Файл: textpattern-4.5.7/textpattern/setup/txpsql.php
Строк: 5156
$HeadURL: https://textpattern.googlecode.com/svn/releases/4.5.7/source/textpattern/setup/txpsql.php $
$LastChangedRevision: 5881 $
if (!defined('TXP_INSTALL'))
$result = mysql_query("describe `".PFX."textpattern`");
if ($result) die("Textpattern database table already exists. Can't run setup.");
$version = mysql_get_server_info();
//Use "ENGINE" if version of MySQL > (4.0.18 or 4.1.2)
$tabletype = ( intval($version[0]) >= 5 || preg_match('#^4.(0.[2-9]|(1[89]))|(1.[2-9])#',$version))
: " TYPE=MyISAM ";
// On 4.1 or greater use utf8-tables
if ( isset($dbcharset) && (intval($version[0]) >= 5 || preg_match('#^4.[1-9]#',$version)))
$tabletype .= " CHARACTER SET = $dbcharset ";
if ($dbcharset == 'utf8')
$tabletype .= " COLLATE utf8_general_ci ";
mysql_query("SET NAMES ".$dbcharset);
// Default to messy URLs if we know clean ones won't work
$permlink_mode = 'section_id_title';
if (is_callable('apache_get_modules'))
$modules = @apache_get_modules();
if (!is_array($modules) || !in_array('mod_rewrite', $modules))
$permlink_mode = 'messy';
$server_software = (@$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] || @$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])
: '';
if (!stristr($server_software, 'Apache'))
$permlink_mode = 'messy';
$username = (!empty($_SESSION['name'])) ? $_SESSION['name'] : 'anon';
$useremail = (!empty($_SESSION['email'])) ? $_SESSION['email'] : '';
$create_sql = array();
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."textpattern` (
`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`Posted` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`AuthorID` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`LastMod` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`LastModID` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`Title_html` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`Body` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`Body_html` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`Excerpt` text NOT NULL,
`Excerpt_html` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`Image` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`Category1` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
`Category2` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
`Annotate` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',
`AnnotateInvite` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`comments_count` int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
`Status` int(2) NOT NULL default '4',
`textile_body` int(2) NOT NULL default '1',
`textile_excerpt` int(2) NOT NULL default '1',
`Section` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`override_form` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`Keywords` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`url_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`custom_1` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`custom_2` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`custom_3` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`custom_4` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`custom_5` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`custom_6` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`custom_7` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`custom_8` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`custom_9` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`custom_10` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`uid` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
`feed_time` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
KEY `categories_idx` (`Category1`(10),`Category2`(10)),
KEY `Posted` (`Posted`),
FULLTEXT KEY `searching` (`Title`,`Body`)
) $tabletype PACK_KEYS=1 AUTO_INCREMENT=2 ";
$setup_comment_invite = doSlash( ( gTxt('setup_comment_invite')=='setup_comment_invite') ? 'Comment' : gTxt('setup_comment_invite') );
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."textpattern` VALUES (1, now(), '".doSlash($username)."', now(), '', 'Welcome to Your Site!', '', 'h3. What do you want to do next?nn* Modify or even delete this article? The "article list":siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=list is the place to start.n* Change this site's name, or modify the style of the URLs? It's all up to your "preferences":siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=prefs.n* Get yourself acquainted with Textile, the humane web text generator which comes with Textpattern? The basics are "simple":http://textpattern.com/textile-sandbox. If you want to learn more about Textile, you can dig into an "extensive manual":http://textpattern.com/textile-reference-manual later.n* Be guided through your "Textpattern first steps":http://textpattern.com/textpattern-first-steps by completing some basic tasks?n* Study the "Textpattern Semantic Model?":http://textpattern.com/textpattern-semantic-modeln* Add "another user":siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=admin, or extend the capabilities with "third party plugins":siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=plugin you discovered from the central plugin directory at "Textpattern Resources":http://textpattern.org/?n* Dive in and learn by trial and error? Then please note:n** When you "write":siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=article an article you assign it to a section of your site.n** Sections use a "page template":siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=page and a "style":siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=css as an output scaffold.n** Page templates use HTML and Textpattern tags (like this: @<txp:article />@) to build the markup.n** Some Textpattern tags use "forms":siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=form, which are building blocks for reusable snippets of code and markup you may build and use at your discretion.nnThere are a host of "Frequently Asked Questions":http://textpattern.com/faq/ to help you get started.nn"Textpattern tags":http://textpattern.com/textpattern-tag-reference, their attributes and values are as well explained as sampled at the "User Documentation":http://textpattern.net/, where you will also find valuable tips and tutorials.nnIf all else fails, there's a whole crowd of friendly, helpful people over at the "Textpattern support forum":http://forum.textpattern.com/. Come and pay a visit!n', 't<h3>What do you want to do next?</h3>nnt<ul>ntt<li>Modify or even delete this article? The <a href="siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=list">article list</a> is the place to start.</li>ntt<li>Change this site’s name, or modify the style of the <span class="caps">URL</span>s? It’s all up to your <a href="siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=prefs">preferences</a>.</li>ntt<li>Get yourself acquainted with Textile, the humane web text generator which comes with Textpattern? The basics are <a href="http://textpattern.com/textile-sandbox">simple</a>. If you want to learn more about Textile, you can dig into an <a href="http://textpattern.com/textile-reference-manual">extensive manual</a> later.</li>ntt<li>Be guided through your <a href="http://textpattern.com/textpattern-first-steps">Textpattern first steps</a> by completing some basic tasks?</li>ntt<li>Study the <a href="http://textpattern.com/textpattern-semantic-model">Textpattern Semantic Model?</a></li>ntt<li>Add <a href="siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=admin">another user</a>, or extend the capabilities with <a href="siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=plugin">third party plugins</a> you discovered from the central plugin directory at <a href="http://textpattern.org/">Textpattern Resources</a>?</li>ntt<li>Dive in and learn by trial and error? Then please note:nt<ul>ntt<li>When you <a href="siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=article">write</a> an article you assign it to a section of your site.</li>ntt<li>Sections use a <a href="siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=page">page template</a> and a <a href="siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=css">style</a> as an output scaffold.</li>ntt<li>Page templates use <span class="caps">HTML</span> and Textpattern tags (like this: <code><txp:article /></code>) to build the markup.</li>ntt<li>Some Textpattern tags use <a href="siteurl/textpattern/index.php?event=form">forms</a>, which are building blocks for reusable snippets of code and markup you may build and use at your discretion.</li>nt</ul></li>nt</ul>nnt<p>There are a host of <a href="http://textpattern.com/faq/">Frequently Asked Questions</a> to help you get started.</p>nnt<p><a href="http://textpattern.com/textpattern-tag-reference">Textpattern tags</a>, their attributes and values are as well explained as sampled at the <a href="http://textpattern.net/">User Documentation</a>, where you will also find valuable tips and tutorials.</p>nnt<p>If all else fails, there’s a whole crowd of friendly, helpful people over at the <a href="http://forum.textpattern.com/">Textpattern support forum</a>. Come and pay a visit!</p>', '', '', '', 'hope-for-the-future', 'meaningful-labor', 1, '".$setup_comment_invite."', 1, 4, 1, 1, 'articles', '', '', 'welcome-to-your-site', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '".md5(uniqid(rand(), true))."', now())";
