Строк: 945
Osclass 3.6.1 2016-02-04
- Fixed an issue with
image rotation
- Fixed the upgrade available message not being displayed
Fixed some minor details
Osclass 3.6.0
- Fixed SQL injection vulnerability
thanks to High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab (
https://www.htbridge.com/ )
- Fixed some minor details
- Improvements in
the market area
Osclass 3.5.9 2015-10-16
- Fixed
- Fixed some URLs
Osclass 3.5.8
- Fixed several vulnerabilities thanks
to HP Fortify Open Review ( https://hpfod.com/open-source-review-project
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.5.6
- Fix typo
Osclass 3.5.5
- Fix typo on SQL query
Osclass 3.5.4
- Fixed two critical vulnerabilities
thanks to Pedro Worcel ( http://www.security-assessment.com/ )
3.5.3 2014-12-15
- Checking for updates is now
down in background
- Typo fix
Osclass 3.5.2
- Fixed wrong market endpoint in
Osclass 3.5.1 2014-11-18
- Manage
Users , added reset filter
- Fixed issue at search page with gallery format
and premium ads
- Bender theme - Parent category link are clickable
Bender theme is now upgradable via market
Osclass 3.5.0
- Higher limit for custom fields
- Bug fixed, Manage locations, slugs not being generated
- Added
filter theme_url, change theme urls as you want
- Add customizable class
for pagination.
- Added styles to Expired ads at Manage listings page.
Date format improvements at Manage users/listings page.
- Fixed issues with
Premium.php helper.
- Ad management as a settings of Bender theme.
Connect / Disconnect from market.osclass.org
- Market section, now show
paid plugins and themes
- My purchases (market page) download your paid
plugins or themes
- Market section, added search filters.
- Several minor
bugs fixed.
- Several issues with Bender theme fixed.
Osclass 3.4.3
- Fixed four critical vulnerabilities
thanks to Egidio Romano ( http://karmainsecurity.com/ )
- Fixed some issues
with the thousand separator in prices
- Fixed some issues with search urls
creating a redirection loop
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
3.4.2 2014-09-10
- Fixed two vulnerabilities
thanks to Robert & Onur from http://www.netsparker.com
- Fixed some
issues with the cache
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.4.1
- Fixed some compatibility issues with
PHP 5.2
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.4.0
- Extensible cache support (memcache,
- User based subdomains
- Emails filters with more variables
- Some sql optimizations (categories, users, premium)
- UI fixes and
improvements in admin
- Imagemagick issues fixed
- Child theme support
Minor bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.3.2
- Changed license of Osclass to Apache
License, Version 2.0, you could get a copy here
Osclass 3.3.2
- Fixed issue #1239
- Improved a little
upgrade process and warning
Osclass 3.3.1
- Fixed blurred watermark text
- Fixed
black background on images
- Fixed error that makes impossible to install
languages via market
Osclass 3.3 2013-12-10
Subdomains improved
- Ajax upload of photos, with preview
- Improved image
handling, no more mess with background color
- Passwords more secure (use
of Bcrypt + individual salt isntead of SHA1)
- Updated HTML Purifier to
- Release notes added when upgrading from previous version
- Minor
bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.2
- Expiration date for a listing (till
now you can do that only for the whole category)
- Advertising by regions
- Custom searchable fields (you
will be able to personalize more searches)
- Bender responsive theme as
default theme
- Akismet for listings (added akismet filter to new
- Expiration notice (emails to the users reminding them about the
expiration date of each listing)
- Added search filter to manage users
Sending email to new admins created from oc-admin
- Manage users minor
improvements (row colorsStatus , Link to public user profile)
- Added
ability to display a custom maintenance page (per theme. Create a
maintenance.php file in the theme folder)
- Updated JQuery to 1.8
- New
routes for plugins
- Override email from and email name from
- Minor bug
fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.1.2 2012-05-07
CSRF errors now show a flash message instead of a blank page
- Csrf error
ajax, return json with error message
- Memory peak usage in
osc_update_location_stats fixed
- Issues using Imagick instead of GD when
uploading images fixedsi si
- XSS vulnerability in search page fixed
Minor bug fixes and improvements
Osclass 3.1.1
- Fixed breadcrumd in public profile
Showing correct description in public profile
- SEO fixes: meta
description, correct HTTP headers in search results and listing detail
- Don't override from email address when using SMTP
- Problem with
custom field url
- Bug with reCAPTCHA in mobile browsers
