Файл: textpattern-4.5.7/textpattern/lib/txplib_html.php
Строк: 1435
$HeadURL: https://textpattern.googlecode.com/svn/releases/4.5.7/source/textpattern/lib/txplib_html.php $
$LastChangedRevision: 4163 $
define("br","<br />");
define("sp"," ");
* Render the admin-side theme's footer partial via the "admin_side" > "footer" pluggable UI.
* and send the "admin_side" > "body_end" event.
function end_page()
global $txp_user, $event, $app_mode, $theme, $textarray_script;
if ($app_mode != 'async' && $event != 'tag') {
echo '</div><!-- /txp-body --><div class="txp-footer">';
echo pluggable_ui('admin_side', 'footer', $theme->footer());
callback_event('admin_side', 'body_end');
echo n.script_js('textpattern.textarray = '.json_encode($textarray_script)).n.
'</div><!-- /txp-footer --></body>'.n.'</html>';
* Render the user interface for one head cell of columnar data.
* @param string $value Element text
* @param string $sort Sort criterion ['']
* @param string $event Event name ['']
* @param boolean $is_link Include link to admin action in user interface according to the other params [false]
* @param string $dir Sort direction, either "asc" or "desc" ['']
* @param string $crit Search criterion ['']
* @param string $method Search method ['']
* @param string $class HTML "class" attribute applied to the resulting element ['']
* @param string $step Step name
* @return string HTML
function column_head($value, $sort = '', $event = '', $is_link = '', $dir = '', $crit = '', $method = '', $class = '', $step = 'list')
return column_multi_head( array(
array ('value' => $value, 'sort' => $sort, 'event' => $event, 'step' => $step, 'is_link' => $is_link,
'dir' => $dir, 'crit' => $crit, 'method' => $method)
), $class);
* Render the user interface for multiple head cells of columnar data.
* @param array $head_items An array of hashed elements.
* Valid keys:
* 'value'
* 'sort'
* 'event'
* 'is_link'
* 'dir'
* 'crit'
* 'method'
* @param string $class HTML "class" attribute applied to the resulting element
* @return string HTML
function column_multi_head($head_items, $class='')
$o = n.t.'<th'.($class ? ' class="'.$class.'"' : '').'>';
$first_item = true;
foreach ($head_items as $item)
if (empty($item)) continue;
'value' => '',
'sort' => '',
'event' => '',
'step' => 'list',
'is_link' => '',
'dir' => '',
'crit' => '',
'method' => '',
$o .= ($first_item) ? '' : ', '; $first_item = false;
if ($is_link)
$o .= '<a href="index.php?step='.$step;
$o .= ($event) ? a."event=$event" : '';
$o .= ($sort) ? a."sort=$sort" : '';
$o .= ($dir) ? a."dir=$dir" : '';
$o .= ($crit != '') ? a."crit=$crit" : '';
$o .= ($method) ? a."search_method=$method" : '';
$o .= '">';
$o .= gTxt($value);
if ($is_link)
$o .= '</a>';
$o .= '</th>';
return $o;
* Render a <th> element.
* @param string $text Cell text [space]
* @param string $caption unused ['']
* @param string $atts HTML attributes ['']
* @return string HTML
function hCell($text='',$caption='',$atts='')
$text = ('' === $text) ? sp : $text;
return tag($text,'th',$atts);
* Render a link invoking an admin-side action.
* @param string $event Event
* @param string $step Step
* @param string $linktext Link text
* @param string $class HTML class attribute for link
* @return string HTML
function sLink($event,$step,$linktext,$class='')
$c = ($class) ? ' class="'.$class.'"' : '';
return '<a href="?event='.$event.a.'step='.$step.'"'.$c.'>'.$linktext.'</a>';
* Render a link invoking an admin-side action while taking up to two additional URL parameters.
