {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w='.$citycode.'&u=c');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$weather_rss = curl_exec($ch);
$weather = new SimpleXMLElement($weather_rss);
$weather_contents = $weather->channel->item->description;
$weather_cond = $weather->channel->item->xpath('yweather:condition');
$weather_loc = $weather->channel->xpath('yweather:location');
$html = <<<HTML
<div class="ap_weather_container">
<div class="{$tempstat}"></div>
{$weather_cond[0]->attributes()->temp} °C</p>
echo $html;
//Make Clickable Text
function php_make_clickable($text) {
$text = preg_replace('#([s|^])(www)#i', '$1http://$2', $text);
$text = preg_replace('#((http|https|ftp|telnet|news|gopher|file|wais)://[^s]+)#i', '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>', $text);
$text = preg_replace('#([0-9a-z]([-_.]?[0-9a-z])*@[0-9a-z]([-.]?[0-9a-z])*\.[a-wyz][a-z](fo|g|l|m|mes|o|op|pa|ro|seum|t|u|v|z)?)#i', '<a href="mailto:\1">\1</a>', $text);
echo $text;
//Get File Extension
function php_getExtension($filename)
$pos=strrpos($filename, ".");
if ($pos === false) {
echo "";
} else {
$ext=substr($filename, $pos+1);
echo $ext;
//Get CURL
function php_rand_pwd($numAlpha = 31, $numNonAlpha = 1){
$listAlpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
$listNonAlpha = ',;:!?.$/*-+&@_+;./*&?$-!,';
echo str_shuffle(
substr(str_shuffle($listAlpha),0,$numAlpha) .
//Google Url Shortener
function php_google_short($longUrl) {
$apiKey = 'AIzaSyC-au_vqcST44BnxRIRCjy1eIcFwrJcSh4';
//Get API key from : http://code.google.com/apis/console/
$postData = array('longUrl' => $longUrl, 'key' => $apiKey);
$jsonData = json_encode($postData);
$curlObj = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://www.googleapis.com/urlshortener/v1/url');
curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-type:application/json'));
curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $jsonData);
$response = curl_exec($curlObj);
//convert reponse to a json object
$json = json_decode($response);
//echo result
echo $json->error->message;
echo $json->id;
//Google QR Code
function php_qr_code($size,$url ) {
$dsize = $size .'x'.$size; // doubleSize
$qr = '<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=' . $dsize . '&chld=L|0&chl=' . $url . '" width="' .$size .'" height="'.$size .'" alt="QR code" title="QR Code for your mobile device"/>';
echo $qr;
//Facebook Like Box
function php_fb_likebox($pagelink, $width="700",$height="220",$show_faces="true",$header="true",$show_border="true",$stream="false") {
$html = <<<HTML
<iframe src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href={$pagelink}&
echo $html;
//Check Whois Domain
function php_whois_domain($domain) {
// fix the domain name:
$domain = strtolower(trim($domain));
$domain = preg_replace('/^http:///i', '', $domain);
$domain = preg_replace('/^www./i', '', $domain);
$domain = explode('/', $domain);
$domain = trim($domain[0]);
// split the TLD from domain name
$_domain = explode('.', $domain);
$lst = count($_domain)-1;
$ext = $_domain[$lst];
// You find resources and lists
// like these on wikipedia:
// http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whois
$servers = array(
"biz" => "whois.neulevel.biz",
"com" => "whois.internic.net",
"us" => "whois.nic.us",
"coop" => "whois.nic.coop",
"info" => "whois.nic.info",
"name" => "whois.nic.name",
"net" => "whois.internic.net",
"gov" => "whois.nic.gov",
"edu" => "whois.internic.net",
"mil" => "rs.internic.net",
"int" => "whois.iana.org",
"ac" => "whois.nic.ac",
"ae" => "whois.uaenic.ae",
"at" => "whois.ripe.net",
