Файл: concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/blocks/autonav/controller.php
Строк: 784
namespace ConcreteBlockAutonav;
use ConcreteCoreBlockBlockController;
use Core;
use Database;
use Page;
use Permissions;
* The controller for the Auto-Nav block.
* @package Blocks
* @subpackage Auto-Nav
* @author Andrew Embler <andrew@concrete5.org>
* @author Jordan Lev
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Concrete5. (http://www.concrete5.org)
* @license http://www.concrete5.org/license/ MIT License
class Controller extends BlockController
public $collection;
public $navArray = array();
public $cParentIDArray = array();
public $sorted_array = array();
public $navSort = array();
public $navObjectNames = array();
public $displayPages, $displayPagesCID, $displayPagesIncludeSelf, $displaySubPages, $displaySubPageLevels, $displaySubPageLevelsNum, $orderBy, $displayUnavailablePages;
public $haveRetrievedSelf = false;
public $haveRetrievedSelfPlus1 = false;
public $displaySystemPages = false;
public $displayUnapproved = false;
protected $btTable = 'btNavigation';
protected $btInterfaceWidth = "800";
protected $btInterfaceHeight = "350";
protected $btCacheBlockRecord = true;
protected $btCacheBlockOutput = true;
protected $btCacheBlockOutputOnPost = true;
protected $btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers = false;
protected $btCacheBlockOutputLifetime = 300;
protected $btWrapperClass = 'ccm-ui';
protected $btExportPageColumns = array('displayPagesCID');
public function __construct($obj = null)
if (is_object($obj)) {
switch (strtolower(get_class($obj))) {
case "blocktype":
// instantiating autonav on a particular collection page, instead of adding
// it through the block interface
$this->bID = null;
case "block": // block
// standard block object
$this->bID = $obj->bID;
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
if (is_object($c)) {
if ($c->getCollectionPointerOriginalID() > 0) {
$this->cID = $c->getCollectionPointerOriginalID();
} else {
$this->cID = $c->getCollectionID();
$this->cParentID = $c->getCollectionParentID();
public function registerViewAssets($outputContent = '')
if (is_object($this->block) && $this->block->getBlockFilename() == 'responsive_header_navigation') {
// this isn't great but it's the only way to do this and still make block
// output caching available to this block.
$this->requireAsset('javascript', 'jquery');
// private variable $displayUnapproved, used by the dashboard
public function getBlockTypeDescription()
return t("Creates navigation trees and sitemaps.");
// haveRetrievedSelf is a variable that stores whether or not a particular tree walking operation has retrieved the current page. We use this
// with subpage modes like enough and enough_plus1
// displayUnavailablePages allows us to decide whether this autonav block filters out unavailable pages (pages we can't see, are restricted, etc...)
// or whether they display them, but then restrict them when the page is actually visited
// TODO - Implement displayUnavailablePages in the btNavigation table, and in the frontend of the autonav block
public function getBlockTypeName()
return t("Auto-Nav");
public function save($args)
$args['displayPagesIncludeSelf'] = isset($args['displayPagesIncludeSelf']) && $args['displayPagesIncludeSelf'] ? 1 : 0;
$args['displayPagesCID'] = isset($args['displayPagesCID']) && $args['displayPagesCID'] ? $args['displayPagesCID'] : 0;
$args['displaySubPageLevelsNum'] = isset($args['displaySubPageLevelsNum']) && $args['displaySubPageLevelsNum'] > 0 ? $args['displaySubPageLevelsNum'] : 0;
$args['displayUnavailablePages'] = isset($args['displayUnavailablePages']) && $args['displayUnavailablePages'] ? 1 : 0;
$args['displaySystemPages'] = isset($args['displaySystemPages']) && $args['displaySystemPages'] ? 1 : 0;
public function getContent()
/* our templates expect a variable not an object */
$con = array();
foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
$con[$key] = $value;
return $con;
public function getChildPages($c)
// a quickie
$db = Database::connection();
$r = $db->query(
"select cID from Pages where cParentID = ? order by cDisplayOrder asc",
$pages = array();
while ($row = $r->fetchRow()) {
$pages[] = Page::getByID($row['cID'], 'ACTIVE');
return $pages;
* New and improved version of "generateNav()" function.
