Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/controllers/panel/detail/page/location.php
Строк: 155
namespace ConcreteControllerPanelDetailPage;
use ConcreteControllerBackendUserInterfacePage as BackendInterfacePageController;
use ConcreteCorePagePagePath;
use ConcreteCoreWorkflowRequestApprovePageRequest;
use PageEditResponse;
use PermissionKey;
use Exception;
use Loader;
use PageType;
use Permissions;
use User;
use Page;
use Request;
use ConcreteCorePageCollectionVersionVersion;
use Database;
use ConcreteCoreWorkflowRequestMovePageRequest as MovePagePageWorkflowRequest;
use ConcreteCoreWorkflowProgressResponse as WorkflowProgressResponse;
class Location extends BackendInterfacePageController {
protected $viewPath = '/panels/details/page/location';
protected $controllerActionPath = '/ccm/system/panels/details/page/location';
protected $validationToken = '/panels/details/page/location';
protected function canAccess() {
return ($this->page->getCollectionID() != HOME_CID && is_object($this->asl) && $this->asl->allowEditPaths());
public function on_start() {
$pk = PermissionKey::getByHandle('edit_page_properties');
$this->asl = $pk->getMyAssignment();
public function view() {
$c = $this->page;
$cParentID = $c->getCollectionParentID();
if ($c->isPageDraft()) {
$cParentID = $c->getPageDraftTargetParentPageID();
$this->set('parent', Page::getByID($cParentID, 'ACTIVE'));
$this->set('cParentID', $cParentID);
// First, we pass in the auto generated page path. This is not actually necessarily a page path
// pulled from the table,it's what it WOULD be based on URL slugs
$autoGeneratedPath = $this->page->getAutoGeneratedPagePathObject();
// now that we know the auto generated page path, we loop through all page paths. If a path matching
// this path is set to be canonical, then we check that checkbox.
$paths = array();
foreach($c->getPagePaths() as $path) {
if ($path->getPagePath() == $autoGeneratedPath->getPagePath()) {
if ($path->isPagePathCanonical()) {
} else {
$paths[] = $path;
$this->set('autoGeneratedPath', $autoGeneratedPath);
$this->set('paths', $paths);
public function submit() {
$r = new PageEditResponse();
if ($this->validateAction()) {
$oc = $this->page;
if ($oc->getCollectionParentID() != $_POST['cParentID']) {
$dc = Page::getByID($_POST['cParentID'], 'RECENT');
if (!is_object($dc) || $dc->isError()) {
throw new Exception('Invalid parent page.');
$dcp = new Permissions($dc);
$ct = PageType::getByID($this->page->getPageTypeID());
if (!$dcp->canAddSubpage($ct)) {
throw new Exception('You do not have permission to add this subpage here.');
if (!$oc->canMoveCopyTo($dc)) {
throw new Exception('You cannot add a page beneath itself.');
if ($oc->isPageDraft()) {
} else {
$u = new User();
$pkr = new MovePagePageWorkflowRequest();
$response = $pkr->trigger();
if ($response instanceof WorkflowProgressResponse && !$this->request->request->get('sitemap')) {
$nc = Page::getByID($oc->getCollectionID());
// now we do additional page URLs
$req = Request::getInstance();
$canonical = $req->request->get('canonical');
$pathArray = $req->request->get('path');
if (is_array($pathArray)) {
foreach($pathArray as $i => $path) {
$p = new PagePath();
if ($canonical == $i) {
$r->setTitle(t('Page Updated'));
$r->setMessage(t('Page location information saved successfully.'));
$nc = Page::getByID($this->page->getCollectionID(), 'ACTIVE');