"au" => "whois.aunic.net",
"be" => "whois.dns.be",
"bg" => "whois.ripe.net",
"br" => "whois.registro.br",
"bz" => "whois.belizenic.bz",
"ca" => "whois.cira.ca",
"cc" => "whois.nic.cc",
"ch" => "whois.nic.ch",
"cl" => "whois.nic.cl",
"cn" => "whois.cnnic.net.cn",
"cz" => "whois.nic.cz",
"de" => "whois.nic.de",
"fr" => "whois.nic.fr",
"hu" => "whois.nic.hu",
"ie" => "whois.domainregistry.ie",
"il" => "whois.isoc.org.il",
"in" => "whois.ncst.ernet.in",
"ir" => "whois.nic.ir",
"mc" => "whois.ripe.net",
"to" => "whois.tonic.to",
"tv" => "whois.tv",
"ru" => "whois.ripn.net",
"org" => "whois.pir.org",
"aero" => "whois.information.aero",
"nl" => "whois.domain-registry.nl"
if (!isset($servers[$ext])){
die('Error: No matching nic server found!');
$nic_server = $servers[$ext];
$output = '';
// connect to whois server:
if ($conn = fsockopen ($nic_server, 43)) {
fputs($conn, $domain."rn");
while(!feof($conn)) {
$output .= fgets($conn,128);
else { die('Error: Could not connect to ' . $nic_server . '!'); }
echo $output;
//Make php tag cloud easyl
function php_make_tag_cloud( $data = array(), $linkurl="#", $bgcolor="blue" ){
$cloudTags = array();
foreach( $data as $tag => $count )
$cloudTags[] = '<a rel="tag" class="ap_tag_'.$bgcolor.'" href="'.$linkurl.$tag.'"> <div class="ap_tag_span">' . $count . '</div>'
. htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $tag ) ) . '</a>';
echo join( "n", $cloudTags ) . "n";
//List Dir
function list_files($dir)
if($handle = opendir($dir))
while(($file = readdir($handle)) !== false)
if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "Thumbs.db")
echo '<a target="_blank" href="'.$dir.$file.'">'.$file.'</a><br>'."n";
//Make Login with AUTH
function php_require_auth($sUsr, $sPwd) {
$sAuthUsr = !empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) ? $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] : '';
$sAuthPwd = !empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) ? $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] : '';
if(!($sAuthUsr == $sUsr && $sAuthPwd == $sPwd))
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="HTTP Basic Authentication"');
header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
echo tr('You must enter a valid login ID and password to access this resource.') . "n";
return true;
function tr() {
$sToken = func_get_arg(0);
for($i = 1; $i < func_num_args(); $i++)
$sToken = str_replace('%'. ($i-1) . '%', func_get_arg($i), $sToken);
return gettext($sToken);
//Embed Youtube or Vimeo videos...
function php_video_embed($url="", $width=500, $autoplay=FALSE, $loop=FALSE){
if(empty($url)) echo "Video url is missing";
// Size
$ratio = 0.5625;
$height = $width * $ratio;
// Random ID
$iframe_id = 'video'.generateRandStr();
if(strpos($url, 'youtube') !== FALSE){
$parsed_url = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($parsed_url, $parsed_string);
$video_id = $parsed_string['v'];
$embed_html = '<iframe id="'.$iframe_id.'" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/*|VIDEOID|*?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
echo str_replace('*|VIDEOID|*', $video_id, $embed_html);
} else if(strpos($url, 'vimeo') !== FALSE){
$parsed_url = parse_url($url);
$video_id = str_replace('/', '', $parsed_url['path']);
$embed_html = '<iframe id="'.$iframe_id.'" src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/*|VIDEOID|*?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff'.($autoplay?'&autoplay=1':'').($loop?'&loop=1':'').'&api=1&player_id='.$iframe_id.'" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>';
echo str_replace('*|VIDEOID|*', $video_id, $embed_html);