* Use this unless you need to maintain backwards compatibility with older custom templates.
* Pass in TRUE for the $ignore_exclude_nav arg if you don't want to exclude any pages
* (for both the "exclude_nav" and "exclude_subpages_from_nav" attribute).
* This is useful for breadcrumb nav menus, for example.
* Historical note: this must stay a function that gets called by the view templates
* (as opposed to just having the view() method set the variables)
* because we need to maintain the generateNav() function for backwards compatibility with
* older custom templates... and that function unfortunately has side-effects so it cannot
* be called more than once per request (otherwise there will be duplicate items in the nav menu).
public function getNavItems($ignore_exclude_nav = false)
if (!is_object($this->collection)) {
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
if (!is_object($c)) {
return array();
} else {
$c = $this->collection;
//Create an array of parent cIDs so we can determine the "nav path" of the current page
$inspectC = $c;
$selectedPathCIDs = array($inspectC->getCollectionID());
$parentCIDnotZero = true;
while ($parentCIDnotZero) {
$cParentID = $inspectC->cParentID;
if (!intval($cParentID)) {
$parentCIDnotZero = false;
} else {
if ($cParentID != HOME_CID) {
$selectedPathCIDs[] = $cParentID; //Don't want home page in nav-path-selected
$inspectC = Page::getById($cParentID, 'ACTIVE');
//Retrieve the raw "pre-processed" list of all nav items (before any custom attributes are considered)
$allNavItems = $this->generateNav();
//Remove excluded pages from the list (do this first because some of the data prep code needs to "look ahead" in the list)
$includedNavItems = array();
$excluded_parent_level = 9999; //Arbitrarily high number denotes that we're NOT currently excluding a parent (because all actual page levels will be lower than this)
$exclude_children_below_level = 9999; //Same deal as above. Note that in this case "below" means a HIGHER number (because a lower number indicates higher placement in the sitemp -- e.g. 0 is top-level)
foreach ($allNavItems as $ni) {
$_c = $ni->getCollectionObject();
$current_level = $ni->getLevel();
if ($this->excludeFromNavViaAttribute($_c) && ($current_level <= $excluded_parent_level)) {
$excluded_parent_level = $current_level;
$exclude_page = true;
} else {
if (($current_level > $excluded_parent_level) || ($current_level > $exclude_children_below_level)) {
$exclude_page = true;
} else {
$excluded_parent_level = 9999; //Reset to arbitrarily high number to denote that we're no longer excluding a parent
$exclude_children_below_level = $_c->getAttribute(
'exclude_subpages_from_nav') ? $current_level : 9999;
$exclude_page = false;
if (!$exclude_page || $ignore_exclude_nav) {
$includedNavItems[] = $ni;
//Prep all data and put it into a clean structure so markup output is as simple as possible
$navItems = array();
$navItemCount = count($includedNavItems);
for ($i = 0; $i < $navItemCount; ++$i) {
$ni = $includedNavItems[$i];
$_c = $ni->getCollectionObject();
$current_level = $ni->getLevel();
//Link target (e.g. open in new window)
$target = $ni->getTarget();
$target = empty($target) ? '_self' : $target;
//Link URL
$pageLink = false;
if ($_c->getAttribute('replace_link_with_first_in_nav')) {
$subPage = $_c->getFirstChild(); //Note: could be a rare bug here if first child was excluded, but this is so unlikely (and can be solved by moving it in the sitemap) that it's not worth the trouble to check
if ($subPage instanceof Page) {
$pageLink = Core::make('helper/navigation')->getLinkToCollection(
$subPage); //We could optimize by instantiating the navigation helper outside the loop, but this is such an infrequent attribute that I prefer code clarity over performance in this case
if (!$pageLink) {
$pageLink = $ni->getURL();
//Current/ancestor page
$selected = false;
$path_selected = false;
if ($c->getCollectionID() == $_c->getCollectionID()) {
$selected = true; //Current item is the page being viewed
$path_selected = true;
} elseif (in_array($_c->getCollectionID(), $selectedPathCIDs)) {
$path_selected = true; //Current item is an ancestor of the page being viewed
//Calculate difference between this item's level and next item's level so we know how many closing tags to output in the markup
$next_level = isset($includedNavItems[$i + 1]) ? $includedNavItems[$i + 1]->getLevel() : 0;
$levels_between_this_and_next = $current_level - $next_level;
//Determine if this item has children (can't rely on $ni->hasChildren() because it doesn't ignore excluded items!)
