Файл: oc-includes/osclass/model/Item.php
Строк: 964
<?php if ( !defined('ABS_PATH') ) exit('ABS_PATH is not loaded. Direct access is not allowed.');
* Copyright 2014 Osclass
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Model database for Item table
* @package Osclass
* @subpackage Model
* @since unknown
class Item extends DAO
* It references to self object: Item.
* It is used as a singleton
* @access private
* @since unknown
* @var Item
private static $instance;
* It creates a new Item object class ir if it has been created
* before, it return the previous object
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @return Item
public static function newInstance()
if( !self::$instance instanceof self ) {
self::$instance = new self;
return self::$instance;
* Set data related to t_item table
function __construct()
$array_fields = array(
* List items ordered by views
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $limit
* @return array of items
public function mostViewed($limit = 10)
$this->dao->from($this->getTableName().' i, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_location l, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_stats s');
$this->dao->where('l.fk_i_item_id = i.pk_i_id AND s.fk_i_item_id = i.pk_i_id');
$this->dao->orderBy('i_num_views', 'DESC');
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return array();
$items = $result->result();
return $this->extendData($items);
* Get the result match of the primary key passed by parameter, extended with
* location information and number of views.
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $id Item id
* @return array
public function findByPrimaryKey($id)
if( !is_numeric($id) || $id == null ) {
return array();
$this->dao->select('l.*, i.*, SUM(s.i_num_views) AS i_num_views');
$this->dao->from($this->getTableName().' i');
$this->dao->join(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_location l', 'l.fk_i_item_id = i.pk_i_id ', 'LEFT');
$this->dao->join(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_stats s', 'i.pk_i_id = s.fk_i_item_id', 'LEFT');
$this->dao->where('i.pk_i_id', $id);
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result === false) {
return false;
if( $result->numRows() == 0 ) {
return array();
$item = $result->row();
if(!is_null($item) ) {
return $this->extendDataSingle($item);
} else {
return array();
* List Items with category name
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @return array of items
public function listAllWithCategories()
$this->dao->select('i.*, cd.s_name AS s_category_name ');
$this->dao->from($this->getTableName().' i, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_category c, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_category_description cd');
$this->dao->where('c.pk_i_id = i.fk_i_category_id AND cd.fk_i_category_id = i.fk_i_category_id');
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return array();
return $result->result();
* Comodin function to serve multiple queries
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @return array of items
public function listWhere()
$argv = func_get_args();
$sql = null;
switch (func_num_args ()) {
case 0: return array();
case 1: $sql = $argv[0];
$args = func_get_args();
$format = array_shift($args);
foreach($args as $k => $v) {
$args[$k] = $this->dao->escape($v);
$sql = vsprintf($format, $args);
$this->dao->select('l.*, i.*');
$this->dao->from($this->getTableName().' i, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_location l');
$this->dao->where('l.fk_i_item_id = i.pk_i_id');
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return array();
$items = $result->result();
return $this->extendData($items);
* Find item resources belong to an item given its id
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $id Item id
* @return array of resources
public function findResourcesByID($id)
return ItemResource::newInstance()->getResources($id);
* Find the item location given a item id
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $id Item id
* @return array of location
public function findLocationByID($id)
$this->dao->where('fk_i_item_id', $id);
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return array();
return $result->row();
* Find items belong to a category given its id
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $catId
* @return array of items
public function findByCategoryID($catId)
return $this->listWhere('fk_i_category_id = %d', (int)($catId));
* Find items belong to an email
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param type $email
* @return type
public function findByEmail($email)
return $this->listWhere("s_contact_email = %s", $email);
* Count all items, or all items belong to a category id, can be filtered
* by $active ['ACTIVE'|'INACTIVE'|'SPAM']
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $categoryId
* @param mixed $options could be a string with | separator or an array with the options
* @return int total items
public function totalItems($categoryId = null, $options = null)
$this->dao->select('count(*) as total');
$this->dao->from($this->getTableName().' i');
if(!is_null($categoryId)) {
$this->dao->join(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_category c', 'c.pk_i_id = i.fk_i_category_id');
$this->dao->where('i.fk_i_category_id', $categoryId);
if(!is_array($options)) {
