Файл: textpattern-4.5.7/textpattern/lib/txplib_theme.php
Строк: 274
$HeadURL: https://textpattern.googlecode.com/svn/releases/4.5.7/source/textpattern/lib/txplib_theme.php $
$LastChangedRevision: 3944 $
if (!defined ('THEME')) define('THEME', 'theme/');
class theme
var $name, $menu, $url, $is_popup, $message;
// Theme engine methods
* Constructor
* @param string $name Theme name
function theme($name)
$this->name = $name;
$this->menu = array();
$this->url = THEME.rawurlencode($name).'/';
$this->is_popup = false;
$this->message = '';
* Get a theme's source path
* @param string $name Theme name
* @return string Source file path for named theme
static function path($name)
return txpath.DS.THEME.$name.DS.$name.'.php';
* Theme factory
* @param string $name Theme name
* @return object|boolean An initialised theme object, or false on failure
static function factory($name)
$path = theme::path($name);
if (is_readable($path))
return false;
$t = "{$name}_theme";
if (class_exists($t))
return new $t($name);
return false;
* Initialise the theme singleton
* @param string $name Theme name
* @return object A valid theme object
static function init($name = '')
static $instance;
if ($name === '')
$name = pluggable_ui('admin_side', 'theme_name', get_pref('theme_name', 'classic'));
if ($instance && is_object($instance) && ($name == $instance->name))
return $instance;
$instance = null;
$instance = theme::factory($name);
if (!$instance)
set_pref('theme_name', 'classic');
die(gTxt('cannot_instantiate_theme', array('{name}' => $name, '{class}' => "{$name}_theme", '{path}' => theme::path($name))));
return $instance;
* Get a list of all theme names
* @return array Alphabetically sorted array of all available theme names
static function names()
$dirs = glob(txpath.DS.THEME.'*');
if (is_array($dirs))
foreach ($dirs as $d)
// extract trailing directory name
preg_match('#(.*)[\/]+(.*)$#', $d, $m);
$name = $m[2];
// accept directories containing an equally named .php file
if (is_dir($d) && ($d != '.') && ($d != '..') && isset($name) && is_file($d.DS.$name.'.php'))
$out[] = $name;
sort($out, SORT_STRING);
return $out;
return array();
* Inherit from an ancestor theme
* @param string $name Name of ancestor theme
* @return boolean True on success, false on unavailable/invalid ancestor theme
static function based_on($name)
global $production_status;
$theme = theme::factory($name);
if (!$theme)
set_pref('theme_name', 'classic');
if ($production_status === 'debug')
echo gTxt('cannot_instantiate_theme', array('{name}' => $name, '{class}' => "{$name}_theme", '{path}' => theme::path($name)));
return false;
return true;
* Sets Textpatterns menu structure, message contents and other application states
* @param string $area Currently active top level menu
* @param string $event Currently active second level menu
* @param boolean $is_popup Just a popup window for tag builder et cetera
* @param array $message The contents of the notification message pane
* @return object This theme object
function set_state($area, $event, $is_popup, $message)
$this->is_popup = $is_popup;
$this->message = $message;
if ($is_popup) return $this;
// use legacy areas() for b/c
$areas = areas();
$defaults = array(
'content' => 'article',
'presentation' => 'page',
'admin' => 'admin'
$dflt_tab = get_pref('default_event', '');
foreach ($areas as $ar => $items)
$l_ = gTxt('tab_'.$ar);
$e_ = (array_key_exists($ar,$defaults)) ? $defaults[$ar] : reset($areas[$ar]);
$i_ = array();
if (has_privs('tab.'.$ar))
if (!has_privs($e_))
$e_ = '';
foreach ($items as $a => $b)
if (has_privs($b))
if ($e_ === '') {
$e_ = $b;
if ($b == $dflt_tab)
$this->menu[$ar]['event'] = $dflt_tab;
$i_[] = array('label' => $a, 'event' => $b, 'active' => ($b == $event));
if ($e_)
$this->menu[$ar] = array(
'label' => $l_,
'event' => $e_,
'active' => ($ar == $area),
'items' => $i_,
return $this;
// Overrideable methods for custom themes
* Output HEAD element contents. Returned value is rendered into the HEAD element of all admin side pages by core.
* @return string
function html_head()
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__.' is abstract.', E_USER_ERROR);
* Draw the theme's header
* @return string
function header()
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__.' is abstract.', E_USER_ERROR);
* Draw the theme's footer
* @return string
function footer()
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__.' is abstract.', E_USER_ERROR);
* Output notification message for synchronous HTML views
* @param array $thing Message text and status flag
* @param boolean $modal true: Immediate user interaction suggested
function announce($thing=array('', 0), $modal = false)
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__.' is abstract.', E_USER_ERROR);
* Output notification message for asynchronous Javascript views
* @param array $thing Message text and status flag
* @param boolean $modal true: Immediate user interaction suggested
* @since 4.5.0
function announce_async($thing=array('', 0), $modal = false)
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__.' is abstract.', E_USER_ERROR);
* Define bureaucratic details of this theme. All returned items are optional.
* @return array
function manifest()
return array(
'title' => '', // Human-readable title of this theme. No HTML, keep it short.
'author' => '', // Name(s) of this theme's creator(s).
'author_uri' => '', // URI of the theme's site. Decent vanity is accepted.
'version' => '', // Version numbering. Mind version_compare().
'description' => '', // Human readable short description. No HTML.
'help' => '', // URI of the theme's help and docs. Strictly optional.