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_category` (
`id` int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`type` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`parent` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`lft` int(6) NOT NULL default '0',
`rgt` int(6) NOT NULL default '0',
`title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
) $tabletype PACK_KEYS=1";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (1, 'root', 'article', '', 1, 8, 'root')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (2, 'root', 'link', '', 1, 4, 'root')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (3, 'root', 'image', '', 1, 4, 'root')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (4, 'root', 'file', '', 1, 2, 'root')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (5, 'hope-for-the-future', 'article', 'root', 2, 3, 'Hope for the Future')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (6, 'meaningful-labor', 'article', 'root', 4, 5, 'Meaningful Labor')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (7, 'reciprocal-affection', 'article', 'root', 6, 7, 'Reciprocal Affection')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (8, 'textpattern', 'link', 'root', 2, 3, 'Textpattern')";
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_css` (
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`css` text NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)
) $tabletype ";
// sql:txp_css
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_css`(`name`,`css`) VALUES('default', '/* ==========================================================================n Styling and layout for all median ========================================================================== */nn/* HTML5 display definitionsn ========================================================================== */nn/**n * Correct `block` display not defined for any HTML5 element in IE 8/9.n * Correct `block` display not defined for `details` or `summary` in IE 10/11 and Firefox.n * Correct `block` display not defined for `main` in IE 11.n */narticle,naside,ndetails,nfigcaption,nfigure,nfooter,nheader,nmain,nnav,nsection,nsummary {n display: block;n}nn/**n * 1. Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9.n * 2. Normalize vertical alignment of `progress` in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.n */naudio,ncanvas,nprogress,nvideo {n /* 1 */n display: inline-block;n /* 2 */n vertical-align: baseline;n}nn/**n * Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls.n * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices.n */naudio:not([controls]) {n display: none;n height: 0;n}nn/**n * Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9/10.n * Hide the `template` element in IE 8/9/11, Safari, and Firefox < 22.n */n[hidden],ntemplate {n display: none;n}nn/**n * 1. Always force scrollbar padding so we don't get 'jumping'.n * 2. Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disablingn * user zoom.n * 3. As 2 above, for Windows Phone.n */nhtml {n -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 102, 255, 0.5);n /* 1 */n overflow-y: scroll;n /* 2 */n -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;n /* 3 */n -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;n}nn/**n * Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.n */nb,nstrong {n font-weight: bold;n}nn/**n * Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers.n */nsub,nsup {n /* 12px */n font-size: 0.8571429em;n line-height: 0;n position: relative;n vertical-align: baseline;n}nnsup {n top: -0.5em;n}nnsub {n bottom: -0.25em;n}nn/**n * 1. Remove the gap between images and the bottom of their containers.n * 2. Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8-10.n */nimg {n /* 1 */n vertical-align: middle;n /* 2 */n border: 0;n}nn/**n * Consistent tables.n */ntable {n margin-bottom: 1em;n border-collapse: collapse;n border-spacing: 0;n width: 100%;n}nn/**n * Make table cells align top and left by default.n */nth,ntd {n vertical-align: top;n text-align: left;n}nn/**n * Address paddings set differently.n */nmenu,nol,nul {n padding: 0 0 0 2em;n}nn/**n * Remove margins from nested lists.n */nli > ul,nli > ol {n margin: 0;n}nn/**n * Address margins set differently.n */ndd {n margin: 0 0 0 2em;n}nn/**n * Italicise definition terms.n */ndt {n font-style: italic;n}nn/* Clearfixn ========================================================================== */nn/**n * Clearfix using the 'A new micro cleafix hack' method.n *n * More info: http://nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/n */n.clearfix:after,nheader:after,nnav ul:after,n.container:after,nfooter:after,n#paginator:after,n#monthly-list:after {n content: "";n display: table;n clear: both;n}nnn/* ==========================================================================n Styling and layout for screen media (mobile first)n ========================================================================== */nn@media screen {nn/* Layoutn ========================================================================== */nn/**n * 1. Remove default margin.n */nbody {n /* 1 */n margin: 0;n background: #f7f7f7;n}nn/**n * Outer wrapper for main layouts.n *n * Example HTML:n *n * <div class="wrapper">n * <div class="container">n * Contentn * </div>n * </div>n */n.wrapper {n border-bottom: solid 1px #ccc;n padding-top: 2em;n background: #fff;n}nn/**n * Wrapper for layouts, and for header/footer.n *n * Example HTML:n *n * <div class="wrapper">n * <div class="container">n * Contentn * </div>n * </div>n */nheader,n.container,nfooter {n margin: 0 auto;n /* 960px / 1024px */n width: 93.75%;n max-width: 86em;n}nn/**n * Additional styling for child content within `header`.n */nheader {n padding: 1em 0;n}nnheader h1 {n margin: 0;n}nnheader h3 {n /* 14px margin top */n margin: 0.6666667em 0 0;n}nnnav {n border-top: solid 1px #e1a61a;n border-bottom: solid 1px #e1a61a;n background-color: #ffda44;n background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffda44, #fabc2b);n background-image: linear-gradient(#ffda44, #fabc2b);n}nnnav h1 {n display: none;n}nnnav ul {n margin: 0 auto;n padding: 0;n max-width: 86em;n list-style: none;n list-style-image: none;n}nnnav li {n margin: 0;n border-bottom: solid 1px #e1a61a;n}nnnav li:last-child {n border-bottom: 0;n}nnnav li:hover,nnav li.active {n background-color: #ffe477;n background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffe477, #fbcc5d);n background-image: linear-gradient(#ffe477, #fbcc5d);n}nnnav li:active {n background-color: #fabc2b;n background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#fabc2b, #ffda44);n background-image: linear-gradient(#fabc2b, #ffda44);n}nnnav a {n text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);n display: block;n padding: 0.5em 3.125%;n color: #333;n}nn/**n * Styling for articles.n *n * 1. Prevent really, really long words in article from breaking layout.n */n[role="article"] {n margin-bottom: 2em;n /* 1 */n word-wrap: break-word;n}nn/**n * Styling for sidebar.n *n * Initially the sidebar appears under main content, it is then repositionedn * with media queries at 2nd breakpoint.n *n * 1. Prevent really, really long words in article from breaking layout.n */n[role="complementary"] {n margin-bottom: 2em;n padding-top: 2em;n border-top: dashed 2px #ccc;n /* 1 */n word-wrap: break-word;n}nn[role="search"] p {n margin-top: 0;n}nn/**n * Additional styling for child content within `footer`.n */nfooter {n padding: 0.5em 0;n}nn/* Linksn ========================================================================== */nn/**n * 1. Remove default underline style from non-hover state links.n * 2. Specify link colour.n * 3. Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10.n */na {n /* 1 */n text-decoration: none;n /* 2 */n color: #114eb1;n /* 3 */n background-color: transparent;n}nn/**n * Improve readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers.n */na:hover,na:active {n outline: 0;n}nna:focus {n outline: thin dotted #06f;n}nn/**n * Additional styling for child links within `header`.n */nheader a {n color: #333;n border-radius: 0.1190476em;n}nnheader a:hover, header a:active {n background: #e8e8e8;n}nn[role="main"] a:hover,n[role="main"] a:active,n[role="complementary"] a:hover,n[role="complementary"] a:active,nfooter a:hover,nfooter a:active {n text-decoration: underline;n color: #06f;n}nn[role="main"] a:visited,n[role="complementary"] a:visited,nfooter a:visited {n color: #183082;n}nn/**n * Additional styling for `h1` heading links.n */n[role="main"] h1 a {n color: #333;n border-radius: 0.1190476em;n}nn[role="main"] h1 a:visited {n color: #333;n}nn[role="main"] h1 a:hover,n[role="main"] h1 a:active {n text-decoration: none;n color: #333;n background: #efefef;n}nn/* Typographyn ========================================================================== */nnbody {n font-family: "PT Serif", Georgia, serif;n /* 14px / 16px */n font-size: 0.875em;n line-height: 1.5;n color: #333;n}nnnav {n font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;n font-weight: bold;n}nnh1 {n font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;n /* 28px */n font-size: 2em;n /* 34px / 28px */n line-height: 1.2142857;n letter-spacing: -1px;n /* 28px margin top/bottom */n margin: 0.6666667em 0;n}nnh1:first-child {n margin-top: 0;n}nnh2 {n font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;n /* 21px */n font-size: 1.5em;n /* 28px / 21px */n line-height: 1.3333333;n /* 21px margin top/bottom */n margin: 0.75em 0;n}nnh3 {n /* 18px */n font-size: 1.28571428571429em;n /* 26px / 18px */n line-height: 1.44444444444444;n font-weight: normal;n font-style: italic;n /* 16px margin top/bottom */n margin: 0.7619048em 0;n}nnh4 {n font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;n /* 16px */n font-size: 1.1428571em;n margin: 0;n}nn/**n * Additional styling for blockquotes.n */nblockquote {n /* 16px */n font-size: 1.1428571em;n font-style: italic;n margin: 0.875em 0 0.875em 0;n padding: 1px 0.875em;n border-radius: 0.3571429em;n background: #fff6d3;n}nn/**n * Add vertical margin to addresses.n */naddress {n margin: 1em 0;n}nn/**n * Address styling not present in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Chrome.n */nabbr[title],ndfn[title] {n border-bottom: dotted 1px;n cursor: help;n}nndfn,nmark,nq,nvar {n padding: 0 0.2142857em;n border-radius: 0.2142857em;n color: #333;n background: #fff6d3;n}nn/**n * Address styling not present in Safari and Chrome.n */ndfn,nq {n font-style: italic;n}nnvar {n font-weight: bold;n}nnpre,ncode,nkbd,nsamp {n font-family: Cousine, Consolas, "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;n}nncode,nkbd,nsamp {n /* 13px */n font-size: 0.9285714em;n border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;n padding: 0 0.2307692em;n border-radius: 0.2307692em;n background: #f7f7f7;n}nnpre {n /* 13px */n font-size: 0.9285714em;n overflow-x: auto;n border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;n padding: 1em;n border-radius: 0.3571429em;n background: #f7f7f7;n tab-size: 4;n}nnpre code {n /* 13px */n font-size: 1em;n border: 0;n background: none;n}nn/**n * Harmonise size and style of small text.n */nsmall,nfigcaption,ntfoot,n.footnote {n /* 12px */n font-size: 0.8571429em;n}nnfigcaption,ntfoot,n.footnote {n color: #888;n}nnfigcaption {n margin-top: 0.3333333em;n font-style: italic;n}nn/* Support for non-latin languages (can be removed if not required)n ========================================================================== */nn/**n * Preferred font for Japanese language.n */nhtml[lang="ja-jp"] {n font-family: "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro", Meiryo, sans-serif;n}nn/**n * Preferred font for Korean language.n */nhtml[lang="ko-kr"] {n font-family: GulimChe, Gulim, sans-serif;n}nn/**n * Preferred font for Chinese (PRC) language.n */nhtml[lang="zh-cn"] {n font-family: SimHei, sans-serif;n}nn/**n * Preferred font for Chinese (Taiwan) language.n */nhtml[lang="zh-tw"] {n font-family: PMingLiU, sans-serif;n}nn/* Embedded contentn ========================================================================== */nn/**n * Make embedded elements responsive.n */nimg,nvideo {n max-width: 100%;n height: auto;n}nn/**n * Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari.n */nfigure {n margin: 0;n}nn/**n * Image alignment (compatible with Textile markup syntax).n *n * Example HTML:n *n * <img class="align-left">n * <img class="align-right">n * <img class="align-center">n */nimg.align-left {n float: left;n margin: 1em 1em 1em 0;n}nimg.align-right {n float: right;n margin: 1em 0 1em 1em;n}nimg.align-center {n display: block;n margin: 1em auto;n}nn/**n * Correct overflow not hidden in IE 9/10/11.n */nsvg:not(:root) {n overflow: hidden;n}nn/* Tablesn ========================================================================== */nn/**n * Styling of table captions.n */ncaption {n font-style: italic;n text-align: left;n margin-bottom: 0.5em;n}nnth,ntd {n border-bottom: solid 1px #ccc;n padding: 0.2857143em 0.5em 0.2857143em 0;n}nnth:last-child,ntd:last-child {n padding-right: 0;n}nnthead th,nthead td {n border-bottom: solid 2px #ccc;n}nntfoot th,ntfoot td {n border-bottom: 0;n padding: 0.3333333em 0.5833333em 0.3333333em 0;n}nntfoot:last-child {n padding-right: 0;n}nn/* Listsn ========================================================================== */nn/**n * Italicise definition terms.n */ndt {n font-style: italic;n}nn/**n * Additional styling for article lists.n *n * Example HTML:n *n * <ul class="article-list">n */n[role="main"] #article-list {n list-style: none;n margin: 0 0 2em 0;n padding: 0;n border-top: solid 1px #ccc;n}nn#article-list li {n border-bottom: solid 1px #ccc;n padding-top: 1em;n margin-bottom: 0;n}nn/* Formsn ========================================================================== */nn/**n * 1. Define consistent fieldset border, margin, and padding.n * 2. Address width being affected by wide descendants in Chrome, Firefox.n */nfieldset {n /* 1 */n margin: 1em 0;n border: 1px solid #cccccc;n padding: 1px 1em;n /* 2 */n min-width: 0;n}nn/**n * 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9/10/11.n * 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets.n */nlegend {n /* 1 */n border: 0;n /* 2 */n padding: 0;n}nn/**n * 1. Correct font properties not being inherited.n * 2. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.n * 3. Prevent elements from spilling out of their parent.n */nbutton,ninput,nselect,ntextarea {n /* 1 */n font-size: 100%;n /* 2 */n margin: 0;n /* 3 */n max-width: 100%;n vertical-align: baseline;n}nn/**n * Colour for placeholder text.n */ninput::-moz-placeholder,ntextarea::-moz-placeholder {n color: #888888;n}ninput:-ms-input-placeholder,ntextarea:-ms-input-placeholder {n color: #888888;n}ninput::-webkit-input-placeholder,ntextarea::-webkit-input-placeholder {n color: #888888;n}nn/**n * Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+.n */nbutton::-moz-focus-inner,ninput::-moz-focus-inner {n border: 0;n padding: 0;n}nn/**n * Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari and Chrome on OS X.n * Safari (but not Chrome) clips the cancel button when the search input hasn * padding (and `textfield` appearance).n */ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {n -webkit-appearance: none;n}nnbutton:focus,na.button:focus,ninput:focus,ninput[type="button"]:focus,ninput[type="reset"]:focus,ninput[type="submit"]:focus,nselect:focus,ntextarea:focus {n -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 7px #0066ff;n box-shadow: 0 0 7px #0066ff;n /* Opera */n z-index: 1;n}nninput[type="file"]:focus,ninput[type="file"]:active,ninput[type="radio"]:focus,ninput[type="radio"]:active,ninput[type="checkbox"]:focus,ninput[type="checkbox"]:active {n -webkit-box-shadow: none;n box-shadow: none;n}nn/**n * Styling of form input fields.n *n * 1. Remove iOS Safari default styling.n */ntextarea,ninput[type="color"],ninput[type="date"],ninput[type="datetime"],ninput[type="datetime-local"],ninput[type="email"],ninput[type="month"],ninput[type="number"],ninput[type="password"],ninput[type="search"],ninput[type="tel"],ninput[type="text"],ninput[type="time"],ninput[type="url"],ninput[type="week"] {n /* 1 */n -webkit-appearance: none;n font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;n /* 12px */n font-size: 0.8571429em;n text-align: left;n border: solid 1px #ccc;n padding: 0.5em;n background: #fff;n outline: 0;n -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;n box-sizing: border-box;n border-radius: 0;n}nn/**n * Remove padding from `color` fields.n */ninput[type="color"] {n padding: 0;n height: 2.33333333333333em;n}nn/**n * Inline search field on sidebar.n */n[role="complementary"] input[type="search"] {n margin-right: 2px;n width: 66.666666666667%;n display: inline-block;n}nn/**n * 1. Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9/10/11.n * 2. Restrict to vertical resizing to prevent layout breakage.n */ntextarea {n min-height: 3em;n vertical-align: top;n width: 100%;n height: auto;n /* 1 */n overflow: auto;n /* 2 */n resize: vertical;n}nn/**n * 1. Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox.n */nselect {n font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;n /* 12px */n font-size: 0.8571429em;n text-align: left;n border: solid 1px #ccc;n padding: 0.5em;n background: #fff;n -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;n box-sizing: border-box;n /* 1 */n text-transform: none;n}nn/**n * Override height set in a previous rule and allow auto heght.n */nselect[size],nselect[multiple] {n height: auto;n}nn/**n * Normalise styling of `optgroup`.n */noptgroup {n font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;n font-style: normal;n font-weight: normal;n color: #333;n}nn/**n * Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10.n */ninput[type="checkbox"],ninput[type="radio"] {n padding: 0;n}nn/**n * Make sure disabled elements really are disabled and styled appropriately.n *n * 1. Override default iOS opacity setting.n * 2. Re-set default cursor for disabled elements.n */nbutton[disabled],ninput[disabled],ninput[type="button"][disabled],ninput[type="reset"][disabled],ninput[type="submit"][disabled],nselect[disabled],nselect[disabled] option,nselect[disabled] optgroup,ntextarea[disabled],nspan.disabled {n /* 1 */n opacity: 1;n -webkit-user-select: none;n -moz-user-select: -moz-none;n user-select: none;n border: solid 1px #d2d2d2 !important;n text-shadow: none !important;n color: #888888 !important;n background: #eee !important;n top: 0 !important;n /* 2 */n cursor: default !important;n}nn/**n * Width display options for `input` fields. Height display optionsn * for textareas.n *n * Example HTML:n *n * <input class="small">n * <input class="large">n */n.small input {n width: 25%;n min-width: 151px;n}n.small textarea {n height: 5.5em;n}n.large input {n width: 50%;n min-width: 302px;n}n.large textarea {n height: 156px;n}nn/* Buttonsn ========================================================================== */nn/**n * 1. Address `overflow` set to `hidden` in IE 8/9/10/11.n * 2. Correct `button` style inheritance in Firefox, IE 8/9/10/11, and Opera.n */nbutton {n /* 1 */n overflow: visible;n /* 2 */n text-transform: none;n}nn/**n * 1. Remove iOS Safari default styling.n * 2. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-typen * `input` and others.n */nbutton,n[role] a.button,nspan.disabled,ninput[type="button"],ninput[type="reset"],ninput[type="submit"] {n /* 1 */n -webkit-appearance: none;n -webkit-background-clip: padding;n -moz-background-clip: padding;n background-clip: padding-box;n width: auto;n font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;n /* 12px */n font-size: 0.8571429em;n font-weight: normal;n line-height: normal;n text-align: center;n text-decoration: none;n text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);n border: solid 1px #e1a61a;n border-radius: 0.3571429em;n padding: 0.5em 1em;n display: inline-block;n color: #333;n outline: 0;n background-color: #ffda44;n background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffda44, #fabc2b);n background-image: linear-gradient(#ffda44, #fabc2b);n /* 2 */n cursor: pointer;n}nnbutton:hover,n[role] a.button:hover,ninput[type="button"]:hover,ninput[type="reset"]:hover,ninput[type="submit"]:hover {n background-color: #ffe477;n background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffe477, #fbcc5d);n background-image: linear-gradient(#ffe477, #fbcc5d);n}nnbutton:active,n[role] a.button:active,ninput[type="button"]:active,ninput[type="reset"]:active,ninput[type="submit"]:active {n position: relative;n top: 1px;n color: #1a1a1a;n background-color: #fabc2b;n background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#fabc2b, #ffda44);n background-image: linear-gradient(#fabc2b, #ffda44);n}nn#paginator {n margin-bottom: 2em;n}nn#paginator .button {n padding: 0.25em 1em;n}nn#paginator a.button {n text-decoration: none;n color: #333;n}nn#paginator-l {n float: left;n}nn#paginator-r {n float: right;n}nn/* Commentsn ========================================================================== */nn.comments {n margin-bottom: 1em;n border-radius: 0.3571429em;n padding: 1em 1em 1px;n background: #f7f7f7;n word-wrap: break-word;n}nn.comments h4 .is-author {n font-weight: normal;n}nn.comments h4 .comment-anchor {n float: right;n font-weight: normal;n }nn/**n * Additional styling for article author's comments.n */n.comments-author {n background: #efefef;n}nn/**n * Styling for user comments preview.n */n#cpreview {n margin-bottom: 2px;n border-radius: 0.3571429em;n padding: 1em;n background: #fff3d6;n}nn/**n * Highlight background colour for comment errors.n */n.comments_error {n background: #fff4f4 !important;n}nn/**n * Highlight text colour for comment errors.n */n.error_message li {n color: #c00;n}nn/**n * Styling for 'required' indicators.n */n.required {n color: #c00;n cursor: help;n}nn/* Popup comments (can be removed if you don't use popups)n ========================================================================== */nn#popup-page .wrapper {n padding-top: 0;n}nn/**n * Restrict maximum width of popup container.n */n#popup-page .container {n max-width: 52em;n}nn}nn/**n * Addresses select alignment in Safari/Chrome.n */n@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {nnselect,nselect[size="0"],nselect[size="1"] {n height: 2.2em;n}nnselect:not([size]),nselect:not([multiple]) {n position: relative;n top: -1px;n}nn}nnn/* ==========================================================================n Additional layout for screen media 490px and upn ========================================================================== */nn@media only screen and (min-width: 35em) {nnnav ul {n width: 93.75%;n}nnnav li {n float: left;n border-right: solid 1px #e1a61a;n border-bottom: 0;n}nnnav li:first-child {n border-left: solid 1px #e1a61a;n}nnnav a {n padding: 0.5em 1em;n}nn}nnn/* ==========================================================================n Additional layout for screen media 672px and upn ========================================================================== */nn@media only screen and (min-width: 48em) {nn[role="main"] {n float: left;n /* 592px / 960px */n width: 61.666666666667%;n}nn[role="complementary"] {n float: right;n border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;n border-radius: 0.3571429em;n padding: 1em 1em 0;n /* 290px / 960px */n width: 30.208333333333%;n background: #f7f7f7;n}nnh1 {n /* 42px */n font-size: 3em;n}nnh2 {n /* 28px */n font-size: 2em;n}nnh3 {n /* 21px */n font-size: 1.5em;n}nnblockquote {n float: right;n margin: 0 0 0.875em 0.875em;n /* 254px / 592px */n width: 42.905405405405%;n}nn}nnn/* ==========================================================================n Additional layout for screen media 1280px and upn ========================================================================== */nn@media only screen and (min-width: 80em) {nnbody {n /* 16px */n font-size: 100%;n}nnheader,nnav ul,n.container,nfooter {n /* 1152px / 1280px */n width: 90%;n}nn}nnn/* ==========================================================================n Additional layout for screen media 1800px and upn ========================================================================== */nn@media only screen and (min-width: 112.5em) {nnbody {n /* 18px */n font-size: 112.5%;n}nn}nnn/* ==========================================================================n Fix for reponsive embedded content in IE8n ========================================================================== */nn@media \\0screen {nnimg,nvideo {n width: auto;n}nn}nnn/* ==========================================================================n Styling and layout for print median ========================================================================== */nn@media print {nn/**n * Remove unnecessary global styling from printed media.n *n * 1. Black prints faster.n */n* {n -webkit-box-shadow: none !important;n box-shadow: none !important;n /* 1 */n color: black !important;n text-shadow: none !important;n background: transparent !important;n}nn/**n * Use a print-friendly font and size.n */nbody {n font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;n font-size: 8pt;n line-height: 1.5;n margin: 0.5cm;n padding: 2em 5em;n}nn/**n * Visually separate header from body.n */nheader {n border-bottom: solid 1pt black;n}nn/**n * Visually separate footer from body.n */nfooter {n margin-top: 12pt;n border-top: solid 1pt black;n}nn/**n * Hide unnecessary content from print.n */nnav,naudio,nvideo,nform,n[role="complementary"],n#paginator,n#comments-form,n.comments h4 a:last-child {n display: none;n}nn/**n * Make sure links are not underlined.n */na {n text-decoration: none;n}nn/**n * Show long-form for abbreviations in print.n */nabbr[title]:after {n content: " (" attr(title) ")";n}nnh1 {n font-size: 32pt;n line-height: 36pt;n font-weight: normal;n