Файл: Arhmobi_esdcms/blog/blog.php
Строк: 227
include_once '../sys/inc/start.php';
if (AJAX)
$doc = new document_json();
$doc = new document();
if (!isset($_GET ['blog']) || !is_numeric($_GET ['blog'])) {
if (isset($_GET ['return']))
header('Refresh: 1; url=' . $_GET ['return']);
header('Refresh: 1; url=./');
$doc->err(__('Запись не выбрана'));
$id_blog = (int) $_GET ['blog'];
$q = $db->prepare("SELECT `blog_blog`.* , `blog_cat`.`name` AS `cat_name`
FROM `blog_blog`
LEFT JOIN `blog_cat` ON `blog_cat`.`id` = `blog_blog`.`id_cat`
WHERE `blog_blog`.`id` = ?");
if (!$blogs = $q->fetch()) {
header('Refresh: 1; url=./');
$doc->err(__('Записи не существует'));
$doc->title = $blogs['name'];
$doc->description = $blogs['message'];
$res = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `blog_view` WHERE `blog` = ? AND `id_user` = ? LIMIT 1");
$n = $res->fetchColumn();
if ($user->group && ($n==0)){
$q = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `blog_view` (`id_user`, `blog`)
VALUES (?,?)");
$res = $db->prepare("UPDATE `blog_blog` SET `view` = `view` + '1' WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1");
$ank = new user((int) $blogs['autor']);
$like = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `blog_like` WHERE `id_blog` = '" . intval($blogs['id']). "'")->fetchAll();
if (isset($_GET['like']) && $user->id) {
$doc->toReturn(new url('/blog/blog.php?blog='.$blogs['id']));
$qq = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `blog_like` WHERE `id_user` = '" . intval($user->id) . "' AND `id_blog` = '" . intval($blogs['id']) . "' LIMIT 1")->fetch();
if (!$qq) {
$res = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `blog_like` (`id_user`, `time`, `id_blog`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
$ank->mess("[user]{$user->id}[/user] поставил" . ($user->sex ? '' : 'а') . " лайк к Вашей [url=/blog/blog.php?blog=" . $blogs['id'] . "]Записи блога[/url]");
$doc->msg(__('Лайк засчитан'));
if (isset($_GET['return'])) $doc->ret('В тему', text::toValue($_GET['return']));
} else {
$doc->err(__('Лайк уже засчитан'));
if (isset($_GET['return'])) $doc->ret('В тему', text::toValue($_GET['return']));
include 'blog.votes.php';
$listing = new listing();
$post = $listing->post();
if ($user->group >= 2 || $user->id == $ank->id) {
$post->action('edit', "edit.blog.php?id=".$blogs['id']);
$post->action('delete', "delete.blog.php?id=".$blogs['id']); }
$post->hightlight = true;
$post->content = text::toOutput($blogs['message']);
$post->title = text::toValue($blogs['name']);
$post->time = misc::when($blogs['time_create']);
$post->image = $ank->ava();
$res = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `blog_like` WHERE `id_blog` = ?");
$countlike = $res->fetchColumn();
$stt = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `blog_like` WHERE `id_user` = '$user->id' AND `id_blog` = '" . intval($blogs['id']) . "' LIMIT 1")->fetch();
if ($user->id && $user->id != $ank->id && !$stt) {
$post->bottom = '<a href="?blog=' . $blogs['id'] . '&like">' . __('Мне нравится') . '</a> • <a href="/blog/like.php?id=' . $blogs['id'] . '">' . __('%s чел', $countlike) . '</a>';
} elseif ($user->id && $user->id != $ank->id) {
$countlike = $countlike - 1;
$post->bottom = "<a href='/blog/like.php?id=$blogs[id]'>" . __('Понравилось: Вам и %s чел', $countlike) . "</a>";
} else {
$post->bottom = $countlike > 0 ? '<a href="/blog/like.php?id=' . $blogs['id'] . '">' . __('Понравилось: %s чел', $countlike) . '</a>' : __('Пока ни кому не понравилось');
$post->bottom .= ' <img src="icons/blog_eye.png" /> '.$blogs['view'].' - <img src="icons/blog_chat.png" /> '.$blogs['comm'].' <b>Автор</b>: '.$ank->show();
