Файл: core/classes/class.virtual.paymentmodule.php
Строк: 97
# ShopCMS: Скрипт интернет-магазина
# Copyright (c) by ADGroup
# http://shopcms.ru
class PaymentModule extends virtualModule {
function PaymentModule($_ModuleConfigID = 0){
$this->LanguageDir = 'core/modules/payment/languages/';
$this->ModuleType = PAYMENT_MODULE;
$this->MethodsTable = PAYMENT_TYPES_TABLE;
// *****************************************************************************
// Purpose html form to get information from customer about payment,
// this functions does not return <form> </form> tags - these tags are already defined in
// the
// Inputs
// Remarks
// Returns nothing
function payment_form_html()
return "";
// *****************************************************************************
// Purpose core payment processing routine
// Inputs $order is array with the following elements:
// "customer_email" - customer's email address
// "customer_ip" - customer IP address
// "order_amount" - total order amount (in conventional units)
// "currency_code" - currency ISO 3 code (e.g. USD, GBP, EUR)
// "currency_value" - currency exchange rate defined in the backend in 'Configuration' -> 'Currencies' section
// "shipping_info" - shipping information - array of the following data:
// "first_name", "last_name", "country_name", "state", "city", "address"
// "billing_info" - billing information - array of the following data:
// "first_name", "last_name", "country_name", "state", "city", "address"
// Remarks
function payment_process($order)
return 1;
// *****************************************************************************
// Purpose PHP code executed after order has been placed
// Inputs
// Remarks
// Returns
function after_processing_php($orderID)
return "";
// *****************************************************************************
// Purpose html code printed after order has been placed and after_processing_php
// has been executed
// Inputs
// Remarks
// Returns
function after_processing_html( $orderID )
return "";