Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/controllers/frontend/assets_localization.php
Строк: 1726
namespace ConcreteControllerFrontend;
use Controller;
use ConcreteCoreFileTypeType as FileType;
use ConcreteCoreLocalizationLocalization;
use Core;
use Environment;
class AssetsLocalization extends Controller
protected static function sendJavascriptHeader()
header('Content-type: text/javascript; charset='.APP_CHARSET);
public static function getCoreJavascript($setResponseHeaders = true)
if ($setResponseHeaders) {
var ccmi18n = {
expand: <?php echo json_encode(t('Expand'))?>,
cancel: <?php echo json_encode(t('Cancel'))?>,
collapse: <?php echo json_encode(t('Collapse'))?>,
error: <?php echo json_encode(t('Error'))?>,
deleteBlock: <?php echo json_encode(t('Block Deleted'))?>,
deleteBlockMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('The block has been removed successfully.'))?>,
addBlock: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Block'))?>,
addBlockNew: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Block'))?>,
addBlockStack: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Stack'))?>,
addBlockStackMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('The stack has been added successfully'))?>,
addBlockPaste: <?php echo json_encode(t('Paste from Clipboard'))?>,
changeAreaCSS: <?php echo json_encode(t('Design'))?>,
editAreaLayout: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit Layout'))?>,
addAreaLayout: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Layout'))?>,
moveLayoutUp: <?php echo json_encode(t('Move Up'))?>,
moveLayoutDown: <?php echo json_encode(t('Move Down'))?>,
moveLayoutAtBoundary: <?php echo json_encode(t('This layout section can not be moved further in this direction.'))?>,
areaLayoutPresets: <?php echo json_encode(t('Layout Presets'))?>,
lockAreaLayout: <?php echo json_encode(t('Lock Layout'))?>,
unlockAreaLayout: <?php echo json_encode(t('Unlock Layout'))?>,
deleteLayout: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete'))?>,
deleteLayoutOptsTitle: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete Layout'))?>,
confirmLayoutPresetDelete: <?php echo json_encode(t('Are you sure you want to delete this layout preset?'))?>,
setAreaPermissions: <?php echo json_encode(t('Set Permissions'))?>,
addBlockMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('The block has been added successfully.'))?>,
updateBlock: <?php echo json_encode(t('Update Block'))?>,
updateBlockMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('The block has been saved successfully.'))?>,
copyBlockToScrapbookMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('The block has been added to your clipboard.'))?>,
content: <?php echo json_encode(t('Content'))?>,
closeWindow: <?php echo json_encode(t('Close'))?>,
editBlock: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit'))?>,
editBlockWithName: <?php echo json_encode(tc('%s is a block type name', 'Edit %s'))?>,
setPermissionsDeferredMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('Permission setting saved. You must complete the workflow before this change is active.'))?>,
editStackContents: <?php echo json_encode(t('Manage Stack Contents'))?>,
compareVersions: <?php echo json_encode(t('Compare Versions'))?>,
blockAreaMenu: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Block'))?>,
arrangeBlock: <?php echo json_encode(t('Move'))?>,
arrangeBlockMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('Blocks arranged successfully.'))?>,
copyBlockToScrapbook: <?php echo json_encode(t('Copy to Clipboard'))?>,
changeBlockTemplate: <?php echo json_encode(t('Custom Template'))?>,
changeBlockCSS: <?php echo json_encode(t('Design'))?>,
errorCustomStylePresetNoName: <?php echo json_encode(t('You must give your custom style preset a name.'))?>,
changeBlockBaseStyle: <?php echo json_encode(t('Set Block Styles'))?>,
confirmCssReset: <?php echo json_encode(t('Are you sure you want to remove all of these custom styles?'))?>,
confirmCssPresetDelete: <?php echo json_encode(t('Are you sure you want to delete this custom style preset?'))?>,
setBlockPermissions: <?php echo json_encode(t('Set Permissions'))?>,
setBlockAlias: <?php echo json_encode(t('Setup on Child Pages'))?>,
setBlockComposerSettings: <?php echo json_encode(t('Composer Settings'))?>,