* @param string $event Event
* @param string $step Step ['']
* @param string $thing URL parameter key #1 ['']
* @param string $value URL parameter value #1 ['']
* @param string $linktext Link text
* @param string $thing2 URL parameter key #2 ['']
* @param string $val2 URL parameter value #2 ['']
* @param string $title Anchor title ['edit']
* @return string HTML
function eLink($event,$step='',$thing='',$value='',$linktext,$thing2='',$val2='',$title='edit')
return join('',array(
'<a href="?event='.$event,
($step) ? a.'step='.$step : '',
($thing) ? a.''.$thing.'='.urlencode($value) : '',
($thing2) ? a.''.$thing2.'='.urlencode($val2) : '',
'"'.(($title) ? ' title="'.gTxt($title).'"' : '') .'>'.escape_title($linktext).'</a>'
* Render a link invoking an admin-side action while taking up to one additional URL parameter.
* @param string $event Event
* @param string $step Step
* @param string $thing URL parameter key
* @param string $value URL parameter value
* @return string HTML
function wLink($event,$step='',$thing='',$value='')
// TODO: Why index.php? while we don't need this in eLink etc.
return join('',array(
'<a href="index.php?event='.$event,
($step) ? a.'step='.$step : '',
($thing) ? a.''.$thing.'='.urlencode($value) : '',
'" class="dlink">'.sp.'!'.sp.'</a>'
* Render a link invoking an admin-side "delete" action while taking up to two additional URL parameters.
* @param string $event Event
* @param string $step Step
* @param string $thing URL parameter key #1
* @param string $value URL parameter value #1
* @param string $verify Show an "Are you sure?" dialogue with this text ['confirm_delete_popup']
* @param string $thing2 URL parameter key #2 ['']
* @param string $thing2val URL parameter value #2 ['']
* @param boolean $get Use GET request [false: Use POST request]
* @param array $remember Convey URL parameters for page state. Member sequence is $page, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method
function dLink($event, $step, $thing, $value, $verify = '', $thing2 = '', $thing2val = '', $get = '', $remember = null) {
if ($remember) {
list($page, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method) = $remember;
if ($get) {
$url = '?event='.$event.a.'step='.$step.a.$thing.'='.urlencode($value).a.'_txp_token='.form_token();
if ($thing2) {
$url .= a.$thing2.'='.urlencode($thing2val);
if ($remember) {
$url .= a.'page='.$page.a.'sort='.$sort.a.'dir='.$dir.a.'crit='.$crit.a.'search_method='.$search_method;
return join('', array(
'<a href="'.$url.'" class="dlink destroy" onclick="return verify('',
($verify) ? gTxt($verify) : gTxt('confirm_delete_popup'),
return join('', array(
'<form method="post" action="index.php" onsubmit="return confirm(''.gTxt('confirm_delete_popup').'');">',
fInput('submit', '', '×', 'destroy'),
hInput($thing, $value),
($thing2) ? hInput($thing2, $thing2val) : '',
($remember) ? hInput('page', $page) : '',
($remember) ? hInput('sort', $sort) : '',
($remember) ? hInput('dir', $dir) : '',
($remember) ? hInput('crit', $crit) : '',
($remember) ? hInput('search_method', $search_method) : '',
* Render a link invoking an admin-side "add" action while taking up to two additional URL parameters.
* @param string $event Event
* @param string $step Step
* @param string $thing URL parameter key #1
* @param string $value URL parameter value #1
* @param string $thing2 URL parameter key #2
* @param string $value2 URL parameter value #2
* @return string HTML
function aLink($event,$step,$thing,$value,$thing2,$value2)
$o = '<a href="?event='.$event.a.'step='.$step.a.'_txp_token='.form_token().
$o.= ' class="alink">+</a>';
return $o;
* Render a link invoking an admin-side "previous/next article" action.
* @param string $name Link text
* @param string $event Event
* @param string $step Step
* @param integer $id ID of target Textpattern object (article,...)
* @param string $titling HTML title attribute
* @param string $rel HTML rel attribute
* @return string HTML
function prevnext_link($name,$event,$step,$id,$titling='',$rel='')
return '<a href="?event='.$event.a.'step='.$step.a.'ID='.$id.
'" class="navlink"'.($titling ? ' title="'.$titling.'"' : '').($rel ? ' rel="'.$rel.'"' : '').'>'.$name.'</a>';
* Render a link invoking an admin-side "previous/next page" action.
