Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/blocks/topic_list/controller.php
Строк: 107
namespace ConcreteBlockTopicList;
use ConcreteCoreAttributeKeyCollectionKey;
use ConcreteCoreBlockBlockController;
use ConcreteCoreTreeTree;
use ConcreteCoreTreeTypeTopic as TopicTree;
use ConcreteCoreTreeTypeTopic;
use Core;
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
class Controller extends BlockController
public $helpers = array('form');
protected $btInterfaceWidth = 400;
protected $btInterfaceHeight = 400;
protected $btTable = 'btTopicList';
public function getBlockTypeDescription()
return t("Displays a list of your site's topics, allowing you to click on them to filter a page list.");
public function getBlockTypeName()
return t("Topic List");
public function add()
$this->set('title', t('Topics'));
public function edit()
$tt = new TopicTree();
$defaultTree = $tt->getDefault();
$tree = $tt->getByID(Core::make('helper/security')->sanitizeInt($this->topicTreeID));
if (!$tree) {
$tree = $defaultTree;
$trees = $tt->getList();
$keys = CollectionKey::getList();
$attributeKeys = array();
foreach ($keys as $ak) {
if ($ak->getAttributeTypeHandle() == 'topics') {
$attributeKeys[] = $ak;
$this->set('attributeKeys', $attributeKeys);
$this->set('tree', $tree);
$this->set('trees', $trees);
public function view()
if ($this->mode == 'P') {
$page = Page::getCurrentPage();
$topics = $page->getAttribute($this->topicAttributeKeyHandle);
if (is_array($topics)) {
$this->set('topics', $topics);
} else {
$tt = new TopicTree();
$tree = $tt->getByID(Core::make('helper/security')->sanitizeInt($this->topicTreeID));
$this->set('tree', $tree);
public function action_topic($treeNodeID = false, $topic = false)
$this->set('selectedTopicID', intval($treeNodeID));
public function getTopicLink(ConcreteCoreTreeNodeNode $topic = null)
if ($this->cParentID) {
$c = Page::getByID($this->cParentID);
} else {
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
if ($topic) {
$nodeName = $topic->getTreeNodeName();
$nodeName = strtolower($nodeName); // convert to lowercase
$nodeName = Core::make('helper/text')->encodePath($nodeName); // urlencode
return URL::page($c, 'topic', $topic->getTreeNodeID(), $nodeName);
} else {
return URL::page($c);
public static function replaceTreeWithPlaceHolder($treeID)
if ($treeID > 0) {
$tree = Tree::getByID($treeID);
if (is_object($tree)) {
return '{ccm:export:tree:' . $tree->getTreeName() . '}';
public function export(SimpleXMLElement $blockNode)
$tree = Tree::getByID($this->topicTreeID);
$data = $blockNode->addChild('data');
$data->addChild('mode', $this->mode);
$data->addChild("title", $this->title);
$data->addChild('topicAttributeKeyHandle', $this->topicAttributeKeyHandle);
if (is_object($tree)) {
$data->addChild('tree', $tree->getTreeName());
$path = null;
if ($this->cParentID) {
$parent = Page::getByID($this->cParentID);
$path = '{ccm:export:page:' . $parent->getCollectionPath() . '}';
$data->addChild('cParentID', $path);
public function getImportData($blockNode, $page)
$args = array();
$treeName = (string) $blockNode->data->tree;
$page = (string) $blockNode->data->cParentID;
$tree = Topic::getByName($treeName);
$args['topicTreeID'] = $tree->getTreeID();
$args['cParentID'] = 0;
$args['title'] = (string) $blockNode->data->title;
$args['mode'] = (string) $blockNode->data->mode;
if (!$args['mode']) {
$args['mode'] = 'S';
$args['topicAttributeKeyHandle'] = (string) $blockNode->data->topicAttributeKeyHandle;
if ($page) {
if (preg_match('/{ccm:export:page:(.*?)}/i', $page, $matches)) {
$c = Page::getByPath($matches[1]);
$args['externalTarget'] = 1;
$args['cParentID'] = $c->getCollectionID();
return $args;
public function save($data)
$data += array(
'externalTarget' => 0,
$externalTarget = intval($data['externalTarget']);
if ($externalTarget === 0) {
$data['cParentID'] = 0;
} else {
$data['cParentID'] = intval($data['cParentID']);