Файл: textpattern-4.5.7/textpattern/lib/txplib_publish.php
Строк: 467
This is Textpattern
Copyright 2012 The Textpattern Development Team
All rights reserved.
Use of this software indicates acceptance of the Textpattern license agreement
$HeadURL: https://textpattern.googlecode.com/svn/releases/4.5.7/source/textpattern/lib/txplib_publish.php $
$LastChangedRevision: 5671 $
@since 4.5.0
* Build a query qualifier to remove non-frontpage articles from the result set
* @return string A SQL qualifier for a querys 'WHERE' part
function filterFrontPage()
static $filterFrontPage;
if (isset($filterFrontPage)) {
return $filterFrontPage;
$filterFrontPage = false;
$rs = safe_column('name', 'txp_section', "on_frontpage != '1'");
if ($rs) {
$filters = array();
foreach ($rs as $name) {
$filters[] = " and Section != '".doSlash($name)."'";
$filterFrontPage = join('', $filters);
return $filterFrontPage;
* Fill members of $thisarticle from a DB row assoc.
* Keep all the article tag-related values in one place,
* in order to do easy bugfix and ease the addition of
* new article tags.
* @param array $rs An assoc w/ one article's data from the DB
function populateArticleData($rs)
global $thisarticle;
trace_add("[".gTxt('Article')." {$rs['ID']}]");
foreach (article_column_map() as $key => $column) {
$thisarticle[$key] = $rs[$column];
* Convenience for those who prefer "SELECT * FROM textpattern"
* @param array $rs An assoc w/ one article's data from the DB
function article_format_info($rs)
$rs['uPosted'] = (($unix_ts = @strtotime($rs['Posted'])) > 0) ? $unix_ts : NULLDATETIME;
$rs['uLastMod'] = (($unix_ts = @strtotime($rs['LastMod'])) > 0) ? $unix_ts : NULLDATETIME;
$rs['uExpires'] = (($unix_ts = @strtotime($rs['Expires'])) > 0) ? $unix_ts : NULLDATETIME;
* @return array
function article_column_map()
$custom = getCustomFields();
$custom_map = array();
if ($custom) {
foreach ($custom as $i => $name)
$custom_map[$name] ='custom_' . $i;
return array(
'thisid' => 'ID',
'posted' => 'uPosted', // calculated value!
'expires' => 'uExpires', // calculated value!
'modified' => 'uLastMod', // calculated value!
'annotate' => 'Annotate',
'comments_invite' => 'AnnotateInvite',
'authorid' => 'AuthorID',
'title' => 'Title',
'url_title' => 'url_title',
'category1' => 'Category1',
'category2' => 'Category2',
'section' => 'Section',
'keywords' => 'Keywords',
'article_image' => 'Image',
'comments_count' => 'comments_count',
'body' => 'Body_html',
'excerpt' => 'Excerpt_html',
'override_form' => 'override_form',
'status' => 'Status',
) + $custom_map;
* Find an adjacent article relative to a provided threshold level
* @param scalar $threshold The value to compare against
* @param string $s string Optional section restriction
* @param string $type string Find lesser or greater neighbour? Possible values: '<' (previous, default) or '>' (next)
* @param array $atts Attribute of article at threshold
* @param string $threshold_type 'cooked': Use $threshold as SQL clause; 'raw': Use $threshold as an escapable scalar
* @return array|string An array populated with article data, or the empty string in case of no matches
function getNeighbour($threshold, $s, $type, $atts = array(), $threshold_type = 'raw')
global $prefs;
static $cache = array();
$key = md5($threshold.$s.$type.join(n, $atts));
if (isset($cache[$key])) {
return $cache[$key];
$expired = ($expired && ($prefs['publish_expired_articles']));
$customFields = getCustomFields();
//Building query parts
// lifted from publish.php. This is somewhat embarrassing, isn't it?
