Файл: oc-includes/osclass/classes/datatables/ItemsDataTable.php
Строк: 526
<?php if ( ! defined('ABS_PATH')) exit('ABS_PATH is not loaded. Direct access is not allowed.');
* Copyright 2014 Osclass
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* ItemsDataTable class
* @since 3.1
* @package Osclass
* @subpackage classes
* @author Osclass
class ItemsDataTable extends DataTable
private $mSearch;
private $withFilters = false;
public function __construct()
osc_add_filter('datatable_listing_class', array(&$this, 'row_class'));
public function table($params)
$this->mSearch = new Search(true);
// add more conditions here
osc_run_hook('manage_item_search_conditions', $this->mSearch);
// do Search
$this->totalFiltered = $this->mSearch->countAll();
$this->total = $this->mSearch->count();
return $this->getData();
public function tableReported($params)
$this->mSearch = new Search(true);
// only some fields can be ordered
$direction = Params::getParam('direction');
$arrayDirection = array('desc', 'asc');
if( !in_array($direction, $arrayDirection) ) {
Params::setParam('direction', 'desc');
$direction = 'desc';
$sort = Params::getParam('sort');
$arraySortColumns = array(
'spam' => 'i_num_spam',
'bad' => 'i_num_bad_classified',
'rep' => 'i_num_repeated',
'off' => 'i_num_offensive',
'exp' => 'i_num_expired',
'date' => 'dt_pub_date',
'expiration' => 'dt_expiration'
// column sort
if( !key_exists($sort, $arraySortColumns) ) {
$sort = 'dt_pub_date';
$this->mSearch->addHaving('i_num_spam > 0 OR i_num_bad_classified > 0 OR i_num_repeated > 0 OR i_num_offensive > 0 OR i_num_expired > 0');
} else {
$sort = $arraySortColumns[$sort];
if($sort!='dt_pub_date') {
$this->mSearch->addHaving($sort.' > 0');
} else {
$this->mSearch->addHaving('i_num_spam > 0 OR i_num_bad_classified > 0 OR i_num_repeated > 0 OR i_num_offensive > 0 OR i_num_expired > 0');
$this->mSearch->order( $sort, $direction );
$this->mSearch->addTable(sprintf("%st_item_stats s", DB_TABLE_PREFIX));
$this->mSearch->addField('SUM(s.`i_num_spam`) as i_num_spam');
$this->mSearch->addField('SUM(s.`i_num_bad_classified`) as i_num_bad_classified');
$this->mSearch->addField('SUM(s.`i_num_repeated`) as i_num_repeated');
$this->mSearch->addField('SUM(s.`i_num_offensive`) as i_num_offensive');
$this->mSearch->addField('SUM(s.`i_num_expired`) as i_num_expired');
// having
$this->mSearch->addConditions(sprintf(" %st_item.pk_i_id ", DB_TABLE_PREFIX));
$this->mSearch->addConditions(sprintf(" %st_item.pk_i_id = s.fk_i_item_id", DB_TABLE_PREFIX));
$this->mSearch->addGroupBy(sprintf(" %st_item.pk_i_id ", DB_TABLE_PREFIX));
// do Search
$this->totalFiltered = $this->mSearch->countAll();
$this->total = $this->mSearch->count();
return $this->getData();
private function addTableHeader()
$arg_date = '&sort=date';
if(Params::getParam('sort') == 'date') {
if(Params::getParam('direction') == 'desc') {
$arg_date .= '&direction=asc';
$arg_expiration = '&sort=expiration';
if(Params::getParam('sort') == 'expiration') {
if(Params::getParam('direction') == 'desc') {
$arg_expiration .= '&direction=asc';
$page = (int)Params::getParam('iPage');
if($page==0) { $page = 1; };
Params::setParam('iPage', $page);
$url_base = preg_replace('|&direction=([^&]*)|', '', preg_replace('|&sort=([^&]*)|', '', osc_base_url().Rewrite::newInstance()->get_raw_request_uri()));
$this->addColumn('status-border', '');
$this->addColumn('status', __('Status'));
$this->addColumn('bulkactions', '<input id="check_all" type="checkbox" />');
$this->addColumn('title', __('Title'));
$this->addColumn('user', __('User'));
$this->addColumn('category', __('Category'));
$this->addColumn('location', __('Location'));
$this->addColumn('date', '<a href="'.osc_esc_html($url_base.$arg_date).'">'.__('Date').'</a>');
$this->addColumn('expiration', '<a href="'.osc_esc_html($url_base.$arg_expiration).'">'.__('Expiration date').'</a>');
$dummy = &$this;
osc_run_hook("admin_items_table", $dummy);
private function addTableHeaderReported()
$page = (int)Params::getParam('iPage');
if($page==0) { $page = 1; };
Params::setParam('iPage', $page);
$url_base = preg_replace('|&direction=([^&]*)|', '', preg_replace('|&sort=([^&]*)|', '', osc_base_url().Rewrite::newInstance()->get_raw_request_uri()));
$arg_spam = '&sort=spam'; $arg_bad = '&sort=bad';
$arg_rep = '&sort=rep'; $arg_off = '&sort=off';
$arg_exp = '&sort=exp'; $arg_date = '&sort=date';
$arg_expiration = '&sort=expiration';
$sort = Params::getParam("sort");
$direction = Params::getParam("direction");
switch ($sort) {
if($direction == 'desc' || $direction == '') $arg_spam .= '&direction=asc';
if($direction == 'desc' || $direction == '') $arg_bad .= '&direction=asc';
if($direction == 'desc' || $direction == '') $arg_rep .= '&direction=asc';
if($direction == 'desc' || $direction == '') $arg_off .= '&direction=asc';
if($direction == 'desc' || $direction == '') $arg_exp .= '&direction=asc';
if($direction == 'desc' || $direction == '') $arg_date .= '&direction=asc';
