Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/config/concrete.php
Строк: 448
return array(
* Current Version
* @var string
'version' => '',
'version_installed' => '',
'version_db' => '20151221000000', // the key of the latest database migration
* Installation status
* @var bool
'installed' => true,
* The current Site Name
* @var string concrete.core.site
'site' => 'concrete5',
* The current Locale
'locale' => 'en_US',
* The current Charset
'charset' => 'UTF-8',
* Maintenance mode
'maintenance_mode' => false,
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Debug settings
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'debug' => array(
* Display errors
* @var bool
'display_errors' => true,
* Site debug level
* @var string (message|debug)
'detail' => 'message'
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Proxy Settings
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'proxy' => array(
'host' => null,
'port' => null,
'user' => null,
'password' => null
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* File upload settings
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'upload' => array(
* Allowed file extensions
* @var string semi-colon separated.
'extensions' => '*.flv;*.jpg;*.gif;*.jpeg;*.ico;*.docx;*.xla;*.png;*.psd;*.swf;*.doc;*.txt;*.xls;*.xlsx;' .
'*.csv;*.pdf;*.tiff;*.rtf;*.m4a;*.mov;*.wmv;*.mpeg;*.mpg;*.wav;*.3gp;*.avi;*.m4v;*.mp4;*.mp3;*.qt;*.ppt;' .
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Mail settings
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'mail' => array(
'method' => 'PHP_MAIL',
'methods' => array(
'smtp' => array(
'server' => '',
'port' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'encryption' => ''
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Cache settings
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'cache' => array(
* Enabled
* @var bool
'enabled' => true,
* Lifetime
* @var int Seconds
'lifetime' => 21600,
* Cache overrides
* @var bool
'overrides' => true,
* Cache Blocks
* @var bool
'blocks' => true,
* Cache Assets
* @var bool
'assets' => false,
* Cache Theme CSS/JS
* @var bool
'theme_css' => true,
* Cache full page
* @var bool|string (block|all)
'pages' => false,
* Use Doctrine development mode
* @var bool
'doctrine_dev_mode' => false,
* How long to cache full page
* @var string
'full_page_lifetime' => 'default',
* Custom lifetime value, only used if concrete.cache.full_page_lifetime is 'custom'
* @var int
'full_page_lifetime_value' => null,
* Calculate the cache key reading the assets contents (true) of the assets modification time (false).
* @var bool
'full_contents_assets_hash' => false,
'directory' => DIR_FILES_UPLOADED_STANDARD . '/cache',
* Relative path to the cache directory. If empty it'll be calculated from concrete.cache.directory
* @var string|null
'directory_relative' => null,
'page' => array(
'directory' => DIR_FILES_UPLOADED_STANDARD . '/cache/pages',
'adapter' => 'file',
'environment' => array(
'file' => 'environment.cache'
'levels' => array(
'expensive' => array(
'drivers' => array(
'core_ephemeral' => array(
'class' => 'StashDriverEphemeral',
'options' => array()
'core_filesystem' => array(
'class' => 'StashDriverFileSystem',
'options' => array(
'path' => DIR_FILES_UPLOADED_STANDARD . '/cache',
'object' => array(
'drivers' => array(
'core_ephemeral' => array(
'class' => 'StashDriverEphemeral',
'options' => array()
'multilingual' => array(
'redirect_home_to_default_locale' => false,
'use_browser_detected_locale' => false,
'default_locale' => false,
'default_source_locale' => 'en_US'
'design' => array(
'enable_custom' => true,
'enable_layouts' => true
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Logging settings
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'log' => array(
* Log emails
* @var bool
'emails' => true,
* Log Errors
* @var bool
'errors' => true,
* Log Spam
* @var bool
'spam' => false,
'queries' => array(
* Whether to log database queries or not.
* @var bool
'log' => false,
'clear_on_reload' => false
'jobs' => array(
'enable_scheduling' => true
'filesystem' => array(
/** Temporary directory.
