Файл: textpattern-4.5.7/textpattern/include/import/import_mt.php
Строк: 219
$HeadURL: https://textpattern.googlecode.com/svn/releases/4.5.7/source/textpattern/include/import/import_mt.php $
$LastChangedRevision: 3446 $
//Long live zem!
//Time for 45KB: 0.9648-1.3698sec.
//Time for 2.612KB: 30sec.
function doImportMT($file, $section, $status, $invite) {
# Parse a file in the MT Import Format, as described here:
# http://www.movabletype.org/docs/mtimport.html
# This doesn't interpret the data at all, just parse it into
# a structure.
ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', 1);
$fp = fopen($file, 'r');
if (!$fp)
return false;
//Keep some response on some part
$results = array();
$state = 'metadata';
$item = array();
while (!feof($fp)) {
$line = rtrim(fgets($fp, 8192));
# The states suggested by the spec are inconsisent, but
# we'll do our best to fake it
if ($line == '--------') {
# End of an item, so we can process it
$results[]=import_mt_item($item, $section, $status, $invite);
$item = array();
$state = 'metadata';
elseif ($line == '-----' and $state == 'metadata') {
$state = 'multiline';
$multiline_type = '';
elseif ($line == '-----' and $state == 'multiline') {
if (!empty($multiline_type)) {
$item[$multiline_type][] = import_mt_utf8($multiline_data);
$state = 'multiline';
$multiline_type = '';
elseif ($state == 'metadata') {
if (preg_match('/^([A-Z ]+):s*(.*)$/', $line, $match)) {
$item[$match[1]] = import_mt_utf8($match[2]);
elseif ($state == 'multiline' and empty($multiline_type)) {
if (preg_match('/^([A-Z ]+):s*$/', $line, $match)) {
$multiline_type = $match[1];
$multiline_data = array();
elseif ($state == 'multiline') {
# Here's where things get hinky. Rather than put the
# multiline metadata before the field name, it goes
# after, with no clear separation between metadata
# and data. And either the metadata or data might be
# missing.
if (empty($multiline_data['content']) and preg_match('/^([A-Z ]+):s*(.*)$/', $line, $match)) {
# Metadata within the multiline field
$multiline_data[$match[1]] = import_mt_utf8($match[2]);
elseif (empty($multiline_data['content'])) {
$multiline_data['content'] = import_mt_utf8(($line . "n"));
else {
$multiline_data['content'] .= import_mt_utf8(($line . "n"));
# Catch the last item in the file, if it doesn't end with a separator
if (!empty($item))
$results[]= import_mt_item($item, $section, $status, $invite, $blogid);
return join('<br />', $results);
//Some n chars on empty fields should be removed from body_extended and excerpt
//What about the new title_html field?
function import_mt_item($item, $section, $status, $invite) {
global $prefs;
# Untested import code follows
if (empty($item)) return;
include_once txpath.'/lib/classTextile.php';
$textile = new Textile();
$title = $textile->TextileThis($item['TITLE'], 1);
//nice non-english permlinks
$url_title = stripSpace($title,1);
$body = isset($item['BODY'][0]['content']) ? $item['BODY'][0]['content'] : '';
if (isset($item['EXTENDED BODY'][0]['content']))
$body .= "n <!-- more -->nn" . $item['EXTENDED BODY'][0]['content'];
$body_html = $textile->textileThis($body);
$excerpt = isset($item['EXCERPT'][0]['content']) ? $item['EXCERPT'][0]['content'] : '';
$excerpt_html = $textile->textileThis($excerpt);
$date = safe_strtotime($item['DATE']);
$date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $date);
if (isset($item['STATUS']))
$post_status = ($item['STATUS'] == 'Draft' ? 1 : 4);
$post_status = $status;
$category1 = @$item['PRIMARY CATEGORY'];
if ($category1 and !safe_field("name","txp_category","name = '$category1'"))
safe_insert('txp_category', "name='".doSlash($category1)."', type='article', parent='root'");
$category2 = @$item['CATEGORY'];
if ($category2 == $category1)
$category2 = '';
if ($category2 and !safe_field("name","txp_category","name = '$category2'"))
safe_insert('txp_category', "name='".doSlash($category2)."', type='article', parent='root'");
$keywords = isset($item['KEYWORDS'][0]['content']) ? $item['KEYWORDS'][0]['content'] : '';
$annotate = !empty($item['ALLOW COMMENTS']);
if (isset($item['ALLOW COMMENTS']))
$annotate = intval($item['ALLOW COMMENTS']);
$annotate = (!empty($item['COMMENT']) or $prefs['comments_on_default']);
$authorid = safe_field('user_id', 'txp_users', "name = '".doSlash($item['AUTHOR'])."'");
if (!$authorid)
// $authorid = safe_field('user_id', 'txp_users', 'order by user_id asc limit 1');
//Add new authors
safe_insert('txp_users', "name='".doSlash($item['AUTHOR'])."'");
if (!safe_field("ID", "textpattern", "Title = '".doSlash($title)."' AND Posted = '".doSlash($date)."'")) {
$parentid = safe_insert('textpattern',
if (!empty($item['COMMENT']) and is_array($item['COMMENT'])) {
foreach ($item['COMMENT'] as $comment) {
$comment_date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', safe_strtotime(@$comment['DATE']));
$comment_content = $textile->TextileThis(nl2br(@$comment['content']),1);
if (!safe_field("discussid","txp_discuss","posted = '".doSlash($comment_date)."' AND message = '".doSlash($comment_content)."'")) {
return $title;
return $title.' already imported';
function import_mt_utf8($str) {
if (is_callable('mb_detect_encoding')) {
$enc = mb_detect_encoding($str, 'UTF-8,ASCII,ISO-8859-1');
if ($enc and $enc != 'UTF-8') {
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', $enc);
return $str;