$ids = array_map('intval', do_list($id));
$id = (!$id) ? '' : " and ID IN (".join(',', $ids).")";
switch ($time) {
case 'any':
$time = ""; break;
case 'future':
$time = " and Posted > now()"; break;
$time = " and Posted <= now()";
if (!$expired) {
$time .= " and (now() <= Expires or Expires = ".NULLDATETIME.")";
$custom = '';
if ($customFields) {
foreach($customFields as $cField) {
if (isset($atts[$cField]))
$customPairs[$cField] = $atts[$cField];
if(!empty($customPairs)) {
$custom = buildCustomSql($customFields,$customPairs);
if ($keywords) {
$keys = doSlash(do_list($keywords));
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$keyparts[] = "FIND_IN_SET('".$key."',Keywords)";
$keywords = " and (" . join(' or ',$keyparts) . ")";
// invert $type for ascending sortdir
$types = array(
'>' => array('desc' => '>', 'asc' => '<'),
'<' => array('desc' => '<', 'asc' => '>'),
$type = ($type == '>') ? $types['>'][$sortdir] : $types['<'][$sortdir];
// escape threshold and treat it as a string unless explicitly told otherwise
if ($threshold_type != 'cooked') {
$threshold = "'".doSlash($threshold)."'";
$safe_name = safe_pfx('textpattern');
$q = array(
"select ID, Title, url_title, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uposted
from ".$safe_name." where $sortby $type ".$threshold,
($s!='' && $s!='default') ? "and Section = '".doSlash($s)."'" : filterFrontPage(),
'and Status=4',
'order by '.$sortby,
($type=='<') ? 'desc' : 'asc',
'limit 1'
$cache[$key] = getRow(join(n.' ',$q));
return (is_array($cache[$key])) ? $cache[$key] : '';
* Find next and previous articles relative to a provided threshold level
* @param int $id The "pivot" article's id; use zero (0) to indicate $thisarticle
* @param scalar $threshold The value to compare against if $id != 0
* @param string $s string Optional section restriction if $id != 0
* @return array An array populated with article data from the next and previous article
function getNextPrev($id = 0, $threshold = null, $s = '')
if ($id !== 0) {
// Pivot is specific article by ID: In lack of further information, revert to default sort order 'Posted desc'
$atts = filterAtts(array('sortby' => 'Posted', 'sortdir' => 'desc'));
} else {
// Pivot is $thisarticle: Use article attributes to find its neighbours
global $thisarticle;
if (!is_array($thisarticle)) {
return array();
$atts = filterAtts();
$m = preg_split('/s+/', $atts['sort']);
// If in doubt, fall back to chronologically descending order.
if (empty($m[0]) // No explicit sort attribute
|| count($m) > 2 // Complex clause, e.g. 'foo asc, bar desc'
|| !preg_match('/^(?:[0-9a-zA-Z$_x{0080}-x{FFFF}]+|`[x{0001}-x{FFFF}]+`)$/u', $m[0]) // The clause's first verb is not a MySQL column identifier.
$atts['sortby'] = 'Posted';
$atts['sortdir']= 'desc';
// Sort is like 'foo asc'.
