Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/blocks/page_attribute_display/controller.php
Строк: 182
namespace ConcreteBlockPageAttributeDisplay;
use ConcreteCoreBlockBlockController;
use ConcreteCoreAttributeKeyCollectionKey as CollectionAttributeKey;
use Core;
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die('Access Denied.');
* @author Ryan Tyler
class Controller extends BlockController
protected $btTable = 'btPageAttributeDisplay';
protected $btInterfaceWidth = "500";
protected $btInterfaceHeight = "365";
public $dateFormat = "m/d/y h:i:a";
protected $btCacheBlockOutput = true;
protected $btCacheBlockOutputOnPost = true;
protected $btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers = false;
* @var int thumbnail height
public $thumbnailHeight = 250;
* @var int thumbnail width
public $thumbnailWidth = 250;
public function getBlockTypeDescription()
return t("Displays the value of a page attribute for the current page.");
public function getBlockTypeName()
return t("Page Attribute Display");
* @return mixed AttributeValue
public function getContent()
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$content = "";
switch ($this->attributeHandle) {
case "rpv_pageName":
$content = h($c->getCollectionName());
case "rpv_pageDescription":
$content = h($c->getCollectionDescription());
case "rpv_pageDateCreated":
$content = $c->getCollectionDateAdded();
case "rpv_pageDateLastModified":
$content = $c->getCollectionDateLastModified();
case "rpv_pageDatePublic":
$content = $c->getCollectionDatePublic();
$content = $c->getAttribute($this->attributeHandle);
if (is_object($content) && $content instanceof ConcreteCoreFileFile) {
$im = Core::make('helper/image');
$thumb = $im->getThumbnail(
); //<-- set these 2 numbers to max width and height of thumbnails
$content = "<img src="{$thumb->src}" width="{$thumb->width}" height="{$thumb->height}" alt="" />";
} else {
if (!is_scalar($content) && (!is_object($content) || !method_exists($content, '__toString'))) {
$content = $c->getAttribute($this->attributeHandle, 'displaySanitized');
$is_stack = $c->getController() instanceof ConcreteControllerSinglePageDashboardBlocksStacks;
if (!strlen(trim(strip_tags($content))) && ($c->isMasterCollection() || $is_stack)) {
$content = $this->getPlaceHolderText($this->attributeHandle);
return $content;
* Returns a place holder for pages that are new or when editing default page types.
* @param string $handle
* @return string
public function getPlaceHolderText($handle)
$pageValues = $this->getAvailablePageValues();
if (in_array($handle, array_keys($pageValues))) {
$placeHolder = $pageValues[$handle];
} else {
$attributeKey = CollectionAttributeKey::getByHandle($handle);
if (is_object($attributeKey)) {
$placeHolder = $attributeKey->getAttributeKeyName();
return "[" . $placeHolder . "]";
* Returns the title text to display in front of the value.
* @return string
public function getTitle()
return (strlen($this->attributeTitleText) ? $this->attributeTitleText . " " : "");
public function getAvailablePageValues()
return array(
'rpv_pageName' => t('Page Name'),
'rpv_pageDescription' => t('Page Description'),
'rpv_pageDateCreated' => t('Page Date Created'),
'rpv_pageDatePublic' => t('Page Date Published'),
'rpv_pageDateLastModified' => t('Page Date Modified'),
public function getAvailableAttributes()
return ConcreteCoreAttributeKeyCollectionKey::getList();
protected function getTemplateHandle()
if (in_array($this->attributeHandle, array_keys($this->getAvailablePageValues()))) {
switch ($this->attributeHandle) {
case "rpv_pageDateCreated":
case 'rpv_pageDateLastModified':
case "rpv_pageDatePublic":
$templateHandle = 'date_time';
} else {
$attributeKey = CollectionAttributeKey::getByHandle($this->attributeHandle);
if (is_object($attributeKey)) {
$attributeType = $attributeKey->getAttributeType();
$templateHandle = $attributeType->getAttributeTypeHandle();
return $templateHandle;
* Returns opening html tag.
* @return string
public function getOpenTag()
$tag = "";
if (strlen($this->displayTag)) {
$tag = "<" . $this->displayTag . " class="ccm-block-page-attribute-display-wrapper">";
return $tag;
* Returns closing html tag.
* @return string
public function getCloseTag()
$tag = "";
if (strlen($this->displayTag)) {
$tag = "</" . $this->displayTag . ">";
return $tag;
public function view()
$templateHandle = $this->getTemplateHandle();
if (in_array($templateHandle, array('date_time', 'boolean'))) {
$this->render('templates/' . $templateHandle);