Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/blocks/image/view.php
Строк: 27
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
if (is_object($f)) {
if ($maxWidth > 0 || $maxHeight > 0) {
$im = Core::make('helper/image');
$thumb = $im->getThumbnail(
); //<-- set these 2 numbers to max width and height of thumbnails
$tag = new HtmlObjectImage();
} else {
$image = Core::make('html/image', array($f));
$tag = $image->getTag();
$tag->addClass('ccm-image-block img-responsive bID-'.$bID);
if ($altText) {
if ($title) {
if ($linkURL):
print '<a href="' . $linkURL . '">';
print $tag;
if ($linkURL):
print '</a>';
} else if ($c->isEditMode()) { ?>
<div class="ccm-edit-mode-disabled-item"><?php echo t('Empty Image Block.')?></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if(isset($foS) && is_object($foS)) { ?>
$(function() {
$('.bID-<?php print $bID;?>')
.mouseover(function(e){$(this).attr("src", '<?php print $imgPath["hover"];?>');})
.mouseout(function(e){$(this).attr("src", '<?php print $imgPath["default"];?>');});
<?php } ?>