if($direction == 'desc' || $direction == '') $arg_expiration .= '&direction=asc';
$url_spam = $url_base.$arg_spam;
$url_bad = $url_base.$arg_bad;
$url_rep = $url_base.$arg_rep;
$url_off = $url_base.$arg_off;
$url_exp = $url_base.$arg_exp;
$url_date = $url_base.$arg_date;
$url_expiration = $url_base.$arg_expiration;
$this->addColumn('bulkactions', '<input id="check_all" type="checkbox" />');
$this->addColumn('title', __('Title'));
$this->addColumn('user', __('User'));
$this->addColumn('spam', '<a id="order_spam" href="'.osc_esc_html($url_spam).'">'.__('Spam').'</a>');
$this->addColumn('bad', '<a id="order_bad" href="'.osc_esc_html($url_bad).'">'.__('Misclassified').'</a>');
$this->addColumn('rep', '<a id="order_rep" href="'.osc_esc_html($url_rep).'">'.__('Duplicated').'</a>');
$this->addColumn('exp', '<a id="order_exp" href="'.osc_esc_html($url_exp).'">'.__('Expired').'</a>');
$this->addColumn('off', '<a id="order_off" href="'.osc_esc_html($url_off).'">'.__('Offensive').'</a>');
$this->addColumn('date', '<a id="order_date" href="'.osc_esc_html($url_date).'">'.__('Date').'</a>');
$this->addColumn('expiration', '<a id="order_expiration" href="'.osc_esc_html($url_expiration).'">'.__('Expiration date').'</a>');
$dummy = &$this;
osc_run_hook("admin_items_reported_table", $dummy);
private function processData($items)
if(!empty($items)) {
$csrf_token_url = osc_csrf_token_url();
foreach($items as $aRow) {
View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('item', $aRow);
$row = array();
$options = array();
// -- prepare data --
// prepare item title
$title = mb_substr($aRow['s_title'], 0, 30, 'UTF-8');
if($title != $aRow['s_title']) {
$title .= '...';
//icon open add new window
$title .= '<span class="icon-new-window"></span>';
// Options of each row
$options_more = array();
if($aRow['b_active']) {
$options_more[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=status&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&value=INACTIVE">' . __('Deactivate') .'</a>';
} else {
$options_more[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=status&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&value=ACTIVE">' . __('Activate') .'</a>';
if($aRow['b_enabled']) {
$options_more[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=status&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&value=DISABLE">' . __('Block') .'</a>';
} else {
$options_more[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=status&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&value=ENABLE">' . __('Unblock') .'</a>';
if($aRow['b_premium']) {
$options_more[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=status_premium&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&value=0">' . __('Unmark as premium') .'</a>';
} else {
$options_more[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=status_premium&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&value=1">' . __('Mark as premium') .'</a>';
if($aRow['b_spam']) {
$options_more[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=status_spam&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&value=0">' . __('Unmark as spam') .'</a>';
} else {
$options_more[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=status_spam&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&value=1">' . __('Mark as spam') .'</a>';
// general options
$options[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=item_edit&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '">' . __('Edit') . '</a>';
$options[] = '<a onclick="return delete_dialog('' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '');" href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=delete&id[]=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '">' . __('Delete') . '</a>';
// only show if there are data
if(ItemComment::newInstance()->totalComments( $aRow['pk_i_id'] ) > 0) {
$options[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=comments&action=list&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '">' . __('View comments') . '</a>';
if(ItemResource::newInstance()->countResources( $aRow['pk_i_id'] ) > 0) {
$options[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=media&action=list&resourceId=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '">' . __('View media') . '</a>';
$options_more = osc_apply_filter('more_actions_manage_items', $options_more, $aRow);
// more actions
$moreOptions = '<li class="show-more">'.PHP_EOL.'<a href="#" class="show-more-trigger">'. __('Show more') .'...</a>'. PHP_EOL .'<ul>'. PHP_EOL;
foreach( $options_more as $actual) {
$moreOptions .= '<li>'.$actual."</li>".PHP_EOL;
$moreOptions .= '</ul>'. PHP_EOL .'</li>'.PHP_EOL;
$options = osc_apply_filter('actions_manage_items', $options, $aRow);
// create list of actions
$auxOptions = '<ul>'.PHP_EOL;
foreach( $options as $actual) {
$auxOptions .= '<li>'.$actual.'</li>'.PHP_EOL;
if(!empty($options_more)) {
$auxOptions .= $moreOptions;
$auxOptions .= '</ul>'.PHP_EOL;
$actions = '<div class="actions">'.$auxOptions.'</div>'.PHP_EOL;