margin: 0.5em 0;n}nnh2 {n font-size: 18pt;n line-height: 23pt;n page-break-after: avoid;n orphans: 3;n widows: 3;n margin: 0.6666667em 0;n}nnh3 {n font-size: 12pt;n line-height: 17pt;n page-break-after: avoid;n orphans: 3;n widows: 3;n margin: 0.6666667em 0;n}nn/**n * Prevent widows (single final paragraph line on next page) and orphans (singlen * first paragraph line on previous page).n */np {n orphans: 3;n widows: 3;n}nn/**n * Harmonise size and style of small text.n */nfooter,nfigcaption,ntfoot,nsmall,n.footnote {n font-size: 6pt;n}nn/**n * Simple blockquote styling.n *n * 1. Avoid blockquotes breaking across mutiple pages.n */nblockquote {n font-size: 16pt;n border-left: 3pt solid black;n padding: 0 0 0 8pt;n /* 1 */n page-break-inside: avoid;n}nn/**n * Simple preformatted text styling.n */npre {n margin-bottom: 8pt;n border: solid 1pt black;n padding: 8pt;n}nn/**n * Avoid user comments breaking across mutiple pages.n */n.comments {n page-break-inside: avoid;n}nn/**n * Use a print-friendly monospaced font and size.n */npre,ncode,nkbd,nsamp,nvar {n font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;n}nn/**n * Italic definitons, quotes and definition terms.n */ndfn,nq,ndt {n font-style: italic;n}nn/**n * 1. Ensure images are maximum possible width.n * 2. Avoid images breaking across mutiple pages.n */nimg {n /* 1 */n max-width: 100% !important;n /* 2 */n page-break-inside: avoid;n}nn/**n * Image alignment (compatible with Textile markup syntax).n *n * Example HTML:n *n * <img class="align-left">n * <img class="align-right">n * <img class="align-center">n */nimg.align-left {n float: left;n margin: 1em 1em 1em 0;n}nimg.align-right {n float: right;n margin: 1em 0 1em 1em;n}nimg.align-center {n display: block;n margin: 1em auto;n}nn/**n * Ensure margin below `figure`.n */nfigure {n margin-bottom: 8pt;n}nn/**n * Ensure margin above `figcaption`.n */nfigcaption {n margin-top: 4pt;n}nn/**n * Simple bullet styling for `ul` unordered lists.n */nul {n list-style: square;n padding: 0 0 8pt 1.8em;n}nn/**n * Simple numerical styling for `ol` ordered lists.n */nol {n list-style: decimal;n padding: 0 0 8pt 1.8em;n}nn/**n * Normalise margins on `dl` definition lists.n */ndl {n padding: 0 0 8pt 1.8em;n}nn/**n * 1. Ensure margin below `table`.n * 2. Make `table` span entire page width.n */ntable {n /* 1 */n margin-bottom: 8pt;n /* 2 */n width: 100%;n}nn/**n * Harmonise styling for `caption`.n */ncaption {n font-weight: bold;n text-align: left;n margin-bottom: 4pt;n}nn/**n * Display table head across multi-page tables.n */nthead {n display: table-header-group;n}nthead th {n border-top: 1pt solid black;n}nn/**n * Avoid table rows breaking across mutiple pages.n */ntr {n page-break-inside: avoid;n}nn/**n * Simple styling for table cells.n */nth,ntd {n border-bottom: solid 1pt black;n padding: 4pt 8pt;n}nn}n')";
// /sql:txp_css
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_discuss` (
`discussid` int(6) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL auto_increment,
`parentid` int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`email` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`web` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`ip` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`posted` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`message` text NOT NULL,
`visible` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
PRIMARY KEY (`discussid`),
KEY `parentid` (`parentid`)
) $tabletype PACK_KEYS=1 AUTO_INCREMENT=2 ";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_discuss` VALUES (000001, 1, 'Donald Swain', 'donald.swain@example.com', 'example.com', '', '2005-07-22 14:11:32', '<p>I enjoy your site very much.</p>', 1)";
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_discuss_ipban` (
`ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`name_used` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`date_banned` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`banned_on_message` int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
) $tabletype ";
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_discuss_nonce` (
`issue_time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`nonce` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`used` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
`secret` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`nonce`)
) $tabletype ";
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_file` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`category` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`permissions` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '0',
`description` text NOT NULL,
`downloads` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
UNIQUE KEY `filename` (`filename`)
) $tabletype PACK_KEYS=0 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ";
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_form` (
`name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`type` varchar(28) NOT NULL default '',
`Form` text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`name`)
) $tabletype PACK_KEYS=1";
// sql:txp_form
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_form`(`name`,`type`,`Form`) VALUES('article_listing', 'article', '<txp:if_first_article><ul id="article-list"></txp:if_first_article>n <li role="article" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Article">n <h4 itemprop="name"><a href="<txp:permlink />" itemprop="url"><txp:title /></a></h4>nn <!-- if the article has an excerpt, display that -->n <txp:if_excerpt>n <div itemprop="description">n <txp:excerpt />n </div>n </txp:if_excerpt>nn <p class="footnote"><txp:text item="posted" /> <time datetime="<txp:posted format='iso8601' />" itemprop="datePublished"><txp:posted /></time>, <txp:text item="author" /> <span itemprop="author"><txp:author link="1" this_section="1" /></span></p>n </li>n<txp:if_last_article></ul></txp:if_last_article>n')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_form`(`name`,`type`,`Form`) VALUES('comments', 'comment', '<!-- load the comment email into a variable. you will be using below this along with author email variable loaded in form: default.article.txpn then check the comment email variable against article author email variable, and if it matches add 'comments-author' class -->n<txp:variable name="this_comment" value='<txp:comment_email />' />n<txp:if_variable name="this_comment" value='<txp:author_email />'>n <article class="comments comments-author" itemprop="comment">n<txp:else />n <article class="comments" itemprop="comment">n</txp:if_variable>nn <h4>nn <span itemprop="creator"><txp:comment_name /></span>nn <!-- ...now check the comment email variable against article author email variable, and if it matches add '(author)' text -->n <txp:if_variable name="this_comment" value='<txp:author_email />'>n <span class="is-author">(<txp:text item="author" />)</span>n </txp:if_variable>nn <!-- add a permlink so people can link direct to this comment -->n <span class="comment-anchor" itemprop="url"><txp:comment_permlink>#</txp:comment_permlink></span>nn </h4>nn <!-- also add a 'since' to show comment freshness -->n <p class="footnote"><time datetime="<txp:comment_time format='iso8601' />" itemprop="commentTime"><txp:comment_time /> (<txp:comment_time format="since" />)</time></p>nn <div itemprop="commentText">n <txp:comment_message />n </div>nn</article>n')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_form`(`name`,`type`,`Form`) VALUES('comments_display', 'article', '<!-- added an id attribute to the section so we can link directly to here e.g. http://mysite.com/section/article#comments-head -->nn<section id="comments-head">nn<h3><txp:text item="comments" /></h3>nn<!-- if there are comments, display them (note: example code below overrides the global preference setting for comments wrapping by statingn attributes of wraptag="" and break="", you are instead using ol and li tags below)... -->n<txp:if_comments>n <ol class="comments-list" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/UserComments">nn <txp:comments wraptag="" break="li" /> <!-- links by default to form: 'comments.comment.txp' unless you specify a different form -->nn <!-- if this is a comment preview, display it (but only if there is no error) -->n <txp:if_comments_preview>n <li>n <p id="cpreview"><txp:text item="press_preview_then_submit" /></p>n <txp:comments_preview wraptag="" /> <!-- links by default to form: 'comments.comment.txp' unless you specify a different form -->n </li>n </txp:if_comments_preview>nn </ol>nn<txp:else />nn<!-- else if there are no comments and if user is currently previewing comment,display it (but only if there is no error) -->n <txp:if_comments_preview>n <ol class="comments-list" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/UserComments">n <li>n <p id="cpreview"><txp:text item="press_preview_then_submit" /></p>n <txp:comments_preview wraptag="" /> <!