$options = explode("|", $options);
foreach($options as $option) {
switch ($option) {
case 'ACTIVE':
$this->dao->where('i.b_active', 1);
case 'INACTIVE':
$this->dao->where('i.b_active', 0);
case 'ENABLE':
$this->dao->where('i.b_enabled', 1);
case 'DISABLED':
$this->dao->where('i.b_enabled', 0);
case 'SPAM':
$this->dao->where('i.b_spam', 1);
case 'EXPIRED':
$this->dao->where( '( i.b_premium = 0 && i.dt_expiration < '' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') .'' )' );
$this->dao->where( '( i.b_premium = 1 || i.dt_expiration >= '' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') .'' )' );
case 'TODAY':
$this->dao->where('DATEDIFF(''.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'', i.dt_pub_date) < 1');
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return 0;
$total_ads = $result->row();
return $total_ads['total'];
public function numItems($category, $enabled = true, $active = true)
$this->dao->select( 'COUNT(*) AS total' );
$this->dao->from( $this->getTableName() );
$this->dao->where( 'fk_i_category_id', (int)$category['pk_i_id'] );
$this->dao->where( 'b_enabled', $enabled );
$this->dao->where( 'b_active', $active );
$this->dao->where( 'b_spam', 0 );
$this->dao->where( '( b_premium = 1 || dt_expiration >= '' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') .'' )' );
$result = $this->dao->get();
if( $result == false ) {
return 0;
if( $result->numRows() == 0 ) {
return 0;
$row = $result->row();
return $row['total'];
public function listLatest($limit = 10)
return $this->listWhere(" b_active = 1 AND b_enabled = 1 ORDER BY dt_pub_date DESC LIMIT %d", (int)$limit);
* Insert title and description for a given locale and item id.
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param string $id Item id
* @param string $locale
* @param string $title
* @param string $description
* @return boolean
public function insertLocale($id, $locale, $title, $description)
$array_set = array(
'fk_i_item_id' => $id,
'fk_c_locale_code' => $locale,
's_title' => $title,
's_description' => $description
return $this->dao->insert(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_description', $array_set);
* Find items belong to an user given its id
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $userId User id
* @param int $start begining
* @param int $end ending
* @return array of items
public function findByUserID($userId, $start = 0, $end = null)
$this->dao->select('l.*, i.*');
$this->dao->from($this->getTableName().' i, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_location l');
$this->dao->where('l.fk_i_item_id = i.pk_i_id');
$array_where = array(
'i.fk_i_user_id' => $userId
$this->dao->orderBy('i.pk_i_id', 'DESC');
if($end!=null) {
$this->dao->limit($start, $end);
} else {
if ($start > 0 ) {
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return array();
$items = $result->result();
return $this->extendData($items);
* Count items belong to an user given its id
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $userId User id
* @return int number of items
public function countByUserID($userId)
return $this->countItemTypesByUserID($userId, 'all');
* Find enabled items belong to an user given its id
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $userId User id
* @param int $start beginning from $start
* @param int $end ending
* @return array of items
public function findByUserIDEnabled($userId, $start = 0, $end = null)
$this->dao->select('l.*, i.*');
$this->dao->from($this->getTableName().' i, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_location l');
$this->dao->where('l.fk_i_item_id = i.pk_i_id');
$array_where = array(
'i.b_enabled' => 1,
'i.fk_i_user_id' => $userId
$this->dao->orderBy('i.pk_i_id', 'DESC');
if($end!=null) {
$this->dao->limit($start, $end);
} else if ($start > 0 ) {
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return array();
$items = $result->result();
return $this->extendData($items);
* Find enabled items which are going to expired
* @access public
* @since 3.2
* @param int $hours
* @return array of items
public function findByHourExpiration($hours = 24)
$this->dao->select('l.*, i.*');
$this->dao->where( "i.b_enabled = 1 " );
$this->dao->where( "i.b_active = 1 " );
$this->dao->where( "i.b_spam = 0" );
$this->dao->from($this->getTableName().' i, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_location l');
$this->dao->where('l.fk_i_item_id = i.pk_i_id');
$this->dao->where('TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, NOW(), i.dt_expiration) = '.$hours);
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return array();
$items = $result->result();
return $this->extendData($items);
* Find enabled items which are going to expired
* @access public
* @since 3.2
* @param int $days
* @return array of items
public function findByDayExpiration($days = 1)
$this->dao->select('l.*, i.*');
$this->dao->where( "i.b_enabled = 1 " );
$this->dao->where( "i.b_active = 1 " );
$this->dao->where( "i.b_spam = 0" );
$this->dao->from($this->getTableName().' i, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_location l');
$this->dao->where('l.fk_i_item_id = i.pk_i_id');
$this->dao->where('TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, NOW(), i.dt_expiration) = '.$days);
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return array();
$items = $result->result();
return $this->extendData($items);