* @param string $event Event
* @param integer $page Target page number
* @param string $label Link text
* @param string $type Direction, either "prev" or "next" ['next']
* @param string $sort Sort field ['']
* @param string $dir Sort direction, either "asc" or "desc" ['']
* @param string $crit Search criterion ['']
* @param string $search_method Search method ['']
* @param string $step Step
function PrevNextLink($event, $page, $label, $type, $sort = '', $dir = '', $crit = '', $search_method = '', $step = 'list')
return '<a href="?event='.$event.a.'step='.$step.a.'page='.$page.
($sort ? a.'sort='.$sort : '').
($dir ? a.'dir='.$dir : '').
(($crit != '') ? a.'crit='.$crit : '').
($search_method ? a.'search_method='.$search_method : '').
'" class="navlink" rel="'.$type.'">'.
* Render a page navigation form.
* @param string $event Event
* @param integer $page Current page number
* @param integer $numPages Total pages
* @param string $sort Sort criterion
* @param string $dir Sort direction, either "asc" or "desc"
* @param string $crit Search criterion
* @param string $search_method Search method
* @param integer $total Total search term hit count [0]
* @param integer $limit First visible search term hit number [0]
* @param string $step Step
* @return string HTML
function nav_form($event, $page, $numPages, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method, $total=0, $limit=0, $step='list')
global $theme;
if ($crit != '' && $total > 1)
$out[] = $theme->announce(
'{from}' => (($page - 1) * $limit) + 1,
'{to}' => min($total, $page * $limit),
'{total}' => $total
if ($numPages > 1)
$option_list = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $numPages; $i++)
if ($i == $page)
$option_list[] = '<option value="'.$i.'" selected="selected">'."$i/$numPages".'</option>';
$option_list[] = '<option value="'.$i.'">'."$i/$numPages".'</option>';
$nav = array();
$nav[] = ($page > 1) ?
PrevNextLink($event, $page - 1, gTxt('prev'), 'prev', $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method, $step).sp :
tag(gTxt('prev'), 'span', ' class="navlink-disabled"').sp;
$nav[] = '<select name="page" onchange="submit(this.form);">';
$nav[] = n.join(n, $option_list);
$nav[] = n.'</select>';
$nav[] = ($page != $numPages) ?
sp.PrevNextLink($event, $page + 1, gTxt('next'), 'next', $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method, $step) :
sp.tag(gTxt('next'), 'span', ' class="navlink-disabled"');
$out[] = '<form class="nav-form" method="get" action="index.php">'.
( $sort ? n.hInput('sort', $sort).n.hInput('dir', $dir) : '' ).
( ($crit != '') ? n.hInput('crit', $crit).n.hInput('search_method', $search_method) : '' ).
'<p class="prev-next">'.
join('', $nav).
$out[] = graf($page.'/'.$numPages, ' class="prev-next"');
return join(n, $out);
* Render start of a layout <table> element.
* @deprecated
* @return string HTML
function startSkelTable()
'<table width="300" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border:1px #ccc solid">';
* Render start of a layout <table> element.
* @param string $type HTML id attribute
* @param string $align HTML align attribute ['']
* @param string $class HTML class attribute ['']
* @param integer $p HTML cellpadding attribute
* @param integer $w HTML width atttribute
* @return string HTML
function startTable($id='',$align='',$class='',$p='',$w='')
$id = ($id) ? ' id="'.$id.'"' : '';
$align = ($align) ? ' align="'.$align.'"' : '';
$class = ($class) ? ' class="'.$class.'"' : '';
$width = ($w) ? ' width="'.$w.'"' : '';
$padding = ($p) ? ' cellpadding="'.$p.'"' : '';
return '<table'.$id.$class.$width.$padding.$align.'>'.n;
* Render </table> tag
* @return string HTML
function endTable ()
return n.'</table>'.n;
* Render <tr> elements from input parameters.
* @param mixed,... $rows Row contents [null]
* @return string HTML
function stackRows()
foreach(func_get_args() as $a) { $o[] = tr($a); }
return join('',$o);
* Render a <td> element.
* @param string $content Cell content ['']
* @param integer $width HTML width attribute ['']
* @param string $class HTML class attribute ['']
* @param string $id HTML id attribute ['']
* @return string HTML
function td($content='',$width='',$class='',$id='')
$content = ('' === $content) ? ' ' : $content;
$atts[] = ($width) ? ' width="'.$width.'"' : '';
$atts[] = ($class) ? ' class="'.$class.'"' : '';
$atts[] = ($id) ? ' id="'.$id.'"' : '';
return t.tag($content,'td',join('',$atts)).n;
* Render a <td> element with attributes.
