Файл: textpattern-4.5.7/textpattern/publish/log.php
Строк: 41
This is Textpattern
Copyright 2005 by Dean Allen - all rights reserved.
Use of this software denotes acceptance of the Textpattern license agreement
$HeadURL: https://textpattern.googlecode.com/svn/releases/4.5.7/source/textpattern/publish/log.php $
$LastChangedRevision: 3505 $
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function log_hit($status)
global $nolog, $logging;
if(!isset($nolog) && $status != '404') {
if($logging == 'refer') {
logit('refer', $status);
} elseif ($logging == 'all') {
logit('', $status);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function logit($r='', $status='200')
global $siteurl, $prefs, $pretext;
$mydomain = str_replace('www.','',preg_quote($siteurl,"/"));
$out['uri'] = @$pretext['request_uri'];
$out['ref'] = clean_url(str_replace("http://","",serverSet('HTTP_REFERER')));
$ip = remote_addr();
$host = $ip;
if (!empty($prefs['use_dns'])) {
// A crude rDNS cache
if ($h = safe_field('host', 'txp_log', "ip='".doSlash($ip)."' limit 1")) {
$host = $h;
else {
// Double-check the rDNS
$host = @gethostbyaddr($ip);
if ($host != $ip and @gethostbyname($host) != $ip)
$host = $ip;
$out['ip'] = $ip;
$out['host'] = $host;
$out['status'] = $status;
$out['method'] = serverSet('REQUEST_METHOD');
if (preg_match("/^[^.]*.?$mydomain/i", $out['ref'])) $out['ref'] = "";
if ($r=='refer') {
if (trim($out['ref']) != "") { insert_logit($out); }
} else insert_logit($out);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function insert_logit($in)
$in = doSlash($in);
safe_insert("txp_log", "`time`=now(),page='$uri',ip='$ip',host='$host',refer='$ref',status='$status',method='$method'");