* Count enabled items belong to an user given its id
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $userId User id
* @return int number of items
public function countByUserIDEnabled($userId)
return $this->countItemTypesByUserID($userId, 'enabled');
* Find enable items according the type
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $userId User id
* @param int $start beginning from $start
* @param int $end ending
* @param string $itemType type item(active, expired, pending validate, premium, all, enabled, blocked)
* @return array of items
public function findItemTypesByUserID($userId, $start = 0, $end = null, $itemType = false)
$this->dao->where("fk_i_user_id = $userId");
if($itemType=='blocked') {
$this->dao->where('b_enabled', 0);
} elseif($itemType != 'all') {
$this->dao->where('b_enabled', 1);
if($itemType == 'active') {
$this->dao->where('b_active', 1);
$this->dao->where('dt_expiration > '' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ''');
} elseif($itemType == 'nospam') {
$this->dao->where('b_spam', 0);
$this->dao->where('b_active', 1);
$this->dao->where('dt_expiration > '' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ''');
} elseif($itemType == 'expired'){
$this->dao->where('dt_expiration < '' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ''');
} elseif($itemType == 'pending_validate'){
$this->dao->where('b_active', 0);
} elseif($itemType == 'premium'){
$this->dao->where('b_premium', 1);
$this->dao->orderBy('dt_pub_date', 'DESC');
if($end!=null) {
$this->dao->limit($start, $end);
} else if ($start > 0 ) {
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return array();
$items = $result->result();
return $this->extendData($items);
* Count items by User Id according the type
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $userId User id
* @param string $itemType (active, expired, pending validate, premium, all, enabled, blocked)
* @return int number of items
public function countItemTypesByUserID($userId, $itemType = false, $cond = '')
$this->dao->select('count(pk_i_id) as total');
$this->dao->where("fk_i_user_id = $userId");
//$this->dao->orderBy('pk_i_id', 'DESC');
if($itemType=='blocked') {
$this->dao->where('b_enabled', 0);
} elseif($itemType != 'all') {
$this->dao->where('b_enabled', 1);
if($itemType == 'active') {
$this->dao->where('b_active', 1);
$this->dao->where("dt_expiration > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'");
} elseif($itemType == 'nospam') {
$this->dao->where('b_spam', 0);
$this->dao->where('b_active', 1);
$this->dao->where("dt_expiration > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'");
} elseif($itemType == 'expired'){
$this->dao->where("dt_expiration <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'");
} elseif($itemType == 'pending_validate'){
$this->dao->where('b_active', 0);
} elseif($itemType == 'premium'){
$this->dao->where('b_premium', 1);
if ($cond != '') {
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return 0;
$items = $result->row();
return $items['total'];
* Count items by Email according the type
* Usefull for counting item that posted by unregistered user
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $email Email
* @param string $itemType (active, expired, pending validate, premium, all, enabled, blocked)
* @return int number of items
public function countItemTypesByEmail($email, $itemType = false, $cond = '')
$this->dao->select('count(pk_i_id) as total');
$this->dao->where("s_contact_email = '" . $email . "'");
if($itemType=='blocked') {
$this->dao->where('b_enabled', 0);
} elseif($itemType != 'all') {
$this->dao->where('b_enabled', 1);
if($itemType == 'active') {
$this->dao->where('b_active', 1);
$this->dao->where("dt_expiration > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'");
} elseif($itemType == 'nospam') {
$this->dao->where('b_spam', 0);
$this->dao->where('b_active', 1);
$this->dao->where("dt_expiration > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'");
} elseif($itemType == 'expired'){
$this->dao->where("dt_expiration <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'");
} elseif($itemType == 'pending_validate'){
$this->dao->where('b_active', 0);
} elseif($itemType == 'premium'){
$this->dao->where('b_premium', 1);
if ($cond != '') {
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return 0;
$items = $result->row();
return $items['total'];
* Clear item stat given item id and stat to clear
* $stat array('spam', 'duplicated', 'bad', 'offensive', 'expired', 'all')
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $id
* @param string $stat
* @return mixed int if updated correctly or false when error occurs
public function clearStat($id, $stat)
switch($stat) {
case 'spam':
$array_set = array('i_num_spam' => 0);
case 'duplicated':
$array_set = array('i_num_repeated' => 0);
case 'bad':
$array_set = array('i_num_bad_classified' => 0);
case 'offensive':
$array_set = array('i_num_offensive' => 0);
case 'expired':
$array_set = array('i_num_expired' => 0);
case 'all':
$array_set = array(
'i_num_spam' => 0,
'i_num_repeated' => 0,
'i_num_bad_classified' => 0,
'i_num_offensive' => 0,
'i_num_expired' => 0
$array_conditions = array('fk_i_item_id' => $id);
return $this->dao->update(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_stats', $array_set, $array_conditions);
* Update title and description given a item id and locale.
