Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/blocks/core_area_layout/controller.php
Строк: 275
namespace ConcreteBlockCoreAreaLayout;
use ConcreteCoreAreaLayoutCustomLayout;
use ConcreteCoreAreaLayoutPresetLayout;
use ConcreteCoreAreaLayoutThemeGridLayout;
use ConcreteCoreAreaSubArea;
use Core;
use Database;
use ConcreteCoreBlockBlockController;
use ConcreteCoreAreaLayoutLayout as AreaLayout;
use ConcreteCoreAreaLayoutPresetPreset as AreaLayoutPreset;
use ConcreteCoreAreaLayoutCustomLayout as CustomAreaLayout;
use ConcreteCoreAreaLayoutThemeGridLayout as ThemeGridAreaLayout;
use ConcreteCoreStyleCustomizerInlineStyleSet;
use ConcreteCoreAssetCssAsset;
use URL;
use Page;
class Controller extends BlockController
protected $btSupportsInlineAdd = true;
protected $btSupportsInlineEdit = true;
protected $btTable = 'btCoreAreaLayout';
protected $btIsInternal = true;
public function getBlockTypeDescription()
return t("Proxy block for area layouts.");
public function getBlockTypeName()
return t("Area Layout");
public function registerViewAssets($outputContent = '')
if (is_object($this->block) && $this->block->getBlockFilename() == 'parallax') {
$this->requireAsset('javascript', 'jquery');
$this->requireAsset('javascript', 'core/frontend/parallax-image');
public function duplicate($newBID)
$db = Database::connection();
$ar = AreaLayout::getByID($this->arLayoutID);
$nr = $ar->duplicate();
'update btCoreAreaLayout set arLayoutID = ? where bID = ?',
array($nr->getAreaLayoutID(), $newBID)
public function getAreaLayoutObject()
if ($this->arLayoutID) {
$arLayout = AreaLayout::getByID($this->arLayoutID);
$b = $this->getBlockObject();
if (is_object($b)) {
return $arLayout;
public function delete()
$arLayout = $this->getAreaLayoutObject();
if (is_object($arLayout)) {
public function export(SimpleXMLElement $blockNode)
$layout = $this->getAreaLayoutObject();
public function save($post)
if (isset($post['arLayoutID']) && !isset($post['arLayoutEdit'])) {
// terribly lame, but in import we pass arLayoutID and we also pass it in the post of editing a layout
// We need to somehow differentiate the two. If it's JUST arLayoutID we're using the migration tool
// if it includes arLayoutEdit (which is included in the form) then run the standrd block save.
// we are passing it in directly –likely from import
$values = array('arLayoutID' => $post['arLayoutID']);
} else {
$db = Database::connection();
$arLayoutID = $db->GetOne('select arLayoutID from btCoreAreaLayout where bID = ?', array($this->bID));
if (!$arLayoutID) {
$arLayout = $this->addFromPost($post);
} else {
$arLayout = AreaLayout::getByID($arLayoutID);
if ($arLayout instanceof PresetLayout) {
// save spacing
if ($arLayout->isAreaLayoutUsingThemeGridFramework()) {
$columns = $arLayout->getAreaLayoutColumns();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($columns); ++$i) {
$col = $columns[$i];
$span = ($post['span'][$i]) ? $post['span'][$i] : 0;
$offset = ($post['offset'][$i]) ? $post['offset'][$i] : 0;
} else {
if ($post['isautomated']) {
} else {
$columns = $arLayout->getAreaLayoutColumns();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($columns); ++$i) {
$col = $columns[$i];
$width = ($post['width'][$i]) ? $post['width'][$i] : 0;
$values = array('arLayoutID' => $arLayout->getAreaLayoutID());
public function getImportData($blockNode, $page)
$args = array();
if (isset($blockNode->arealayout)) {
$type = (string) $blockNode->arealayout['type'];
$node = $blockNode->arealayout;
switch ($type) {
case 'theme-grid':
$args['gridType'] = 'TG';
$args['arLayoutMaxColumns'] = (string) $node['columns'];
$args['themeGridColumns'] = intval(count($node->columns->column));
$args['offset'] = array();
$args['span'] = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($node->columns->column as $column) {
$args['span'][$i] = intval($column['span']);
$args['offset'][$i] = intval($column['offset']);
case 'custom':
$args['gridType'] = 'FF';
$args['isautomated'] = true;
$args['spacing'] = intval($node['spacing']);
$args['columns'] = intval(count($node->columns->column));
$customWidths = intval($node['custom-widths']);
if ($customWidths == 1) {
$args['isautomated'] = false;
$args['width'] = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($node->columns->column as $column) {