-- links by default to form: 'comments.comment.txp' unless you specify a different form -->n </li>n </ol>nn <txp:else />nn<!-- else just display that there are simply no comments whatsoever :( ...but only if comments are allowed -->n <txp:if_comments_allowed>n <p><txp:text item="no_comments" /></p>n </txp:if_comments_allowed>nn </txp:if_comments_preview>nn</txp:if_comments>nn<!-- if new comments are allowed for this article then display comment form, if not then display 'closed' messages -->n<txp:if_comments_allowed>n <section id="comments-form">nn <!-- comment invite text is taken for the article's comment invitation field on the 'write' screen -->n <h3><txp:comments_invite showcount="0" textonly="1" showalways="1" /></h3>nn <txp:comments_form isize="32" msgcols="64" msgrows="4" /> <!-- links by default to form: 'comment_form.comment.txp' unless you specify a different form -->n </section>nn<txp:else />n n <!-- display either a comments expired message or a comments disabled message -->n <txp:if_comments>n <p><strong><txp:text item="comments_expired" /></strong></p>n <txp:else />n <p><strong><txp:text item="comments_closed" /></strong></p>n </txp:if_comments>n</txp:if_comments_allowed>nn</section>n')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_form`(`name`,`type`,`Form`) VALUES('comment_form', 'comment', '<txp:comments_error wraptag="ul" break="li" />nn<p><txp:text item="enter_comment_here" /></p>nn<!-- if there is an error, then inform user -->n<txp:if_comments_error>n <txp:comments_error wraptag="ol" break="li" class="error_message" />n</txp:if_comments_error>nn<fieldset>nn <p class="large"><label for="name"><txp:text item="comment_name" /> <b class="required" title="<txp:text item='required' />">*</b></label><br>n <txp:comment_name_input /></p>nn <p class="large"><label for="email"><txp:text item="comment_email" /> <b class="required" title="<txp:text item='required' />">*</b></label><br>n <txp:comment_email_input /></p>nn <p class="large"><label for="web"><txp:text item="comment_web" /></label><br>n <txp:comment_web_input /></p>nn <p><txp:comment_remember /></p>nn <p class="small"><label for="message"><txp:text item="comment_message" /> <b class="required" title="<txp:text item='required' />">*</b></label><br>n <txp:comment_message_input /></p>nn</fieldset>nn<!-- preview and submit buttons (note: submit button will have a class of 'disabled' applied until you have previewed the message at least once) -->n<p><txp:comment_preview /> <txp:comment_submit /></p>n')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_form`(`name`,`type`,`Form`) VALUES('default', 'article', '<article role="article" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Article">nn<!-- if not an individual article then make the title h1 a link -->n<txp:if_individual_article>n <h1 itemprop="name"><txp:title /></h1>n<txp:else />n <h1 itemprop="name"><a href="<txp:permlink />" itemprop="url"><txp:title /></a></h1>n</txp:if_individual_article>nn <p><strong><txp:text item="posted" /></strong> <time datetime="<txp:posted format='iso8601' />" itemprop="datePublished"><txp:posted /></time><br>n <strong><txp:text item="comments" /></strong> <a href="<txp:permlink />#comments-head" title="<txp:text item='view' />…" itemprop="discussionUrl" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/UserComments">nn<!-- if comments then display the number, if no comments then print 'none' -->n<txp:if_comments>n <span itemprop="interactionCount"><txp:comments_count /></span>n<txp:else />n <span itemprop="interactionCount"><txp:text item="none" /></span>n</txp:if_comments>nn </a></p>nn <div itemprop="articleBody">n <txp:body />n </div>nn <p><strong><txp:text item="author" /></strong> <span itemprop="author"><txp:author link="1" this_section="1" /></span>nn <!-- only display categories if they are actually set for an article, otherwise omit -->n <txp:if_article_category>n <br><strong><txp:text item="categories" /></strong> <span itemprop="keywords"><txp:category1 title="1" link="1" /><txp:if_article_category number="1"><txp:if_article_category number="2">, </txp:if_article_category></txp:if_article_category><txp:category2 title="1" link="1" /></span>n </txp:if_article_category>nn </p>nn<!-- if this is an individual article then add the comments section via form: comments_display.article.txp -->n<txp:if_individual_article>n <txp:article form="comments_display" />n</txp:if_individual_article>nn</article>n')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_form`(`name`,`type`,`Form`) VALUES('files', 'file', '<!-- set up variables to check whether a file also has a title, description, category associated with it... -->n<txp:variable name="file_download_title" value='<txp:file_download_name title="1" />' />n<txp:variable name="file_download_description" value='<txp:file_download_description />' />n<txp:variable name="file_download_category" value='<txp:file_download_category />' />nn<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/DataDownloads">nn <!-- ...if exists, use the file title, otherwise use file name -->n <txp:if_variable name="file_download_title" value="">n <strong itemprop="name"><a href="<txp:file_download_link />" title="<txp:file_download_name />" itemprop="url"><txp:file_download_name /></a></strong><br>n <txp:else />n <strong itemprop="name"><a href="<txp:file_download_link />" title="<txp:file_download_name title='1' />" itemprop="url"><txp:file_download_name title="1" /></a></strong><br>n </txp:if_variable>nn <!-- ...if exists, use the file description, otherwise omit that line -->n <txp:if_variable name="file_download_description" value="">n <txp:else />n <span itemprop="description"><txp:file_download_description /></span><br>n </txp:if_variable>nn <span class="footnote">nn <!-- ...if exists, use the file category, otherwise omit that line -->n <txp:if_variable name="file_download_category" value="">n <txp:else />n <strong><txp:text item="category" /></strong> <txp:file_download_category /> | n </txp:if_variable>nn <strong><txp:text item="author" /></strong> <txp:file_download_author link="1" /> | n <strong><txp:text item="file_size" /></strong> <txp:file_download_size /> | n <strong><txp:text item="last_modified" /></strong> <span itemprop="dateModified"><txp:file_download_created /></span> | n <strong><txp:text item="download_count" /></strong> <span itemprop="interactionCount"><txp:file_download_downloads /></span>nn </span>nn</div>n')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_form`(`name`,`type`,`Form`) VALUES('images', 'misc', '<!-- set up a variable to check whether a image also has a caption associated with it... -->n<txp:variable name="caption" value='<txp:image_info type="caption" />' />nn<!-- ...now use that image caption and wrap img inside a figure with figcaption tags, otherwise just use a plain img tag -->n<txp:if_variable name="caption" value="">nn<!-- image - overriding the width and height to let the image scale to fit parent container -->n <p><txp:image width="0" height="0" /></p>nn<txp:else />nn <figure itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject">nn<!-- image - overriding the width and height to let the image scale to fit parent container -->n <txp:image width="0" height="0" />nn<!-- you do not need to specify the attribute type="caption" as that is the default setting for <txp:image_info /> tag -->n <figcaption itemprop="caption"><txp:image_info type="caption" /></figcaption>nn </figure>nn</txp:if_variable>n')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_form`(`name`,`type`,`Form`) VALUES('plainlinks', 'link', '<!-- This is being used as an external links form, therefore rel is set to 'external' -->n<txp:linkdesctitle rel="external" />n')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_form`(`name`,`type`,`Form`) VALUES('popup_comments', 'comment', '<!DOCTYPE html>n<html lang="<txp:lang />">nn<head>n <meta charset="utf-8">nn <title><txp:page_title /></title>n <meta name="generator" content="Textpattern CMS">n <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">n <meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow, noodp, noydir">nn <!-- CSS -->n <!-- Google font API (remove this if you intend to use the theme in a project without internet access) -->n <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=PT+Serif:n4,i4,n7,i7|Cousine">nn <txp:css format="link" media="" />n <!-- ...or you can use (faster) external CSS files eg. <link rel="stylesheet" href="<txp:site_url />css/default.css"> -->nn <!-- HTML5/Media Queries support for IE < 9 (you can remove this section and the corresponding 'js' directory files if you don't intend to support IE < 9) -->n <!