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $id
* @param string $locale
* @param string $title
* @param string $text
* @return bool
public function updateLocaleForce($id, $locale, $title, $text)
$array_replace = array(
's_title' => $title,
's_description' => $text,
'fk_c_locale_code' => $locale,
'fk_i_item_id' => $id
return $this->dao->replace(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_description', $array_replace);
* Update dt_expiration field, using $expiration_time
* @param mixed $expiration_time could be interget (number of days) or directly a date
* @return string new date expiration, false if error occurs
public function updateExpirationDate($id, $expiration_time, $do_stats = true)
if($expiration_time=='') {
return false;
$this->dao->where('pk_i_id', $id);
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result!==false) {
$item = $result->row();
$expired_old = osc_isExpired($item['dt_expiration']);
if(preg_match('|^([0-9]+)$|', $expiration_time, $match)) {
if($expiration_time > 0) {
$sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET dt_expiration = ", $this->getTableName());
$sql .= sprintf(' date_add(%s.dt_pub_date, INTERVAL %d DAY) ', $this->getTableName(), $expiration_time);
$sql .= sprintf(' WHERE pk_i_id = %d', $id);
} else {
$sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET dt_expiration = '9999-12-31 23:59:59' WHERE pk_i_id = %d", $this->getTableName(), $id);
} else {
$sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET dt_expiration = '%s' WHERE pk_i_id = %d", $this->getTableName(), $expiration_time, $id);
$result = $this->dao->query($sql);
if($result && $result>0) {
$this->dao->select('i.dt_expiration, i.fk_i_user_id, i.fk_i_category_id, l.fk_c_country_code, l.fk_i_region_id, l.fk_i_city_id');
$this->dao->from($this->getTableName()." i, ".DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_location l');
$this->dao->where('i.pk_i_id = l.fk_i_item_id' );
$this->dao->where('i.pk_i_id', $id );
$result = $this->dao->get();
$_item = $result->row();
if(!$do_stats) {
return $_item['dt_expiration'];
$expired = osc_isExpired($_item['dt_expiration']);
if($expired!=$expired_old) {
if($expired) {
if($_item['fk_i_user_id']!=null) {
} else {
if($_item['fk_i_user_id']!=null) {
return $_item['dt_expiration'];
return false;
public function enableByCategory($enable, $aIds)
$sql = sprintf('UPDATE %st_item SET b_enabled = %d WHERE ', DB_TABLE_PREFIX, $enable );
$sql .= sprintf('%st_item.fk_i_category_id IN (%s)', DB_TABLE_PREFIX, implode(',', $aIds) );
return $this->dao->query($sql);
* Return the number of items marked as $type
* @param string $type spam, repeated, bad_classified, offensive, expired
* @return int
public function countByMarkas( $type )
$this->dao->select('count(*) as total');
$this->dao->from($this->getTableName().' i');
$this->dao->from(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_stats s');
$this->dao->where( 'i.pk_i_id = s.fk_i_item_id' );
// i_num_spam, i_num_repeated, i_num_bad_classified, i_num_offensive, i_num_expired
if (!is_null($type)) {
switch ($type) {
case 'spam':
$this->dao->where('s.i_num_spam > 0 AND i.b_spam = 0');
case 'repeated':
$this->dao->where('s.i_num_repeated > 0');
case 'bad_classified':
$this->dao->where('s.i_num_bad_classified > 0');
case 'offensive':
$this->dao->where('s.i_num_offensive > 0');
case 'expired':
$this->dao->where('s.i_num_expired > 0');
} else {
return 0;
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return 0;
$total_ads = $result->row();
return $total_ads['total'];
* Return meta fields for a given item
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $id Item id
* @return array meta fields array
public function metaFields($id)
$this->dao->select('im.s_value as s_value,mf.pk_i_id as pk_i_id, mf.s_name as s_name, mf.e_type as e_type, im.s_multi as s_multi, mf.s_slug as s_slug ');
$this->dao->from($this->getTableName().' i, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_meta im, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_meta_categories mc, '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_meta_fields mf');
$this->dao->where('mf.pk_i_id = im.fk_i_field_id');
$this->dao->where('mf.pk_i_id = mc.fk_i_field_id');
$this->dao->where('mc.fk_i_category_id = i.fk_i_category_id');
$array_where = array(
'im.fk_i_item_id' => $id,
'i.pk_i_id' => $id
$result = $this->dao->get();
if($result == false) {
