Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/controllers/single_page/account/edit_profile.php
Строк: 109
namespace ConcreteControllerSinglePageAccount;
use ConcreteCorePageControllerAccountPageController;
use Config;
use UserInfo;
use Exception;
use ConcreteCoreAuthenticationAuthenticationType;
use ConcreteCoreAuthenticationAuthenticationTypeFailureException;
use Loader;
use User;
use UserAttributeKey;
use Localization;
class EditProfile extends AccountPageController {
public function view() {
$u = new User();
$profile = UserInfo::getByID($u->getUserID());
if (is_object($profile)) {
$this->set('profile', $profile);
} else {
throw new Exception(t('You must be logged in to access this page.'));
$locales = array();
$languages = Localization::getAvailableInterfaceLanguages();
if (count($languages) > 0) {
array_unshift($languages, 'en_US');
if (count($languages) > 0) {
foreach ($languages as $lang) {
$locales[$lang] = PunicLanguage::getName($lang, $lang);
$locales = array_merge(array('' => tc('Default locale', '** Default')), $locales);
$this->set('locales', $locales);
public function callback($type,$method='callback') {
$at = AuthenticationType::getByHandle($type);
if (!method_exists($at->controller, $method)) {
throw new exception('Invalid method.');
if ($method != 'callback') {
if (!is_array($at->controller->apiMethods) || !in_array($method,$at->controller->apiMethods)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid method.");
try {
$message = call_user_method($method, $at->controller);
if (trim($message)) {
} catch (exception $e) {
if ($e instanceof AuthenticationTypeFailureException) {
// Throw again if this is a big`n
throw $e;
public function save() {
$ui = $this->get('profile');
$uh = Loader::helper('concrete/user');
$th = Loader::helper('text');
$vsh = Loader::helper('validation/strings');
$cvh = Loader::helper('concrete/validation');
$valt = Loader::helper('validation/token');
$data = $this->post();
* Validation
if(!$valt->validate('profile_edit')) {
// validate the user's email
$email = $this->post('uEmail');
if (!$vsh->email($email)) {
$this->error->add(t('Invalid email address provided.'));
} else if (!$cvh->isUniqueEmail($email) && $ui->getUserEmail() != $email) {
$this->error->add(t("The email address '%s' is already in use. Please choose another.",$email));
// password
if(strlen($data['uPasswordNew'])) {
$passwordNew = $data['uPasswordNew'];
$passwordNewConfirm = $data['uPasswordNewConfirm'];
Core::make('validator/password')->isValid($passwordNew, $this->error);
if ($passwordNew) {
if ($passwordNew != $passwordNewConfirm) {
$this->error->add(t('The two passwords provided do not match.'));
$data['uPasswordConfirm'] = $passwordNew;
$data['uPassword'] = $passwordNew;
$aks = UserAttributeKey::getEditableInProfileList();
foreach($aks as $uak) {
if ($uak->isAttributeKeyRequiredOnProfile()) {
$e1 = $uak->validateAttributeForm();
if ($e1 == false) {
$this->error->add(t('The field "%s" is required', $uak->getAttributeKeyDisplayName()));
} else if ($e1 instanceof ConcreteCoreErrorError) {
if (!$this->error->has()) {
$data['uEmail'] = $email;
if(Config::get('concrete.misc.user_timezones')) {
$data['uTimezone'] = $this->post('uTimezone');
$this->redirect("/account", "save_complete");