$args['width'][$i] = intval($column['width']);
return $args;
protected function importAdditionalData($b, $blockNode)
$controller = $b->getController();
$arLayout = $controller->getAreaLayoutObject();
$columns = $arLayout->getAreaLayoutColumns();
$layoutArea = $b->getBlockAreaObject();
$page = $b->getBlockCollectionObject();
$i = 0;
foreach ($blockNode->arealayout->columns->column as $columnNode) {
$column = $columns[$i];
$as = new SubArea($column->getAreaLayoutColumnDisplayID(), $layoutArea->getAreaHandle(), $layoutArea->getAreaID());
$area = $column->getAreaObject();
if ($columnNode->style) {
$set = StyleSet::import($columnNode->style);
$page->setCustomStyleSet($area, $set);
foreach ($columnNode->block as $bx) {
$bt = BlockType::getByHandle($bx['type']);
if (!is_object($bt)) {
throw new Exception(t('Invalid block type handle: %s', strval($bx['type'])));
$btc = $bt->getController();
$btc->import($page, $area->getAreaHandle(), $bx);
public function addFromPost($post)
// we are adding a new layout
switch ($post['gridType']) {
case 'TG':
$arLayout = ThemeGridAreaLayout::add();
for ($i = 0; $i < $post['themeGridColumns']; ++$i) {
$span = ($post['span'][$i]) ? $post['span'][$i] : 0;
$offset = ($post['offset'][$i]) ? $post['offset'][$i] : 0;
$column = $arLayout->addLayoutColumn();
case 'FF':
if ((!$post['isautomated']) && $post['columns'] > 1) {
$iscustom = 1;
} else {
$iscustom = 0;
$arLayout = CustomAreaLayout::add($post['spacing'], $iscustom);
for ($i = 0; $i < $post['columns']; ++$i) {
$width = ($post['width'][$i]) ? $post['width'][$i] : 0;
$column = $arLayout->addLayoutColumn();
default: // a preset
$arLayoutPreset = AreaLayoutPreset::getByID($post['arLayoutPresetID']);
$arLayout = PresetLayout::add($arLayoutPreset);
foreach ($arLayoutPreset->getColumns() as $column) {
return $arLayout;
public function view()
$b = $this->getBlockObject();
$a = $b->getBlockAreaObject();
$this->arLayout = $this->getAreaLayoutObject();
if (is_object($this->arLayout)) {
$this->set('columns', $this->arLayout->getAreaLayoutColumns());
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$this->set('c', $c);
$gf = false;
if ($this->arLayout->isAreaLayoutUsingThemeGridFramework()) {
$pt = $c->getCollectionThemeObject();
$gf = $pt->getThemeGridFrameworkObject();
if ($this->arLayout instanceof CustomLayout) {
$asset = new CssAsset();
$asset->setAssetURL(URL::to('/ccm/system/css/layout', $this->arLayout->getAreaLayoutID()));
$formatter = $this->arLayout->getFormatter();
$this->set('formatter', $formatter);
} else {
$this->set('columns', array());
public function edit()
// since we set a render override in view() we have to explicitly declare edit
if ($this->arLayout->isAreaLayoutUsingThemeGridFramework()) {
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$pt = $c->getCollectionThemeObject();
$gf = $pt->getThemeGridFrameworkObject();
if ($this->arLayout instanceof ThemeGridLayout) {
$this->set('enableThemeGrid', true);
$this->set('themeGridFramework', $gf);
$this->set('themeGridMaxColumns', $this->arLayout->getAreaLayoutMaxColumns());
$this->set('themeGridName', $gf->getPageThemeGridFrameworkName());
} elseif ($this->arLayout instanceof CustomLayout) {
$this->set('enableThemeGrid', false);
$this->set('spacing', $this->arLayout->getAreaLayoutSpacing());
$this->set('iscustom', $this->arLayout->hasAreaLayoutCustomColumnWidths());
$this->set('maxColumns', 12);
} else {
$preset = $this->arLayout->getPresetObject();
$this->set('selectedPreset', $preset);
$this->set('columnsNum', count($this->arLayout->getAreaLayoutColumns()));
public function add()
$maxColumns = 12; // normally
// now we check our active theme and see if it has other plans
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$pt = $c->getCollectionThemeObject();
if (is_object($pt) && $pt->supportsGridFramework() && is_object(
) && $this->area->getAreaGridMaximumColumns()
) {
$gf = $pt->getThemeGridFrameworkObject();
$this->set('enableThemeGrid', true);
$this->set('themeGridName', $gf->getPageThemeGridFrameworkName());
$this->set('themeGridFramework', $gf);
$this->set('themeGridMaxColumns', $this->area->getAreaGridMaximumColumns());
} else {
$this->set('enableThemeGrid', false);
$this->set('columnsNum', 1);
$this->set('maxColumns', $maxColumns);