Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/blocks/tags/controller.php
Строк: 117
namespace ConcreteBlockTags;
use ConcreteAttributeSelectOption;
use Loader;
use ConcreteCoreBlockBlockController;
use CollectionAttributeKey;
use Page;
class Controller extends BlockController
protected $btTable = 'btTags';
protected $btInterfaceWidth = "450";
protected $btInterfaceHeight = "439";
protected $btExportPageColumns = array('targetCID');
protected $btCacheBlockRecord = true;
protected $btCacheBlockOutput = true;
protected $btCacheBlockOutputOnPost = false;
protected $btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers = false;
protected $btWrapperClass = 'ccm-ui';
public $attributeHandle = 'tags';
public $displayMode = 'page';
public $cloudCount = 10;
public $helpers = array('navigation');
* Used for localization. If we want to localize the name/description we have to include this
public function getBlockTypeDescription()
return t("List pages based on type, area.");
public function getBlockTypeName()
return t("Tags");
public function add()
$ak = $this->loadAttribute();
$this->set('ak', $ak);
if ($this->isValidStack(Page::getCurrentPage())) {
$this->set('inStackDashboardPage', true);
$this->set('displayMode', 'page');
protected function loadAttribute()
$ak = CollectionAttributeKey::getByHandle($this->attributeHandle);
return $ak;
public function edit()
$ak = $this->loadAttribute();
$this->set('ak', $ak);
if ($this->isValidStack(Page::getCurrentPage())) {
$this->set('inStackDashboardPage', true);
public function view()
$ak = $this->loadAttribute();
if ($this->displayMode == "cloud") {
$type = $ak->getAttributeType();
$controller = $type->getController();
$items = $controller->getOptions();
$options = new ConcreteAttributeSelectOptionList();
if ($this->cloudCount > 0 && $items instanceof ConcreteAttributeSelectOptionList && $items->count()) {
$i = 1;
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($i >= $this->cloudCount) {
} else {
$options = $items;
} else {
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$av = $c->getAttributeValueObject($ak);
$controller = $ak->getController();
$options = $c->getAttribute($ak->getAttributeKeyHandle());
if ($this->targetCID > 0) {
$target = Page::getByID($this->targetCID);
$this->set('target', $target);
// grab selected tag, if we're linking to a page with a tag block on it.
if (is_array($_REQUEST['akID'])) {
$res = $_REQUEST['akID'][$ak->getAttributeKeyID()]['atSelectOptionID'][0];
if (is_numeric($res) && $res > 0) {
$selectedOptionID = $res;
$this->set('selectedOptionID', $selectedOptionID);
$this->set('options', $options);
$this->set('akc', $controller);
$this->set('ak', $ak);
public function save($args)
$ak = $this->loadAttribute();
if ($_REQUEST['cID']) {
$c = Page::getByID($_REQUEST['cID'], 'RECENT');
// We cannot save the attribute in the Stack Dashboard page
// as there is nothing to attach it to
if (!$this->isValidStack($c)) {
$nvc = $c->getVersionToModify();
$args['cloudCount'] = (is_numeric($args['cloudCount']) ? $args['cloudCount'] : 0);
$args['targetCID'] = (is_numeric($args['targetCID']) ? $args['targetCID'] : 0);
public function getTagLink(Option $option = null)
$target = $this->get('target');
if (!is_object($target)) {
$target = Page::getCurrentPage();
if ($option) {
return URL::page($target, 'tag', strtolower($option->getSelectAttributeOptionDisplayValue()));
} else {
return URL::page($target);
protected function isValidStack($stack)
return $stack->getCollectionParentID() == Page::getByPath(STACKS_PAGE_PATH)->getCollectionID();