Файл: templates/Default/js/normal.js
Строк: 483
* 1. Detect if browser is Opera and ignore animate.enhanced plugin if necesarry
* 2. Generate the background objects
* 3. Animate the background objects
* 4. Align the content to the middle of the screen
* 5. Generate the countdown
* 6. Show the countdown
* 7. Toggle the social icons and show the newsletter box
.ready(function () {
//1. Detect if browser is Opera and ignore animate.enhanced plugin if necesarry
//1,5. Make background slider
if(useSlideShow == true) {
//2. Generate the background objects
//3. Animate the background objects
.each(function () {
//4. Align the content to the middle of the screen
//5. Generate the countdown
//6. Show the countdown
//7. Toggle the social icons and show the newsletter box
.done(function () {
.hover(function () {
opacity: '1'
}, 500);
}, function () {
opacity: '0.5'
}, 500);
width: '240px',
opacity: '1'
}, function () {
opacity: '0.5'
//Override the original submit function and replace it with ajax
.submit(function () {
//check the form is not currently submitting
if ($(this)
.data('formstatus') !== 'submitting') {
//setup variables
var form = $(this),
formData = form.serialize(),
formUrl = form.attr('action'),
formMethod = form.attr('method'),
responseMsg = $('.resPonse');
//add status data to form
form.data('formstatus', 'submitting');
//show response message - waiting
.text('Please Wait...')
//send data to server for validation
url: formUrl,
type: formMethod,
data: formData,
success: function (data) {
//setup variables
var responseData = jQuery.parseJSON(data),
klass = '';
//response conditional
switch (responseData.status) {
case 'error':
klass = 'response-error';
case 'success':
klass = 'response-success';
if (responseData.message == "OK") {
responseMsg.fadeOut(400, function () {
.fadeOut(400, function () {
marginTop: "10px"
else {
//show reponse message
responseMsg.fadeOut(400, function () {
.fadeIn(400, function () {
//set timeout to hide response message
setTimeout(function () {
responseMsg.fadeOut(400, function () {
form.data('formstatus', 'idle');
}, 3000)
return false;
//Function for animate the input box
.focus(function () {
opacity: '1'
}, 500);
.focusout(function () {
opacity: '0.5'
}, 500);
//Handle the window resize event
.resize(function () {
//Realign content to middle on resize
var slideArray = $('#background').find('img');
slideArray.each(function(index, element) {
//Detect if browser is Opera and ignore animate.enhanced plugin if necesarry
function killOpera() {
if ($.browser.opera) {
console.log("Until jquery.enhanced plugin is not fixed for opera, we will ignore it :)");
else {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = "js/jquery.animate-enhanced.min.js";
//Generate the background objects
function repaint() {
var numberOfBokehs;
if (autoCircleCount == true) {
var wW = $(window)
if (wW > 1200) {
numberOfBokehs = circleCount__1200;
else if (wW <= 1200 && wW > 900) {
numberOfBokehs = circleCount_1200_900;
else if (wW <= 900 && wW > 720) {
numberOfBokehs = circleCount_900_720;
else if (wW <= 720 && wW > 420) {
numberOfBokehs = circleCount_720_420;
else if (wW <= 420) {
numberOfBokehs = circleCount_420_;
else {
numberOfBokehs = num;
var bokehMinSize = minsize;
var bokehMaxSize = maxsize;
var orbColour = color;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfBokehs; i++) {
var bokehSize = randomXToY(bokehMinSize, bokehMaxSize);
if (useRandomColours) {
var bokehColour = randomColour();
else {
var bokehColour = orbColour;
var bokeh = $("<div />")
'left': Math.floor(Math.random() * ($(window)
.width() - maxsize)) + 'px',
'top': Math.floor(Math.random() * ($(window)
.height() - maxsize)) + 'px',
'width': bokehSize + 'px',
'height': bokehSize + 'px',
'-moz-border-radius': Math.floor(bokehSize) / 2 + 'px',
'-webkit-border-radius': Math.floor(bokehSize) / 2 + 'px',
'border-radius': Math.floor(bokehSize) / 2 + 'px',
'border': '1px solid rgba(' + bokehColour + ',' + randomOpacity() + ')',
'-moz-box-shadow': '1px 1px 10px 1px rgba(' + bokehColour + ',0.1)',
'-webkit-box-shadow': '1px 1px 10px 1px rgba(' + bokehColour + ',0.1)',
