Файл: textpattern-4.5.7/textpattern/publish/search.php
Строк: 64
This is Textpattern
Copyright 2005 by Dean Allen - all rights reserved.
Use of this software denotes acceptance of the Textpattern license agreement
$HeadURL: https://textpattern.googlecode.com/svn/releases/4.5.7/source/textpattern/publish/search.php $
$LastChangedRevision: 2812 $
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// this is now performed by doArticles()
function search($q)
global $prefs;
$url = $prefs['siteurl'];
$s_filter = filterSearch();
$form = fetch('form','txp_form','name','search_results');
// lose this eventually - only used if search_results form is missing
$form = (!$form) ? legacy_form() : $form;
$rs = safe_rows(
"*, ID as thisid, unix_timestamp(Posted) as posted, Title as title,
match (Title,Body) against ('$q') as score",
"(Title rlike '$q' or Body rlike '$q') $s_filter
and Status = 4 and Posted <=now() order by score desc limit 40");
if($rs) {
$result_rows = count($rs);
$text = ($result_rows == 1) ? gTxt('article_found') : gTxt('articles_found');
} else {
$result_rows = 0;
$text = gTxt('articles_found');
$results[] = graf($result_rows.' '.$text);
if($result_rows > 0) {
foreach($rs as $a) {
$result_date = safe_strftime($archive_dateformat,$posted);
$uTitle = ($url_title) ? $url_title : stripSpace($Title);
$hurl = permlinkurl($a);
$result_url = '<a href="'.$hurl.'">'.$hurl.'</a>';
$result_title = '<a href="'.$hurl.'">'.$Title.'</a>';
$result = preg_replace("/>s*</","> <",$Body_html);
$concat = join(" ... ",$concat[0]);
$concat = strip_tags($concat);
$concat = preg_replace('/^[^>]+>/U',"",$concat);
$concat = preg_replace("/($q)/i","<strong>$1</strong>",$concat);
$result_excerpt = ($concat) ? "... ".$concat." ..." : '';
$glob['search_result_title'] = $result_title;
$glob['search_result_excerpt'] = $result_excerpt;
$glob['search_result_url'] = $result_url;
$glob['search_result_date'] = $result_date;
$GLOBALS['this_result'] = $glob;
$thisresult = $form;
$results[] = parse($thisresult);
return (is_array($results)) ? join('',$results) : '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function filterSearch()
$rs = safe_column("name", "txp_section", "searchable != '1'");
if ($rs) {
foreach($rs as $name) $filters[] = "and Section != '".doSlash($name)."'";
return join(' ',$filters);
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function legacy_form()
{ // lose this eventually
return '<h2><txp:search_result_title /></h2>
<p><txp:search_result_excerpt /><br/>
<small><txp:search_result_url /> · <txp:search_result_date /></small></p>';