// Not supported
return 'Video url not supported.';
//Current Url
function current_url() {
// URL association for SSL and protocol compatibility
$sHttp = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on')) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
// Determines the domain name with the port
return $sHttp . $sDomain . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
//Time codes
function php_human_time_ago( $from, $to = '', $as_text = FALSE, $suffix = ' ago' )
if ( $to == '' ) {
$to = time();
$from = new DateTime( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $from ) );
$to = new DateTime( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $to ) );
$diff = $from->diff( $to );
if ( $diff->y > 1 ) {
$text = $diff->y . ' years';
} else if ( $diff->y == 1 ) {
$text = '1 year';
} else if ( $diff->m > 1 ) {
$text = $diff->m . ' months';
} else if ( $diff->m == 1 ) {
$text = '1 month';
} else if ( $diff->d > 7 ) {
$text = ceil( $diff->d / 7 ) . ' weeks';
} else if ( $diff->d == 7 ) {
$text = '1 week';
} else if ( $diff->d > 1 ) {
$text = $diff->d . ' days';
} else if ( $diff->d == 1 ) {
$text = '1 day';
} else if ( $diff->h > 1 ) {
$text = $diff->h . ' hours';
} else if ( $diff->h == 1 ) {
$text = ' 1 hour';
} else if ( $diff->i > 1 ) {
$text = $diff->i . ' minutes';
} else if ( $diff->i == 1 ) {
$text = '1 minute';
} else if ( $diff->s > 1 ) {
$text = $diff->s . ' seconds';
} else {
$text = '1 second';
if ( $as_text ) {
$text = explode( ' ', $text, 2 );
$text = self::number_to_word( $text[0] ) . ' ' . $text[1];
echo '<span class="ap_clock"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> '.trim( $text ) . $suffix. '</span>';
function get_gravatar( $email, $size = 32 ) {
$url = 'http://www.gravatar.com/';
$url .= 'avatar/' . md5( $email ) . '?s=' . (int) abs( $size );
echo '<img src="'.$url.'" class="ap_imgborder" />';
# redirect the user to a different location
function php_redirect($uri = '') {
$url = base_url($uri);
try {
if (!headers_sent()) {
// Headers aren't sent, server-side redirecting !
header('Location: ' . $url);
} else {
throw new Exception();
} catch (Exception $ex) {
// Headers already sent!! Javascript?
echo '<script type="text/javascript">'
. 'window.location.href="' . $url . '";'
. '</script>'
// Javascript disabled, try metatags.
. '<noscript>'
. '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=' . $url . '" />'
. '</noscript>';
// Is the file name an image
function isImage($image) {
$image = strtolower($image);
$extension = pathinfo($image, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$allowed = array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg');
if(!in_array($extension, $allowed))
return false;
return true;
// Remove <script> and html comments
function cleanScript($input) {
$search = array(
'@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si', // Strip out javascript
'@<![sS]*?--[ tnr]*>@' // Strip multi-line comments
// Remove JS events
$output = preg_replace($search, '', $input);
$output = str_replace(array('onabort', 'onactivate', 'onafterprint', 'onafterupdate', 'onbeforeactivate', 'onbeforecopy', 'onbeforecut', 'onbeforedeactivate', 'onbeforeeditfocus', 'onbeforepaste', 'onbeforeprint', 'onbeforeunload', 'onbeforeupdate', 'onblur', 'onbounce', 'oncellchange', 'onchange', 'onclick', 'oncontextmenu', 'oncontrolselect', 'oncopy', 'oncut', 'ondataavaible', 'ondatasetchanged', 'ondatasetcomplete', 'ondblclick', 'ondeactivate', 'ondrag', 'ondragdrop', 'ondragend', 'ondragenter', 'ondragleave', 'ondragover', 'ondragstart', 'ondrop', 'onerror', 