* @param string $content Cell content
* @param string $atts Cell attributes ['']
* @return string HTML
function tda($content,$atts='')
return tag($content,'td',$atts);
* Render a <td> element with top/left text orientation and other attributes.
* @param string $content Cell content
* @param string $atts Cell attributes ['']
* @return string HTML
function tdtl($content,$atts='')
return tag($content,'td',$atts);
* Render a <tr> element with attributes.
* @param string $content Cell content
* @param string $atts Cell attributes ['']
* @return string HTML
function tr($content,$atts='')
return tag($content,'tr',$atts);
* Render a <td> element with top/left text orientation, colspan and other attributes.
* @param string $content Cell content
* @param integer $span Cell colspan attribute
* @param integer $width Cell width attribute ['']
* @param string $class Cell class attribute ['']
* @return string HTML
function tdcs($content,$span,$width="",$class='')
return join('',array(
t.'<td colspan="'.$span.'"',
($width) ? ' width="'.$width.'"' : '',
($class) ? ' class="'.$class.'"' : '',
* Render a <td> element with top/left text orientation, rowspan and other attributes.
* @param string $content Cell content
* @param integer $span Cell rowspan attribute
* @param integer $width Cell width attribute
* @return string HTML
function tdrs($content,$span,$width="")
return join('',array(
t.'<td rowspan="'.$span.'"',
($width) ? ' width="'.$width.'"' : '',">$content</td>".n
* Render a form label inside a table cell
* @param string $text Label text
* @param string $help Help text ['']
* @param string $label_id HTML "for" attribute, i.e. id of corresponding form element
* @return string HTML
function fLabelCell($text, $help = '', $label_id = '')
$help = ($help) ? popHelp($help) : '';
$cell = gTxt($text).' '.$help;
if ($label_id)
$cell = '<label for="'.$label_id.'">'.$cell.'</label>';
return tda($cell,' class="cell-label"');
* Render a form input inside a table cell.
* @param string $name HTML name attribute
* @param string $var Input value ['']
* @param integer $tabindex HTML tabindex attribute ['']
* @param integer $size HTML size attribute ['']
* @param string $help Help text ['']
* @param string $id HTML id attribute
* @return string HTML
function fInputCell($name, $var = '', $tabindex = '', $size = '', $help = '', $id = '')
$pop = ($help) ? sp.popHelp($name) : '';
return tda(fInput('text', $name, $var, '', '', '', $size, $tabindex, $id).$pop);
* Render a name-value input control with label
* @param string $name HTML id / name attribute
* @param string $input complete input control widget (result of fInput(), yesnoRadio(), etc)
* @param string $label Label ['']
* @param string $help pophelp text item ['']
* @param string $class CSS class name to apply to wrapper ['edit-' + $name with underscores replaced with hyphens]
* @param string $wraptag_val Tag to wrap the value in. If set to '', no wrapper is used (useful for textareas) ['span']
* @return string HTML
function inputLabel($name, $input, $label = '', $help = '', $class = '', $wraptag_val='span')
$help = ($help) ? sp.popHelp($help) : '';
$class = ($class) ? $class : 'edit-'.str_replace('_', '-', $name);
$label_open = ($label) ? '<label for="'.$name.'">' : '';
$label_close = ($label) ? '</label>' : '';
$label = ($label) ? $label : $name;
$wrapval_open = ($wraptag_val) ? '<'.$wraptag_val.' class="edit-value">' : '';
$wrapval_close = ($wraptag_val) ? '</'.$wraptag_val.'>' : '';
return graf(
'<span class="edit-label">'.$label_open.gTxt($label).$label_close.$help.'</span>'.n.
, ' class="'.$class.'"');
* Render anything as a XML element.
* @param string $content Enclosed content
* @param string $tag The tag without brackets
* @param string $atts The element's HTML attributes ['']
* @return string HTML
function tag($content,$tag,$atts='')
return ('' !== $content) ? '<'.$tag.$atts.'>'.$content.'</'.$tag.'>' : '';
* Render a <p> element.
