Файл: onlinepoisk.wm-scripts.ru/web/js/jPlayer/add-on/jquery.jplayer.inspector.js
Строк: 670
* jPlayerInspector Plugin for jPlayer (2.0.0+) Plugin for jQuery JavaScript Library
* http://www.happyworm.com/jquery/jplayer
* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 Happyworm Ltd
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
* Author: Mark J Panaghiston
* Version: 1.0.3
* Date: 7th August 2011
* For use with jPlayer Version: 2.0.29
* Note: Declare inspector instances after jPlayer instances. ie., Otherwise the jPlayer instance is nonsense.
(function($, undefined) {
$.jPlayerInspector = {};
$.jPlayerInspector.i = 0;
$.jPlayerInspector.defaults = {
jPlayer: undefined, // The jQuery selector of the jPlayer instance to inspect.
idPrefix: "jplayer_inspector_",
visible: false
var methods = {
init: function(options) {
var self = this;
var $this = $(this);
var config = $.extend({}, $.jPlayerInspector.defaults, options);
$(this).data("jPlayerInspector", config);
config.id = $(this).attr("id");
config.jPlayerId = config.jPlayer.attr("id");
config.windowId = config.idPrefix + "window_" + $.jPlayerInspector.i;
config.statusId = config.idPrefix + "status_" + $.jPlayerInspector.i;
config.configId = config.idPrefix + "config_" + $.jPlayerInspector.i;
config.toggleId = config.idPrefix + "toggle_" + $.jPlayerInspector.i;
config.eventResetId = config.idPrefix + "event_reset_" + $.jPlayerInspector.i;
config.updateId = config.idPrefix + "update_" + $.jPlayerInspector.i;
config.eventWindowId = config.idPrefix + "event_window_" + $.jPlayerInspector.i;
config.eventId = {};
config.eventJq = {};
config.eventTimeout = {};
config.eventOccurrence = {};
$.each($.jPlayer.event, function(eventName,eventType) {
config.eventId[eventType] = config.idPrefix + "event_" + eventName + "_" + $.jPlayerInspector.i;
config.eventOccurrence[eventType] = 0;
var structure =
'<p><a href="#" id="' + config.toggleId + '">' + (config.visible ? "Hide" : "Show") + '</a> jPlayer Inspector</p>'
+ '<div id="' + config.windowId + '">'
+ '<div id="' + config.statusId + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventWindowId + '" style="padding:5px 5px 0 5px;background-color:#eee;border:1px dotted #000;">'
+ '<p style="margin:0 0 10px 0;"><strong>jPlayer events that have occurred over the past 1 second:</strong>'
+ '<br />(Backgrounds: <span style="padding:0 5px;background-color:#eee;border:1px dotted #000;">Never occurred</span> <span style="padding:0 5px;background-color:#fff;border:1px dotted #000;">Occurred before</span> <span style="padding:0 5px;background-color:#9f9;border:1px dotted #000;">Occurred</span> <span style="padding:0 5px;background-color:#ff9;border:1px dotted #000;">Multiple occurrences</span> <a href="#" id="' + config.eventResetId + '">reset</a>)</p>';
// MJP: Would use the next 3 lines for ease, but the events are just slapped on the page.
// $.each($.jPlayer.event, function(eventName,eventType) {
// structure += '<div id="' + config.eventId[eventType] + '" style="float:left;">' + eventName + '</div>';
// });
var eventStyle = "float:left;margin:0 5px 5px 0;padding:0 5px;border:1px dotted #000;";
// MJP: Doing it longhand so order and layout easier to control.
structure +=
'<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.ready] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.flashreset] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.resize] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.repeat] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.click] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.error] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.warning] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.loadstart] + '" style="clear:left;' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.progress] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.timeupdate] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.volumechange] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.play] + '" style="clear:left;' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.pause] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.waiting] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.playing] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.seeking] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.seeked] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.ended] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.loadeddata] + '" style="clear:left;' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.loadedmetadata] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.canplay] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.canplaythrough] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.suspend] + '" style="clear:left;' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.abort] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.emptied] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.stalled] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.ratechange] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div id="' + config.eventId[$.jPlayer.event.durationchange] + '" style="' + eventStyle + '"></div>'
+ '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
// MJP: Would like a check here in case we missed an event.
// MJP: Check fails, since it is not on the page yet.
/* $.each($.jPlayer.event, function(eventName,eventType) {
if($("#" + config.eventId[eventType])[0] === undefined) {
structure += '<div id="' + config.eventId[eventType] + '" style="clear:left;' + eventStyle + '">' + eventName + '</div>';
structure +=
+ '<p><a href="#" id="' + config.updateId + '">Update</a> jPlayer Inspector</p>'
+ '<div id="' + config.configId + '"></div>'
+ '</div>';
config.windowJq = $("#" + config.windowId);
config.statusJq = $("#" + config.statusId);
config.configJq = $("#" + config.configId);
config.toggleJq = $("#" + config.toggleId);
config.eventResetJq = $("#" + config.eventResetId);
config.updateJq = $("#" + config.updateId);
$.each($.jPlayer.event, function(eventName,eventType) {
config.eventJq[eventType] = $("#" + config.eventId[eventType]);
config.eventJq[eventType].text(eventName + " (" + config.eventOccurrence[eventType] + ")"); // Sets the text to the event name and (0);
config.jPlayer.bind(eventType + ".jPlayerInspector", function(e) {
if(config.eventOccurrence[e.type] > 1) {
} else {
config.eventJq[e.type].text(eventName + " (" + config.eventOccurrence[e.type] + ")");
// The timer to handle the color
config.eventTimeout[e.type] = setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
// The timer to handle the occurences.