themeBrowserTitle: <?php echo json_encode(t('Get More Themes'))?>,
themeBrowserLoading: <?php echo json_encode(t('Retrieving theme data from concrete5.org marketplace.'))?>,
addonBrowserLoading: <?php echo json_encode(t('Retrieving add-on data from concrete5.org marketplace.'))?>,
clear: <?php echo json_encode(t('Clear'))?>,
requestTimeout: <?php echo json_encode(t('This request took too long.'))?>,
generalRequestError: <?php echo json_encode(t('An unexpected error occurred.'))?>,
helpPopup: <?php echo json_encode(t('Help'))?>,
community: <?php echo json_encode(t('concrete5 Marketplace'))?>,
communityCheckout: <?php echo json_encode(t('concrete5 Marketplace - Purchase & Checkout'))?>,
communityDownload: <?php echo json_encode(t('concrete5 Marketplace - Download'))?>,
noIE6: <?php echo json_encode(t('concrete5 does not support Internet Explorer 6 in edit mode.'))?>,
helpPopupLoginMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('Get more help on your question by posting it to the concrete5 help center on concrete5.org'))?>,
marketplaceErrorMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('<p>You package could not be installed. An unknown error occured.</p>'))?>,
marketplaceInstallMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('<p>Your package will now be downloaded and installed.</p>'))?>,
marketplaceLoadingMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('<p>Retrieving information from the concrete5 Marketplace.</p>'))?>,
marketplaceLoginMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('<p>You must be logged into the concrete5 Marketplace to install add-ons and themes. Please log in.</p>'))?>,
marketplaceLoginSuccessMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('<p>You have successfully logged into the concrete5 Marketplace.</p>'))?>,
marketplaceLogoutSuccessMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('<p>You are now logged out of concrete5 Marketplace.</p>'))?>,
deleteAttributeValue: <?php echo json_encode(t('Are you sure you want to remove this value?'))?>,
customizeSearch: <?php echo json_encode(t('Customize Search'))?>,
properties: <?php echo json_encode(t('Page Saved'))?>,
savePropertiesMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('Page Properties saved.'))?>,
saveSpeedSettingsMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('Full page caching settings saved.'))?>,
saveUserSettingsMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('User Settings saved.'))?>,
ok: <?php echo json_encode(t('Ok'))?>,
scheduleGuestAccess: <?php echo json_encode(t('Schedule Guest Access'))?>,
scheduleGuestAccessSuccess: <?php echo json_encode(t('Timed Access for Guest Users Updated Successfully.'))?>,
newsflowLoading: <?php echo json_encode(t('Checking for updates.'))?>,
x: <?php echo json_encode(t('x'))?>,
user_activate: <?php echo json_encode(t('Activate Users'))?>,
user_deactivate: <?php echo json_encode(t('Deactivate Users'))?>,
user_delete: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete'))?>,
user_group_remove: <?php echo json_encode(t('Remove From Group'))?>,
user_group_add: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add to Group'))?>,
none: <?php echo json_encode(t('None'))?>,
editModeMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('Let's start editing a page.'))?>,
editMode: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit Mode'))?>,
save: <?php echo json_encode(t('Save'))?>,
currentImage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Current Image'))?>,
image: <?php echo json_encode(t('Image'))?>,
size: <?php echo json_encode(t('Size'))?>,
chooseFont: <?php echo json_encode(t('Choose Font'))?>,
fontWeight: <?php echo json_encode(t('Font Weight'))?>,
italic: <?php echo json_encode(t('Italic'))?>,
underline: <?php echo json_encode(t('Underline'))?>,
uppercase: <?php echo json_encode(t('Uppercase'))?>,
fontSize: <?php echo json_encode(t('Font Size'))?>,
letterSpacing: <?php echo json_encode(t('Letter spacing'))?>,
lineHeight: <?php echo json_encode(t('Line Height'))?>,
emptyArea: <?php echo json_encode(t('Empty %s Area', '<%- area_handle %>'))?>,
fullArea: <?php echo json_encode(t('This area is full!'))?>
var ccmi18n_editor = {
insertLinkToFile: <?php echo json_encode(t('Insert Link to File'))?>,
insertImage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Insert Image'))?>,