* @param string $item Enclosed content
* @param string $atts HTML attributes ['']
* @return string HTML
function graf ($item,$atts='')
return tag($item,'p',$atts);
* Render a <hx> element.
* @param string $item Enclosed content
* @param integer $level Heading level 1...6
* @param string $atts HTML attributes ['']
* @return string HTML
function hed($item,$level,$atts='')
return tag($item,'h'.$level,$atts);
* Render an <a> element.
* @param string $item Enclosed content
* @param integer $level Heading level 1...6
* @param string $atts HTML attributes ['']
* @return string HTML
function href($item,$href,$atts='')
return tag($item,'a',$atts.' href="'.$href.'"');
* Render a <strong> element.
* @param string $item Enclosed content
* @return string HTML
function strong($item)
return tag($item,'strong');
* Render a <span> element.
* @param string $item Enclosed content
* @return string HTML
function span($item)
return tag($item,'span');
* Render a <pre> element.
* @param string $item Enclosed content
* @return string HTML
function htmlPre($item)
return '<pre>'.tag($item,'code').'</pre>';
* Render a HTML comment (<!-- -->) element.
* @param string $item Enclosed content
* @return string HTML
function comment($item)
return '<!-- '.$item.' -->';
* Render a <small> element.
* @param string $item Enclosed content
* @return string HTML
function small($item)
return tag($item,'small');
* Render a table data row from an array of content => width pairs.
* @param array $array Array of content => width pairs
* @param string $atts Table row atrributes
* @return string HTML
function assRow($array, $atts ='')
foreach($array as $a => $b) $o[] = tda($a,' width="'.$b.'"');
return tr(join(n.t,$o), $atts);
* Render a table head row from an array of strings.
* @param array $value,... Array of head text strings. L10n is applied to the strings.
* @return string HTML
function assHead()
$array = func_get_args();
foreach($array as $a) $o[] = hCell(gTxt($a));
return tr(join('',$o));
* Render the ubiquitious popup help button.
* @param string $help_var Help topic
* @param integer $width Popup window width
* @param integer $height Popup window height
* @return string HTML
function popHelp($help_var, $width = '', $height = '')
return '<a rel="help" target="_blank"'.
' href="'.HELP_URL.'?item='.$help_var.a.'language='.LANG.'"'.
' onclick="popWin(this.href'.
($width ? ', '.$width : '').
($height ? ', '.$height : '').
'); return false;" class="pophelp">?</a>';
* Render the ubiquitious popup help button with a little less visual noise.
* @param string $help_var Help topic
* @param integer $width Popup window width ['']
* @param integer $height Popup window height ['']
* @return string HTML
function popHelpSubtle($help_var, $width = '', $height = '')
return '<a rel="help" target="_blank"'.
' href="http://rpc.textpattern.com/help/?item='.$help_var.a.'language='.LANG.'"'.
' onclick="popWin(this.href'.
($width ? ', '.$width : '').
($height ? ', '.$height : '').
'); return false;" class="pophelpsubtle">?</a>';
* Popup tag help window.
* @param string $var Tag name
* @param string $text Link text
* @param integer $width Popup window width
* @param integer $height Popup window height
* @return string HTML
function popTag($var, $text, $width = '', $height = '')
return '<a target="_blank"'.
' href="?event=tag'.a.'tag_name='.$var.'"'.
' onclick="popWin(this.href'.
($width ? ', '.$width : '').
($height ? ', '.$height : '').
'); return false;">'.$text.'</a>';
* Render tag builder links.
* @param string $type Tag type
* @return string HTML
function popTagLinks($type)
include txpath.'/lib/taglib.php';
$arname = $type.'_tags';
$out = array();
$out[] = n.'<ul class="plain-list">';
foreach ($$arname as $a)
$out[] = n.t.tag(popTag($a,gTxt('tag_'.$a)), 'li');
$out[] = n.'</ul>';
return join('', $out);
* Render admin-side message text.
* @param string $thing Subject
* @param string $thething Predicate (strong)
* @param string $action Object
* @return string HTML
function messenger($thing, $thething='', $action='')
return gTxt($thing).' '.strong($thething).' '.gTxt($action);
* Render a multi-edit form listing editing methods
* @param array $options array('value' => array( 'label' => '', 'html' => '' ),...)