'onerrorupdate', 'onfilterupdate', 'onfinish', 'onfocus', 'onfocusin', 'onfocusout', 'onhelp', 'onkeydown', 'onkeypress', 'onkeyup', 'onlayoutcomplete', 'onload', 'onlosecapture', 'onmousedown', 'onmouseenter', 'onmouseleave', 'onmousemove', 'onmoveout', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseup', 'onmousewheel', 'onmove', 'onmoveend', 'onmovestart', 'onpaste', 'onpropertychange', 'onreadystatechange', 'onreset', 'onresize', 'onresizeend', 'onresizestart', 'onrowexit', 'onrowsdelete', 'onrowsinserted', 'onscroll', 'onselect', 'onselectionchange', 'onselectstart', 'onstart', 'onstop', 'onsubmit', 'onunload'), "", $output);
echo $output;
// Generate a random string. Arguments:
function generateRandStr($length=10){
$randstr = "";
for($i=0; strlen($randstr)<$length; $i++){
$randnum = mt_rand(0,61);
$randstr .= chr($randnum+61);
return $randstr;
//Word Cutter
function php_truncate_end($text, $length = 1024, $ending = '...', $exact = false, $considerHtml = true) {
$open_tags = [];
if ($considerHtml) {
// if the plain text is shorter than the maximum length, return the whole text
if (strlen(preg_replace('/<.*?>/', '', $text)) <= $length) {
return $text;
// splits all html-tags to scanable lines
preg_match_all('/(<.+?>)?([^<>]*)/s', $text, $lines, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$total_length = mb_strlen($ending);
$truncate = '';
foreach ($lines as $line_matchings) {
// if there is any html-tag in this line, handle it and add it (uncounted) to the output
if (!empty($line_matchings[1])) {
// if it's an "empty element" with or without xhtml-conform closing slash (f.e. <br/>)
if (preg_match('/^<(s*.+?/s*|s*(img|br|input|hr|area|base|col|frame|link|meta|param)(s.+?)?)>$/is', $line_matchings[1])) {
// do nothing
// if tag is a closing tag (f.e. </b>)
} else if (preg_match('/^<s*/([^s]+?)s*>$/s', $line_matchings[1], $tag_matchings)) {
// delete tag from $open_tags list
$pos = array_search($tag_matchings[1], $open_tags);
if ($pos !== false) {
// if tag is an opening tag (f.e. <b>)
} else if (preg_match('/^<s*([^s>!]+).*?>$/s', $line_matchings[1], $tag_matchings)) {
// add tag to the beginning of $open_tags list
array_unshift($open_tags, mb_strtolower($tag_matchings[1]));
// add html-tag to $truncate'd text
$truncate .= $line_matchings[1];
// calculate the length of the plain text part of the line; handle entities as one character
$content_length = mb_strlen(preg_replace('/&[0-9a-z]{2,8};|&#[0-9]{1,7};|&#x[0-9a-f]{1,6};/i', ' ', $line_matchings[2]));
if ($total_length + $content_length > $length) {
// the number of characters which are left
$left = $length - $total_length;
$entities_length = 0;
// search for html entities
if (preg_match_all('/&[0-9a-z]{2,8};|&#[0-9]{1,7};|&#x[0-9a-f]{1,6};/i', $line_matchings[2], $entities, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
// calculate the real length of all entities in the legal range
foreach ($entities[0] as $entity) {
if ($entity[1] + 1 - $entities_length <= $left) {
$entities_length += mb_strlen($entity[0]);
} else {
// no more characters left
$truncate .= mb_substr($line_matchings[2], 0, $left + $entities_length);
// maximum length is reached, so get off the loop
} else {
$truncate .= $line_matchings[2];
$total_length += $content_length;
// if the maximum length is reached, get off the loop
if($total_length >= $length) {
} else {
if (mb_strlen($text) <= $length) {
return $text;
} else {
$truncate = mb_substr($text, 0, $length - mb_strlen($ending));
// if the words shouldn't be cut in the middle...
if (!$exact) {
// ...search the last occurrence of a space...