- Bug fixes
related to upgrade
- Bug fixes related to CSRF
- Minor bug fixes
3.1 2012-02-26
- Better market: you can now download
languages from the admin
- User ban system
- Templates for static pages +
better customization of pages
- Manage email alerts
- Security
improvements: CSRF in the forms
- Easier installation process
- Preview of
the email templates + legend in the sidebar
- Enqueue styles and
javascripts urls
- Remove several cities/regions at the same time
- Upgrade
Osclass via CLI
- Minor bug fixes
Osclass 3.0.2
- Use email from SMTP Settings if it's
- Implode categories in search url parameter
- If the submenu is
too big in oc-admin now it can be scrollable
- Javascript validation when
changing the user email
- Search a listing by email even if the listing is
from a non-registered user
- Search users by email in manage users
Javascript error in countrID selector
- Enhancement: Show total views from
osc_item_views helper
- Bug: _whereIn method in DBCommandClass
- Bug:
javascript error in manage custom fields
- Bug: Do not select by default
the country in the filters of manage listings
- Bug: Show "Showing X
to X of X results" if there is only one page in oc-admin
Osclass 3.0.1 2012-08-13
- Bug:
changed from ENT_COMPACT to ENT_COMPAT
- Bug: Edit comment in oc-admin
Bug: Use image magic uploading images
- Bug: Showing correctly the urls in
- Bug: Correct subject in alert emails
- Bug: Typo mistake in manage
- Bug: category slugs only accept alphanumeric
- Bug: emails sent
from email contact instead of osclass@domain.tld
- Bug: http_chunked_decode
was being redeclared
- [ Modern theme ] Removed a duplicated id
3.0 2012-07-12
- Added a toolbar at the header of
the oc-admin
- New sidebar menu in the admin. Now it’s easier to add
menus and submenus with helpers
- Listing and user statistics in the
- New oc-admin design
- Manage reported listings
- Manage
comments added ‘hidden comments’ filter
- Two types of administrator
users: super admin and moderator (only access to manage items and
- More hooks and filters added in the oc-admin: help message,
title, manage listings, etc.
- Help boxes in the oc-admin
Browse/Download/Update plugins and themes from the market
- Manually check
plugin & theme updates in General settings
- Added pagination on manage
- Canonical urls (when is needed) in the search pages
- Improved
meta titles and meta descriptions
- Meta keywords
- Footer urls in the
search listing
- Redirect 301 from the old listing url when the listing
title has been changed
- Nofollow attribute in the pagination
- Breadcrumbs
using rich snippets
- Changed HTML structure of the Pagination Class
Exclude bot requests in the statistics
- Improved filters, now can accept
more than one argument, but only the first argument will be returned
Improved HTTP requests, implemented fsockopen instead of libcurl when curls
is not installed
- Minor bug fixes from previous versiones
- Fixed some
typo mistakes
- [ Modern theme ] Disable Osclass footer
- [ Modern theme ]
Improved H1s and titles
- [ Modern theme ] Default logo
Osclass 2.4.1
- Fixed creation of search pagination
- Watermark image should be a PNG
- Fixed bug in item > settings
Show the correct values in the footer of datatables
- Upgrade is fixed when
you came from versions with the country in multiple languages
- Use
osc_esc_js in javascript localization
- Add currency button is clickable
- Fixed javascript error in custom fields
- Corrected multiple typos in
Osclass 2.4.0 2012-05-02
- Admin layout
- Better performance in search queries
- Install Osclass in your
- Customize permalinks
- Recalculate category and location stats
New alert system. Now the alerts are saved in a JSON format
- Two more
options in custom fields: url and checkbox
- AJAX in plugins
Internationalization of date and time strings
- Throw Exceptions while
installing a plugin and show the error message
- Bug fixed: generate images
from original and not normal
- Fixed some minor bugs
- [ Modern theme ]
Some enhancements in search filters: nicer checkbox and show the region of
the city in the city filter
- [ Modern theme ] New flash messages
Osclass 2.3.7 2012-04-11
- Changed blog
feed url
- Fixed a js bug with quote marks in manage comments
- Pagination
bug in manage media
- Added osc_resource_preview_url helper
- Don't show
duplicated items when "pics only" filter is selected in
Osclass 2.3.6 2012-03-05
- PHP Warning in
user profile when the description was empty
- Added missing helper:
- Contact publisher is working OK now
- Database errors
during the installation are caught correctly. Now if you don't set well the
database configuration, it warns you
- Fixed redirect after wrong reCAPTCHA
code after posting an item
- We've removed PHP warnings from HTMLPurifier
