Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/controllers/install.php
Строк: 416
namespace ConcreteController;
use ConcreteCoreCacheCache;
use ConcreteCoreConfigRenderer;
use ConcreteCoreErrorError;
use ConcreteCoreLocalizationLocalization as Localization;
use Controller;
use Config;
use Exception;
use HautelookPhpassPasswordHash;
use Core;
use StartingPointPackage;
use View;
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {
class Install extends Controller
* This is to check if comments are being stripped
* Doctrine ORM depends on comments not being stripped.
* @var int
protected $docCommentCanary = 1;
* If the database already exists and is valid, lets just attach to it rather than installing over it.
* @var bool
protected $auto_attach = false;
protected $fp;
protected $fpu;
public $helpers = array('form', 'html');
public function getViewObject()
$v = new View('/frontend/install');
return $v;
public function view()
$locales = $this->getLocales();
$this->set('locales', $locales);
protected function getLocales()
return Localization::getAvailableInterfaceLanguageDescriptions();
protected function testAndRunInstall()
if (file_exists(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install_user.php')) {
require DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install.php';
@include DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install_user.php';
if (defined('SITE_INSTALL_LOCALE') && Localization::activeLocale() !== SITE_INSTALL_LOCALE) {
$e = Core::make('helper/validation/error');
$e = $this->validateDatabase($e);
} else {
$spName = 'elemental_full';
$spl = StartingPointPackage::getClass($spName);
if ($spl === null) {
$e->add(t('Invalid starting point: %s', $spName));
if ($e->has()) {
$this->set('error', $e);
} else {
$this->set('installPackage', $spl->getPackageHandle());
$this->set('installRoutines', $spl->getInstallRoutines());
'Congratulations. concrete5 has been installed. You have been logged in as <b>%s</b> with the password you chose. If you wish to change this password, you may do so from the users area of the dashboard.',
protected function validateDatabase(Error $e)
if (!extension_loaded('pdo')) {
} else {
$DB_SERVER = isset($_POST['DB_SERVER']) ? $_POST['DB_SERVER'] : null;
$db = Database::getFactory()->createConnection(
'host' => $DB_SERVER,
'user' => isset($_POST['DB_USERNAME']) ? $_POST['DB_USERNAME'] : null,
'password' => isset($_POST['DB_PASSWORD']) ? $_POST['DB_PASSWORD'] : null,
'database' => $DB_DATABASE,
if (!$db) {
$e->add(t('Unable to connect to database.'));
} elseif (!$this->isAutoAttachEnabled()) {
$num = $db->GetCol("show tables");
if (count($num) > 0) {
'There are already %s tables in this database. concrete5 must be installed in an empty database.',
try {
$support = $db->GetAll('show engines');
$supported = false;
foreach ($support as $engine) {
$engine = array_change_key_case($engine, CASE_LOWER);
if (isset($engine['engine']) && strtolower($engine['engine']) == 'innodb') {
$supported = true;
if (!$supported) {
$e->add(t('Your MySQL database does not support InnoDB database tables. These are required.'));
} catch (Exception $exception) {
// we're going to just proceed and hope for the best.
return $e;
public function getDBErrorMsg()
return t('The PDO extension is not loaded.');
public function setup()
public function select_language()
* Testing.
public function on_start()
if (isset($_POST['locale']) && $_POST['locale']) {
$loc = Localization::changeLocale($_POST['locale']);
$this->set('locale', $_POST['locale']);
if (Core::isInstalled()) {
throw new Exception(t('concrete5 is already installed.'));
setcookie('CONCRETE5_INSTALL_TEST', '1', 0, DIR_REL . '/');
$this->set('pageTitle', t('Install concrete5'));
private function setRequiredItems()
// $this->set('imageTest', function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor') || class_exists('Imagick'));
$this->set('imageTest', function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')
&& function_exists('imagepng')
&& function_exists('imagegif')
&& function_exists('imagejpeg'));
$this->set('mysqlTest', extension_loaded('pdo_mysql'));
$this->set('i18nTest', function_exists('ctype_lower')
$this->set('jsonTest', extension_loaded('json'));
$this->set('xmlTest', function_exists('xml_parse') && function_exists('simplexml_load_file'));
$this->set('fileWriteTest', $this->testFileWritePermissions());
$this->set('aspTagsTest', ini_get('asp_tags') == false);
$rf = new ReflectionObject($this);
$rp = $rf->getProperty('docCommentCanary');
$this->set('docCommentTest', (bool) $rp->getDocComment());
$memoryLimit = ini_get('memory_limit');
if ($memoryLimit == -1) {
$this->set('memoryTest', 1);
$this->set('memoryBytes', 0);
} else {
$val = Core::make('helper/number')->getBytes($memoryLimit);
$this->set('memoryBytes', $val);
if ($val < 25165824) {
$this->set('memoryTest', -1);
} elseif ($val >= 67108864) {
$this->set('memoryTest', 1);
} else {
$this->set('memoryTest', 0);
$phpVmin = $this->getMinimumPhpVersion();
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $phpVmin, '>=')) {
$phpVtest = true;
} else {
$phpVtest = false;
$this->set('phpVmin', $phpVmin);
$this->set('phpVtest', $phpVtest);
private function testFileWritePermissions()
$e = Core::make('helper/validation/error');
if (!is_writable(DIR_CONFIG_SITE)) {
$e->add(t('Your configuration directory config/ does not appear to be writable by the web server.'));
if (!is_writable(DIR_FILES_UPLOADED_STANDARD)) {
$e->add(t('Your files directory files/ does not appear to be writable by the web server.'));
if (!is_writable(DIR_PACKAGES)) {
$e->add(t('Your packages directory packages/ does not appear to be writable by the web server.'));
