Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/blocks/form/mini_survey.php
Строк: 542
namespace ConcreteBlockForm;
use Core;
use Database;
use Request;
class MiniSurvey
public $btTable = 'btForm';
public $btQuestionsTablename = 'btFormQuestions';
public $btAnswerSetTablename = 'btFormAnswerSet';
public $btAnswersTablename = 'btFormAnswers';
public $lastSavedMsqID = 0;
public $lastSavedqID = 0;
public function __construct()
$this->db = Database::connection();
public function addEditQuestion($values, $withOutput = 1)
$jsonVals = array();
$values['options'] = str_replace(array("r", "n"), '%%', $values['options']);
if (strtolower($values['inputType']) == 'undefined') {
$values['inputType'] = 'field';
//set question set id, or create a new one if none exists
if (intval($values['qsID']) == 0) {
$values['qsID'] = time();
if (strlen($values['question']) == 0 || strlen($values['inputType']) == 0 || $values['inputType'] == 'null') {
//complete required fields
$jsonVals['success'] = 0;
$jsonVals['noRequired'] = 1;
} else {
if (intval($values['msqID'])) {
$jsonVals['mode'] = '"Edit"';
//questions that are edited are given a placeholder row in btFormQuestions with bID=0, until a bID is assign on block update
$pendingEditExists = $this->db->fetchColumn("select count(*) as total from btFormQuestions where bID=0 AND msqID=".intval($values['msqID']));
//hideQID tells the interface to hide the old version of the question in the meantime
$vals = array(intval($values['msqID']));
$jsonVals['hideQID'] = intval($this->db->fetchColumn("SELECT MAX(qID) FROM btFormQuestions WHERE bID!=0 AND msqID=?", $vals));
} else {
$jsonVals['mode'] = '"Add"';
//see if the 'send notification from' checkbox is checked and save this to the options field
if ($values['inputType'] == 'email') {
$options = array();
if (array_key_exists('send_notification_from', $values) && $values['send_notification_from'] == 1) {
$options['send_notification_from'] = 1;
} else {
$options['send_notification_from'] = 0;
$values['options'] = serialize($options);
if ($pendingEditExists) {
$width = $height = 0;
if ($values['inputType'] == 'text') {
$width = $this->limitRange(intval($values['width']), 20, 500);
$height = $this->limitRange(intval($values['height']), 1, 100);
$dataValues = array(
$sql = 'UPDATE btFormQuestions SET questionSetId=?, question=?, inputType=?, options=?, position=?, width=?, height=?, required=?, defaultDate=? WHERE msqID=? AND bID=0';
} else {
if (!isset($values['position'])) {
$values['position'] = 1000;
if (!intval($values['msqID'])) {
$values['msqID'] = intval($this->db->fetchColumn("SELECT MAX(msqID) FROM btFormQuestions") + 1);
$dataValues = array(
$sql = 'INSERT INTO btFormQuestions (msqID,questionSetId,question,inputType,options,position,width,height,required,defaultDate) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)';
$result = $this->db->executeQuery($sql, $dataValues);
$this->lastSavedMsqID = intval($values['msqID']);
$this->lastSavedqID = intval($this->db->fetchColumn("SELECT MAX(qID) FROM btFormQuestions WHERE bID=0 AND msqID=?", array($values['msqID'])));
$jsonVals['qID'] = $this->lastSavedqID;
$jsonVals['success'] = 1;
$jsonVals['qsID'] = $values['qsID'];
$jsonVals['msqID'] = intval($values['msqID']);
//create json response object
$jsonPairs = array();
foreach ($jsonVals as $key => $val) {
$jsonPairs[] = $key.':'.$val;
if ($withOutput) {
echo '{'.implode(',', $jsonPairs).'}';
public function getQuestionInfo($qsID, $qID)
$questionRS = $this->db->executeQuery('SELECT * FROM btFormQuestions WHERE questionSetId='.intval($qsID).' AND qID='.intval($qID).' LIMIT 1');
$questionRow = $questionRS->fetch();
$jsonPairs = array();
foreach ($questionRow as $key => $val) {
if ($key == 'options') {
$key = 'optionVals';
if ($questionRow['inputType'] == 'email') {
$options = unserialize($val);
if (is_array($options)) {
foreach ($options as $o_key => $o_val) {
$val = $o_key."::".$o_val.";";
$jsonPairs[] = $key.':"'.str_replace(array("r", "n"), '%%', addslashes($val)).'"';
echo '{'.implode(',', $jsonPairs).'}';
public function deleteQuestion($qsID, $msqID)
$sql = 'DELETE FROM btFormQuestions WHERE questionSetId='.intval($qsID).' AND msqID='.intval($msqID).' AND bID=0';
public function loadQuestions($qsID, $bID = 0, $showPending = 0)
$db = Database::connection();
if (intval($bID)) {
$bIDClause = ' AND ( bID='.intval($bID).' ';
if ($showPending) {
$bIDClause .= ' OR bID=0) ';
} else {
$bIDClause .= ' ) ';
return $db->executeQuery('SELECT * FROM btFormQuestions WHERE questionSetId='.intval($qsID).' '.$bIDClause.' ORDER BY position, msqID');
public static function getAnswerCount($qsID)
