Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/blocks/form/statistics.php
Строк: 130
namespace ConcreteBlockForm;
use Loader;
use Core;
class Statistics
* Gets the total number of submissions
* @param string $date Set to a specific day (eg '2014-09-14') to retrieve the submissions in that day.
* @param string $dateTimezone The timezone of the $date parameter (acceptable values: 'user', 'system', 'app' or any valid PHP timezone identifier)
* @return int
public static function getTotalSubmissions($date = null, $dateTimezone = 'user')
if ($date) {
return static::getTotalSubmissionsBetween("$date 00:00:00", "$date 23:59:59", $dateTimezone);
} else {
return static::getTotalSubmissionsBetween();
* Gets the total number of submissions in specific date/time ranges
* @param string|int|DateTime $fromDate The start of the period (if empty: from ever). Inclusive. Example: '2014-09-14 08:00:00'.
* @param string|int|DateTime $toDate The end of the period (if empty: for ever). Inclusive. Example: '2014-09-14 08:00:00'.
* @param string $dateTimezone The timezone of the $dateFrom and $dateTo parameter (acceptable values: 'user', 'system', 'app' or any valid PHP timezone identifier)
* @return number
public static function getTotalSubmissionsBetween($fromDate = null, $toDate = null, $datesTimezone = 'user')
$dh = Core::make('helper/date');
/* @var $dh ConcreteCoreLocalizationServiceDate */
if ($fromDate) {
$fromDate = $dh->toDB($fromDate, $datesTimezone);
if ($toDate) {
$toDate = $dh->toDB($toDate, $datesTimezone);
$where = '';
$q = array();
if ($fromDate && $toDate) {
$where = ' where created between ? and ?';
$q[] = $fromDate;
$q[] = $toDate;
} elseif ($fromDate) {
$where = ' where created >= ?';
$q[] = $fromDate;
} elseif ($toDate) {
$where = ' where created <= ?';
$q[] = $toDate;
$count = Loader::db()->GetOne('select count(asID) from btFormAnswerSet' . $where, $q);
return empty($count) ? 0 : intval($count);
public static function loadSurveys($MiniSurvey)
$db = Loader::db();
return $db->query('SELECT s.* FROM ' . $MiniSurvey->btTable . ' AS s, Blocks AS b, BlockTypes AS bt
WHERE s.bID=b.bID AND b.btID=bt.btID AND bt.btHandle="form" AND EXISTS (
SELECT 1 FROM CollectionVersionBlocks cvb
INNER JOIN CollectionVersions cv ON cvb.cID=cv.cID AND cvb.cvID=cv.cvID
INNER JOIN Pages p ON cv.cID = p.cID
WHERE cvb.bID=s.bID AND p.cIsActive=1 AND cv.cvIsApproved=1
public static $sortChoices = array('newest' => 'created DESC' , 'chrono'=>'created');
public static function buildAnswerSetsArray($questionSet, $orderBy='', $limit='')
$db = Loader::db();
if ((strlen(trim($limit)) > 0) && (!strstr(strtolower($limit),'limit'))) {
$limit = ' LIMIT ' . $limit;
if ((strlen(trim($orderBy)) > 0) && array_key_exists($orderBy, self::$sortChoices)) {
$orderBySQL = self::$sortChoices[$orderBy];
} else {
$orderBySQL = self::$sortChoices['newest'];
//get answers sets
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM btFormAnswerSet AS aSet ' .
'WHERE aSet.questionSetId=' . $questionSet . ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBySQL . ' ' . $limit;
$answerSetsRS = $db->query($sql);
//load answers into a nicer multi-dimensional array
$answerSets = array();
$answerSetIds = array(0);
while ($answer = $answerSetsRS->fetchRow()) {
//answer set id - question id
$answerSets[$answer['asID']] = $answer;
$answerSetIds[] = $answer['asID'];
//get answers
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM btFormAnswers AS a WHERE a.asID IN (' . join(',', $answerSetIds) . ')';
$answersRS = $db->query($sql);
//load answers into a nicer multi-dimensional array
while ($answer = $answersRS->fetchRow()) {
//answer set id - question id
$answerSets[$answer['asID']]['answers'][$answer['msqID']] = $answer;
return $answerSets;