Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/controllers/backend/user_interface/block.php
Строк: 108
namespace ConcreteControllerBackendUserInterface;
use Exception;
use Page as ConcretePage;
use Permissions;
abstract class Block extends Page
protected $page;
protected $area;
protected $block;
public function on_start()
$request = $this->request;
$arHandle = $request->query->get('arHandle');
$bID = $request->query->get('bID');
$a = Area::get($this->page, $arHandle);
if (!is_object($a)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid Area');
$this->area = $a;
if (!$a->isGlobalArea()) {
$b = Block::getByID($bID, $this->page, $a);
$this->set('isGlobalArea', false);
} else {
$stack = Stack::getByName($arHandle);
$sc = ConcretePage::getByID($stack->getCollectionID(), 'RECENT');
$b = Block::getByID($bID, $sc, STACKS_AREA_NAME);
$b->setBlockAreaObject($a); // set the original area object
$this->set('isGlobalArea', true);
$this->block = $b;
$this->permissions = new Permissions($b);
$this->set('bp', $this->permissions);
$this->set('b', $b);
public function getViewObject()
if ($this->permissions->canViewEditInterface() && $this->canAccess()) {
return ConcreteCoreControllerController::getViewObject();
throw new Exception(t('Access Denied'));
protected function getBlockToEdit()
$ax = $this->area;
$cx = $this->page;
if ($this->area->isGlobalArea()) {
$cx = Stack::getByName($_REQUEST['arHandle']);
$b = Block::getByID($_REQUEST['bID'], $cx, $ax);
$nvc = $cx->getVersionToModify();
if ($this->area->isGlobalArea()) {
$xvc = $this->page->getVersionToModify(); // we need to create a new version of THIS page as well.
if ($b->getBlockTypeHandle() == BLOCK_HANDLE_SCRAPBOOK_PROXY) {
// if we're editing a scrapbook display block, we add a new block in this position for the real block type
// set the block to the display order
// delete the scrapbook display block, and save the data
$originalDisplayOrder = $b->getBlockDisplayOrder();
$btx = BlockType::getByHandle($_b->getBlockTypeHandle());
$nb = $nvc->addBlock($btx, $ax, array());
$b = &$nb;
$originalDisplayOrder = $b->getBlockDisplayOrder();
$cnt = $b->getController();
$ob = Block::getByID($cnt->getOriginalBlockID());
if (!is_object($ax)) {
$ax = Area::getOrCreate($cx, $ax);
$nb = $ob->duplicate($nvc);
$b = & $nb;
} else {
if ($b->isAlias()) {
// then this means that the block we're updating is an alias. If you update an alias, you're actually going
// to duplicate the original block, and update the newly created block. If you update an original, your changes
// propagate to the aliases
$nb = $b->duplicate($nvc);
$b = $nb;
return $b;
public function action()
$url = call_user_func_array('parent::action', func_get_args());
$url .= '&arHandle=' . urlencode($this->area->getAreaHandle());
$url .= '&bID=' . $this->block->getBlockID();
return $url;