Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/controllers/single_page/dashboard/blocks/stacks.php
Строк: 291
namespace ConcreteControllerSinglePageDashboardBlocks;
use ConcreteCoreMultilingualPageSectionSection;
use ConcreteCorePageCollectionVersionVersion;
use ConcreteCorePageControllerDashboardPageController;
use ConcreteCorePageStackStackCategory;
use Config;
use ConcreteCorePageStackStackList;
use Stack;
use Page;
use Permissions;
use Loader;
use User;
use ConcreteCoreWorkflowRequestDeletePageRequest;
use ConcreteCoreWorkflowRequestApproveStackRequest;
use View;
use Exception;
use Redirect;
use Core;
class Stacks extends DashboardPageController {
protected $multilingualSections = array();
public function on_start()
if (Core::make('multilingual/detector')->isEnabled()) {
$list = array();
$this->multilingualSections = Section::getList();
$this->set('multilingualSections', $this->multilingualSections);
$this->set('defaultLanguage', $this->getSelectedLanguage());
protected function getSelectedLanguage()
$defaultLanguage = false;
$defaultLocale = Config::get('concrete.multilingual.default_locale');
if (!$defaultLocale) {
throw new Exception(t('You must specify a default language tree in your multilingual settings.'));
foreach($this->multilingualSections as $section) {
if ($section->getLocale() == $defaultLocale) {
$defaultLanguage = $section;
$session = Core::make('session');
if ($session->has('stacksDefaultLanguageID')) {
$section = Section::getByID($session->get('stacksDefaultLanguageID'));
if (is_object($section)) {
$defaultLanguage = $section;
return $defaultLanguage;
public function set_default_language($language = null, $action = null)
$session = Core::make('session');
$session->set('stacksDefaultLanguageID', $language);
if ($action == 'view_global_areas') {
$this->redirect('/dashboard/blocks/stacks', 'view_global_areas');
} else {
public function view_global_areas()
$stm = new StackList();
$this->set('stacks', $stm->get());
protected function setupMultilingualStackList(ConcreteCorePageStackStackList $list)
if (Core::make('multilingual/detector')->isEnabled()) {
$category = StackCategory::getCategoryFromMultilingualSection($this->getSelectedLanguage());
if (!is_object($category)) {
// we have to create the category
$category = StackCategory::createFromMultilingualSection($this->getSelectedLanguage());
// now we copy all the stacks into it
$default = StackCategory::getFromDefaultMultilingualSection();
public function view() {
$stm = new StackList();
$this->set('stacks', $stm->get());
$parent = Page::getByPath(STACKS_PAGE_PATH);
$cpc = new Permissions($parent);
if ($cpc->canMoveOrCopyPage()) {
$this->set('canMoveStacks', true);
$sortUrl = View::url('/dashboard/blocks/stacks', 'update_order');
$this->set('sortURL', $sortUrl);
public function add_stack() {
if (Loader::helper('validation/token')->validate('add_stack')) {
if (Loader::helper('validation/strings')->notempty($this->post('stackName'))) {
$stack = Stack::addStack($this->post('stackName'));
$this->redirect('/dashboard/blocks/stacks', 'view_details', $stack->getCollectionID(), 'stack_added');
} else {
$this->error->add(t("You must give your stack a name."));
} else {
public function stack_deleted() {
$this->set('message', t('Stack deleted successfully'));
public function delete_stack() {
if (Loader::helper('validation/token')->validate('delete_stack')) {
$s = Stack::getByID($_REQUEST['stackID']);
if (is_object($s)) {
$sps = new Permissions($s);
if ($sps->canDeletePage()) {
$u = new User();
$pkr = new DeletePageRequest();
$response = $pkr->trigger();
if ($response instanceof ConcreteCoreWorkflowProgressResponse) {
// we only get this response if we have skipped workflows and jumped straight in to an approve() step.
$this->redirect('/dashboard/blocks/stacks', 'stack_deleted');
} else {
$this->redirect('/dashboard/blocks/stacks', 'view_details', $s->cID, 'delete_saved');
} else {
$this->error->add(t('You do not have access to delete this stack.'));
} else {
$this->error->add(t('Invalid stack'));
} else {
public function approve_stack($stackID = false, $token = false) {
if (Loader::helper('validation/token')->validate('approve_stack', $token)) {
$s = Stack::getByID($stackID);
if (is_object($s)) {
$sps = new Permissions($s);
if ($sps->canApprovePageVersions()) {
$u = new User();
$v = Version::get($s, 'RECENT');
$pkr = new ApproveStackRequest();
$response = $pkr->trigger();
if ($response instanceof ConcreteCoreWorkflowProgressResponse) {
// we only get this response if we have skipped workflows and jumped straight in to an approve() step.