insertLinkToPage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Link to Page'))?>
var ccmi18n_sitemap = {
seo: <?php echo json_encode(t('SEO'))?>,
pageLocation: <?php echo json_encode(t('Location'))?>,
pageLocationTitle: <?php echo json_encode(t('Location'))?>,
visitExternalLink: <?php echo json_encode(t('Visit'))?>,
editExternalLink: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit External Link'))?>,
deleteExternalLink: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete'))?>,
copyProgressTitle: <?php echo json_encode(t('Copy Progress'))?>,
addExternalLink: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add External Link'))?>,
sendToTop: <?php echo json_encode(t('Send To Top'))?>,
sendToBottom: <?php echo json_encode(t('Send To Bottom'))?>,
emptyTrash: <?php echo json_encode(t('Empty Trash'))?>,
restorePage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Restore Page'))?>,
deletePageForever: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete Forever'))?>,
previewPage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Preview'))?>,
visitPage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Visit'))?>,
pageAttributes: <?php echo json_encode(t('Attributes'))?>,
speedSettings: <?php echo json_encode(t('Caching'))?>,
speedSettingsTitle: <?php echo json_encode(t('Caching'))?>,
pageAttributesTitle: <?php echo json_encode(t('Attributes'))?>,
pagePermissionsTitle: <?php echo json_encode(t('Page Permissions'))?>,
setPagePermissions: <?php echo json_encode(t('Permissions'))?>,
setPagePermissionsMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('Page permissions updated successfully.'))?>,
pageDesignMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('Theme and page type updated successfully.'))?>,
pageDesign: <?php echo json_encode(t('Design & Type'))?>,
pageVersions: <?php echo json_encode(t('Versions'))?>,
deletePage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete'))?>,
deletePages: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete Pages'))?>,
deletePageSuccessMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('The page has been removed successfully.'))?>,
deletePageSuccessDeferredMsg: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete request saved. You must complete the workflow before the page is fully removed.'))?>,
addPage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Page'))?>,
moveCopyPage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Move/Copy'))?>,
reorderPage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Change Page Order'))?>,
reorderPageMessage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Move or reorder pages by dragging their icons.'))?>,
moveCopyPageMessage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Choose a new parent page from the sitemap.'))?>,
editInComposer: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit in Composer'))?>,
searchPages: <?php echo json_encode(t('Search Pages'))?>,
explorePages: <?php echo json_encode(t('Flat View'))?>,
backToSitemap: <?php echo json_encode(t('Back to Sitemap'))?>,
searchResults: <?php echo json_encode(t('Search Results'))?>,
createdBy: <?php echo json_encode(t('Created By'))?>,
choosePage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Choose a Page'))?>,
viewing: <?php echo json_encode(t('Viewing'))?>,
results: <?php echo json_encode(t('Result(s)'))?>,
max: <?php echo json_encode(t('max'))?>,
noResults: <?php echo json_encode(t('No results found.'))?>,
areYouSure: <?php echo json_encode(t('Are you sure?'))?>,
loadingText: <?php echo json_encode(t('Loading'))?>,
loadError: <?php echo json_encode(t('Unable to load sitemap data. Response received: '))?>,
loadErrorTitle: <?php echo json_encode(t('Unable to load sitemap data.'))?>,
on: <?php echo json_encode(t('on'))?>
var ccmi18n_spellchecker = {
resumeEditing: <?php echo json_encode(t('Resume Editing'))?>,
noSuggestions: <?php echo json_encode(t('No Suggestions'))?>
var ccmi18n_groups = {
editGroup: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit Group'))?>,
editPermissions: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit Permissions'))?>
var ccmi18n_filemanager = {
view: <?php echo json_encode(t('View'))?>,
download: <?php echo json_encode(t('Download'))?>,
select: <?php echo json_encode(t('Choose'))?>,
