Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/blocks/core_scrapbook_display/controller.php
Строк: 145
namespace ConcreteBlockCoreScrapbookDisplay;
use ConcreteCoreBlockBlockController;
use Block;
use ConcreteCoreBlockViewBlockViewTemplate;
* The controller for the core scrapbook display block. This block is automatically used when a block is copied into a
* page from a clipboard. It is a proxy block.
* @package Blocks
* @subpackage Core Scrapbook/Clipboard Display
* @author Andrew Embler <andrew@concrete5.org>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Concrete5. (http://www.concrete5.org)
* @license http://www.concrete5.org/license/ MIT License
class Controller extends BlockController
protected $btCacheBlockRecord = true;
protected $btTable = 'btCoreScrapbookDisplay';
protected $btIsInternal = true;
protected $passthruController;
public function ignorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainer()
$bc = $this->getScrapbookBlockController();
if (is_object($bc)) {
return $bc->ignorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainer();
return false;
* @var int Original Block ID
protected $bOriginalID;
public function getBlockTypeDescription()
return t("Proxy block for blocks pasted through the scrapbook.");
public function getBlockTypeName()
return t("Scrapbook Display");
public function getOriginalBlockID()
return $this->bOriginalID;
public function getScrapbookBlockController()
if (!isset($this->passthruController)) {
$b = Block::getByID($this->bOriginalID);
$bc = ($b) ? $b->getInstance() : false;
$this->passthruController = $bc;
return $this->passthruController;
public function getSearchableContent()
$bc = $this->getScrapbookBlockController();
if ($bc && method_exists($bc, 'getSearchableContent')) {
return $bc->getSearchableContent();
public function getPassThruActionAndParameters($method, $parameters = array())
$return = parent::getPassThruActionAndParameters($method, $parameters);
$parameters = $return[1];
// pop the last element off the array and get it
$bID = array_pop($parameters);
if ($bID == $this->bID) {
// this is the proxy block. So we pop off the block ID and replace it with the original ID
$parameters[] = $this->bOriginalID;
$return[1] = $parameters;
return $return;
public function isValidControllerTask($method, $parameters = array())
$bc = $this->getScrapbookBlockController();
if (is_object($bc)) {
return $bc->isValidControllerTask($method, $parameters);
return false;
public function on_start()
$bc = $this->getScrapbookBlockController();
if (is_object($bc)) {
return $bc->on_start();
public function on_before_render()
$bc = $this->getScrapbookBlockController();
if (is_object($bc)) {
return $bc->on_before_render();
public function runAction($action, $parameters = array())
$bc = $this->getScrapbookBlockController();
if (is_object($bc)) {
$bc->runAction($action, $parameters);
public function on_page_view($page)
$bc = $this->getScrapbookBlockController();
if ($bc && method_exists($bc, 'on_page_view')) {
public function outputAutoHeaderItems()
$b = Block::getByID($this->bOriginalID);
if ($b) {
$b = $this->getBlockObject();
$bvt = new BlockViewTemplate($b);
public function cacheBlockOutput()
$bc = $this->getScrapbookBlockController();
if ($bc) {
return $bc->cacheBlockOutput();
public function cacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers()
$bc = $this->getScrapbookBlockController();
if ($bc) {
return $bc->cacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers();
public function cacheBlockOutputOnPost()
$bc = $this->getScrapbookBlockController();
if ($bc) {
return $bc->cacheBlockOutputOnPost();
public function getBlockTypeCacheOutputLifetime()
$bc = $this->getScrapbookBlockController();
if ($bc) {
return $bc->getBlockTypeCacheOutputLifetime();