$atts['sortby'] = $m[0];
$atts['sortdir'] = (isset($m[1]) && strtolower($m[1]) == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc');
// atts w/ special treatment
switch($atts['sortby']) {
case 'Posted':
$threshold = 'from_unixtime('.doSlash($thisarticle['posted']).')';
$threshold_type = 'cooked';
case 'Expires':
$threshold = 'from_unixtime('.doSlash($thisarticle['expires']).')';
$threshold_type = 'cooked';
case 'LastMod':
$threshold = 'from_unixtime('.doSlash($thisarticle['modified']).')';
$threshold_type = 'cooked';
// retrieve current threshold value per sort column from $thisarticle
$acm = array_flip(article_column_map());
$key = $acm[$atts['sortby']];
$threshold = $thisarticle[$key];
$threshold_type = 'raw';
$s = $thisarticle['section'];
$thenext = getNeighbour($threshold, $s, '>', $atts, $threshold_type);
$out['next_id'] = ($thenext) ? $thenext['ID'] : '';
$out['next_title'] = ($thenext) ? $thenext['Title'] : '';
$out['next_utitle'] = ($thenext) ? $thenext['url_title'] : '';
$out['next_posted'] = ($thenext) ? $thenext['uposted'] : '';
$theprev = getNeighbour($threshold, $s, '<', $atts, $threshold_type);
$out['prev_id'] = ($theprev) ? $theprev['ID'] : '';
$out['prev_title'] = ($theprev) ? $theprev['Title'] : '';
$out['prev_utitle'] = ($theprev) ? $theprev['url_title'] : '';
$out['prev_posted'] = ($theprev) ? $theprev['uposted'] : '';
return $out;
* Date of the site's last modification
* @return string
function lastMod()
$last = safe_field("unix_timestamp(val)", "txp_prefs", "`name`='lastmod' and prefs_id=1");
return gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s GMT",$last);
* Parse a string and replace any Textpattern tags with their actual value
* @param string $thing The raw string
* @return string The parsed string
function parse($thing)
$f = '@(</?txp:w+(?:s+w+s*=s*(?:"(?:[^"]|"")*"|'(?:[^']|'')*'|[^s'"/>]+))*s*/?'.chr(62).')@s';
$t = '@:(w+)(.*?)/?.$@s';
$parsed = preg_split($f, $thing, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$level = 0;
$out = '';
$inside = '';
$istag = FALSE;
foreach ($parsed as $chunk)
if ($istag)
if ($level === 0)
preg_match($t, $chunk, $tag);
if (substr($chunk, -2, 1) === '/')
{ # self closing
$out .= processTags($tag[1], $tag[2]);
{ # opening
if (substr($chunk, 1, 1) === '/')
{ # closing
if (--$level === 0)
$out .= processTags($tag[1], $tag[2], $inside);
$inside = '';
$inside .= $chunk;
elseif (substr($chunk, -2, 1) !== '/')
{ # opening inside open
$inside .= $chunk;
$inside .= $chunk;
if ($level)
$inside .= $chunk;
$out .= $chunk;
$istag = !$istag;
return $out;
* Guesstimate whether a given function name may be a valid tag handler.
* @param string $tag function name
* @return bool False if the function name is not a valid tag handler
function maybe_tag($tag)
static $tags = NULL;
if ($tags == NULL) {
$tags = get_defined_functions();
$tags = array_flip($tags['user']);
return isset($tags[$tag]);
* Parse a tag for attributes and hand over to the tag handler function.
* @param string $tag The tag name without '<txp:'
* @param string $atts The attribute string
* @param string|null $thing The tag's content in case of container tags (optional)
* @return string Parsed tag result
function processTags($tag, $atts, $thing = NULL)
global $production_status, $txptrace, $txptracelevel, $txp_current_tag;
if ($production_status !== 'live')
$old_tag = $txp_current_tag;
$txp_current_tag = '<txp:'.$tag.$atts.(isset($thing) ? '>' : '/>');
if ($production_status === 'debug')
if ($tag === 'link' || $tag === 'yield')
$tag = 'tpt_'.$tag;
if (maybe_tag($tag))
$out = $tag(splat($atts), $thing);
// deprecated, remove in crockery
elseif (isset($GLOBALS['pretext'][$tag]))
$out = txpspecialchars($pretext[$tag]);
trigger_error(gTxt('deprecated_tag'), E_USER_NOTICE);
$out = '';
trigger_error(gTxt('unknown_tag'), E_USER_WARNING);
if ($production_status !== 'live')
if (isset($thing))
$txp_current_tag = $old_tag;
return $out;
* Protection from those who'd bomb the site by GET.