* @link ConcreteCoreFileServiceFile::getTemporaryDirectory
'temp_directory' => null,
'permissions' => array(
'editor' => array(
'concrete' => array(
'enable_filemanager' => true,
'enable_sitemap' => true
'plugins' => array(
'selected' => array(
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Email settings
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'email' => array(
* Enable emails
* @var bool
'enabled' => true,
'default' => array(
'address' => 'concrete5-noreply@' . (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : 'localhost'),
'name' => ''
'form_block' => array(
'address' => false
'forgot_password' => array(
'address' => null,
'name' => null,
'validate_registration' => array(
'address' => null,
'name' => null,
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Marketplace settings
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'marketplace' => array(
* Enable marketplace integration
* @var bool concrete.marketplace.enabled
'enabled' => true,
* Time it takes for a request to timeout
* @var int concrete.marketplace.request_timeout
'request_timeout' => 30,
* Marketplace Token
* @var null|string concrete.marketplace.token
'token' => null,
* Marketplace Site url Token
* @var null|string concrete.marketplace.site_token
'site_token' => null,
* Enable intelligent search integration
* @var bool concrete.marketplace.intelligent_search
'intelligent_search' => true,
* Log requests
* @var bool concrete.marketplace.log_requests
'log_requests' => false
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Getting external news and help from concrete5.org
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'external' => array(
* Provide help within the intelligent search
* @var bool concrete.external.intelligent_search_help
'intelligent_search_help' => true,
* Display an overlay with up-to-date news from concrete5
* @var bool concrete.external.news_overlay
'news_overlay' => true,
* Enable concrete5 news within your site
* @var bool concrete.external.news
'news' => true,
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Miscellaneous settings
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
'misc' => array(
'user_timezones' => false,
'package_backup_directory' => DIR_FILES_UPLOADED_STANDARD . '/trash',
'enable_progressive_page_reindex' => true,
'mobile_theme_id' => 0,
'sitemap_approve_immediately' => true,
'enable_translate_locale_en_us' => false,
'page_search_index_lifetime' => 259200,
'enable_trash_can' => true,
'app_version_display_in_header' => true,
'default_jpeg_image_compression' => 80,
'help_overlay' => true,
'theme' => array(
'compress_preprocessor_output' => true,
'generate_less_sourcemap' => false,
'updates' => array(
'enable_auto_update_core' => false,
'enable_auto_update_packages' => false,
'enable_permissions_protection' => true,
'check_threshold' => 172800,
'services' => array(
'get_available_updates' => 'http://www.concrete5.org/tools/update_core',
'inspect_update' => 'http://www.concrete5.org/tools/inspect_update'
'paths' => array(
'trash' => '/!trash',
'drafts' => '/!drafts'
'icons' => array(
'page_template' => array(
'width' => 120,
'height' => 90
'theme_thumbnail' => array(
'width' => 120,
'height' => 90
'file_manager_listing' => array(
'handle' => 'file_manager_listing',
'width' => 60,
'height' => 60
'file_manager_detail' => array(
'handle' => 'file_manager_detail',
'width' => 400
'user_avatar' => array(
'width' => 80,
'height' => 80,
'default' => ASSETS_URL_IMAGES . '/avatar_none.png'
'file_manager' => array(
'images' => array(
'use_exim_data_to_rotate_images' => false,
'manipulation_library' => 'gd'
'sitemap_xml' => array(
'file' => 'sitemap.xml',
'frequency' => 'weekly',
'priority' => 0.5
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Accessibility
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'accessibility' => array(
* Show titles in the concrete5 toolbars
* @var bool
'toolbar_titles' => false,
* Increase the font size in the concrete5 toolbars
* @var bool
'toolbar_large_font' => false,
* Show help system
* @var bool
'display_help_system' => true
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Internationalization
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'i18n' => array(
* Allow users to choose language on login
* @var bool
'choose_language_login' => false
'urls' => array(
'concrete5' => 'http://www.concrete5.org',
'concrete5_secure' => 'https://www.concrete5.org',
'newsflow' => 'http://newsflow.concrete5.org',
'background_feed' => '//backgroundimages.concrete5.org/wallpaper',
'background_feed_secure' => 'https://backgroundimages.concrete5.org/wallpaper',
'background_info' => 'http://backgroundimages.concrete5.org/get_image_data.php',
'help' => array(
'developer' => 'http://www.concrete5.org/documentation/developers/5.7/',
'user' => 'http://www.concrete5.org/documentation/using-concrete5-7',
'forum' => 'http://www.concrete5.org/community/forums'
'paths' => array(
'menu_help_service' => '/tools/get_remote_help_list/',
'site_page' => '/private/sites',
'newsflow_slot_content' => '/tools/slot_content/',
'marketplace' => array(
'connect' => '/marketplace/connect',
'connect_success' => '/marketplace/connect/-/connected',
'connect_validate' => '/marketplace/connect/-/validate',
'connect_new_token' => '/marketplace/connect/-/generate_token',
'checkout' => '/cart/-/add/',
'purchases' => '/marketplace/connect/-/get_available_licenses',
'item_information' => '/marketplace/connect/-/get_item_information',
'item_free_license' => '/marketplace/connect/-/enable_free_license',
'remote_item_list' => '/marketplace/'
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* White labeling.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'white_label' => array(
* Custom Logo source path relative to the public directory.