$post_dir_path = H . '/sys/files/.blog/' . $blogs['id'];
if (@is_dir($post_dir_path)) {
$listing_files = new listing();
$dir = new files($post_dir_path);
$content = $dir->getList('time_add:asc');
$files = &$content['files'];
$count = count($files);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$file = $listing_files->post();
$file->title = text::toValue($files[$i]->runame).' - '.misc::getDataCapacity($files[$i]->size).' '.$files[$i]->properties;
$file->url = "/files" . $files[$i]->getPath() . ".htm?order=time_add:asc";
$file->image = $files[$i]->image();
$post = $listing->post();
$post->title = __('Прикрепленные файлы:');
$post->content = $listing_files->fetch();}
if (isset($_GET['comment']) && ($ank->id == $user->id || $user->group >=2)) {
$id_message = (int) $_GET['comment'];
$q = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM `blog_comment` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1");
if (!$message = $q->fetch()) {
$doc->err(__('Комментарий не найден'));
header('Refresh: 1; url=?blog='.$blogs['id'].'&' . passgen() . '&' . SID);
$qw = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM `blog_comment` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1");
$qq = $db->prepare("UPDATE `blog_blog` SET `comm` = `comm`-1 WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1");
$doc->msg(__('Комментарий успешно удален'));
header('Refresh: 1; url=?blog='.$blogs['id'].'&' . passgen() . '&' . SID);
} }
$pages = new pages($db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `blog_comment` WHERE `blog` = '".$blogs['id']."'")->fetchColumn());
$can_write = true;
if (!$user->is_writeable) {
$doc->msg(__('Писать запрещено'), 'write_denied');
$can_write = false;
if ($can_write && $pages->this_page == 1) {
if (isset($_POST['send']) && isset($_POST['message']) && isset($_POST['token']) && $user->group) {
$message = (string)$_POST['message'];
$users_in_message = text::nickSearch($message);
$message = text::input_text($message);
if (!antiflood::useToken($_POST['token'], 'blog_comment')) {
// нет токена (обычно, повторная отправка формы)
} elseif ($dcms->censure && $mat = is_valid::mat($message)) {
$doc->err(__('Обнаружен мат: %s', $mat));
} elseif ($message) {
//$user->balls += $dcms->add_balls_chat ;
$qe = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `blog_comment` (`id_user`, `time`, `mess`, `blog`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)");
$qr = $db->prepare("UPDATE `blog_blog` SET `comm` = `comm`+1 WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1");
header('Refresh: 1; url=?blog='.$blogs['id'].'&' . passgen() . '&' . SID);
if ($users_in_message) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($users_in_message) && $i < 20; $i++) {
$user_id_in_message = $users_in_message[$i];
if ($user_id_in_message == $user->id || ($blogs['autor'] && $blogs['autor'] == $user_id_in_message)) {
$ank_in_message = new user($user_id_in_message);
if ($ank_in_message->notice_mention) {
$ank_in_message->mess("[user]{$user->id}[/user] упомянул" . ($user->sex ? '' : 'а') . " о Вас в комментарии к [url=/blog/blog.php?blog=".$blogs['id']."]".$blogs['name']."[/url]");
if ($blogs['autor'] != $user->id) { // уведомляем автора о комментарии
$ank = new user($blogs['autor']);
$ank->mess("[user]{$user->id}[/user] оставил" . ($user->sex ? '' : 'а') . " комментарий к Вашей статье [url=/blog/blog.php?blog=".$blogs['id']."]".$blogs['name']."[/url]");
$doc->ret(__('Вернуться'), '?blog='.$blogs['id'].'&' . passgen());
$doc->msg(__('Сообщение успешно отправлено'));
if ($doc instanceof document_json) {