* Origin of the infamous 'Nice try' message and an even more useful '503' http status.
function bombShelter()
global $prefs;
$in = serverset('REQUEST_URI');
if (!empty($prefs['max_url_len']) and strlen($in) > $prefs['max_url_len']) {
txp_status_header('503 Service Unavailable');
exit('Nice try.');
* Check a named item's existence in DB table
* @param string $table DB table name
* @param string $val The name to look for
* @param string $debug
* @return bool|string
function ckEx($table,$val,$debug='')
return safe_field("name",'txp_'.$table,"`name` = '".doSlash($val)."' limit 1",$debug);
* Check category existence
* @param string $type Category type {'article', 'file', 'link', 'image'}
* @param string $val The category name to look for
* @param string $debug
* @return bool|string
function ckCat($type,$val,$debug='')
return safe_field("name",'txp_category',"`name` = '".doSlash($val)."' AND type = '".doSlash($type)."' limit 1",$debug);
* Lookup article by ID
* @param int $val Article ID
* @param string $debug
* @return array|bool
function ckExID($val,$debug='')
return safe_row("ID,Section",'textpattern','ID = '.intval($val).' and Status >= 4 limit 1',$debug);
* Lookup article by URL title
* @param string $val URL title
* @param string $debug
* @return array|bool
function lookupByTitle($val,$debug='')
return safe_row("ID,Section",'textpattern',"url_title = '".doSlash($val)."' and Status >= 4 limit 1",$debug);
* Lookup live article by URL title and section
* @param string $val URL title
* @param string $section Section name
* @param string $debug
* @return array|bool
function lookupByTitleSection($val,$section,$debug='')
return safe_row("ID,Section",'textpattern',"url_title = '".doSlash($val)."' AND Section='".doSlash($section)."' and Status >= 4 limit 1",$debug);
* Lookup live article by ID and section
* @param int $id Article ID
* @param string $section Section name
* @param string $debug
* @return array|bool
function lookupByIDSection($id, $section, $debug = '')
return safe_row('ID, Section', 'textpattern',
'ID = '.intval($id)." and Section = '".doSlash($section)."' and Status >= 4 limit 1", $debug);
* Lookup live article by ID
* @param int $id Article ID
* @param string $debug
* @return array|bool
function lookupByID($id,$debug='')
return safe_row("ID,Section",'textpattern','ID = '.intval($id).' and Status >= 4 limit 1',$debug);
* Lookup live article by date and URL title
* @param string $when date wildcard
* @param string $title URL title
* @param string $debug
* @return array|bool
function lookupByDateTitle($when,$title,$debug='')
return safe_row("ID,Section","textpattern",
"posted like '".doSlash($when)."%' and url_title like '".doSlash($title)."' and Status >= 4 limit 1");
* Chop a request string into URL-decoded path parts
* @param string $req Request string
* @return array
function chopUrl($req)
$req = strtolower($req);
//strip off query_string, if present
$qs = strpos($req,'?');
if ($qs) $req = substr($req, 0, $qs);
$req = preg_replace('/index.php$/', '', $req);
$r = array_map('urldecode', explode('/',$req));
$o['u0'] = (isset($r[0])) ? $r[0] : '';
$o['u1'] = (isset($r[1])) ? $r[1] : '';
$o['u2'] = (isset($r[2])) ? $r[2] : '';
$o['u3'] = (isset($r[3])) ? $r[3] : '';
$o['u4'] = (isset($r[4])) ? $r[4] : '';
return $o;
* Save and retrieve the individual article's attributes
* plus article list attributes for next/prev tags
* @param array $atts
* @return array
* @since 4.5.0
* @package TagParser
function filterAtts($atts = null)
global $prefs;
static $out = array();
if (is_array($atts))
if (empty($out))
$out = lAtts(array(
'sort' => 'Posted desc',
'sortby' => '',
'sortdir' => '',
'keywords' => '',
'expired' => $prefs['publish_expired_articles'],
'id' => '',
'time' => 'past',
), $atts, 0);
trace_add('[filterAtts accepted]');
// TODO: deal w/ nested txp:article[_custom] tags.
trace_add('[filterAtts ignored]');
if (empty($out))
trace_add('[filterAtts not set]');
return $out;