$this->fileWriteErrors = $e;
if ($this->fileWriteErrors->has()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
private function setOptionalItems()
// no longer need lucene
//$this->set('searchTest', function_exists('iconv') && function_exists('mb_strtolower') && (@preg_match('/pL/u', 'a') == 1));
$this->set('remoteFileUploadTest', function_exists('iconv'));
$this->set('fileZipTest', class_exists('ZipArchive'));
public function passedRequiredItems()
if ($this->get('imageTest') && $this->get('mysqlTest') && $this->get('fileWriteTest') &&
$this->get('xmlTest') && $this->get('phpVtest') && $this->get('i18nTest') &&
$this->get('memoryTest') !== -1 && $this->get('docCommentTest') && $this->get('aspTagsTest')
) {
return true;
public function test_url($num1, $num2)
$js = Core::make('helper/json');
$num = $num1 + $num2;
echo $js->encode(array('response' => $num));
public function run_routine($pkgHandle, $routine)
$spl = StartingPointPackage::getClass($pkgHandle);
require DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install.php';
@include DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install_user.php';
$jsx = Core::make('helper/json');
$js = new stdClass();
try {
if ($spl === null) {
throw new Exception(t('Invalid starting point: %s', $pkgHandle));
call_user_func(array($spl, $routine));
$js->error = false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$js->error = true;
$js->message = tc('InstallError', '%s.<br><br>Trace:<br>%s', $e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString());
echo $jsx->encode($js);
public function reset()
// remove site.php so that we can try again ?
if (is_resource($this->fp)) {
if (file_exists(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install.php')) {
unlink(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install.php');
if (file_exists(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install_user.php')) {
unlink(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install_user.php');
* @return ConcreteCoreErrorError
public function configure()
$error = Core::make('helper/validation/error');
/* @var $error ConcreteCoreErrorError */
try {
$val = Core::make('helper/validation/form');
$val->addRequired("SITE", t("Please specify your site's name"));
$val->addRequiredEmail("uEmail", t('Please specify a valid email address'));
$val->addRequired("DB_DATABASE", t('You must specify a valid database name'));
$val->addRequired("DB_SERVER", t('You must specify a valid database server'));
$password = $_POST['uPassword'];
$passwordConfirm = $_POST['uPasswordConfirm'];
Core::make('validator/password')->isValid($password, $error);
if ($password) {
if ($password != $passwordConfirm) {
$error->add(t('The two passwords provided do not match.'));
if (is_object($this->fileWriteErrors)) {
foreach ($this->fileWriteErrors->getList() as $msg) {
$error = $this->validateDatabase($error);
$error = $this->validateSampleContent($error);
if ($val->test() && (!$error->has())) {
// write the config file
$vh = Core::make('helper/validation/identifier');
$this->fp = @fopen(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install.php', 'w+');
$this->fpu = @fopen(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install_user.php', 'w+');
if ($this->fp) {
$config = isset($_POST['SITE_CONFIG']) ? ((array) $_POST['SITE_CONFIG']) : array();
$config['database'] = array(
'default-connection' => 'concrete',
'connections' => array(
'concrete' => array(
'driver' => 'c5_pdo_mysql',
'server' => $_POST['DB_SERVER'],
'database' => $_POST['DB_DATABASE'],
'username' => $_POST['DB_USERNAME'],
'password' => $_POST['DB_PASSWORD'],
'charset' => 'utf8',
$renderer = new Renderer($config);
fwrite($this->fp, $renderer->render());
chmod(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install.php', 0700);
} else {
throw new Exception(t('Unable to open config/app.php for writing.'));
if ($this->fpu) {
$hasher = new PasswordHash(Config::get('concrete.user.password.hash_cost_log2'), Config::get('concrete.user.password.hash_portable'));
$configuration = "<?phpn";
$configuration .= "define('INSTALL_USER_EMAIL', " . var_export((string) $_POST['uEmail'], true) . ");n";
$configuration .= "define('INSTALL_USER_PASSWORD_HASH', " . var_export((string) $hasher->HashPassword($_POST['uPassword']), true) . ");n";
$configuration .= "define('INSTALL_STARTING_POINT', " . var_export((string) $this->post('SAMPLE_CONTENT'), true) . ");n";
$configuration .= "define('SITE', " . var_export((string) $_POST['SITE'], true) . ");n";
if (Localization::activeLocale() != '' && Localization::activeLocale() != 'en_US') {
$configuration .= "define('SITE_INSTALL_LOCALE', " . var_export((string) Localization::activeLocale(), true) . ");n";
$res = fwrite($this->fpu, $configuration);
chmod(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install_user.php', 0700);
if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {
} else {
throw new Exception(t('Unable to open config/site_user.php for writing.'));
} else {
if ($error->has()) {
$this->set('error', $error);
} else {
$error = $val->getError();
$this->set('error', $val->getError());
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$this->set('error', $ex);
return $error;
protected function validateSampleContent($e)
$pkg = StartingPointPackage::getClass($this->post('SAMPLE_CONTENT'));
if ($pkg === null) {
$e->add(t("You must select a valid sample content starting point."));
return $e;
public function getMinimumPhpVersion()
return '5.3.3';
* @return bool
public function isAutoAttachEnabled()
return $this->auto_attach;
* @param bool $auto_attach
public function setAutoAttach($auto_attach)
$this->auto_attach = $auto_attach;