Файл: Twitter.Clone/TWITTER.CLONE/UPLOAD/lib/user.php
Строк: 426
class user {
var $id, $time, $username, $name, $pass, $email, $visible, $phone, $im_type, $im_id, $age, $interests, $interests_tags, $bio, $location, $www, $notify_friend, $notify_direct, $notify_way, $avatar, $api_key, $dob, $sms_credits, $sms_limit, $used_sms, $lang_id;
function user($rec){
$this->id = $rec->id;
$this->time = $rec->time;
$this->username = $rec->username;
$this->name = $rec->name;
$this->pass = $rec->pass;
$this->email = $rec->email;
$this->visible = $rec->visible;
$this->phone = $rec->phone;
$this->im_type = $rec->im_type;
$this->im_id = $rec->im_id;
$this->dob = $rec->age;
$this->age = floor((time() - $this->dob) / (365 * 86400));
$int = explode(",", urldecode($rec->interests));
if(is_array($int)) {
foreach($int as $k=>$v) $int[$k] = "<a href='tag/".trim($v)."/{$this->username}'>".trim($v)."</a>";
$interests = implode(", ", $int);
$this->interests_tags = $interests;
$this->interests = urldecode($rec->interests);
$this->bio = urldecode($rec->bio);
$this->location = urldecode($rec->location);
if($rec->www && !eregi("http://", $rec->www)) $this->www = "http://".$rec->www;
else $this->www = $rec->www;
$this->notify_friend = $rec->notify_friend;
$this->notify_direct = $rec->notify_direct;
$this->notify_way = $rec->notify_way;
$this->avatar = $rec->avatar;
if($rec->api_key) $this->api_key = $rec->api_key;
else $this->generate_api_key();
$this->sms_credits = $rec->sms_credits;
$this->sms_limit = $rec->sms_limit;
$this->used_sms = $rec->used_sms;
$this->lang_id = $rec->lang_id;
function refresh(){
$db = new database;
$rec = $db->get_rec("users", "*", "id={$this->id}");
$this->time = $rec->time;
$this->username = $rec->username;
$this->name = $rec->name;
$this->pass = $rec->pass;
$this->email = $rec->email;
$this->visible = $rec->visible;
$this->phone = $rec->phone;
$this->im_type = $rec->im_type;
$this->im_id = $rec->im_id;
$this->dob = $rec->age;
$this->age = floor((time() - $this->dob) / (365 * 86400));
$int = explode(",", urldecode($rec->interests));
if(is_array($int)) {
foreach($int as $k=>$v) $int[$k] = "<a href='tag/".trim($v)."/{$this->username}'>".trim($v)."</a>";
$interests = implode(", ", $int);
$this->interests_tags = $interests;
$this->interests = urldecode($rec->interests);
$this->bio = urldecode($rec->bio);
$this->location = urldecode($rec->location);
if($rec->www && !eregi("http://", $rec->www)) $this->www = "http://".$rec->www;
else $this->www = $rec->www;
$this->notify_friend = $rec->notify_friend;
$this->notify_direct = $rec->notify_direct;
$this->notify_way = $rec->notify_way;
$this->avatar = $rec->avatar;
if($rec->api_key) $this->api_key = $rec->api_key;
else $this->generate_api_key();
$this->sms_credits = $rec->sms_credits;
$this->sms_limit = $rec->sms_limit;
$this->used_sms = $rec->used_sms;
$this->lang_id = $rec->lang_id;
function load_pagelist($array, $limit) {
for($i=0; $i<count($array); $i++) {
$page[$j][$i] = $array[$i];
return $page;
function make_page_list($ile, $cur_page, $module, $user) {
$res = "<p class="mid">";
$prev = $cur_page-1;
$next = $cur_page+1;
$user .="/";
$res .= "<a href="".$module."/".$user."".$prev."" class="pagination">«</a>";
for($i=1; $i<=$ile; $i++) {
$res .= "<a href="".$module."/".$user."".$i."" class="pagination">".$i."</a>, ";
$res .= $i.", </li>";
$res .= "<a href="".$module."/".$user."".$next."" class="pagination">»</a>";
$res .= "</ul>";
return $res;
function add_friend($friend_id){
$db = new database;
$result = $db->db_insert("followed", "user, followed", "{$this->id}, $friend_id");
$u = $db->get_rec("users", "*", "id=$friend_id");
$user = new user($u);
if($user->notify_way == 'email'){
$msg = str_replace("#recipient_name", $user->username, added_as_friend_mail);
$msg = str_replace("#username", $this->username, $msg);
$to = $user->email;
$subject = str_replace("#username", $this->username, added_as_friend_subject);
$headers = "From: <".CONTACT_MAIL.">";
$ok = mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers);