$has_children = $next_level > $current_level;
//Calculate if this is the first item in its level (useful for CSS classes)
$prev_level = isset($includedNavItems[$i - 1]) ? $includedNavItems[$i - 1]->getLevel() : -1;
$is_first_in_level = $current_level > $prev_level;
//Calculate if this is the last item in its level (useful for CSS classes)
$is_last_in_level = true;
for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $navItemCount; ++$j) {
if ($includedNavItems[$j]->getLevel() == $current_level) {
//we found a subsequent item at this level (before this level "ended"), so this is NOT the last in its level
$is_last_in_level = false;
if ($includedNavItems[$j]->getLevel() < $current_level) {
//we found a previous level before any other items in this level, so this IS the last in its level
$is_last_in_level = true;
} //If loop ends before one of the "if" conditions is hit, then this is the last in its level (and $is_last_in_level stays true)
//Custom CSS class
$attribute_class = $_c->getAttribute('nav_item_class');
$attribute_class = empty($attribute_class) ? '' : $attribute_class;
//Page ID stuff
$item_cid = $_c->getCollectionID();
$is_home_page = ($item_cid == HOME_CID);
//Package up all the data
$navItem = new stdClass();
$navItem->url = $pageLink;
$translate = $this->get('translate');
$name = (isset($translate) && $translate == true) ? t($ni->getName()) : $ni->getName();
$text = Core::make('helper/text');
$navItem->name = $text->entities($name);
$navItem->target = $target;
$navItem->level = $current_level + 1; //make this 1-based instead of 0-based (more human-friendly)
$navItem->subDepth = $levels_between_this_and_next;
$navItem->hasSubmenu = $has_children;
$navItem->isFirst = $is_first_in_level;
$navItem->isLast = $is_last_in_level;
$navItem->isCurrent = $selected;
$navItem->inPath = $path_selected;
$navItem->attrClass = $attribute_class;
$navItem->isHome = $is_home_page;
$navItem->cID = $item_cid;
$navItem->cObj = $_c;
$navItems[] = $navItem;
return $navItems;
* This function is used by the getNavItems() method to generate the raw "pre-processed" nav items array.
* It also must exist as a separate function to preserve backwards-compatibility with older autonav templates.
* Warning: this function has side-effects -- if this gets called twice, items will be duplicated in the nav structure!