// fill a row
$row['bulkactions'] = '<input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '" active="' . $aRow['b_active'] . '" blocked="' . $aRow['b_enabled'] . '"/>';
$status = $this->get_row_status();
$row['status-border'] = '';
$row['status'] = $status['text'];
$row['title'] = '<a href="' . osc_item_url() . '" target="_blank">' . $title. '</a>'. $actions;
if($aRow['fk_i_user_id']!=null) {
$row['user'] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=users&action=edit&id=' . $aRow['fk_i_user_id'] . '" target="_blank">' . $aRow['s_user_name'] . '</a>';
} else {
$row['user'] = $aRow['s_user_name'];
$row['category'] = $aRow['s_category_name'];
$row['location'] = $this->get_row_location();
$row['date'] = osc_format_date($aRow['dt_pub_date'], osc_date_format() . ' ' . osc_time_format() );
$row['expiration'] = ($aRow['dt_expiration'] != '9999-12-31 23:59:59') ? osc_format_date($aRow['dt_expiration'], osc_date_format() . ' ' . osc_time_format() ) : __('Never expires');
$row = osc_apply_filter('items_processing_row', $row, $aRow);
$this->rawRows[] = $aRow;
private function processDataReported($items)
if(!empty($items)) {
$csrf_token_url = osc_csrf_token_url();
foreach($items as $aRow) {
View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('item', $aRow);
$row = array();
$options = array();
// -- prepare data --
// prepare item title
$title = mb_substr($aRow['s_title'], 0, 30, 'UTF-8');
if($title != $aRow['s_title']) {
$title .= '...';
$options[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=clear_stat&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&stat=all">' . __('Clear All') .'</a>';
if( $aRow['i_num_spam'] > 0 ) {
$options[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=clear_stat&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&stat=spam">' . __('Clear Spam') .'</a>';
if( $aRow['i_num_bad_classified'] > 0 ) {
$options[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=clear_stat&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&stat=bad">' . __('Clear Misclassified') .'</a>';
if( $aRow['i_num_repeated'] > 0 ) {
$options[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=clear_stat&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&stat=duplicated">' . __('Clear Duplicated') .'</a>';
if( $aRow['i_num_offensive'] > 0 ) {
$options[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=clear_stat&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&stat=offensive">' . __('Clear Offensive') .'</a>';
if( $aRow['i_num_expired'] > 0 ) {
$options[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=clear_stat&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '&stat=expired">' . __('Clear Expired') .'</a>';
if(count($options) > 0) {
$options[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=item_edit&id=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '">' . __('Edit') . '</a>';
$options[] = '<a onclick="return delete_dialog('' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '');" href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=items&action=delete&id[]=' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '&' . $csrf_token_url . '">' . __('Delete') . '</a>';
// create list of actions
$auxOptions = '<ul>'.PHP_EOL;
foreach( $options as $actual ) {
$auxOptions .= '<li>'.$actual.'</li>'.PHP_EOL;
$auxOptions .= '</ul>'.PHP_EOL;
$actions = '<div class="actions">'.$auxOptions.'</div>'.PHP_EOL;
// fill a row
$row['bulkactions'] = '<input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="' . $aRow['pk_i_id'] . '" active="' . $aRow['b_active'] . '" blocked="' . $aRow['b_enabled'] . '"/>';
$row['title'] = '<a href="' . osc_item_url().'" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a>'. $actions;
$row['user'] = $aRow['s_user_name'];
$row['spam'] = $aRow['i_num_spam'];
$row['bad'] = $aRow['i_num_bad_classified'];
$row['rep'] = $aRow['i_num_repeated'];
$row['exp'] = $aRow['i_num_expired'];
$row['off'] = $aRow['i_num_offensive'];
$row['date'] = osc_format_date($aRow['dt_pub_date'], osc_date_format() . ' ' . osc_time_format() );
$row['expiration'] = ($aRow['dt_expiration'] != '9999-12-31 23:59:59') ? osc_format_date($aRow['dt_expiration'], osc_date_format() . ' ' . osc_time_format() ) : __('Never expires') ;
$row = osc_apply_filter('items_processing_reported_row', $row, $aRow);
$this->rawRows[] = $aRow;
private function getDBParams($_get)
if(!isset($_get['iDisplayStart'])) {
$_get['iDisplayStart'] = 0;
if(!isset($_get['iDisplayLength'])) {
$_get['iDisplayLength'] = 10;
if(!is_numeric($_get['iPage']) || $_get['iPage'] < 1) {
Params::setParam('iPage', 1 );
$this->iPage = 1;
} else {
$this->iPage = $_get['iPage'];
$withUserId = false;
$no_user_email = '';
// get & set values
foreach($_get as $k => $v) {
if($k == 'sSearch' && $v != '') {
$this->withFilters = true;
// filters
if($k == 'userId' && $v != '') {
$this->withFilters = true;
$withUserId = true;
if($k == 'itemId' && $v != '') {
$this->withFilters = true;
// si hay id mejor ...
