Файл: textpattern-4.5.7/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php
Строк: 342
$HeadURL: https://textpattern.googlecode.com/svn/releases/4.5.7/source/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php $
$LastChangedRevision: 3752 $
if (!defined('PFX')) {
if (!empty($txpcfg['table_prefix'])) {
define ("PFX",$txpcfg['table_prefix']);
} else define ("PFX",'');
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') < 0)
// We are deliberately using a deprecated function for PHP 4 compatibility
if (get_magic_quotes_runtime())
class DB {
function DB()
global $txpcfg;
$this->host = $txpcfg['host'];
$this->db = $txpcfg['db'];
$this->user = $txpcfg['user'];
$this->pass = $txpcfg['pass'];
$this->client_flags = isset($txpcfg['client_flags']) ? $txpcfg['client_flags'] : 0;
$this->link = @mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, false, $this->client_flags);
if (!$this->link) die(db_down());
$this->version = mysql_get_server_info();
if (!$this->link) {
$GLOBALS['connected'] = false;
} else $GLOBALS['connected'] = true;
@mysql_select_db($this->db) or die(db_down());
$version = $this->version;
// be backwardscompatible
if ( isset($txpcfg['dbcharset']) && (intval($version[0]) >= 5 || preg_match('#^4.[1-9]#',$version)) )
mysql_query("SET NAMES ". $txpcfg['dbcharset']);
$DB = new DB;
function safe_pfx($table) {
$name = PFX.$table;
if (preg_match('@[^w._$]@', $name))
return '`'.$name.'`';
return $name;
function safe_pfx_j($table)
$ts = array();
foreach (explode(',', $table) as $t) {
$name = PFX.trim($t);
if (preg_match('@[^w._$]@', $name))
$ts[] = "`$name`".(PFX ? " as `$t`" : '');
$ts[] = "$name".(PFX ? " as $t" : '');
return join(', ', $ts);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_escape($in='')
global $DB;
return mysql_real_escape_string($in, $DB->link);
function safe_query($q='',$debug='',$unbuf='')
global $DB, $txpcfg, $qcount, $qtime, $production_status;
$method = (!$unbuf) ? 'mysql_query' : 'mysql_unbuffered_query';
if (!$q) return false;
if ($debug or TXP_DEBUG === 1) dmp($q);
$start = getmicrotime();
$result = $method($q,$DB->link);
$time = getmicrotime() - $start;
@$qtime += $time;
if ($result === false) {
trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
trace_add("[SQL ($time): $q]");
if(!$result) return false;
return $result;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_delete($table, $where, $debug='')
$q = "delete from ".safe_pfx($table)." where $where";
if ($r = safe_query($q,$debug)) {
return true;
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_update($table, $set, $where, $debug='')
$q = "update ".safe_pfx($table)." set $set where $where";
if ($r = safe_query($q,$debug)) {
return true;
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_insert($table,$set,$debug='')
global $DB;
$q = "insert into ".safe_pfx($table)." set $set";
if ($r = safe_query($q,$debug)) {
$id = mysql_insert_id($DB->link);
return ($id === 0 ? true : $id);
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// insert or update
function safe_upsert($table,$set,$where,$debug='')
// FIXME: lock the table so this is atomic?
$r = safe_update($table, $set, $where, $debug);
if ($r and (mysql_affected_rows() or safe_count($table, $where, $debug)))
return $r;
return safe_insert($table, join(', ', array($where, $set)), $debug);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_alter($table, $alter, $debug='')
$q = "alter table ".safe_pfx($table)." $alter";
if ($r = safe_query($q,$debug)) {
return true;
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_optimize($table, $debug='')
$q = "optimize table ".safe_pfx($table)."";
if ($r = safe_query($q,$debug)) {
return true;
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_repair($table, $debug='')
$q = "repair table ".safe_pfx($table)."";
if ($r = safe_query($q,$debug)) {
return true;
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_field($thing, $table, $where, $debug='')
$q = "select $thing from ".safe_pfx_j($table)." where $where";
$r = safe_query($q,$debug);
if (@mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) {
$f = mysql_result($r,0);
return $f;
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_column($thing, $table, $where, $debug='')
$q = "select $thing from ".safe_pfx_j($table)." where $where";
$rs = getRows($q,$debug);
if ($rs) {
foreach($rs as $a) {
$v = array_shift($a);
$out[$v] = $v;
return $out;
return array();
// -------------------------------------------------------------
* Fetch a column as an numeric array
* @param string $thing field name
* @param string $table table name
* @param string $where where clause
* @param bool $debug dump query
* @return array numeric array of column values
* @since 4.5.0
function safe_column_num($thing, $table, $where, $debug='')
$q = "select $thing from ".safe_pfx_j($table)." where $where";
$rs = getRows($q,$debug);
if ($rs) {
foreach($rs as $a) {
$v = array_shift($a);
$out[] = $v;
return $out;
return array();
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_row($things, $table, $where, $debug='')
$q = "select $things from ".safe_pfx_j($table)." where $where";
$rs = getRow($q,$debug);
if ($rs) {
return $rs;
return array();
