Файл: Arhmobi_esdcms/dpanel/log.actions.php
Строк: 77
include_once '../sys/inc/start.php';
$doc = new document(2);
$doc->title = __('Лог действий');
if (isset($_GET['id_user'])) {
$id_user = 'all';
$sql_where = ' WHERE 1 = 1';
if ($_GET['id_user'] !== 'all') {
$ank = new user($_GET['id_user']);
$doc->title .= ' "' . $ank->login . '"';
$id_user = $ank->id;
$sql_where = " WHERE `id_user` = '$ank->id'";
if (!empty($_GET['module'])) {
$module = (string)$_GET['module'];
// вывод списка действий по модулю
$res = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `action_list_administrators` " . $sql_where . " AND `module` = ?");
$listing = new listing();
$pages = new pages;
$pages->posts = $res->fetchColumn(); // количество
$q = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM `action_list_administrators` " . $sql_where . " AND `module` = ? ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT $pages->limit");
if ($arr = $q->fetchAll()) {
foreach ($arr AS $action) {
$ank = new user($action['id_user']);
$post = $listing->post();
$post->title = $ank->nick();
$post->time = misc::when($action['time']);
$post->content = text::toOutput($action['description']);
$post->image = $ank->ava();
$listing->display(__('Действия отсутствуют'));
$pages->display('?id_user=' . $id_user . '&module=' . urlencode($module) . '&'); // вывод страниц
$doc->ret(__('К модулям'), '?id_user=' . $id_user . '&' . passgen());
$doc->ret(__('Администраторы'), '?' . passgen());
// вывод списка модулей
$listing = new listing();
$pages = new pages;
$res = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`module`)) FROM `action_list_administrators`$sql_where");
$pages->posts = $res->fetchColumn(); // количество модулей
$q = $db->query("SELECT `module` FROM `action_list_administrators`$sql_where GROUP BY `module` LIMIT " . $pages->limit);
while ($module = $q->fetch()) {
$post = $listing->post();
$post->title = __($module['module']);
$post->url = '?id_user=' . $id_user . '&module=' . urlencode($module['module']);
$listing->display(__('Модули отсутствуют'));
$pages->display('?id_user=' . $id_user); // вывод страниц
$doc->ret(__('Администраторы'), '?' . passgen());
// вывод списка администраторов
$listing = new listing();
$month_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), 0); // начало текущего месяца
$q = $db->prepare("SELECT *, COUNT(`id`) AS `count` FROM `action_list_administrators` WHERE `time` > ? GROUP BY `id_user` ORDER BY `count` DESC");
$post = $listing->post();
$post->title = __('Все администраторы');
$post->url = '?id_user=all';
if ($arr = $q->fetchAll()) {
foreach ($arr AS $ank_q) {
$post = $listing->post();
$ank = new user($ank_q['id_user']);
$post->title = $ank->nick();
$post->counter = $ank_q['count'];
$post->url = '?id_user=' . $ank->id;
$post->image = $ank->ava();
$listing->display(__('Нет администрации'));
$doc->ret(__('Админка'), './');