public function generateNav()
// Initialize Nav Array
$this->navArray = array();
if (isset($this->displayPagesCID) && !Core::make('helper/validation/numbers')->integer($this->displayPagesCID)) {
$this->displayPagesCID = 0;
$db = Database::connection();
// now we proceed, with information obtained either from the database, or passed manually from
$orderBy = "";
/*switch($this->orderBy) {
switch($this->orderBy) {
case 'display_asc':
$orderBy = "order by Collections.cDisplayOrder asc";
case 'display_desc':
$orderBy = "order by Collections.cDisplayOrder desc";
case 'chrono_asc':
$orderBy = "order by cvDatePublic asc";
case 'chrono_desc':
$orderBy = "order by cvDatePublic desc";
case 'alpha_desc':
$orderBy = "order by cvName desc";
$orderBy = "order by cvName asc";
switch ($this->orderBy) {
case 'display_asc':
$orderBy = "order by Pages.cDisplayOrder asc";
case 'display_desc':
$orderBy = "order by Pages.cDisplayOrder desc";
$orderBy = '';
$level = 0;
$cParentID = 0;
switch ($this->displayPages) {
case 'current':
$cParentID = $this->cParentID;
if ($cParentID < 1) {
$cParentID = 1;
case 'top':
// top level actually has ID 1 as its parent, since the home page is effectively alone at the top
$cParentID = 1;
case 'above':
$cParentID = $this->getParentParentID();
case 'below':
$cParentID = $this->cID;
case 'second_level':
$cParentID = $this->getParentAtLevel(2);
case 'third_level':
$cParentID = $this->getParentAtLevel(3);
case 'custom':
$cParentID = $this->displayPagesCID;
$cParentID = 1;
if ($cParentID != null) {
$displayHeadPage = false;
if ($this->displayPagesIncludeSelf) {
$q = "select Pages.cID from Pages where Pages.cID = '{$cParentID}' and cIsTemplate = 0";
$r = $db->query($q);
if ($r) {
$row = $r->fetchRow();
$displayHeadPage = true;
if ($this->displayUnapproved) {
$tc1 = Page::getByID($row['cID'], "RECENT");
} else {
$tc1 = Page::getByID($row['cID'], "ACTIVE");
$tc1v = $tc1->getVersionObject();
if (!$tc1v->isApproved() && !$this->displayUnapproved) {
$displayHeadPage = false;
if ($displayHeadPage) {
if ($this->displaySubPages == 'relevant' || $this->displaySubPages == 'relevant_breadcrumb') {
$this->getNavigationArray($cParentID, $orderBy, $level);
// if we're at the top level we add home to the beginning
if ($cParentID == 1) {
if ($this->displayUnapproved) {
$tc1 = Page::getByID(HOME_CID, "RECENT");
} else {
$tc1 = Page::getByID(HOME_CID, "ACTIVE");
$niRow = array();
$niRow['cvName'] = $tc1->getCollectionName();
$niRow['cID'] = HOME_CID;
$niRow['cvDescription'] = $tc1->getCollectionDescription();
$niRow['cPath'] = Core::make('helper/navigation')->getLinkToCollection($tc1);
$ni = new NavItem($niRow, 0);
array_unshift($this->navArray, $ni);
if ($displayHeadPage) {
$niRow = array();
$niRow['cvName'] = $tc1->getCollectionName();
$niRow['cID'] = $row['cID'];
$niRow['cvDescription'] = $tc1->getCollectionDescription();
$niRow['cPath'] = $tc1->getCollectionPath();
$ni = new NavItem($niRow, 0);
array_unshift($this->navArray, $ni);
return $this->navArray;
* heh. probably should've gone the simpler route and named this getGrandparentID().
public function getParentParentID()
// this has to be the stupidest name of a function I've ever created. sigh
$cParentID = Page::getCollectionParentIDFromChildID($this->cParentID);
return ($cParentID) ? $cParentID : 0;
public function getParentAtLevel($level)
// this function works in the following way
// we go from the current collection up to the top level. Then we find the parent Id at the particular level specified, and begin our
// autonav from that point
$idArray = array_reverse($this->cParentIDArray);
$this->cParentIDArray = array();
if ($level - count($idArray) == 0) {
// This means that the parent ID array is one less than the item
// we're trying to grab - so we return our CURRENT page as the item to get
// things under
return $this->cID;
if (isset($idArray[$level])) {
return $idArray[$level];
} else {
return null;
/** Pupulates the $cParentIDArray instance property.