- Default currency is selected in item forms
- We've added more
checks in image deletion
Osclass 2.3.5
- Escape quotes in attr values of input
tags using a new helper: osc_esc_html
- PHP Warning if the user doesn't
have a description in his profile
- PHP Warning in Search model
- Modified
behavior in add/edit form of custom fields
- Style of radio buttons in
custom fields
- JS error in add/edit page in oc-admin
- XSS vulnerabilities
in search page
- SQL injections in search page and AJAX request in oc-admin
(need to be logged as an admin)
Osclass 2.3.4
- Deleting all admins bug fixed
Multiple installs bug fixed
- Feeds url using permalinks
- SQL error using
picture only items bug fixed
- Some hooks were added on admin
optimized a little more
Osclass 2.3.3
- Removed upgrade and upgrade-plugins
- Minor fix when editing the comments in oc-admin
- Minor fix in the
installation process if the config.php file exists
Osclass 2.3.2
- Delete images when editing an item from
- Change type of the column s_what in t_item_description
Modified in the upgrade the type of s_what column in
Osclass 2.3.1 2011-12-02
Redirect to last page after logging in works with permalinks too
Reconnect to database when getting serialize object for Alerts
- Don't load
public user profile if it doesn't exist
- Decrease category stats works
fine now
- Don't send admin notification when admin create a user
- Clear
"Mark as" option in oc-admin
Osclass 2.3
- New DAO (Database Access Object)
Debug options to show or log queries and errors
- Added an option to
enable/disable plugins. So, you won't lose the information of this plugin
User is redirected to last visited page when he/she logs in
- New
notifications: e-mail to the admin when a new user is registered, e-mail to
the publisher when a new comment is added
- Profile page for users in the
- Full text search engine for searches
- Static pages can be
ordered now
- New type of custom fields: select and radio button
- Improved
price format, now you can set: number of decimals, decimals separator and
thousands separator
- [Modern theme] Profile page for users
- [Modern
theme] Explanatory messages when contact form is not showed
Osclass 2.2.3
- Bug fix: with plugins in Windows
- Fixed an error when installing a new plugin if some plugin
has been removed from the plugin directory
- Bug fix: when user modifies
the location in edit item
- Bug fix: we're not using filter_var function
any more
- Bug fix: manage item doesn't crack if category name is not set
Bug fix: notify admin of new items works in all the cases now
- Bug fix:
check blank parameters in forgot-password-post, user-change-password and
contact form
- Bug fix: mailserver setting in oc-admin works fine in
different environments
- Pagination Class: now can be inherited
- Fixed
some minor Notice errors
Osclass 2.2.2
- Now attr [type|src|charset|defer] of
script html tag are not removed in widgets
- Fixed some AJAX issues related
to locations
- If some file theme don't exists, we take the file from gui
- Minor fix in sanitize item url
- Created a define for DEMO
- Modified how admin password is set during the installation
Multi-byte characters in watermarks
- Removed mysql NOW() parameter from
everywhere, now the insert/update dates should be the system dates
- Fixed
some minor issues with locations when add/edit new items
osc_static_page_mod_date function take the correct value now
- Custom pages
shouldn't allow as internal name the file names
- Fixed alert
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Fixed some PHP Warnings
- [Modern
theme] Logo image is not converted now
- [Modern theme] Some minor style
Osclass 2.2.1 2011-08-04
- Fixed: show
recaptcha in edit item if it's configured
- Fixed: if you have another
table_prefix, it show the latest items + items in the search list
2.2 2011-08-01
- New layout and more filters in
manage items
- Added custom fields (for items)
- Watermark on pictures
Helpers for Rewrite::get_location and Rewrite::get_section
- Premium ads
(see paypal plugin)
- Plurals in translations
- Improved inputs related to
- Improved error page in the front theme
- Worlwide option is
disabled in the installation
- Permalinks with Chinese an Arabic characters
- All known bugs have been fixed fixed
Osclass 2.1.1
- Filter of title and description is not
too restrictive now
- Fixed a warning message when there aren't
- Fixed error checkdnsrr in windows
- We don't show price
filters or any field related with prices when it is disabled
Osclass 2.1
- Help messages if you don't pass the
requirements in the installer
- Ping search engines in the installation
Change password at the end of the installation
- Limit amount of items per
user in a set time
- Limit the number of photos that the user can add in an
- Statistics module: new users, new items...