$db = Database::connection();
return $db->fetchColumn('SELECT count(*) FROM btFormAnswerSet WHERE questionSetId='.intval($qsID));
public function loadSurvey($qsID, $showEdit = false, $bID = 0, $hideQIDs = array(), $showPending = 0, $editmode = 0)
//loading questions
$questionsRS = $this->loadQuestions($qsID, $bID, $showPending);
if (!$showEdit) {
echo '<div>';
while ($questionRow = $questionsRS->fetch()) {
if (in_array($questionRow['qID'], $hideQIDs)) {
// this special view logic for the checkbox list isn't doing it for me
if ($questionRow['inputType'] == 'checkboxlist' && strpos($questionRow['options'], '%%') === false) {
echo '<tr>
<td valign="top" colspan="2" class="question">
<div class="checkboxItem">
<div class="checkboxPair">'.$this->loadInputType($questionRow,$showEdit).$questionRow['question'].'</div>
} else {
$requiredSymbol = ($questionRow['required']) ? ' <span class="required">*</span>' : '';
echo '<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label" for="Question'.intval($questionRow['msqID']).'">'.$questionRow['question'].''.$requiredSymbol.'</label></td>
<div>'.$this->loadInputType($questionRow, $showEdit).'</div>
$surveyBlockInfo = $this->getMiniSurveyBlockInfoByQuestionId($qsID, intval($bID));
if (!strlen($surveyBlockInfo['submitText'])) {
$surveyBlockInfo['submitText'] = 'Submit';
if ($surveyBlockInfo['displayCaptcha']) {
print '<div class="ccm-edit-mode-disabled-item">' . t('Form Captcha') . '</div><br/>';
if ($editmode) {
echo '<div class="form-group"><input class="btn btn-primary" name="Submit" type="button" value="'.t($surveyBlockInfo['submitText']).'" /></div>';//make this a button
} else {
echo '<div class="form-group"><input class="btn btn-primary" name="Submit" type="submit" value="'.t($surveyBlockInfo['submitText']).'" /></div>';
echo '</div>';
} else {
echo '<div id="miniSurveyTableWrap"><ul id="miniSurveyPreviewTable" class="list-group">';
while ($questionRow = $questionsRS->fetch()) {
if (in_array($questionRow['qID'], $hideQIDs)) {
$requiredSymbol = ($questionRow['required']) ? '<span class="required">*</span>' : '';
<li id="miniSurveyQuestionRow<?php echo $questionRow['msqID']?>" class="miniSurveyQuestionRow list-group-item">
<div class="miniSurveyQuestion"><?php echo $questionRow['question'].' '.$requiredSymbol?></div>
<?php /* <div class="miniSurveyResponse"><?php echo $this->loadInputType($questionRow,$showEdit)?></div> */ ?>
<div class="miniSurveyOptions">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="ccm-icon-wrapper" onclick="miniSurvey.moveUp(this,<?php echo $questionRow['msqID']?>);return false"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="ccm-icon-wrapper" onclick="miniSurvey.moveDown(this,<?php echo $questionRow['msqID']?>);return false"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="ccm-icon-wrapper" onclick="miniSurvey.reloadQuestion(<?php echo intval($questionRow['qID']) ?>);return false"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="ccm-icon-wrapper" onclick="miniSurvey.deleteQuestion(this,<?php echo intval($questionRow['msqID']) ?>,<?php echo intval($questionRow['qID'])?>);return false"><i class="fa fa-trash"></i></a>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
echo '</div></div>';
public function loadInputType($questionData, $showEdit)
$options = explode('%%', $questionData['options']);
$defaultDate = $questionData['defaultDate'];
$msqID = intval($questionData['msqID']);
$datetime = Core::make('helper/form/date_time');
$html = '';
switch ($questionData['inputType']) {
case 'checkboxlist':
// this is looking really crappy so i'm going to make it behave the same way all the time - andrew
if (count($options) == 1) {
if(strlen(trim($options[0]))==0) continue;
$html.= '<input name="Question'.$msqID.'_0" type="checkbox" value="'.trim($options[0]).'" '.$checked.' />';
} else {
$html .= '<div class="checkboxList">'."rn";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($options); ++$i) {
if (strlen(trim($options[$i])) == 0) {
$checked = (Request::request('Question'.$msqID.'_'.$i) == trim($options[$i])) ? 'checked' : '';
$html .= ' <div class="checkbox"><label><input name="Question'.$msqID.'_'.$i.'" type="checkbox" value="'.trim($options[$i]).'" '.$checked.' /> <span>'.$options[$i].'</span></label></div>'."rn";
$html .= '</div>';
return $html;
case 'select':
if ($this->frontEndMode) {
$selected = (!Request::request('Question'.$msqID)) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
$html .= '<option value="" '.$selected.'>----</option>';
foreach ($options as $option) {