duplicateFile: <?php echo json_encode(t('Copy File'))?>,
clear: <?php echo json_encode(t('Clear'))?>,
edit: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit'))?>,
thumbnailImages: <?php echo json_encode(t('Thumbnail Images'))?>,
replace: <?php echo json_encode(t('Replace'))?>,
duplicate: <?php echo json_encode(t('Copy'))?>,
chooseNew: <?php echo json_encode(t('Choose New File'))?>,
sets: <?php echo json_encode(t('Sets'))?>,
permissions: <?php echo json_encode(t('Permissions'))?>,
properties: <?php echo json_encode(t('Properties'))?>,
deleteFile: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete'))?>,
title: <?php echo json_encode(t('File Manager'))?>,
uploadErrorChooseFile: <?php echo json_encode(t('You must choose a file.'))?>,
rescan: <?php echo json_encode(t('Rescan'))?>,
pending: <?php echo json_encode(t('Pending'))?>,
uploadComplete: <?php echo json_encode(t('Upload Complete'))?>,
uploadFailed: <?php echo json_encode(t('Upload Failed'))?>,
uploadProgress: <?php echo json_encode(t('Upload Progress'))?>,
chosenTooMany: <?php echo json_encode(t('You may only select a single file.'))?>,
PTYPE_CUSTOM: <?php echo json_encode(/*FilePermissions::PTYPE_CUSTOM*/ '')?>,
PTYPE_NONE: <?php echo json_encode(/*FilePermissions::PTYPE_NONE*/ '')?>,
PTYPE_ALL: <?php echo json_encode(/*FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL*/ '')?>,
FTYPE_IMAGE: <?php echo json_encode(FileType::T_IMAGE)?>,
FTYPE_VIDEO: <?php echo json_encode(FileType::T_VIDEO)?>,
FTYPE_TEXT: <?php echo json_encode(FileType::T_TEXT)?>,
FTYPE_AUDIO: <?php echo json_encode(FileType::T_AUDIO)?>,
FTYPE_DOCUMENT: <?php echo json_encode(FileType::T_DOCUMENT)?>,
FTYPE_APPLICATION: <?php echo json_encode(FileType::T_APPLICATION)?>
var ccmi18n_chosen = {
placeholder_text_multiple: <?php echo json_encode(t('Select Some Options'))?>,
placeholder_text_single: <?php echo json_encode(t('Select an Option'))?>,
no_results_text: <?php echo json_encode(t(/*i18n After this text we have a search criteria: for instance 'No results match "Criteria"'*/'No results match'))?>
var ccmi18n_topics = {
addCategory: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Category'))?>,
editCategory: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit Category'))?>,
deleteCategory: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete Category'))?>,
cloneCategory: <?php echo json_encode(t('Clone Category'))?>,
addTopic: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Topic'))?>,
editTopic: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit Topic'))?>,
deleteTopic: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete Topic'))?>,
cloneTopic: <?php echo json_encode(t('Clone Topic'))?>,
editPermissions: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit Permissions'))?>
var ccmi18n_tourist = {
skipButton: <?php echo json_encode('<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm pull-right tour-next">'.t('Skip →').'</button>')?>,
nextButton: <?php echo json_encode('<button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm pull-right tour-next">'.t('Next →').'</button>')?>,
finalButton: <?php echo json_encode('<button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm pull-right tour-next">'.t('Done').'</button>')?>,
closeButton: <?php echo json_encode('<a class="btn btn-close tour-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></a>')?>,
okButton: <?php echo json_encode('<button class="btn btn-sm tour-close btn-primary">'.t('Ok').'</button>')?>,
doThis: <?php echo json_encode(t('Do this:'))?>,
thenThis: <?php echo json_encode(t('Then this:'))?>,
nextThis: <?php echo json_encode(t('Next this:'))?>,
stepXofY: <?php echo json_encode(t('step %1$d of %2$d'))?>
var ccmi18n_helpGuides = {
'add-page': [
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Pages Panel'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('The pages is where you go to add a new page to your site, or jump between existing pages. To open the pages panel, click the icon.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Page Types'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('This is your list of page types. Click any of them to add a page.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Sitemap'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('This is your sitemap. Use it to easily navigate your site.'))?>}