$spacepos = mb_strrpos($truncate, ' ');
if (isset($spacepos)) {
// ...and cut the text in this position
$truncate = mb_substr($truncate, 0, $spacepos);
// add the defined ending to the text
$truncate .= $ending;
if($considerHtml) {
// close all unclosed html-tags
foreach ($open_tags as $tag) {
$truncate .= "</$tag>";
return $truncate;
function php_contact($title=NULL, $yourmail, $yourname, $mailhost, $login, $password) {
$title = $title ? $title : "Contact Form";
if(isset($_POST['sendmessage'])) {
$name = $_POST['name'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$comments = $_POST['comments'];
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->Subject = "New Mail";
$mail->Body = $comments;
$mail->Host = $mailhost;
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->Username = $login;
$mail->Password = $password;
$mail->From = $email;
$mail->FromName = $name;
$sent = $mail->Send();
if ($sent) {
$done = '<div class="mailsuccess">Message Sent...</div>';
} else { $done = '<div class="mailerror">ERROR...</div>'; }
} else { $done = ""; }
$html = <<<PHP
<div id="contact">
<form method="post" action="" id="contactform" autocomplete="on">
<label for="name" accesskey="U">Your Name</label>
<input name="name" type="text" id="name" placeholder="Enter your name" required="required">
<label for="email" accesskey="E">Email</label>
<input name="email" type="email" id="email" placeholder="Enter your Email Address" pattern="^[A-Za-z0-9](([_.-]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*)@([A-Za-z0-9]+)(([.-]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*).([A-Za-z]{2,})$" required="required">
<label for="phone" accesskey="P">Phone <small>(optional)</small></label>
<input name="phone" type="tel" id="phone" size="30" placeholder="Enter your phone number">
<label for="comments" accesskey="C">Comments</label>
<textarea name="comments" cols="40" rows="3" id="comments" placeholder="Enter your comments" spellcheck="true" required="required"></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="sendmessage" class="submit" id="submit" value="Send">
echo $html;
//Mysql Insert query shortcut
function php_insert_record($table_name , $data){
foreach($data as $key => $value)
$data[$key] = $db->mres($value);
$fields = implode(',' , array_keys($data));
$values = "'" . implode("','" , array_values($data)) . "'";
//Final query
$query = "INSERT INTO {$table}($fields) VALUES($values)";
return $db->query($query);
//Mysql Connect
function php_connect_db($host,$user,$pass,$db) {
$mysqli = new mysqli($host, $user, $pass, $db);
die('Connect Error (' . mysqli_connect_errno() . ') '. mysqli_connect_error());
return $mysqli;
function php_view_source($url)
$url = file($url);
$code = '';
foreach ($url as $number => $line)
$code .= '#<strong>' . $number . '</strong> : ' . htmlspecialchars($line) . '<br />';
echo $code;
function ap_php_mkthumb($filename, $max) {
$thumb_width = $max;
$thumb_height = $thumb_width;
// check extension
if(preg_match('/.gif$/i', $filename)) {
$srcimage = imagecreatefromgif($filename);
} elseif (preg_match('/.png$/i', $filename)) {
$srcimage = imagecreatefrompng($filename);
} else {
// assume jpg by default
$srcimage = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
// determine file dimensions
$width = imagesx($srcimage);
$height = imagesy($srcimage);
// check file dimensions
if(($height > $thumb_height) || ($width > $thumb_width)) {
// determine ratio for thumb dimensions
if($width > $height) {
$ratio = $thumb_width / $width;
} else {
$ratio = $thumb_height / $height;
// set thumb dimensions
$new_width = round($width * $ratio);
$new_height = round($height * $ratio);
$dest_image = ImageCreateTrueColor($new_width, $new_height);
imagecopyresampled($dest_image, $srcimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);
} else {
// image is already the correct size
$dest_image = $srcimage;
imagejpeg($dest_image, $filename);
function cleanTR($s) {
$tr = array('ş','Ş','ı','İ','ğ','Ğ','ü','Ü','ö','Ö','Ç','ç','ş','Ş','ı','İ','ğ','Ğ','ü','Ü','ö','Ö','Ç','ç');
$eng = array('s','s','i','i','g','g','u','u','o','o','c','c','s','s','i','i','g','g','u','u','o','o','c','c');
$s = str_replace($tr,$eng,$s);
$s = strtolower($s);
$s = preg_replace('/&.+?;/', '', $s);
$s = preg_replace('/[^%a-z0-9 _-]/', '', $s);
$s = preg_replace('/s+/', '-', $s);
$s = preg_replace('|-+|', '-', $s);
$s = trim($s, '-');
return $s;