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_rows($things, $table, $where, $debug='')
$q = "select $things from ".safe_pfx_j($table)." where $where";
$rs = getRows($q,$debug);
if ($rs) {
return $rs;
return array();
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_rows_start($things, $table, $where, $debug='')
$q = "select $things from ".safe_pfx_j($table)." where $where";
return startRows($q,$debug);
function safe_count($table, $where, $debug='')
return getThing("select count(*) from ".safe_pfx_j($table)." where $where",$debug);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_show($thing, $table, $debug='')
$q = "show $thing from ".safe_pfx($table)."";
$rs = getRows($q,$debug);
if ($rs) {
return $rs;
return array();
function fetch($col,$table,$key,$val,$debug='')
$key = doSlash($key);
$val = (is_int($val)) ? $val : "'".doSlash($val)."'";
$q = "select $col from ".safe_pfx($table)." where `$key` = $val limit 1";
if ($r = safe_query($q,$debug)) {
$thing = (mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) ? mysql_result($r,0) : '';
return $thing;
return false;
function getRow($query,$debug='')
if ($r = safe_query($query,$debug)) {
$row = (mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) ? mysql_fetch_assoc($r) : false;
return $row;
return false;
function getRows($query,$debug='')
if ($r = safe_query($query,$debug)) {
if (mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) {
while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) $out[] = $a;
return $out;
return false;
function startRows($query,$debug='')
return safe_query($query,$debug);
function nextRow($r)
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
if ($row === false)
return $row;
function numRows($r)
return mysql_num_rows($r);
function getThing($query,$debug='')
if ($r = safe_query($query,$debug)) {
$thing = (mysql_num_rows($r) != 0) ? mysql_result($r,0) : '';
return $thing;
return false;
function getThings($query,$debug='')
// return values of one column from multiple rows in an num indexed array
$rs = getRows($query,$debug);
if ($rs) {
foreach($rs as $a) $out[] = array_shift($a);
return $out;
return array();
function getCount($table,$where,$debug='')
return getThing("select count(*) from ".safe_pfx_j($table)." where $where",$debug);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function getTree($root, $type, $where='1=1', $tbl='txp_category')
$root = doSlash($root);
$type = doSlash($type);
$rs = safe_row(
"lft as l, rgt as r",
"name='$root' and type = '$type'"
if (!$rs) return array();
$out = array();
$right = array();
$rs = safe_rows_start(
"id, name, lft, rgt, parent, title",
"lft between $l and $r and type = '$type' and name != 'root' and $where order by lft asc"
while ($rs and $row = nextRow($rs)) {
while (count($right) > 0 && $right[count($right)-1] < $rgt) {
$out[] =
'id' => $id,
'name' => $name,
'title' => $title,
'level' => count($right),
'children' => ($rgt - $lft - 1) / 2,
'parent' => $parent
$right[] = $rgt;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function getTreePath($target, $type, $tbl='txp_category')
$rs = safe_row(
"lft as l, rgt as r",
"name='".doSlash($target)."' and type = '".doSlash($type)."'"
if (!$rs) return array();
$rs = safe_rows_start(
"lft <= $l and rgt >= $r and type = '".doSlash($type)."' order by lft asc"
$out = array();
$right = array();
while ($rs and $row = nextRow($rs)) {
while (count($right) > 0 && $right[count($right)-1] < $rgt) {
$out[] =
'id' => $id,
'name' => $name,
'title' => $title,
'level' => count($right),
'children' => ($rgt - $lft - 1) / 2
$right[] = $rgt;
return $out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function rebuild_tree($parent, $left, $type, $tbl='txp_category')
$left = assert_int($left);
$right = $left+1;
$parent = doSlash($parent);
$type = doSlash($type);
$result = safe_column("name", $tbl,
"parent='$parent' and type='$type' order by name");
foreach($result as $row) {
$right = rebuild_tree($row, $right, $type, $tbl);
"lft=$left, rgt=$right",
"name='$parent' and type='$type'"
return $right+1;
function rebuild_tree_full($type, $tbl='txp_category')
# fix circular references, otherwise rebuild_tree() could get stuck in a loop
safe_update($tbl, "parent=''", "type='".doSlash($type)."' and name='root'");
safe_update($tbl, "parent='root'", "type='".doSlash($type)."' and parent=name");
rebuild_tree('root', 1, $type, $tbl);
function get_prefs()
global $txp_user;
$out = array();
// get current user's private prefs
if ($txp_user) {
$r = safe_rows_start('name, val', 'txp_prefs', 'prefs_id=1 AND user_name=''.doSlash($txp_user).''');
if ($r) {
while ($a = nextRow($r)) {
$out[$a['name']] = $a['val'];
// get global prefs, eventually override equally named user prefs.
$r = safe_rows_start('name, val', 'txp_prefs', 'prefs_id=1 AND user_name=''');
if ($r) {
while ($a = nextRow($r)) {
$out[$a['name']] = $a['val'];
return $out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function db_down()
// 503 status might discourage search engines from indexing or caching the error message
txp_status_header('503 Service Unavailable');
$error = mysql_error();
return <<<eod
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<p align="center" style="margin-top:4em">Database unavailable.</p>
<!-- $error -->