if($k == 'countryId' && $v != '') {
$this->withFilters = true;
if($k == 'regionId' && $v != '') {
$this->withFilters = true;
if($k == 'cityId' && $v != '') {
$this->withFilters = true;
if($k == 'country' && $v != '') {
$this->withFilters = true;
if($k == 'region' && $v != '') {
$this->withFilters = true;
if($k == 'city' && $v != '') {
$this->withFilters = true;
if($k == 'catId' && $v != '') {
$this->withFilters = true;
if($k == 'b_premium' && $v != '') {
$this->mSearch->addItemConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item.b_premium = '.$v);
$this->withFilters = true;
if($k == 'b_active' && $v != '') {
$this->mSearch->addItemConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item.b_active = '.$v);
$this->withFilters = true;
if($k == 'b_enabled' && $v != '') {
$this->mSearch->addItemConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item.b_enabled = '.$v);
$this->withFilters = true;
if($k == 'b_spam' && $v != '') {
$this->mSearch->addItemConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'t_item.b_spam = '.$v);
$this->withFilters = true;
if($k == 'user' && $v != '') {
$no_user_email = $v;
// add no registred user email if userId == '' and $no_user_email != ''
if($no_user_email != '' && !$withUserId) {
$this->withFilters = true;
// set start and limit using iPage param
$start = ($this->iPage - 1) * $_get['iDisplayLength'];
$this->start = intval( $start );
$this->limit = intval( $_get['iDisplayLength'] );
$this->mSearch->limit($this->start, $this->limit);
$direction = $_get['direction'];
$arrayDirection = array('desc', 'asc');
if(!in_array($direction, $arrayDirection)) {
Params::setParam('direction', 'desc');
$direction = 'desc';
// column sort
$sort = $_get['sort'];
$arraySortColumns = array('date' => 'dt_pub_date', 'expiration' => 'dt_expiration');
if(!key_exists($sort, $arraySortColumns)) {
$sort = 'dt_pub_date';
} else {
$sort = $arraySortColumns[$sort];
// only some fields can be ordered
$this->mSearch->order($sort, $direction);
public function withFilters()
return $this->withFilters;
public function rawRows()
return $this->rawRows;
public function row_class($class, $rawRow, $row)
View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('item', $rawRow);
$status = $this->get_row_status();
$class[] = $status['class'];
return $class;
* Get the status of the row. There are five status:
* - spam
* - blocked
* - inactive
* - premium
* - active
* - expired
* @since 3.2 -> 3.4.x
* @return array Array with the class and text of the status of the listing in this row. Example:
* array(
* 'class' => '',
* 'text' => ''
* )
private function get_row_status()
if( osc_item_is_spam() ) {
return array(
'class' => 'status-spam',
'text' => __('Spam')
if( !osc_item_is_enabled() ) {
return array(
'class' => 'status-blocked',
'text' => __('Blocked')
if( !osc_item_is_active() ) {
return array(
'class' => 'status-inactive',
'text' => __('Inactive')
if( osc_item_is_premium() ) {
return array(
'class' => 'status-premium',
'text' => __('Premium')
if( osc_item_is_expired() ) {
return array(
'class' => 'status-expired',
'text' => __('Expired')
return array(
'class' => 'status-active',
'text' => __('Active')
* Get the location separated by commas of a row
* @since 3.2
* @return string Location separated by commas
private function get_row_location()
$location = array();
if( osc_item_city() !== '' ) {
$location[] = osc_item_city();
if( osc_item_region() !== '' ) {
$location[] = osc_item_region();
if( osc_item_country() !== '' ) {
$location[] = osc_item_country();
return implode(', ', $location);