* @param int $cID The collection id.
public function populateParentIDArray($cID)
// returns an array of collection IDs going from the top level to the current item
$cParentID = Page::getCollectionParentIDFromChildID($cID);
if (is_numeric($cParentID)) {
if (!in_array($cParentID, $this->cParentIDArray)) {
$this->cParentIDArray[] = $cParentID;
if ($cParentID > 0) {
public function getNavigationArray($cParentID, $orderBy, $currentLevel)
// increment all items in the nav array with a greater $currentLevel
foreach ($this->navArray as $ni) {
if ($ni->getLevel() + 1 < $currentLevel) {
$ni->hasChildren = true;
$db = Database::connection();
$navSort = $this->navSort;
$sorted_array = $this->sorted_array;
$navObjectNames = $this->navObjectNames;
$q = "select Pages.cID from Pages where cIsTemplate = 0 and cIsActive = 1 and cParentID = '{$cParentID}' {$orderBy}";
$r = $db->query($q);
if ($r) {
while ($row = $r->fetchRow()) {
if ($this->displaySubPages != 'relevant_breadcrumb' || (in_array(
$this->cParentIDArray) || $row['cID'] == $this->cID)
) {
if ($this->haveRetrievedSelf) {
// since we've already retrieved self, and we're going through again, we set plus 1
$this->haveRetrievedSelfPlus1 = true;
} else
if ($this->haveRetrievedSelf && $cParentID == $this->cID) {
$this->haveRetrievedSelfPlus1 = true;
} else {
if ($row['cID'] == $this->cID) {
$this->haveRetrievedSelf = true;
$displayPage = true;
if ($this->displayUnapproved) {
$tc = Page::getByID($row['cID'], "RECENT");
} else {
$tc = Page::getByID($row['cID'], "ACTIVE");
$displayPage = $this->displayPage($tc);
if ($displayPage) {
$niRow = array();
$niRow['cvName'] = $tc->getCollectionName();
$niRow['cID'] = $row['cID'];
$niRow['cvDescription'] = $tc->getCollectionDescription();
$niRow['cPath'] = Core::make('helper/navigation')->getLinkToCollection($tc);
$niRow['cPointerExternalLink'] = $tc->getCollectionPointerExternalLink();
$niRow['cPointerExternalLinkNewWindow'] = $tc->openCollectionPointerExternalLinkInNewWindow();
$dateKey = strtotime($tc->getCollectionDatePublic());
$ni = new NavItem($niRow, $currentLevel);
// $this->navArray[] = $ni;
$navSort[$niRow['cID']] = $dateKey;
$sorted_array[$niRow['cID']] = $ni;
$_c = $ni->getCollectionObject();
$object_name = $_c->getCollectionName();
$navObjectNames[$niRow['cID']] = $object_name;
// end while -- sort navSort
// Joshua's Huge Sorting Crap
if ($navSort) {
$sortit = 0;
if ($this->orderBy == "chrono_asc") {
$sortit = 1;
if ($this->orderBy == "chrono_desc") {
$sortit = 1;
if ($sortit) {
foreach ($navSort as $sortCID => $sortdatewhocares) {
// create sorted_array
$this->navArray[] = $sorted_array[$sortCID];
$retrieveMore = false;
if ($this->displaySubPages == 'all') {
if ($this->displaySubPageLevels == 'all' || ($this->displaySubPageLevels == 'custom' && $this->displaySubPageLevelsNum > $currentLevel)) {
$retrieveMore = true;
} else {
if (($this->displaySubPages == "relevant" || $this->displaySubPages == "relevant_breadcrumb") && (in_array(
$this->cParentIDArray) || $sortCID == $this->cID)
) {
if ($this->displaySubPageLevels == "enough" && $this->haveRetrievedSelf == false) {
$retrieveMore = true;
} else {
if ($this->displaySubPageLevels == "enough_plus1" && $this->haveRetrievedSelfPlus1 == false) {