'change-content-edit-mode': [
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit Mode Active'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('The highlighted button makes it obvious you're in edit mode.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit the Block'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('Just roll over any content on the page. Click or tap to get the edit menu for that block.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit Menu'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('Use this menu to edit a block's contents, change its display, or remove it entirely.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Save Changes'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t("When you're done editing you can Save Changes for other editors to see, or Publish Changes to make your changes live immediately."))?>}
'add-content-edit-mode': [
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Mode Active'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('The highlighted button makes it obvious you're in Add Content mode.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Panel'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('This is the Add Content Panel.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Content Selector'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('Click here to choose between adding blocks, clipboard items, stacks and stack contents.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Search Blocks'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t("You can easily filter the blocks in the panel by searching here."))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Blocks'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t("Click and drag blocks from the add panel into the page to add them."))?>}
'change-content': [
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Enter Edit Mode'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('First, click the "Edit Page" button. This will enter edit mode for this page.'))?>}
'add-content': [
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Enter Edit Mode'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('Click the "Add Content" button to enter edit mode, with the Add Content panel active.'))?>}
'dashboard': [
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Dashboard Panel'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('The dashboard is where you go to manage aspects of your site that have to do with more than the content on just one page. Click the sliders icon.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Sitemap'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t("The sitemap lets manage the structure of your website. You can delete pages you don't need, or drag them around the tree to suit your needs."))?>}
'location-panel': [
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Choose Location'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('Click this button to choose the location of the page in your sitemap. If saved, the page will be moved to this location.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Page URLs'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('Control the URLs used to access your page here. Non-canonical URLs will redirect to your page; canonical URLs can be either generated or automatically or overridden. Sub-pages to this page start with canonical URLs by default.'))?>}
'personalize': [
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Properties Panel'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('The properties panel controls data and details about the current page including design customizations. To open the properties panel, click the gear icon.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Page Design'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('From here you can change your page template and customize your page's styles.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Customize'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('Click here to load the theme customizer for the page.'))?>}
'toolbar': [
