Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/controllers/backend/page/arrange_blocks.php
Строк: 151
namespace ConcreteControllerBackendPage;
use Area;
use Block;
use ConcreteControllerBackendUserInterfacePage;
use ConcreteCorePageEditResponse as PageEditResponse;
use Config;
use Loader;
use Permissions;
use Stack;
class ArrangeBlocks extends Page
public function canAccess()
return $this->permissions->canEditPageContents();
public function arrange()
$pc = new PageEditResponse();
$e = Loader::helper('validation/error');
$nvc = $this->page->getVersionToModify();
$sourceAreaID = intval($_POST['sourceArea']);
$destinationAreaID = intval($_POST['area']);
$affectedAreaIDs = array();
$affectedAreaIDs[] = $sourceAreaID;
if ($sourceAreaID != $destinationAreaID) {
$affectedAreaIDs[] = $destinationAreaID;
if (Config::get('concrete.permissions.model') == 'advanced') {
// first, we check to see if we have permissions to edit the area contents for the source area.
$arHandle = Area::getAreaHandleFromID($sourceAreaID);
$ar = Area::getOrCreate($nvc, $arHandle);
$ap = new Permissions($ar);
if (!$ap->canEditAreaContents()) {
$e->add(t('You may not arrange the contents of area %s.', $arHandle));
} else {
// now we get further in. We check to see if we're dealing with both a source AND a destination area.
// if so, we check the area permissions for the destination area.
if ($sourceAreaID != $destinationAreaID) {
$destAreaHandle = Area::getAreaHandleFromID($destinationAreaID);
$destArea = Area::getOrCreate($nvc, $destAreaHandle);
$destAP = new Permissions($destArea);
if (!$destAP->canEditAreaContents()) {
$e->add(t('You may not arrange the contents of area %s.', $destAreaHandle));
} else {
// we're not done yet. Now we have to check to see whether this user has permission to add
// a block of this type to the destination area.
if ($ar->isGlobalArea()) {
$stack = Stack::getByName($arHandle);
$b = Block::getByID($_REQUEST['block'], $stack, STACKS_AREA_NAME);
} else {
$b = Block::getByID($_REQUEST['block'], $nvc, $arHandle);
$bt = $b->getBlockTypeObject();
if (!$destAP->canAddBlock($bt)) {
$e->add(t('You may not add %s to area %s.', t($bt->getBlockTypeName()), $destAreaHandle));
// now, if we get down here we perform the arrangement
// it will be set to true if we're in simple permissions mode, or if we've passed all the checks
$source_area = Area::get($nvc, Area::getAreaHandleFromID($sourceAreaID));
$destination_area = Area::get($this->page, Area::getAreaHandleFromID($destinationAreaID));
if ($sourceAreaID !== $destinationAreaID &&
($source_area->isGlobalArea() || $destination_area->isGlobalArea())
) {
// If the source_area is the only global area
if ($source_area->isGlobalArea() && !$destination_area->isGlobalArea()) {
$cp = new Permissions($nvc);
$stack = Stack::getByName($source_area->getAreaHandle());
$stackToModify = $stack->getVersionToModify();
$block = Block::getByID($_POST['block'], $stackToModify, Area::get($stackToModify, STACKS_AREA_NAME));
$block->move($nvc, Area::get($nvc, STACKS_AREA_NAME));
if ($destination_area->isGlobalArea()) {
$cp = new Permissions($nvc);
$stack = Stack::getByName($destination_area->getAreaHandle());
$stackToModify = $stack->getVersionToModify();
// If the source area is global, we need to get the block from there rather than from the view controller
if ($source_area->isGlobalArea()) {
$sourceStackToModify = Stack::getByName($source_area->getAreaHandle())->getVersionToModify();
$block = Block::getByID($_POST['block'], $sourceStackToModify, Area::get($sourceStackToModify, STACKS_AREA_NAME));
} else {
$block = Block::getByID($_POST['block'], $nvc, $source_area);
$block->move($stackToModify, Area::get($stackToModify, STACKS_AREA_NAME));
if (!$e->has()) {
$request = Request::getInstance();
$area_id = $request->post('area', 0);
$block_id = $request->post('block', 0);
$block_ids = $request->post('blocks', array());
$nvc->processArrangement($area_id, $block_id, $block_ids);