* @param string $event Event
* @param string $step Step
* @param integer $page Page number
* @param string $sort Column sorted by
* @param string $dir Sorting direction
* @param string $crit Search criterion
* @param string $search_method Search method
* @return string HTML
function multi_edit($options, $event=null, $step=null, $page='', $sort='', $dir='', $crit='', $search_method='')
$html = $methods = array();
$methods[''] = gTxt('with_selected_option');
if ($event === null)
global $event;
if ($step === null)
$step = $event.'_multi_edit';
callback_event_ref($event.'_ui', 'multi_edit_options', 0, $options);
foreach($options as $value => $option)
if (is_array($option))
$methods[$value] = $option['label'];
if (isset($option['html']))
$html[$value] = '<div class="multi-option multi-option-'.txpspecialchars($value).'">'.$option['html'].'</div>';
$methods[$value] = $option;
return '<div class="multi-edit">'.
n.selectInput('edit_method', $methods, '').
n.hInput('page', $page).
($sort ? n.hInput('sort', $sort).n.hInput('dir', $dir) : '' ).
($crit !== '' ? n.hInput('crit', $crit).n.hInput('search_method', $search_method) : '').
n.implode('', $html).
n.fInput('submit', '', gTxt('go')).
* Render a form to select various amounts to page lists by.
* @param string $event Event
* @param integer $val Current setting
* @return string HTML
function pageby_form($event, $val)
$vals = array(
15 => 15,
25 => 25,
50 => 50,
100 => 100
$select_page = selectInput('qty', $vals, $val,'', 1);
// proper localisation
$page = str_replace('{page}', $select_page, gTxt('view_per_page'));
return form(
, '', '', 'post', 'pageby');
* Render a file upload form via the "$event_ui" > "upload_form" pluggable UI.
* @param string $label File name label. May be empty
* @param string $pophelp Help item ['']
* @param string $step Step
* @param string $event Event
* @param string $id File id
* @param integer $max_file_size Maximum allowed file size
* @param string $label_id HTML id attribute for the filename input element
* @param string $class HTML class attribute for the form element
function upload_form($label, $pophelp = '', $step, $event, $id = '', $max_file_size = '1000000', $label_id = '', $class = 'upload-form')
global $sort, $dir, $page, $search_method, $crit;
extract(gpsa(array('page', 'sort', 'dir', 'crit', 'search_method')));
$class = ($class) ? ' class="'.$class.'"' : '';
$p_class = 'edit-'. (($label_id) ? str_replace('_', '-', $label_id) : $event.'-upload');
$label_id = ($label_id) ? $label_id : $event.'-upload';
$argv = func_get_args();
return pluggable_ui($event.'_ui', 'upload_form',
n.n.'<form'.$class.' method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="index.php">'.
(!empty($max_file_size)? n.hInput('MAX_FILE_SIZE', $max_file_size): '').
n.hInput('id', $id).
n.hInput('sort', $sort).
n.hInput('dir', $dir).
n.hInput('page', $page).
n.hInput('search_method', $search_method).
n.hInput('crit', $crit).
(($label) ? '<label for="'.$label_id.'">'.$label.'</label>' : '').(($pophelp) ? sp.popHelp($pophelp) : '').n.
fInput('file', 'thefile', '', '', '', '', '', '', $label_id).n.
fInput('submit', '', gTxt('upload'))
, ' class="'.$p_class.'"').
* Render a admin-side search form.
* @param string $event Event
* @param string $step Step
* @param string $crit Search criterion
* @param array $methods Valid search methods
* @param string $method Actual search method
* @param string $default_method Default search method
* @return string HTML
function search_form($event, $step, $crit, $methods, $method, $default_method)
$method = ($method) ? $method : $default_method;
return n.n.form(
'<label for="'.$event.'-search">'.gTxt('search').'</label>'.
n.selectInput('search_method', $methods, $method, '', '', $event.'-search').
n.fInput('text', 'crit', $crit, 'input-medium', '', '', INPUT_MEDIUM).
n.fInput('submit', 'search', gTxt('go'))
, '', '', 'get', 'search-form');
* Render a dropdown for selecting text filter method preferences.