return array();
$aTemp = $result->result();
$array = array();
// prepare data - date interval - from <-> to
foreach($aTemp as $value) {
if($value['e_type'] == 'DATEINTERVAL') {
$aValue = array();
if( isset($array[$value['pk_i_id']]) ) {
$aValue = $array[$value['pk_i_id']]['s_value'];
$aValue[$value['s_multi']] = $value['s_value'];
$value['s_value'] = $aValue;
$array[$value['pk_i_id']] = $value;
} else {
$array[$value['pk_i_id']] = $value;
return $array;
* Delete by primary key, delete dependencies too
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $id Item id
* @return bool
public function deleteByPrimaryKey($id)
$item = $this->findByPrimaryKey($id);
if ( is_null($item) ) {
return false;
if( $item['b_active'] == 1 && $item['b_enabled']==1 && $item['b_spam']==0 && !osc_isExpired($item['dt_expiration'])) {
if($item['fk_i_user_id']!=null) {
$this->dao->delete(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_description', "fk_i_item_id = $id");
$this->dao->delete(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_comment' , "fk_i_item_id = $id");
$this->dao->delete(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_resource', "fk_i_item_id = $id");
$this->dao->delete(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_location', "fk_i_item_id = $id");
$this->dao->delete(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_stats' , "fk_i_item_id = $id");
$this->dao->delete(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_meta' , "fk_i_item_id = $id");
osc_run_hook('delete_item', $id);
$res = parent::deleteByPrimaryKey($id);
return $res;
* Delete resources by primary key
* @access public
* @since 3.1.1
* @param int $id item id
* @return bool
public function deleteResourcesFromHD( $id )
$resources = ItemResource::newInstance()->getAllResourcesFromItem($id);
Log::newInstance()->insertLog('Item', 'deleteResourcesFromHD', $id, $id, OC_ADMIN?'admin':'user', OC_ADMIN?osc_logged_admin_id():osc_logged_user_id());
$log_ids = '';
foreach($resources as $resource) {
osc_deleteResource($resource['pk_i_id'], OC_ADMIN);
$log_ids .= $resource['pk_i_id'].",";
Log::newInstance()->insertLog('Item', 'deleteResourcesFromHD', $id, substr($log_ids,0, 250), OC_ADMIN?'admin':'user', OC_ADMIN?osc_logged_admin_id():osc_logged_user_id());
* Delete by city area
* @access public
* @since 3.1
* @param int $cityAreaId city area id
* @return bool
public function deleteByCityArea($cityAreaId)
$this->dao->where('fk_i_city__area_id', $cityAreaId);
$result = $this->dao->get();
$items = $result->result();
$arows = 0;
foreach($items as $i) {
$arows += $this->deleteByPrimaryKey($i['fk_i_item_id']);
return $arows;
* Delete by city
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $cityId city id
* @return bool
public function deleteByCity($cityId)
$this->dao->where('fk_i_city_id', $cityId);
$result = $this->dao->get();
$items = $result->result();
$arows = 0;
foreach($items as $i) {
$arows += $this->deleteByPrimaryKey($i['fk_i_item_id']);
return $arows;
* Delete by region
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $regionId region id
* @return bool
public function deleteByRegion($regionId)
$this->dao->where('fk_i_region_id', $regionId);
$result = $this->dao->get();
$items = $result->result();
$arows = 0;
foreach($items as $i) {
$arows += $this->deleteByPrimaryKey($i['fk_i_item_id']);
return $arows;
* Delete by country
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param int $countryId country id
* @return bool
public function deleteByCountry($countryId)
$this->dao->where('fk_c_country_code', $countryId);
$result = $this->dao->get();
$items = $result->result();
$arows = 0;
foreach($items as $i) {
$arows += $this->deleteByPrimaryKey($i['fk_i_item_id']);
return $arows;
* Extends the given array $item with description in available locales
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param array $item
* @return array item array with description in available locales
public function extendDataSingle($item)
$prefLocale = osc_current_user_locale();
$this->dao->where('fk_i_item_id', $item['pk_i_id']);
$result = $this->dao->get();
$descriptions = $result->result();
$item['locale'] = array();
foreach ($descriptions as $desc) {
if ($desc['s_title'] != "" || $desc['s_description'] != "") {
$item['locale'][$desc['fk_c_locale_code']] = $desc;
$is_itemLanguageAvailable = (!empty($item['locale'][$prefLocale]['s_title'])