$checked = (Request::request('Question'.$msqID) == trim($option)) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
$html .= '<option '.$checked.'>'.trim($option).'</option>';
return '<select class="form-control" name="Question'.$msqID.'" id="Question'.$msqID.'" >'.$html.'</select>';
case 'radios':
foreach ($options as $option) {
if (strlen(trim($option)) == 0) {
$checked = (Request::request('Question'.$msqID) == trim($option)) ? 'checked' : '';
$html .= '<div class="radio"><label><input name="Question'.$msqID.'" type="radio" value="'.trim($option).'" '.$checked.' /> <span>'.$option.'</span></label></div>';
return $html;
case 'fileupload':
$html = '<input type="file" name="Question'.$msqID.'" class="form-control" id="Question'.$msqID.'" />';
return $html;
case 'text':
$val = (Request::request('Question'.$msqID)) ? Core::make('helper/text')->entities(Request::request('Question'.$msqID)) : '';
return '<textarea name="Question'.$msqID.'" class="form-control" id="Question'.$msqID.'" cols="'.$questionData['width'].'" rows="'.$questionData['height'].'">'.$val.'</textarea>';
case 'url':
$val = (Request::request('Question'.$msqID)) ? Request::request('Question'.$msqID) : '';
return '<input name="Question'.$msqID.'" id="Question'.$msqID.'" class="form-control" type="url" value="'.stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($val)).'" />';
case 'telephone':
$val = (Request::request('Question'.$msqID)) ? Request::request('Question'.$msqID) : '';
return '<input name="Question'.$msqID.'" id="Question'.$msqID.'" class="form-control" type="tel" value="'.stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($val)).'" />';
case 'email':
$val = (Request::request('Question'.$msqID)) ? Request::request('Question'.$msqID) : '';
return '<input name="Question'.$msqID.'" id="Question'.$msqID.'" class="form-control" type="email" value="'.stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($val)).'" />';
case 'date':
$val = (Request::request('Question'.$msqID)) ? Request::request('Question'.$msqID) : $defaultDate;
return $datetime->date('Question'.$msqID, $val);
case 'datetime':
$val = Request::request('Question'.$msqID);
if (!isset($val)) {
if (
Request::request('Question'.$msqID.'_dt') && Request::request('Question'.$msqID.'_h')
&& Request::request('Question'.$msqID.'_m') && Request::request('Question'.$msqID.'_a')
) {
$val = Request::request('Question'.$msqID.'_dt') . ' ' . Request::request('Question'.$msqID.'_h')
. ':' . Request::request('Question'.$msqID.'_m') . ' ' . Request::request('Question'.$msqID.'_a');
} else {
$val = $defaultDate;
return $datetime->datetime('Question'.$msqID, $val);
case 'field':
$val = (Request::request('Question'.$msqID)) ? Request::request('Question'.$msqID) : '';
return '<input name="Question'.$msqID.'" id="Question'.$msqID.'" class="form-control" type="text" value="'.stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($val)).'" />';
public function getMiniSurveyBlockInfo($bID)
$rs = $this->db->executeQuery('SELECT * FROM btForm WHERE bID='.intval($bID).' LIMIT 1');
return $rs->fetch();
public function getMiniSurveyBlockInfoByQuestionId($qsID, $bID = 0)
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM btForm WHERE questionSetId='.intval($qsID);
if (intval($bID) > 0) {
$sql .= ' AND bID='.$bID;
$sql .= ' LIMIT 1';
$rs = $this->db->executeQuery($sql);
return $rs->fetch();
public function reorderQuestions($qsID = 0, $qIDs)
$qIDs = explode(',', $qIDs);
if (!is_array($qIDs)) {
$qIDs = array($qIDs);
$positionNum = 0;
foreach ($qIDs as $qID) {
$vals = array($positionNum,intval($qID), intval($qsID));
$sql = 'UPDATE btFormQuestions SET position=? WHERE msqID=? AND questionSetId=?';
$rs = $this->db->executeQuery($sql, $vals);
public function limitRange($val, $min, $max)
$val = ($val < $min) ? $min : $val;
$val = ($val > $max) ? $max : $val;
return $val;
//Run on Form block edit
public static function questionCleanup($qsID = 0, $bID = 0)
$db = Database::connection();
//First make sure that the bID column has been set for this questionSetId (for backwards compatibility)
$vals = array(intval($qsID));
$questionsWithBIDs = $db->fetchColumn('SELECT count(*) FROM btFormQuestions WHERE bID!=0 AND questionSetId=? ', $vals);
//form block was just upgraded, so set the bID column
if (!$questionsWithBIDs) {
$vals = array(intval($bID), intval($qsID));
$rs = $db->executeQuery('UPDATE btFormQuestions SET bID=? WHERE bID=0 AND questionSetId=?', $vals);
//Then remove all temp/placeholder questions for this questionSetId that haven't been assigned to a block
$vals = array(intval($qsID));
$rs = $db->executeQuery('DELETE FROM btFormQuestions WHERE bID=0 AND questionSetId=?', $vals);