setTimeout(function() {
config.eventJq[e.type].text(eventName + " (" + config.eventOccurrence[e.type] + ")");
}, 1000);
if(config.visible) { // Update the status, if inspector open.
config.jPlayer.bind($.jPlayer.event.ready + ".jPlayerInspector", function(e) {
config.toggleJq.click(function() {
if(config.visible) {
} else {
config.visible = !config.visible;
return false;
config.eventResetJq.click(function() {
$.each($.jPlayer.event, function(eventName,eventType) {
return false;
config.updateJq.click(function() {
return false;
if(!config.visible) {
} else {
// config.updateJq.click();
return this;
destroy: function() {
$(this).data("jPlayerInspector") && $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.unbind(".jPlayerInspector");
updateConfig: function() { // This displays information about jPlayer's configuration in inspector
var jPlayerInfo = "<p>This jPlayer instance is running in your browser where:<br />"
for(i = 0; i < $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").solutions.length; i++) {
var solution = $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").solutions[i];
jPlayerInfo += " jPlayer's <strong>" + solution + "</strong> solution is";
if($(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer")[solution].used) {
jPlayerInfo += " being <strong>used</strong> and will support:<strong>";
for(format in $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer")[solution].support) {
if($(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer")[solution].support[format]) {
jPlayerInfo += " " + format;
jPlayerInfo += "</strong><br />";
} else {
jPlayerInfo += " <strong>not required</strong><br />";
jPlayerInfo += "</p>";
if($(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").html.active) {
if($(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").flash.active) {
jPlayerInfo += "<strong>Problem with jPlayer since both HTML5 and Flash are active.</strong>";
} else {
jPlayerInfo += "The <strong>HTML5 is active</strong>.";
} else {
if($(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").flash.active) {
jPlayerInfo += "The <strong>Flash is active</strong>.";
} else {
jPlayerInfo += "No solution is currently active. jPlayer needs a setMedia().";
jPlayerInfo += "</p>";
var formatType = $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").status.formatType;
jPlayerInfo += "<p><code>status.formatType = '" + formatType + "'</code><br />";
if(formatType) {
jPlayerInfo += "<code>Browser canPlay('" + $.jPlayer.prototype.format[formatType].codec + "')</code>";
} else {
jPlayerInfo += "</p>";
jPlayerInfo += "<p><code>status.src = '" + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").status.src + "'</code></p>";
jPlayerInfo += "<p><code>status.media = {<br />";
for(prop in $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").status.media) {
jPlayerInfo += " " + prop + ": " + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").status.media[prop] + "<br />"; // Some are strings
jPlayerInfo += "};</code></p>"
+ "<p>Raw browser test for HTML5 support. Should equal a function if HTML5 is available.<br />";
if($(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").html.audio.available) {
jPlayerInfo += "<code>htmlElement.audio.canPlayType = " + (typeof $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").htmlElement.audio.canPlayType) +"</code><br />"
if($(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").html.video.available) {
jPlayerInfo += "<code>htmlElement.video.canPlayType = " + (typeof $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").htmlElement.video.canPlayType) +"</code>";
jPlayerInfo += "</p>";
jPlayerInfo += "<p>This instance is using the constructor options:<br />"
+ "<code>$('#" + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").internal.self.id + "').jPlayer({<br />"
+ " swfPath: '" + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.jPlayer("option", "swfPath") + "',<br />"
+ " solution: '" + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.jPlayer("option", "solution") + "',<br />"
+ " supplied: '" + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.jPlayer("option", "supplied") + "',<br />"
+ " preload: '" + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.jPlayer("option", "preload") + "',<br />"
+ " volume: " + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.jPlayer("option", "volume") + ",<br />"
+ " muted: " + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.jPlayer("option", "muted") + ",<br />"
+ " backgroundColor: '" + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.jPlayer("option", "backgroundColor") + "',<br />"
+ " cssSelectorAncestor: '" + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.jPlayer("option", "cssSelectorAncestor") + "',<br />"
+ " cssSelector: {";
var cssSelector = $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.jPlayer("option", "cssSelector");
for(prop in cssSelector) {
// jPlayerInfo += "<br /> " + prop + ": '" + cssSelector[prop] + "'," // This works too of course, but want to use option method for deep keys.
jPlayerInfo += "<br /> " + prop + ": '" + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.jPlayer("option", "cssSelector." + prop) + "',"
jPlayerInfo = jPlayerInfo.slice(0, -1); // Because the sloppy comma was bugging me.
jPlayerInfo += "<br /> },<br />"
+ " errorAlerts: " + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.jPlayer("option", "errorAlerts") + ",<br />"
+ " warningAlerts: " + $(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.jPlayer("option", "warningAlerts") + "<br />"
+ "});</code></p>";
return this;
updateStatus: function() { // This displays information about jPlayer's status in the inspector
"<p>jPlayer is " +
($(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").status.paused ? "paused" : "playing") +
" at time: " + Math.floor($(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").status.currentTime*10)/10 + "s." +
" (d: " + Math.floor($(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").status.duration*10)/10 + "s" +
", sp: " + Math.floor($(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").status.seekPercent) + "%" +
", cpr: " + Math.floor($(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").status.currentPercentRelative) + "%" +
", cpa: " + Math.floor($(this).data("jPlayerInspector").jPlayer.data("jPlayer").status.currentPercentAbsolute) + "%)</p>"
return this;
$.fn.jPlayerInspector = function( method ) {
// Method calling logic
if ( methods[method] ) {
return methods[ method ].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
} else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.jPlayerInspector' );