- Skip admin validation
if the user has more than a defined number of items/comments
- Improved
category management: you can reorder, edit, delete, disable in the same
- Upload a logo to the header
- Disable adding new items in root
- Fill automatically the fields in case that something goes
- Delete photos of items via ajax
- Improved pagination in search
- Added maintenance mode (in case you want to disable the website to
the users)
- Email verification on alerts
- Disable contact item for
non-registered users
- Fancybox in modern theme
- Improved expiration
- Some bugs fixed
Osclass 2.0.3
- Price is showed fine when there're
more than one language enabled
- Locale Class renamed
- STRICT Standars
error in Category Class fixed
- STRICT Standars error in Search Class
- Configure in Manage plugins appears even if the folder is a
- [Modern theme] Input select in user dashboard has
jquery.uniform style
- Create mb_substr function if not exists
error when users send an item to a friend
- Upload images in IIS Servers
[Modern theme] Sidebar in main page shows now only regions fo the active
- [Modern theme] CSS category drop down improvements so the hierarchy
of subcategories are visible.
Osclass 2.0.2
- RSS fixed, now works fine if you
write sFeed=rss or sFedD= in the search url.
- In the item detail page, now
the num views is the sum of all the days.
- file_get_contents replaced for
curl. Added a library that emulates curl if it's not installed.
- Fixed
NOTICE error when a user updates the profile.
- Update process improved for
future versions.
Osclass 2.0.1 2011-04-12
Country displays correctly even if there are multiple languages
- City autocomplete works in search sidebar
- Fixed forgot
password in oc-admin
- Recaptcha works fine in recover password
- Fixed
helper of format_price. Now it takes from s_currency_format in languages
Specify more the errors in installation process
- If a user change the
e-mail, it also changes now in the alert system
- Prefill categories select
with a default string instead of the first category
Osclass 2.0
- Added several helpers to
Remember me is working in admin and user login.
- Fixed RSS.
- Fixed a lot
of flash messages.
- If ZipArchive is not compiled, now we use an external
lib: pclzip.
- Pre-fill comment form.
- Improved photos validation through
- Auto-login after a user has validated an account.
- Improved
comment moderation.
- Plugins/themes can be translated.
- Permalinks: most
links are user-friendly now.
- New user dashboard.
- Registered users can
delete here own comments.
- Recaptcha added to: comments, recover password,
item contact.
- Several small bugs fixed.
Osclass 2.0 RC
- New structure based on Classes
Helpers: now there are a lot of functions that help the developer to modify
the themes easily
- Added a test that add fake content
- New class to get
external params (get, post, cookies, request)
- New e-mails added in the
- Translation uses a singleton
- There are three files in
languages: core.po, messages.po (for flash_messages), theme.po
Osclass 1.2
delta 2011-01-12
- New whole system of
- Improved user profiles
- ImageResize Class improved
- Minor
bugs fixed
Osclass 1.2 beta 2010-12-14
- Users
can register without confirmation
- Small changes in installer
Osclass 1.2
alpha 2010-12-07
- Add alerts system (users
could subscribe to search results, and we'll be notified in case there're
new ads)
- Several small bugs fixed
Osclass 1.1
- Add item from backoffice
- User can not
be contacted if the item is expired
- Feed plugin
- Banner management
- JSON works even if is not loaded with php (using a JSON class)
Indelible pages are not shown
- Sort categories by position (this position
is set in oc-admin)
- Search and pagination bugs fixed
- Mail bugs fixed
Small bugs fixed
Osclass 1.1 RC 2010-11-22
Fixed installation and locations (in oc-admin) problems. Now, even though
allow_url_fopen is disabled, it works well.
- Now if you activate a new
language and you haven't translated categories yet, it shows in other
language that is available.
- SMTP is working well now.
- Added default
currency feature
- Small bugs fixed