--[if lt IE 9]>n <script src="<txp:site_url />js/html5shiv.js"></script>n <script src="<txp:site_url />js/css3-mediaqueries.js"></script>n <![endif]-->nn</head>nn<body id="popup-page">nn <div class="wrapper">n <div class="container">nn <!-- this form is only used if you set 'Comments mode' to 'popup' format in preferences -->n <txp:popup_comments />nn </div> <!-- /.container -->n </div> <!-- /.wrapper -->nn</body>n</html>n')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_form`(`name`,`type`,`Form`) VALUES('search_input', 'misc', '<form role="search" method="get" action="<txp:site_url />">n <h4><label for="search-textbox"><txp:text item="search" /></label></h4>n <p><input id="search-textbox" type="search" name="q"<txp:if_search> value="<txp:search_term />"</txp:if_search>><input type="submit" value="<txp:text item='go' />"></p>n</form>n')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_form`(`name`,`type`,`Form`) VALUES('search_results', 'article', '<txp:if_search>nn<!-- count how many results return -->n <txp:article limit="10" pgonly="1" />nn <txp:if_search_results>nn<!-- if search result count greater than 200 then display excessive results message, otherwise show search result count -->n <txp:if_search_results max="200">n <h3><txp:search_result_count /> <txp:text item="matching_search_request" /> ‘<txp:search_term />’…</h3>n <txp:else />n <h3><txp:text item="too_common_search_term" /> ‘<txp:search_term />’</h3>n </txp:if_search_results>nn<!-- if no search results, then display no search results message -->n <txp:else />n <h3><txp:text item="no_search_matches" /></h3>nn </txp:if_search_results>nn<!-- display resulting articles (10 per page) -->n <txp:article limit="10">nn <txp:if_first_article><ul id="article-list"></txp:if_first_article>n <li role="article" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Article">n <h4 itemprop="name"><a href="<txp:permlink />" itemprop="url"><txp:title /></a></h4>nn<!-- if the article has an excerpt, display that, otherwise show highlighted keywords in context of article -->n <txp:if_excerpt>n <div itemprop="description">n <txp:excerpt />n </div>n <txp:else />n <p><txp:search_result_excerpt /></p>n </txp:if_excerpt>nn <p class="footnote"><txp:text item="posted" /> <time datetime="<txp:posted format='iso8601' />" itemprop="datePublished"><txp:posted /></time>, <txp:text item="author" /> <span itemprop="author"><txp:author link="1" this_section="1" /></span></p>n </li>n <txp:if_last_article></ul></txp:if_last_article>nn </txp:article>nn<!-- check if there are further results and provide pagination links or disabled buttons depending on the result,n this method is more flexibile than using simple txp:older/txp:newer tags -->n <txp:if_search_results min="11">nn <p id="paginator">nn <txp:variable name="prev" value='<txp:older />' />n <txp:variable name="next" value='<txp:newer />' />nn <txp:if_variable name="next" value="">n <span id="paginator-l" class="button disabled">← <txp:text item="prev" /></span>n <txp:else />n <a id="paginator-l" href="<txp:newer />" title="← <txp:text item="prev" />" class="button">← <txp:text item="prev" /></a>n </txp:if_variable>n <txp:if_variable name="prev" value="">n <span id="paginator-r" class="button disabled"><txp:text item="next" /> →</span>n <txp:else />n <a id="paginator-r" href="<txp:older />" title="<txp:text item="next" /> →" class="button"><txp:text item="next" /> →</a>n </txp:if_variable>nn </p>nn </txp:if_search_results>nn</txp:if_search>n')";
// /sql:txp_form
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_image` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`category` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`ext` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
`w` int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
`h` int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
`alt` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`caption` text NOT NULL,
`date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`author` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`thumbnail` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',
) $tabletype PACK_KEYS=0";
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_lang` (
`id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`lang` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
`event` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
`data` tinytext,
`lastmod` timestamp,
UNIQUE KEY `lang` (`lang`,`name`),
KEY `lang_2` (`lang`,`event`)
) $tabletype AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ";
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_link` (
`id` int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`category` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`url` text NOT NULL,
`linkname` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`linksort` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
`description` text NOT NULL,
) $tabletype PACK_KEYS=1 AUTO_INCREMENT=4 ";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_link` VALUES (1, '2005-07-20 12:54:26', 'textpattern', 'http://textpattern.com/', 'Textpattern', '10', '')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_link` VALUES (2, '2005-07-20 12:54:41', 'textpattern', 'http://textpattern.net/', 'User Documentation', '20', '')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_link` VALUES (3, '2005-07-20 12:55:04', 'textpattern', 'http://textpattern.org/', 'Txp Resources', '30', '')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_link` VALUES (4, '2012-06-01 08:15:42', 'textpattern', 'http://textpattern.com/@textpattern', '@textpattern', '40', '')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_link` VALUES (5, '2012-06-01 08:15:42', 'textpattern', 'http://textpattern.com/+', '+Textpattern CMS', '50', '')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_link` VALUES (6, '2012-06-01 08:15:42', 'textpattern', 'http://textpattern.com/facebook', 'Textpattern Facebook Group ', '60', '')";
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_log` (
`id` int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`host` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`page` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`refer` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`status` int(11) NOT NULL default '200',
`method` varchar(16) NOT NULL default 'GET',
`ip` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
KEY `time` (`time`)
) $tabletype AUTO_INCREMENT=77 ";
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_page` (
`name` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
`user_html` text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`name`)
) $tabletype PACK_KEYS=1";
// sql:txp_page
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_page`(`name`,`user_html`) VALUES('archive', '<!DOCTYPE html>n<html lang="<txp:lang />">nn<head>n <meta charset="utf-8">n <title><txp:page_title /></title>n <meta name="description" content="">n <meta name="generator" content="Textpattern CMS">n <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">n <meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow, noodp, noydir">nn <txp:if_individual_article>n <!-- add meta author for individual articles -->n <txp:meta_author title="1" />n </txp:if_individual_article>nn <!-- content feeds -->n <txp:feed_link flavor="atom" format="link" label="Atom" />n <txp:feed_link flavor="rss" format="link" label="RSS" />n <txp:rsd />nn <!-- specify canonical, more info: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2009/02/specify-your-canonical.html -->n <txp:if_individual_article>n <link rel="canonical" href="<txp:permlink />">n <txp:else />n <link rel="canonical" href="<txp:section url='1' />">n </txp:if_individual_article>nn <!-- CSS -->n <!-- Google font API (remove this if you intend to use the theme in a project without internet access) -->n <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=PT+Serif:n4,i4,n7,i7|Cousine">nn <txp:css format="link" media="" />n <!-- ...or you can use (faster) external CSS files eg. <link rel="stylesheet" href="<txp:site_url />css/default.css"> -->nn <!-- HTML5/Media Queries support for IE 8 (you can remove this section and the corresponding 'js' directory files if you don't intend to support IE < 9) -->n <!--[if lt IE 9]>n <script src="<txp:site_url />js/html5shiv.js"></script>n <script src="<txp:site_url />js/css3-mediaqueries.js"></script>n <![endif]-->nn</head>nn<body id="<txp:section />-page">nn <!-- header -->n <header role="banner">n <hgroup>n <h1><txp:link_to_home><txp:site_name /></txp:link_to_home></h1>n <h3><txp:site_slogan /></h3>n </hgroup>n </header>nn <!-- navigation -->n <nav role="navigation">n <h1><txp:text item="navigation" /></h1>n <txp:section_list default_title='<txp:text item="home" />' include_default="1" wraptag="ul" break="">n <li<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'> class="active"</txp:if_section>>n <txp:section title="1" link="1" />n </li>n </txp:section_list>n </nav>nn <div class="wrapper">n <div class="container">nn <!