* @var bool|string The logo path
'logo' => false,
* Custom Name
* @var bool|string The name
'name' => false,
* Dashboard background image url
* @var null|string
'dashboard_background' => null
'session' => array(
'name' => 'CONCRETE5',
'handler' => 'file',
'save_path' => null,
'max_lifetime' => 7200,
'cookie' => array(
'cookie_path' => false, // set a specific path here if you know it, otherwise it'll default to relative
'cookie_lifetime' => 0,
'cookie_domain' => false,
'cookie_secure' => false,
'cookie_httponly' => true
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* User information and registration settings.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'user' => array(
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Registration settings.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
'registration' => array(
* Registration
* @var bool
'enabled' => false,
* Registration type
* @var string The type (disabled|enabled|validate_email|manual_approve)
'type' => 'disabled',
* Enable Registration Captcha
* @var bool
'captcha' => true,
* Use emails instead of usernames to log in
* @var bool
'email_registration' => false,
* Validate emails during registration
* @var bool
'validate_email' => false,
* Admins approve each registration
* @var bool
'approval' => false,
* Send notifications after successful registration.
* @var bool|string Email to notify
'notification' => false
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Gravatar Settings
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
'gravatar' => array(
'enabled' => false,
'max_level' => 0,
'image_set' => 0
'group' => array(
'badge' => array(
'default_point_value' => 50
* Enable public user profiles
* @var bool
'profiles_enabled' => false,
'username' => array(
'maximum' => 64,
'minimum' => 3,
'allow_spaces' => false
'password' => array(
'maximum' => 128,
'minimum' => 5,
'hash_portable' => false,
'hash_cost_log2' => 12,
'legacy_salt' => '',
'private_messages' => array(
'throttle_max' => 20,
'throttle_max_timespan' => 15 // minutes
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Spam
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'spam' => array(
* Whitelist group ID
* @var int
'whitelist_group' => 0,
* Notification email
* @var string
'notify_email' => ''
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Security
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'security' => array(
'session' => array(
'invalidate_on_user_agent_mismatch' => true,
'invalidate_on_ip_mismatch' => true
'ban' => array(
'ip' => array(
'enabled' => true,
* Maximum attempts
'attempts' => 5,
* Threshold time
'time' => 300,
* Ban length in minutes
'length' => 10
'misc' => array(
* Defence Click Jacking.
* @var bool|string DENY, SAMEORIGIN, ALLOW-FROM uri
'x_frame_options' => 'SAMEORIGIN'
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Permissions and behaviors toggles.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'permissions' => array(
* Forward to login if access is denied
* @var bool
'forward_to_login' => true,
* Permission model
* @var string The permission model (simple|advanced)
'model' => 'simple',
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* SEO Settings
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'seo' => array(
'tracking' => array(
* User defined tracking code
* @var string
'code' => '',
* Tracking code position
* @var string (top|bottom)
'code_position' => 'bottom'
'exclude_words' => 'a, an, as, at, before, but, by, for, from, is, in, into, like, of, off, on, onto, per, ' .
'since, than, the, this, that, to, up, via, with',
* URL rewriting
* Doesn't impact concrete.seo.url_rewriting_all which is set at a lower level and
* controls whether ALL items will be rewritten.
* @var bool
'url_rewriting' => false,
'url_rewriting_all' => false,
'redirect_to_canonical_url' => false,
'canonical_url' => null,
'canonical_ssl_url' => null,
'trailing_slash' => false,
'title_format' => '%1$s :: %2$s',
'title_segment_separator' => ' :: ',
'page_path_separator' => '-',
'group_name_separator' => ' / ',
'segment_max_length' => 128,
'paging_string' => 'ccm_paging_p'
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Statistics Settings
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'statistics' => array(
'track_downloads' => true
'limits' => array(
'sitemap_pages' => 100,
'delete_pages' => 10,
'copy_pages' => 10,
'page_search_index_batch' => 200,
'job_queue_batch' => 10,
'style_customizer' => array(
'size_min' => -50,
'size_max' => 200,
'page' => array(
'search' => array(
// Always reindex pages (usually it isn't performed when approving workflows)
'always_reindex' => false,