$retrieveMore = true;
} else {
if ($this->displaySubPageLevels == 'all' || ($this->displaySubPageLevels == 'custom' && $this->displaySubPageLevelsNum > $currentLevel)) {
$retrieveMore = true;
if ($retrieveMore) {
$this->getNavigationArray($sortCID, $orderBy, $currentLevel + 1);
$sortit = 0;
if ($this->orderBy == "alpha_desc") {
$navObjectNames = array_map('strtolower', $navObjectNames);
$sortit = 1;
if ($this->orderBy == "alpha_asc") {
$navObjectNames = array_map('strtolower', $navObjectNames);
$sortit = 1;
if ($sortit) {
foreach ($navObjectNames as $sortCID => $sortnameaction) {
// create sorted_array
$this->navArray[] = $sorted_array[$sortCID];
$retrieveMore = false;
if ($this->displaySubPages == 'all') {
if ($this->displaySubPageLevels == 'all' || ($this->displaySubPageLevels == 'custom' && $this->displaySubPageLevelsNum > $currentLevel)) {
$retrieveMore = true;
} else {
if (($this->displaySubPages == "relevant" || $this->displaySubPages == "relevant_breadcrumb") && (in_array(
$this->cParentIDArray) || $sortCID == $this->cID)
) {
if ($this->displaySubPageLevels == "enough" && $this->haveRetrievedSelf == false) {
$retrieveMore = true;
} else {
if ($this->displaySubPageLevels == "enough_plus1" && $this->haveRetrievedSelfPlus1 == false) {
$retrieveMore = true;
} else {
if ($this->displaySubPageLevels == 'all' || ($this->displaySubPageLevels == 'custom' && $this->displaySubPageLevelsNum > $currentLevel)) {
$retrieveMore = true;
if ($retrieveMore) {
$this->getNavigationArray($sortCID, $orderBy, $currentLevel + 1);
$sortit = 0;
if ($this->orderBy == "display_desc") {
$sortit = 1;
if ($this->orderBy == "display_asc") {
$sortit = 1;
if ($sortit) {
// for display order? this stuff is already sorted...
foreach ($navObjectNames as $sortCID => $sortnameaction) {
// create sorted_array
$this->navArray[] = $sorted_array[$sortCID];
$retrieveMore = false;
if ($this->displaySubPages == 'all') {
if ($this->displaySubPageLevels == 'all' || ($this->displaySubPageLevels == 'custom' && $this->displaySubPageLevelsNum > $currentLevel)) {
$retrieveMore = true;
} else {
if (($this->displaySubPages == "relevant" || $this->displaySubPages == "relevant_breadcrumb") && (in_array(
$this->cParentIDArray) || $sortCID == $this->cID)
) {
if ($this->displaySubPageLevels == "enough" && $this->haveRetrievedSelf == false) {
$retrieveMore = true;
} else {
if ($this->displaySubPageLevels == "enough_plus1" && $this->haveRetrievedSelfPlus1 == false) {
$retrieveMore = true;
} else {
if ($this->displaySubPageLevels == 'all' || ($this->displaySubPageLevels == 'custom' && $this->displaySubPageLevelsNum > $currentLevel)) {
$retrieveMore = true;
if ($retrieveMore) {
$this->getNavigationArray($sortCID, $orderBy, $currentLevel + 1);
// End Joshua's Huge Sorting Crap
protected function displayPage($tc)
if ($tc->isSystemPage() && (!$this->displaySystemPages)) {
return false;
$tcv = $tc->getVersionObject();
if ((!is_object($tcv)) || (!$tcv->isApproved() && !$this->displayUnapproved)) {
return false;
if ($this->displayUnavailablePages == false) {
$tcp = new Permissions($tc);
if (!$tcp->canRead()) {
return false;
return true;
public function excludeFromNavViaAttribute($c)
return $c->getAttribute('exclude_nav');