-- left (main) column -->n <div role="main">nn <txp:if_article_list><h1><txp:section title="1" /></h1></txp:if_article_list>nn <txp:article listform="article_listing" limit="5" />n <!-- or if you want to list all articles from all sections instead, then replace txp:article with txp:article_custom -->nn <!-- add pagination links to foot of article/article listings if there are more articles available,n this method is more flexibile than using simple txp:link_to_prev/txp:link_to_next or txp:older/txp:newer tags -->n <p id="paginator">nn <txp:if_individual_article>nn <txp:variable name="prev" value='<txp:link_to_prev />' />n <txp:variable name="next" value='<txp:link_to_next />' />nn <txp:if_variable name="prev" value="">n <span id="paginator-l" class="button disabled">← <txp:text item="older" /></span>n <txp:else />n <a id="paginator-l" href="<txp:link_to_prev />" title="<txp:prev_title />" class="button">← <txp:text item="older" /></a>n </txp:if_variable>n <txp:if_variable name="next" value="">n <span id="paginator-r" class="button disabled"><txp:text item="newer" /> →</span>n <txp:else />n <a id="paginator-r" href="<txp:link_to_next />" title="<txp:next_title />" class="button"><txp:text item="newer" /> →</a>n </txp:if_variable>nn <txp:else />nn <txp:variable name="prev" value='<txp:older />' />n <txp:variable name="next" value='<txp:newer />' />n <txp:if_variable name="prev" value="">n <span id="paginator-l" class="button disabled">← <txp:text item="older" /></span>n <txp:else />n <a id="paginator-l" href="<txp:older />" title="<txp:text item='older' />" class="button">← <txp:text item="older" /></a>n </txp:if_variable>n <txp:if_variable name="next" value="">n <span id="paginator-r" class="button disabled"><txp:text item="newer" /> →</span>n <txp:else />n <a id="paginator-r" href="<txp:newer />" title="<txp:text item='newer' />" class="button"><txp:text item="newer" /> →</a>n </txp:if_variable>nn </txp:if_individual_article>nn </p>nn </div> <!-- /main -->nn <!-- right (complementary) column -->n <div role="complementary">n <txp:search_input /> <!-- links by default to form: 'search_input.misc.txp' unless you specify a different form -->n n <!-- Feed links, default flavor is rss, so we don't need to specify a flavor on the first feed_link -->n <p><txp:feed_link label="RSS" class="feed-rss" /> / <txp:feed_link flavor="atom" label="Atom" class="feed-atom" /></p>nn <h4><txp:text item="external_links" /></h4>n <txp:linklist wraptag="ul" break="li" limit="10" /> <!-- links by default to form: 'plainlinks.link.txp' unless you specify a different form -->n </div> <!-- /complementary -->nn </div> <!-- /.container -->n </div> <!-- /.wrapper -->nn <!-- footer -->n <footer role="contentinfo">n <p><small><txp:text item="published_with" /> <a href="http://textpattern.com" rel="external" title="<txp:text item='go_txp_com' />">Textpattern CMS</a>.</small></p>n </footer>nn <!-- add your own JavaScript here -->nn</body>n</html>n')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_page`(`name`,`user_html`) VALUES('default', '<!DOCTYPE html>n<html lang="<txp:lang />">nn<head>n <meta charset="utf-8">n <title><txp:page_title /></title>n <meta name="description" content="">n <meta name="generator" content="Textpattern CMS">n <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">n <txp:if_search>n <meta name="robots" content="none">n <txp:else />n <txp:if_category>n <meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow, noodp, noydir">n <txp:else />n <txp:if_author>n <meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow, noodp, noydir">n <txp:else />n <meta name="robots" content="index, follow, noodp, noydir">n </txp:if_author>n </txp:if_category>n </txp:if_search>nn <!-- content feeds -->n <txp:feed_link flavor="atom" format="link" label="Atom" />n <txp:feed_link flavor="rss" format="link" label="RSS" />n <txp:rsd />nn <!-- specify canonical, more info: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2009/02/specify-your-canonical.html -->n <txp:if_section name="">n <link rel="canonical" href="<txp:site_url />">n <txp:else />n <txp:if_individual_article>n <link rel="canonical" href="<txp:permlink />">n <txp:else />n <link rel="canonical" href="<txp:section url='1' />">n </txp:if_individual_article>n </txp:if_section>nn <!-- CSS -->n <!-- Google font API (remove this if you intend to use the theme in a project without internet access) -->n <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=PT+Serif:n4,i4,n7,i7|Cousine">nn <txp:css format="link" media="" />n <!-- ...or you can use (faster) external CSS files eg. <link rel="stylesheet" href="<txp:site_url />css/default.css"> -->nn <!-- HTML5/Media Queries support for IE 8 (you can remove this section and the corresponding 'js' directory files if you don't intend to support IE < 9) -->n <!--[if lt IE 9]>n <script src="<txp:site_url />js/html5shiv.js"></script>n <script src="<txp:site_url />js/css3-mediaqueries.js"></script>n <![endif]-->nn</head>nn<body id="<txp:if_section name=""><txp:if_search>search<txp:else />front</txp:if_search><txp:else /><txp:section /></txp:if_section>-page">nn <!-- header -->n <header role="banner">n <hgroup>n <h1><txp:link_to_home><txp:site_name /></txp:link_to_home></h1>n <h3><txp:site_slogan /></h3>n </hgroup>n </header>nn <!-- navigation -->n <nav role="navigation">n <h1><txp:text item="navigation" /></h1>n <txp:section_list default_title='<txp:text item="home" />' include_default="1" wraptag="ul" break="">n <li<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'><txp:if_search><txp:else /><txp:if_category><txp:else /><txp:if_author><txp:else /> class="active"</txp:if_author></txp:if_category></txp:if_search></txp:if_section>>n <txp:section title="1" link="1" />n </li>n </txp:section_list>n </nav>nn <div class="wrapper">n <div class="container">nn <!-- left (main) column -->n <div role="main">nn <!-- is this result result page? 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// /sql:txp_page
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PRIMARY KEY (`name`)
) $tabletype PACK_KEYS=1";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_section` VALUES ('articles', 'archive', 'default', 1, 1, 1, 1, 'Articles')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_section` VALUES ('default', 'default', 'default', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'default')";
$create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_section` VALUES ('about', 'default', 'default', 0, 0, 0, 1, 'About')";
$create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_users` (
`user_id` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`pass` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
`RealName` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`email` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`privs` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '1',
`last_access` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`nonce` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)
) $tabletype PACK_KEYS=1 AUTO_INCREMENT=2 ";
$GLOBALS['txp_install_successful'] = true;
$GLOBALS['txp_err_count'] = 0;
foreach ($create_sql as $query)
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$result)
echo "<b>".$GLOBALS['txp_err_count'].".</b> ".mysql_error()."<br />n";
echo "<!--n $query n-->n";
$GLOBALS['txp_install_successful'] = false;
# Skip the RPC language fetch when testing
if (defined('TXP_TEST'))
require_once txpath.'/lib/IXRClass.php';
$client = new IXR_Client('http://rpc.textpattern.com');
if (!$client->query('tups.getLanguage',$prefs['blog_uid'],LANG))
# If cannot install from lang file, setup the english lang
if (!install_language_from_file(LANG))
$lang = 'en-gb';
include_once txpath.'/setup/en-gb.php';
if (!@$lastmod) $lastmod = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
foreach ($en_gb_lang as $evt_name => $evt_strings)
foreach ($evt_strings as $lang_key => $lang_val)
$lang_val = doSlash($lang_val);
if (@$lang_val)
mysql_query("INSERT DELAYED INTO `".PFX."txp_lang` SET lang='en-gb', name='".$lang_key."', event='".$evt_name."', data='".$lang_val."', lastmod='".$lastmod."'");
$response = $client->getResponse();
$lang_struct = unserialize($response);
foreach ($lang_struct as $item)
foreach ($item as $name => $value)
$item[$name] = doSlash($value);
mysql_query("INSERT DELAYED INTO `".PFX."txp_lang` SET lang='".LANG."', name='".$item['name']."', event='".$item['event']."', data='".$item['data']."', lastmod='".strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S',$item['uLastmod'])."'");
mysql_query("FLUSH TABLE `".PFX."txp_lang`");
* Stub replacement for txplib_db.php/safe_escape()
function safe_escape($in='')
return mysql_real_escape_string($in);