Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/blocks/core_gathering/controller.php
Строк: 174
namespace ConcreteBlockCoreGathering;
use ConcreteCoreGatheringGathering;
use ConcreteCoreBlockBlockController;
use Database;
class Controller extends BlockController
protected $btCacheBlockRecord = true;
protected $btTable = 'btCoreGathering';
protected $btSupportsInlineEdit = true;
public function getBlockTypeDescription()
return t("Displays pages and data in list or grids.");
public function getBlockTypeName()
return t("Gathering");
public function duplicate($newBID)
$ni = parent::duplicate($newBID);
$ag = Gathering::getByID($this->gaID);
$nr = $ag->duplicate();
$db = Database::connection();
$db->Execute('update btCoreGathering set gaID = ? where bID = ?', array($nr->getGatheringID(), $ni->bID));
protected function setupForm()
$gathering = false;
$activeSources = array();
if ($this->gaID) {
$gathering = Gathering::getByID($this->gaID);
$activeSources = $gathering->getConfiguredGatheringDataSources();
$availableSources = GatheringDataSource::getList();
$this->set('availableSources', $availableSources);
$this->set('activeSources', $activeSources);
$this->set('gathering', $gathering);
public function getGatheringObject()
if (!isset($this->gathering)) {
// i don't know why this->cnvid isn't sticky in some cases, leading us to query
// every damn time
$db = Database::connection();
$agID = $db->GetOne('select gaID from btCoreGathering where bID = ?', array($this->bID));
$this->gathering = Gathering::getByID($agID);
return $this->gathering;
public function add()
public function edit()
public function action_post()
// happens through ajax
$pagetype = PageType::getByID($this->ptID);
if (is_object($pagetype) && $this->enablePostingFromGathering) {
$ccp = new Permissions($pagetype);
if ($ccp->canEditPageTypeInComposer()) {
$ct = PageType::getByID($this->post('ptComposerPageTypeID'));
$availablePageTypes = $pagetype->getComposerPageTypeObjects();
if (!is_object($ct) && count($availablePageTypes) == 1) {
$ct = $availablePageTypes[0];
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$e = $pagetype->validatePublishRequest($ct, $c);
$r = new PageTypePublishResponse($e);
if (!$e->has()) {
$d = $pagetype->createDraft($ct);
$nc = Page::getByID($d->getCollectionID(), 'RECENT');
$link = Core::make('helper/navigation')->getLinkToCollection($nc, true);
public function save($args)
$db = Database::connection();
$agID = $db->GetOne('select gaID from btCoreGathering where bID = ?', array($this->bID));
if (!$agID) {
$ag = Gathering::add();
$task = 'add';
} else {
$ag = Gathering::getByID($agID);
$task = 'edit';
$tab = $args['tab'];
if (!is_array($tab)) {
$tab = array();
if ($task == 'add' || in_array('sources', $tab)) {
$sources = $this->post('gasID');
foreach ($sources as $key => $gasID) {
$key = (string) $key; // because PHP is stupid
if ($key != '_gas_') {
$ags = GatheringDataSource::getByID($gasID);
$post = $ags->getOptionFormRequestData();
$agc = $ags->configure($ag, $post);
$itemsPerPage = intval($args['itemsPerPage']);
$values = array(
'gaID' => $ag->getGatheringID(),
if (in_array('output', $tab)) {
$values['itemsPerPage'] = $itemsPerPage;
} else {
$values['itemsPerPage'] = $this->itemsPerPage;
if (in_array('posting', $tab)) {
$ptID = 0;
if ($args['enablePostingFromGathering']) {
$values['enablePostingFromGathering'] = 1;
if ($args['ptID']) {
$ptID = $args['ptID'];
} else {
$values['enablePostingFromGathering'] = 0;
$values['ptID'] = $ptID;
} else {
$values['ptID'] = $this->ptID;
$values['enablePostingFromGathering'] = $this->enablePostingFromGathering;
public function delete()
if ($this->gaID) {
$gathering = Gathering::getByID($this->gaID);
if (is_object($gathering)) {
public function registerViewAssets($outputContent = '')
public function view()
if ($this->gaID) {
$gathering = Gathering::getByID($this->gaID);
if (is_object($gathering)) {
if ($this->enablePostingFromGathering && $this->ptID) {
$pt = PageType::getByID($this->ptID);
Core::make('helper/concrete/composer')->addAssetsToRequest($pt, $this);
$p = new Permissions($pt);
if ($p->canEditPageTypeInComposer()) {
$this->set('pagetype', $pt);
$list = new GatheringItemList($gathering);
$this->set('gathering', $gathering);
$this->set('itemList', $list);