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit Mode'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit anything on this page by clicking the pencil icon.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Settings'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('Change the general look and options like SEO and permissions. Delete the page or roll versions back from here as well.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Content'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('Place a new block on the page. Copy one using the clipboard, or try a reusable stack.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Intelligent Search'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('At a loss? Try searching here. You can find anything from pages in your site to settings and how-to documentation.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Page'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add a new page to your site, or quickly jump around your sitemap.'))?>},
{title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Dashboard'))?>, text: <?php echo json_encode(t('Anything that isn't specific to this page happens here. Manage users, files, reporting data, and site-wide settings.'))?>}
public static function getSelect2Javascript($setResponseHeaders = true)
if ($setResponseHeaders) {
$locale = str_replace('_', '-', Localization::activeLocale());
if ($locale === 'en-US') {
echo '// No needs to translate '.$locale;
} else {
$env = Environment::get();
/* @var $env ConcreteCoreFoundationEnvironment */
$language = Localization::activeLanguage();
$alternatives = array($locale);
if (strcmp($locale, $language) !== 0) {
$alternatives[] = $language;
$found = null;
foreach ($alternatives as $alternative) {
$r = $env->getRecord(DIRNAME_JAVASCRIPT."/i18n/select2_locale_{$alternative}.js");
if (is_file($r->file)) {
$found = $r->file;
if (isset($found)) {
} else {
echo '// No select2 translations for '.implode(', ', $alternatives);
public static function getRedactorJavascript($setResponseHeaders = true)
if ($setResponseHeaders) {
$locale = Localization::activeLocale();
jQuery.Redactor.opts.langs[<?php echo json_encode($locale)?>] = {
html: <?php echo json_encode(t('HTML'))?>,
video: <?php echo json_encode(t('Insert Video'))?>,
image: <?php echo json_encode(t('Insert Image'))?>,
table: <?php echo json_encode(t('Table'))?>,
link: <?php echo json_encode(t('Link'))?>,
link_insert: <?php echo json_encode(t('Insert link'))?>,
link_edit: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit link'))?>,
unlink: <?php echo json_encode(t('Unlink'))?>,
formatting: <?php echo json_encode(t('Formatting'))?>,
paragraph: <?php echo json_encode(t('Normal text'))?>,
quote: <?php echo json_encode(t('Quote'))?>,
code: <?php echo json_encode(t('Code'))?>,
header1: <?php echo json_encode(t('Header 1'))?>,
header2: <?php echo json_encode(t('Header 2'))?>,
header3: <?php echo json_encode(t('Header 3'))?>,
header4: <?php echo json_encode(t('Header 4'))?>,
header5: <?php echo json_encode(t('Header 5'))?>,
bold: <?php echo json_encode(t('Bold'))?>,
italic: <?php echo json_encode(t('Italic'))?>,
fontcolor: <?php echo json_encode(t('Font Color'))?>,
backcolor: <?php echo json_encode(t('Back Color'))?>,
unorderedlist: <?php echo json_encode(t('Unordered List'))?>,
orderedlist: <?php echo json_encode(t('Ordered List'))?>,
outdent: <?php echo json_encode(t('Outdent'))?>,
indent: <?php echo json_encode(t('Indent'))?>,
cancel: <?php echo json_encode(t('Cancel'))?>,
insert: <?php echo json_encode(t('Insert'))?>,
save: <?php echo json_encode(t('Save'))?>,
_delete: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete'))?>,
insert_table: <?php echo json_encode(t('Insert Table'))?>,
insert_row_above: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Row Above'))?>,
insert_row_below: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Row Below'))?>,
insert_column_left: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Column Left'))?>,
insert_column_right: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Column Right'))?>,
delete_column: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete Column'))?>,
delete_row: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete Row'))?>,
delete_table: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete Table'))?>,
rows: <?php echo json_encode(t('Rows'))?>,
columns: <?php echo json_encode(t('Columns'))?>,