$db->db_delete("followed", "user={$this->id} and followed={$friend_id} and friend_only=1");
} else if($user->notify_way == 'sms'){
if($user->phone && $user->sms_credits > 0){
$to = $user->phone;
$msg = added_as_friend_sms;
$msg = str_replace("#recipient_name", $user->username, $msg);
$msg = str_replace("#username", $this->username, $msg);
send_sms($to, $msg);
if($result) return true;
else return false;
function remove_friend($friend_id){
$db = new database;
$result = $db->db_delete("followed", "user={$this->id} and followed=$friend_id");
if($result) return true;
else return false;
function leave_friend($friend_id){
$db = new database;
$result = $db->db_update("followed", "friend_only=1", "user={$this->id} and followed=$friend_id");
if($result) return true;
else return false;
function has_friend($id){
$db = new database;
$result = $db->get_recs("followed", "*", "user={$this->id} and followed=$id");
if($db->count_recs($result)) return true;
else return false;
function has_friend_nf($id){
$db = new database;
$result = $db->get_recs("followed", "*", "user={$this->id} and followed=$id and friend_only=1");
if($db->count_recs($result)) return true;
else return false;
function block_user($id){
$db = new database;
$result = $db->db_insert("blocked_users", "user, blocked_user", "{$this->id}, $id");
$u = $db->get_rec("users", "*", "id=$id");
$user = new user($u);
if($result) return true;
else return false;
function unblock_user($id){
$db = new database;
$result = $db->db_delete("blocked_users", "user={$this->id} and blocked_user=$id");
if($result) return true;
else return false;
function is_blocked($id){
$db = new database;
$rec = $db->get_rec("blocked_users", "count(*) as ile", "user={$this->id} and blocked_user=$id");
if($rec->ile) return true;
else return false;
function i_am_blocked($id){
$db = new database;
$rec = $db->get_rec("blocked_users", "count(*) as ile", "user={$id} and blocked_user={$this->id}");
if($rec->ile) return true;
else return false;
function get_friends(){
$db = new database;
$result = $db->get_recs("users", "*", "id in (select followed from followed where user={$this->id})", "username asc");
$recs = $db->fetch_objects($result);
if(is_array($recs)) foreach($recs as $rec) $friends[] = new user($rec);
return $friends;
function get_followers(){
$db = new database;
$result = $db->get_recs("users", "*", "id in (select user from followed where followed={$this->id})", "username asc");
$recs = $db->fetch_objects($result);
if(is_array($recs)) foreach($recs as $rec) $followers[] = new user($rec);
return $followers;
function is_my_follower($id){
$db = new database;
$rec = $db->get_rec("followed", "count(*) as ile", "user=$id and followed={$this->id}");
if($rec->ile) return true;
else return false;
function get_favorites(){
$db = new database;
$result = $db->get_recs("messages", "*", "id in (select message from favorites where user={$this->id})", "id desc");
$recs = $db->fetch_objects($result);
if(is_array($recs)) foreach($recs as $rec) $favs[] = new message($rec);
if(is_array($favs)) return $favs;
else return false;
function count_friends(){
return count($this->get_friends());
function count_freq(){
$db = new database;
$rec = $db->get_rec("friends", "count(*) as ile", "user2={$this->id} and req=1");
return $rec->ile;
function count_followers(){
return count($this->get_followers());
function count_updates(){
$db = new database;
$rec = $db->get_rec("messages", "count(*) as ile", "user='{$this->username}'");
return $rec->ile;
function count_direct_messages(){
$db = new database;
$rec = $db->get_rec("messages", "count(*) as ile", "direct={$this->id}");
return $rec->ile;
function count_favorites(){
$db = new database;
$rec = $db->get_rec("favorites", "count(*) as ile", "user={$this->id}");
return $rec->ile;
function add_favorite($msg){
$db = new database;
$result = $db->db_delete("favorites", "user={$this->id} and message=$msg");
$result = $db->db_insert("favorites", "user, message", "{$this->id}, $msg");
function del_favorite($msg){
$db = new database;
$db->db_delete("favorites", "user={$this->id} and message=$msg");