'box-shadow': '1px 1px 10px 1px rgba(' + bokehColour + ',0.1)'
if (useGradients) {
// Gradients for Firefox
'background': '-moz-radial-gradient( contain, rgba(' + bokehColour + ',' + randomOpacity() + '), rgba(' + bokehColour + ',' + randomOpacity() + '))',
// Freaking ugly workaround to make gradients work for Safari too, by applying it to the background-image
'background-image': '-webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 70.5, from(rgba(' + bokehColour + ',' + randomOpacity() + ')), to(rgba(' + bokehColour + ',' + randomOpacity() + ')))'
else {
'background': 'rgba(' + bokehColour + ',' + randomOpacity() + ')'
// Append to container
function randomXToY(minVal, maxVal, floatVal) {
var randVal = minVal + (Math.random() * (maxVal - minVal));
return typeof floatVal == 'undefined' ? Math.round(randVal) : randVal.toFixed(floatVal);
//Generate random color
function randomColour() {
var rint = Math.round(0xffffff * Math.random());
return (rint >> 16) + ',' + (rint >> 8 & 255) + ',' + (rint & 255);
//Generate random opacity
function randomOpacity() {
var opacity = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
return 0 + '.' + opacity;
//Calculate new position
function makeNewPosition() {
// Get viewport dimensions (remove the dimension of the div)
var h = $(window)
.height() - maxsize;
var w = $(window)
.width() - maxsize;
var nh = Math.floor(Math.random() * h);
var nw = Math.floor(Math.random() * w);
return [nh, nw];
//Animate object
function animateDiv(object) {
var newq = makeNewPosition();
var oldq = object.offset();
var speed = calcSpeed([oldq.top, oldq.left], newq);
top: newq[0],
left: newq[1],
opacity: randomOpacity()
}, speed, function () {
//Calculate speed
function calcSpeed(prev, next) {
var x = Math.abs(prev[1] - next[1]);
var y = Math.abs(prev[0] - next[0]);
var greatest = x > y ? x : y;
var speedModifier = 0.03;
var speed = Math.ceil(greatest / speedModifier);
return speed;
//Show the countdown
function showCountDown() {
opacity: '1'
}, 700, function () {
opacity: '1'
}, 700, function () {
opacity: '1'
}, 700, function () {
opacity: '1'
}, 700);
//Generate countdown
function countDown() {
var goal = new Date(date);
var now = new Date();
var count = goal.getTime() - now.getTime();
var count = goal.getTime() - now.getTime();
var sign = count / Math.abs(count);
count = Math.abs(count);
var days = Math.floor(count / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
count -= days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var hours = Math.floor(count / (60 * 60 * 1000));
count -= hours * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var minutes = Math.floor(count / (60 * 1000));
count -= minutes * 60 * 1000;
var secs = Math.floor(count / 1000);
if(days != $('.days').find('.vAlign').find('.title').html())
if($('.days').find('.vAlign').find('.title').html() == "00")
$('.days').find('.vAlign').find('.title').animate({opacity:'0'}, 500, function(){
if(hours != $('.hours').find('.vAlign').find('.title').html())
if($('.hours').find('.vAlign').find('.title').html() == "00")
$('.hours').find('.vAlign').find('.title').animate({opacity:'0'}, 500, function(){
if(minutes != $('.mins').find('.vAlign').find('.title').html())
if($('.mins').find('.vAlign').find('.title').html() == "00")
$('.mins').find('.vAlign').find('.title').animate({opacity:'0'}, 500, function(){
if(secs != $('.secs').find('.vAlign').find('.title').html())
if($('.secs').find('.vAlign').find('.title').html() == "00")
$('.secs').find('.vAlign').find('.title').animate({opacity:'0'}, 500, function(){
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
//Show/hide social items
function toggleSocialItems(dir) {
return $.Deferred(
function (dfd) {
var totalItems = $('.social')
.each(function (i) {
var $el_title = $(this),
bottom, opacity, easing;
if (dir === 'up') {
bottom = '0px';
opacity = 0.5;
easing = 'easeOutBack';
else if (dir === 'down') {
bottom = '-100px';
opacity = 0;
easing = 'easeInBack';
bottom: bottom,
opacity: opacity,
avoidCSSTransitions: true
}, 200 + i * 200, easing, function () {
if (i === totalItems - 1) dfd.resolve();