add_head: <?php echo json_encode(t('Add Head'))?>,
delete_head: <?php echo json_encode(t('Delete Head'))?>,
title: <?php echo json_encode(t('Title'))?>,
image_position: <?php echo json_encode(t('Position'))?>,
none: <?php echo json_encode(t('None'))?>,
left: <?php echo json_encode(t('Left'))?>,
right: <?php echo json_encode(t('Right'))?>,
center: <?php echo json_encode(t('Center'))?>,
image_web_link: <?php echo json_encode(t('Image Web Link'))?>,
text: <?php echo json_encode(t('Text'))?>,
mailto: <?php echo json_encode(t('Email'))?>,
web: <?php echo json_encode(t('URL'))?>,
video_html_code: <?php echo json_encode(t('Video Embed Code or Youtube/Vimeo Link'))?>,
file: <?php echo json_encode(t('Insert File'))?>,
upload: <?php echo json_encode(t('Upload'))?>,
download: <?php echo json_encode(t('Download'))?>,
choose: <?php echo json_encode(t('Choose'))?>,
or_choose: <?php echo json_encode(t('Or choose'))?>,
drop_file_here: <?php echo json_encode(t('Drop file here'))?>,
align_left: <?php echo json_encode(t('Align text to the left'))?>,
align_center: <?php echo json_encode(t('Center text'))?>,
align_right: <?php echo json_encode(t('Align text to the right'))?>,
align_justify: <?php echo json_encode(t('Justify text'))?>,
horizontalrule: <?php echo json_encode(t('Insert Horizontal Rule'))?>,
deleted: <?php echo json_encode(t('Deleted'))?>,
anchor: <?php echo json_encode(t('Anchor'))?>,
open_link: <?php echo json_encode(t('Open Link'))?>,
link_new_tab: <?php echo json_encode(t('Open link in new tab'))?>,
/* concrete5 */
link_same_window: <?php echo json_encode(t('Open link in same window'))?>,
in_lightbox: <?php echo json_encode(t('Open link in Lightbox'))?>,
lightbox_link_type: <?php echo json_encode(t('Link Type'))?>,
lightbox_link_type_iframe: <?php echo json_encode(t('Web Page'))?>,
lightbox_link_type_image: <?php echo json_encode(t('Image'))?>,
lightbox_link_type_iframe_options: <?php echo json_encode(t('Frame Options'))?>,
lightbox_link_type_iframe_width: <?php echo json_encode(t('Width'))?>,
lightbox_link_type_iframe_height: <?php echo json_encode(t('Height'))?>,
customStyles: <?php echo json_encode(t('Custom Styles'))?>,
remove_font: <?php echo json_encode(t('Remove font'))?>,
change_font_family: <?php echo json_encode(t('Change Font Family'))?>,
remove_style: <?php echo json_encode(t('Remove Style'))?>,
insert_character: <?php echo json_encode(t('Insert Character'))?>,
undo: <?php echo json_encode(t('Undo'))?>,
redo: <?php echo json_encode(t('Redo'))?>,
remove_font_family: <?php echo json_encode(t('Remove Font Family'))?>,
remove_font_size: <?php echo json_encode(t('Remove Font Size'))?>,
change_font_size: <?php echo json_encode(t('Change Font Size'))?>,
/* end concrete5 */
underline: <?php echo json_encode(t('Underline'))?>,
alignment: <?php echo json_encode(t('Alignment'))?>,
filename: <?php echo json_encode(t('Name (optional)'))?>,
edit: <?php echo json_encode(t('Edit'))?>,
upload_label: <?php echo json_encode(t('Drop file here or '))?>
jQuery.Redactor.opts.lang = <?php echo json_encode($locale)?>;
jQuery.each(jQuery.Redactor.opts.langs.en, function(key, value) {
if(!(key in jQuery.Redactor.opts.langs[<?php echo json_encode($locale)?>])) {
jQuery.Redactor.opts.langs[<?php echo json_encode($locale)?>][key] = value;
public static function getDynatreeJavascript($setResponseHeaders = true)
if ($setResponseHeaders) {
jQuery.ui.dynatree.prototype.options.strings.loading = <?php echo json_encode(t('Loading...'))?>;
jQuery.ui.dynatree.prototype.options.strings.loadError = <?php echo json_encode(t('Load error!'))?>;
public static function getImageEditorJavascript($setResponseHeaders = true)
if ($setResponseHeaders) {
var ccmi18n_imageeditor = {
loadingControlSets: <?php echo json_encode(t('Loading Control Sets...'))?>,
loadingComponents: <?php echo json_encode(t('Loading Components...'))?>,
loadingFilters: <?php echo json_encode(t('Loading Filters...'))?>,
loadingImage: <?php echo json_encode(t('Loading Image...'))?>,
areYouSure: <?php echo json_encode(t('Are you sure?'))?>
public static function getJQueryUIJavascript($setResponseHeaders = true)
if ($setResponseHeaders) {
$env = Environment::get();
/* @var $env ConcreteCoreFoundationEnvironment */
$alternatives = array(Localization::activeLocale());
if (Localization::activeLocale() !== Localization::activeLanguage()) {