&& !empty($item['locale'][$prefLocale]['s_description']));
if (isset($item['locale'][$prefLocale]) && $is_itemLanguageAvailable) {
$item['s_title'] = $item['locale'][$prefLocale]['s_title'];
$item['s_description'] = $item['locale'][$prefLocale]['s_description'];
} else {
$aCategory = Category::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($item['fk_i_category_id']);
$title = sprintf(__('%s in'), $aCategory['s_name']);
if(isset($item['s_city'])) {
$title .= ' ' . $item['s_city'];
} else if(isset($item['s_region'])) {
$title .= ' ' .$item['s_region'];
} else if(isset($item['s_country'])) {
$title .= ' ' . $item['s_country'];
$item['s_title'] = $title;
$item['s_description'] = __('There's no description available in your language');
return $item;
* Extends the given array $items with category name , and description in available locales
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param array $items array with items
* @return array with category name
public function extendCategoryName($items)
if( OC_ADMIN ) {
$prefLocale = osc_current_admin_locale();
} else {
$prefLocale = osc_current_user_locale();
$results = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
$this->dao->select('fk_c_locale_code, s_name as s_category_name');
$this->dao->where('fk_i_category_id', $item['fk_i_category_id']);
$result = $this->dao->get();
$descriptions = $result->result();
foreach ($descriptions as $desc) {
$item['locale'][$desc['fk_c_locale_code']]['s_category_name'] = $desc['s_category_name'];
if (isset($item['locale'][$prefLocale]['s_category_name'])) {
$item['s_category_name'] = $item['locale'][$prefLocale]['s_category_name'];
} else {
$data = current($item['locale']);
if( isset($data['s_category_name']) ) {
$item['s_category_name'] = $data['s_category_name'];
} else {
$item['s_category_name'] = '';
$results[] = $item;
return $results;
* Extends the given array $items with description in available locales
* @access public
* @since unknown
* @param type $items
* @return array with description extended with all available locales
public function extendData($items)
if( OC_ADMIN ) {
$prefLocale = osc_current_admin_locale();
} else {
$prefLocale = osc_current_user_locale();
$results = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
$this->dao->where(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_description.fk_i_item_id', $item['pk_i_id']);
$result = $this->dao->get();
$descriptions = $result->result();
$item['locale'] = array();
foreach ($descriptions as $desc) {
if ($desc['s_title'] != "" || $desc['s_description'] != "") {
$item['locale'][$desc['fk_c_locale_code']] = $desc;
if (isset($item['locale'][$prefLocale])) {
$item['s_title'] = $item['locale'][$prefLocale]['s_title'];
$item['s_description'] = $item['locale'][$prefLocale]['s_description'];
} else {
$data = current($item['locale']);
$item['s_title'] = $data['s_title'];
$item['s_description'] = $data['s_description'];
// populate locations and category_name
$this->dao->select(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_location.*, cd.s_name as s_category_name');
// select sum item_stats
$this->dao->select('SUM(`s`.`i_num_views`) as `i_num_views`' );
$this->dao->select('SUM(`s`.`i_num_spam`) as `i_num_spam`' );
$this->dao->select('SUM(`s`.`i_num_bad_classified`) as `i_num_bad_classified`' );
$this->dao->select('SUM(`s`.`i_num_repeated`) as `i_num_repeated`' );
$this->dao->select('SUM(`s`.`i_num_offensive`) as `i_num_offensive`' );
$this->dao->select('SUM(`s`.`i_num_expired`) as `i_num_expired` ' );
$this->dao->select('SUM(`s`.`i_num_premium_views`) as `i_num_premium_views` ' );
$this->dao->from(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_category_description as cd');
$this->dao->from(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_stats as s');
$this->dao->where(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_location.fk_i_item_id', $item['pk_i_id']);
// $this->dao->where(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item_stats.fk_i_item_id', $item['pk_i_id']);
$this->dao->where('s.fk_i_item_id', $item['pk_i_id']);
$this->dao->where('cd.fk_i_category_id', $item['fk_i_category_id']);
// group by item_id
$result = $this->dao->get();
$extraFields = $result->row();
foreach($extraFields as $key => $value) {
$item[$key] = $value;
$results[] = $item;
return $results;
/* file end: ./oc-includes/osclass/model/Item.php */