* @param string $name Element name
* @param string $val Current value
* @param string $id HTML id attribute for the select input element
* @return string HTML
function pref_text($name, $val, $id = '')
$id = ($id) ? $id : $name;
$vals = array(
USE_TEXTILE => gTxt('use_textile'),
CONVERT_LINEBREAKS => gTxt('convert_linebreaks'),
LEAVE_TEXT_UNTOUCHED => gTxt('leave_text_untouched')
return selectInput($name, $vals, $val, '', '', $id);
* Attach a HTML fragment to a DOM node.
* @param string $id Target DMO node's id
* @param string $content HTML fragment
* @param string $noscript noscript alternative fragment ['']
* @param string $wraptag Wrapping HTML element
* @param string $wraptagid Wrapping element's HTML id
* @return string HTML/JS
function dom_attach($id, $content, $noscript='', $wraptag='div', $wraptagid='')
$content = escape_js($content);
$js = <<<EOF
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#{$id}').append($('<{$wraptag} />').attr('id', '{$wraptagid}').html('{$content}'));
return script_js($js, $noscript);
* Render a <:script> element.
* @param string $js JavaScript code
* @param string $noscript noscript alternative
* @return string HTML with embedded script element
function script_js($js, $noscript='')
$js = preg_replace('#<(/?)script#', '\x3c$1script', $js);
$out = '<script type="text/javascript">'.n.
if ($noscript)
$out .= '<noscript>'.n.
return $out;
* Render a "Details" toggle checkbox.
* @param string $classname Unique identfier. The cookie's name will be derived from this value.
* @param boolean $form Create as a stand-along <form> element [false]
* @return string HTML
function toggle_box($classname, $form=0) {
$name = 'cb_toggle_'.$classname;
$i =
'<input type="checkbox" name="'.$name.'" id="'.$name.'" value="1" '.
(cs('toggle_'.$classname) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').
'class="checkbox" onclick="toggleClassRemember(''.$classname.'');" />'.
' <label for="'.$name.'">'.gTxt('detail_toggle').'</label> '.
script_js("setClassRemember('".$classname."');addEvent(window, 'load', function(){setClassRemember('".$classname."');});");
if ($form)
return n.form($i);
return n.$i;
* Render a checkbox to set/unset a browser cookie.
* @param string $classname Label text. The cookie's name will be derived from this value.
* @param boolean $form Create as a stand-along <form> element [true]
* @return string HTML
function cookie_box($classname, $form=1) {
$name = 'cb_'.$classname;
$val = cs('toggle_'.$classname) ? 1 : 0;
$i =
'<input type="checkbox" name="'.$name.'" id="'.$name.'" value="1" '.
($val ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').
'class="checkbox" onclick="setClassRemember(''.$classname.'','.(1-$val).');submit(this.form);" />'.
' <label for="'.$name.'">'.gTxt($classname).'</label> ';
if ($form) {
$args = empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '' : '?'.txpspecialchars($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
return '<form class="'.$name.'" method="post" action="index.php'.$args.'">'.$i.eInput(gps('event')).n.tInput().'</form>';
} else {
return n.$i;
* Render a <fieldset> element.
* @param string $content Enclosed content
* @param string $legend Legend text ['']
* @param string $id HTML id attribute ['']
* @return string HTML
function fieldset($content, $legend='', $id='') {
$a_id = ($id ? ' id="'.$id.'"' : '');
return tag(trim(tag($legend, 'legend').n.$content), 'fieldset', $a_id);
* Render a link element to hook up txpAsyncHref() with request parameters
* @param string $item Link text
* @param array $parms Request parameters; array keys are 'event', 'step', 'thing', 'property'
* @param string $atts HTML attributes
* @return string HTML
* @since 4.5.0
* @see textpattern.js: txpAsyncHref
function asyncHref($item,$parms,$atts='')
'event' => $GLOBALS['event'],
'step' => $GLOBALS['step'],
'thing' => '',
'property' => '',
), $parms)));
$class = "$step async";
$href = "?event=$event&step=$step&thing=$thing&property=$property";
$href .= '&value='.txpspecialchars($item).'&_txp_token='.form_token();
return href($item, $href, $atts." class="$class"");