$doc->form_value('message', '');
$doc->form_value('token', antiflood::getToken('blog_comment'));
} else {
$doc->err(__('Сообщение пусто'));
if ($doc instanceof document_json)
$doc->form_value('token', antiflood::getToken('blog_comment'));
if ($user->group) {
$message_form = '';
if (isset($_GET ['message']) && is_numeric($_GET ['message'])) {
$id_message = (int)$_GET ['message'];
$q = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM `blog_comment` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1");
if ($message = $q->fetch()) {
$ank = new user($message['id_user']);
if (isset($_GET['reply'])) {
$message_form = '@' . $ank->login . ',';
} elseif (isset($_GET['quote'])) {
$message_form = "@$ank->login, [quote id_user="{$ank->id}" time="{$message['time']}"]{$message['message']}[/quote]";
if (!AJAX) {
$form = new form('?blog='.$blogs['id'].'&' . passgen());
$form->refresh_url('?blog='.$blogs['id'].'&' . passgen());
$form->setAjaxUrl('?blog='.$blogs['id'].'&' . passgen());
$form->hidden('token', antiflood::getToken('blog_comment'));
$form->textarea('message', __('Комментарий'), $message_form, true);
$form->button(__('Отправить'), 'send', false);
$listing = new listing();
// привязываем форму к листингу, чтобы листинг мог обновиться при отправке формы через AJAX
if (!empty($form))
$q = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM `blog_comment` WHERE `blog`= ? ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT $pages->limit");
$after_id = false;
if ($arr = $q->fetchAll()) {
foreach ($arr AS $message) {
$ank = new user($message['id_user']);
$post = $listing->post();
$post->id = 'blog_comment_' . $message['id'];
$post->url = '/profile.view.php?id='.$ank->id;
$post->time = misc::when($message['time']);
$post->title = $ank->nick();
$post->image = $ank->ava();
$post->post = text::toOutput($message['mess']);
$post->action('reply', '?blog=' .$id_blog.'&message=' . $message['id'] . '&reply') ;
$post->action('quote', '?blog=' .$id_blog.'&message=' . $message['id'] . '&quote') ;
if ($ank->id == $user->id || $user->group >= 2) {
$post->action('delete', '?blog='.$blogs['id'].'&comment='.$message['id'].'&page='.$pages->this_page);
if (!$doc->last_modified)
$doc->last_modified = $message['time'];
if ($doc instanceof document_json)
$doc->add_post($post, $after_id);
$after_id = $post->id;
if ($doc instanceof document_json && !$arr){
$post = new listing_post(__('Комментария отсутствуют'));
$listing->setAjaxUrl('?blog='.$blogs['id'].'&page=' . $pages->this_page);
$listing->display(__('Комментария отсутствуют'));
$pages->display('?blog='.$blogs['id'].'&'); // вывод страниц
if ($doc instanceof document_json)
if ($user->group >= 2 || $user->id == $ank->id) {
$doc->act(__('Редактировать голосование'), 'vote.edit.php?id='.$blogs['id']);}else{
$doc->act(__('Создать голосование'), 'vote.new.php?id='.$blogs['id']);}
$doc->act(__('Добавить файл'), 'files.blog.php?id='.$blogs['id']);
$doc->act(__('Удалить все коментарии'), 'message.delete_all.php?id='.$blogs['id']);
} else { $listing = new listing();
$post = $listing->post();
$post->hightlight = true;
$post->title = 'Запись заблокирована!';
$post->post = 'Причина блокировки: '.text::toOutput($blogs['prichina']);
if($user->group >= 2){if ($blogs['block']==0) {
$doc->act(__('Заблокировать'), 'block.blog.php?id='.$blogs['id']);
} else{
$doc->act(__('Редактировать'), 'edit.blog.php?id='.$blogs['id']);
$doc->act(__('Удалить'), 'delete.blog.php?id='.$blogs['id']);
$doc->act(__('Разблокировать'), 'block.blog.php?id='.$blogs['id']);
} }
$doc->ret($blogs['cat_name'], 'cat.php?id=' . $blogs['id_cat']);
$doc->ret(__('Блоги'), 'index.php');