function side_css(){
$db = new database;
$lay = $db->get_rec("layouts", "*", "user={$this->id}");
$css = "<style type='text/css'>n";
if($lay->text_color) $css .= ".side_middle * {color: #{$lay->text_color};}n";
if($lay->side_border_color) $css .= ".decorative_bar {background: #{$lay->side_border_color};}n";
if($lay->side_fill_color) $css .= ".side_stuff {background: #{$lay->side_fill_color};} ";
if($lay->link_color) {
$css .= ".side_stuff a.current, .side_stuff a.current:hover, .side_stuff a.current:visited {color: #{$lay->link_color};}n";
$css .= ".side_stuff a, .side_stuff a:visited {color: #{$lay->link_color};}n";
$css .= "</style>n";
return $css;
function main_css(){
$db = new database;
$lay = $db->get_rec("layouts", "*", "user={$this->id}");
$css = "<style type='text/css'>n";
if($lay->text_color) $css .= "*, h1, h2, h3, h4, #footer, #copyright {color: #{$lay->text_color};}n";
if($lay->link_color) {
$css .= "a, a:visited, #footer a, #footer a:visited, a.username, a.username:visited {color: #{$lay->link_color};}n";
$css .= ".msg {border-left: 5px solid #{$lay->link_color};}n";
$css .= "input.submit, #profile_header input.submit {background-color: #{$lay->link_color};}n";
if($lay->top_area_color) {
$css .= "div#profile_header {background-color: #{$lay->top_area_color};}n";
$css .= ".msg.yellow {border-left: 5px solid #{$lay->top_area_color};}n";
if($lay->side_border_color) $css .= ".decorative_bar {background: #{$lay->side_border_color};}n";
$css .= "html {";
if($lay->back_color) $css .= "background-color: #{$lay->back_color}; ";
if($lay->use_image) {
if(is_file("backgrounds/".$this->id.".jpg")) $css .= "background-image: url(backgrounds/{$this->id}.jpg); ";
else $css .= "background-image: url(grafika/back.png); ";
} else $css .= "background-image: none; ";
case "0": $css .= "background-repeat: no-repeat; "; break;
case "1": $css .= "background-repeat: repeat-x; "; break;
case "2": $css .= "background-repeat: repeat-y; "; break;
case "3": $css .= "background-repeat: repeat; "; break;
if($lay->back_fixed) $css .= "background-attachment: fixed; ";
$css .= "}";
$css .= "</style>n";
return $css;
function api_get_data($format, $data_only=0){
case "xml":
$data = "<user>";
$data .= "<id>{$this->id}</id>";
$data .= "<username>{$this->username}</username>";
$data .= "<name>{$this->name}</name>";
$data .= "<email>{$this->email}</email>";
$data .= "<phone>{$this->phone}</phone>";
$data .= "<im_type>{$this->im_type}</im_type>";
$data .= "<im_id>{$this->im_id}</im_id>";
$data .= "<age>{$this->age}</age>";
$data .= "<interests>{$this->interests}</interests>";
$data .= "<bio>{$this->bio}</bio>";
$data .= "<location>{$this->location}</location>";
$data .= "<www>{$this->www}</www>";
$data .= "</user>";
case "json":
$data = "{
"id": "{$this->id}",
"username": "{$this->username}",
"name": "{$this->name}",
"email": "{$this->email}",
"phone": "{$this->phone}",
"im_type": "{$this->im_type}",
"im_id": "{$this->im_id}",
"age": "{$this->age}",
"interests": "{$this->interests}",
"bio": "{$this->bio}",
"location": "{$this->location}",
"www": "{$this->www}"
} else $data = "{"user": {
"id": "{$this->id}",
"username": "{$this->username}",
"name": "{$this->name}",
"email": "{$this->email}",
"phone": "{$this->phone}",
"im_type": "{$this->im_type}",
"im_id": "{$this->im_id}",
"age": "{$this->age}",
"interests": "{$this->interests}",
"bio": "{$this->bio}",
"location": "{$this->location}",
"www": "{$this->www}"}
default: return false;
return $data;
function generate_api_key(){
$this->api_key = md5($this->username);
$db = new database;
$db->db_update("users", "api_key='{$this->api_key}'", "id={$this->id}");
function last_update(){
$db = new database;
$rec = $db->get_rec("messages", "*", "user='{$this->username}' and direct=0", "time desc limit 1");
$message = new message($rec);
return $message;
function display_age(){
if($this->dob) return $this->age;
else return "";
function reset_sms_limit(){
$db = new database;
$db->db_update("users", "used_sms=0", "id={$this->id}");
$this->used_sms = 0;