$alternatives[] = Localization::activeLanguage();
$found = null;
foreach ($alternatives as $alternative) {
$r = $env->getRecord(DIRNAME_JAVASCRIPT.'/i18n/ui.datepicker-'.str_replace('_', '-', $alternative).'.js');
if (is_file($r->file)) {
$found = $r->file;
if (isset($found)) {
} else {
echo '// No jQueryUI translations for '.Localization::activeLocale();
public static function getTranslatorJavascript($setResponseHeaders = true)
if ($setResponseHeaders) {
AskDiscardDirtyTranslation: <?php echo json_encode(t("The current item has changed.nIf you proceed you will lose your changes.nnDo you want to proceed anyway?"))?>,
Comments: <?php echo json_encode(t('Comments'))?>,
Context: <?php echo json_encode(t('Context'))?>,
ExamplePH: <?php echo json_encode(t('Example: %s'))?>,
Filter: <?php echo json_encode(t('Filter'))?>,
Original_String: <?php echo json_encode(t('Original String'))?>,
Please_fill_in_all_plurals: <?php echo json_encode(t('Please fill-in all plural forms'))?>,
Plural_Original_String: <?php echo json_encode(t('Plural Original String'))?>,
References: <?php echo json_encode(t('References'))?>,
Save_and_Continue: <?php echo json_encode(t('Save & Continue'))?>,
Search_for_: <?php echo json_encode(t('Search for...'))?>,
Search_in_contexts: <?php echo json_encode(t('Search in contexts'))?>,
Search_in_originals: <?php echo json_encode(t('Search in originals'))?>,
Search_in_translations: <?php echo json_encode(t('Search in translations'))?>,
Show_approved: <?php echo json_encode(t('Show approved'))?>,
Show_translated: <?php echo json_encode(t('Show translated'))?>,
Show_unapproved: <?php echo json_encode(t('Show unapproved'))?>,
Show_untranslated: <?php echo json_encode(t('Show untranslated'))?>,
Singular_Original_String: <?php echo json_encode(t('Singular Original String'))?>,
Toggle_Dropdown: <?php echo json_encode(t('Toggle Dropdown'))?>,
TAB: <?php echo json_encode(t('[TAB] Forward'))?>,
TAB_SHIFT: <?php echo json_encode(t('[SHIFT]+[TAB] Backward'))?>,
Translate: <?php echo json_encode(t('Translate'))?>,
Translation: <?php echo json_encode(t('Translation'))?>,
PluralNames: {
zero: <?php echo json_encode(tc('PluralCase', 'Zero'))?>,
one: <?php echo json_encode(tc('PluralCase', 'One'))?>,
two: <?php echo json_encode(tc('PluralCase', 'Two'))?>,
few: <?php echo json_encode(tc('PluralCase', 'Few'))?>,
many: <?php echo json_encode(tc('PluralCase', 'Many'))?>,
other: <?php echo json_encode(tc('PluralCase', 'Other'))?>
public static function getDropzoneJavascript($setResponseHeaders = true)
if ($setResponseHeaders) {
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictDefaultMessage = <?php echo json_encode(t('Drop files here to upload'))?>;
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictFallbackMessage = <?php echo json_encode(t("Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads."))?>;
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictFallbackText = <?php echo json_encode(t('Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.'))?>;
public static function getConversationsJavascript($setResponseHeaders = true)
if ($setResponseHeaders) {
Confirm_remove_message: <?php echo json_encode(t('Remove this message? Replies to it will not be removed'))?>,
Confirm_mark_as_spam: <?php echo json_encode(t('Are you sure you want to flag this message as spam?'))?>,
Warn_currently_editing: <?php echo json_encode(t('Please complete or cancel the current message editing session before editing this message.'))?>,
Unspecified_error_occurred: <?php echo json_encode(t('An unspecified error occurred.'))?>,
Error_deleting_message: <?php echo json_encode(t('Something went wrong while deleting this message, please refresh and try again.'))?>,
Error_flagging_message: <?php echo json_encode(t('Something went wrong while flagging this message, please refresh and try again.'))?>
Too_many_files: <?php echo json_encode(t('Too many files'))?>,
Invalid_file_extension: <?php echo json_encode(t('Invalid file extension'))?>,
Max_file_size_exceeded: <?php echo json_encode(t('Max file size exceeded'))?>,
Error_deleting_attachment: <?php echo json_encode(t('Something went wrong while deleting this attachment, please refresh and try again.'))?>,
Confirm_remove_attachment: <?php echo json_encode(t('Remove this attachment?'))?>