$this->redirect('/dashboard/blocks/stacks', 'view_details', $stackID, 'stack_approved');
} else {
$this->redirect('/dashboard/blocks/stacks', 'view_details', $stackID, 'approve_saved');
} else {
$this->error->add(t('You do not have access to approve this stack.'));
} else {
$this->error->add(t('Invalid stack'));
} else {
public function view_details($cID, $msg = false) {
$s = Stack::getByID($cID);
if (is_object($s)) {
$blocks = $s->getBlocks('Main');
$view = View::getInstance();
foreach($blocks as $b1) {
$btc = $b1->getInstance();
// now we inject any custom template CSS and JavaScript into the header
if ($btc instanceof ConcreteCoreBlockBlockController) {
$btc->runTask('on_page_view', array($view));
$this->set('stack', $s);
$this->set('blocks', $blocks);
switch($msg) {
case 'stack_added':
$this->set('message', t('Stack added successfully.'));
case 'stack_approved':
$this->set('message', t('Stack approved successfully'));
case 'approve_saved':
$this->set('message', t('Approve request saved. You must complete the approval workflow before these changes are publicly accessible.'));
case 'delete_saved':
$this->set('message', t('Delete request saved. You must complete the delete workflow before this stack can be deleted.'));
case 'rename_saved':
$this->set('message', t('Rename request saved. You must complete the approval workflow before the name of the stack will be updated.'));
} else {
throw new Exception(t('Invalid stack'));
public function rename($cID) {
$s = Stack::getByID($cID);
if (is_object($s)) {
$this->set('stack', $s);
} else {
throw new Exception(t('Invalid stack'));
$sps = new Permissions($s);
if (!$sps->canEditPageProperties()) {
$this->redirect('/dashboard/blocks/stacks', 'view_details', $cID);
if ($this->isPost()) {
if (Loader::helper('validation/token')->validate('rename_stack')) {
if (Loader::helper('validation/strings')->notempty($stackName = trim($this->post('stackName')))) {
$txt = Loader::helper('text');
$v = $s->getVersionToModify();
'cName' => $stackName,
'cHandle' => str_replace('-', Config::get('concrete.seo.page_path_separator'), $txt->urlify($stackName))
$u = new User();
$pkr = new ApproveStackRequest();
$response = $pkr->trigger();
if ($response instanceof ConcreteCoreWorkflowProgressResponse) {
// we only get this response if we have skipped workflows and jumped straight in to an approve() step.
$this->redirect('/dashboard/blocks/stacks', 'stack_renamed', $cID);
} else {
$this->redirect('/dashboard/blocks/stacks', 'view_details', $cID, 'rename_saved');
} else {
$this->error->add(t("The stack name cannot be empty."));
} else {
public function stack_renamed($cID) {
$this->set('message', t('Stack renamed successfully'));
$this->action = 'view_details';
public function duplicate($cID) {
$s = Stack::getByID($cID);
if (is_object($s)) {
$this->set('stack', $s);
} else {
throw new Exception(t('Invalid stack'));
$sps = new Permissions($s);
if (!$sps->canMoveOrCopyPage()) {
$this->redirect('/dashboard/blocks/stacks', 'view_details', $cID);
if ($this->isPost()) {
if (Loader::helper('validation/token')->validate('duplicate_stack')) {
if (Loader::helper('validation/strings')->notempty($stackName = trim($this->post('stackName')))) {
$ns = $s->duplicate();
'stackName' => $stackName
$this->redirect('/dashboard/blocks/stacks', 'stack_duplicated');
} else {
$this->error->add(t("You must give your stack a name."));
} else {
$name = trim($this->post('name'));
public function stack_duplicated() {
$this->set('message', t('Stack duplicated successfully'));
public function update_order() {
$ret = array('success' => false, 'message' => t("Error"));
if ($this->isPost() && is_array($stIDs = $this->post('stID'))) {
$parent = Page::getByPath(STACKS_PAGE_PATH);
$cpc = new Permissions($parent);
if ($cpc->canMoveOrCopyPage()) {
foreach($stIDs as $displayOrder => $cID) {
$c = Page::getByID($cID);
$c->updateDisplayOrder($displayOrder, $cID);
$ret['success'] = true;
$ret['message'] = t("Stack order updated successfully.");
echo Loader::helper('json')->encode($ret);
public function list_page() {
return Redirect::to('/');