Файл: Twitter.Clone/TWITTER.CLONE/UPLOAD/langs/eng_lang.php
Строк: 1094
// Warning! NO EDIT THIS FILE!!!
// For Edit use Admin-Control-Panel Interface
// File Created:19:15:10 17.07.2008
define(actions, "Actions");
define(activate_im, "Activate my IM (MSN, Gtalk etc.)");
define(added_as_friend_mail, "Hello #recipient_name!n#username (http://www.yourdomain.com/profile/#username)nhas just added you to his friends list.nnRegardsnReVou team");
define(added_as_friend_sms, "Hello #recipient_name! #username has just added you to his friends list at ReVou");
define(added_as_friend_subject, "#username has added you as a friend");
define(add_me, "Add me");
define(all_friends, "Show all my friends");
define(api_key_explanation, "The key API is needed for applications that use the ReVou API. You must use it every time you call any of the API methods.");
define(api_key_header, "My API key");
define(api_key_is, "Your API key is:");
define(a_add, "Add");
define(a_as_friend, "as a friend");
define(a_block, "Block");
define(a_follow, "Follow");
define(a_leave, "Stop following");
define(a_nudge, "Nudge");
define(a_remove, "Remove");
define(a_send_msg, "Send a message to ");
define(big_or, "OR");
define(block_ok, "#username is blocked");
define(bm_about, "About us");
define(bm_api, "API");
define(bm_contact, "Contact us");
define(bm_help, "Help");
define(bm_privacy, "Privacy policy");
define(bm_terms, "Terms of use");
define(buy, "BUY");
define(buying_instruction, "To buy more choose how many sms credits you'd like to buy and press the BUY button.");
define(buy_failure, "Unfortunately, some error occured while processing your transaction.");
define(buy_failure_title, "New SMS credits added");
define(buy_success1, "The transaction ended successfully,");
define(buy_success2, "sms credits have been added to your account");
define(buy_success_error, "This transaction is already finished or does not exist. Please try once more.");
define(buy_success_error_title, "Transaction error");
define(buy_success_title, "New SMS credits added");
define(chars_left, "characters left");
define(check_all, "Select all");
define(choose_bglib, "Choose from the background library:");
define(choose_sms_plan, "Choose sms plan");
define(choose_your_photo, "Choose your photo from the library");
define(comma_separated_200chr, "Comma separated, max 200 characters");
define(confirmation_mail, "Hello #username!nYou've just joined ReVou. Click on the link below to complete your registration:n#linknnFollow the instructions to activate your MSN or Gtalk. It's that simple! Then invite your friends to join also and ask them to add you as a friend");
define(confirmation_subject, "Welcome to ReVou");
define(contact_us, "Contact us");
define(credits_for, "credits for");
define(credit_amount, "Credit anount");
define(credit_price, "1 SMS credit costs");
define(days_ago, "days ago");
define(default_message_from_admin, "Welcome to ReVou, we hope that you'll enjoy the site and if you have any questions, go to the HELP section or send us an e-mail by visiting the Contact Us section.");
define(direct_msg, "Direct message");
define(direct_msgs_to, "Direct messages to");
define(direct_notification_mail, "Hello #recipient_name!n#author_name (#author_link) nhas just sent you a direct message:nn#messagennRegardsnReVou team");
define(direct_notification_sms, "Hello #recipient_name! #author_name has just sent you a direct message on ReVou");
define(direct_notification_subject, "#username sent you a direct message!");
define(enter_some_emails, "Write your friends' emails below and we will send invitations to them.");
define(err_about_me_too_long, "The 'about me' text shouldn't be longer than 200 characters.");
define(err_accept_terms, "You have to accept the terms of use.");
define(err_account_exists, "An account with this name already exists.");
define(err_account_inactive, "Account is inactive. To activate your account using the ling you got in the confirmation email. If you didn't receive the email, please check your spam folder.");
define(err_choose_name, "Choose a user name.");
define(err_create_account, "Could not create your account. Try again later.");
define(err_email, "An error occured while trying to send your email. Please try again.");
define(err_email_confirmation_needed, "If you want to log in, you have to activate your account using the ling you got in the confirmation email. If you didn't receive the email, please check your spam folder.");
define(err_email_exists, "An account with this email already exists. Choose a different one.");
define(err_email_incorrect, "Given email address is incorrect.");
define(err_email_needed, "Please specify your email.");
define(err_email_not_found, "Given email does not exist in our database.");
define(err_file_too_large, "Image file cannot be bigger than 500 Kb");
define(err_fill_all, "Please fill all fields of this form.");
define(err_interests_too_long, "The 'interests' text shouldn't be longer than 200 characters.");
define(err_invalid_code, "Given code is incorrect.");
define(err_invitations, "An error occured while trying to send your invitations.");
define(err_layout_change, "An error occured while trying to change your layout.");
define(err_life_change, "An error occured while trying to change information about your life");
define(err_login_incorrect, "Login incorrect.");
define(err_mobile, "Error while trying to save your mobile number");
define(err_msg_too_long, "The message is too long. It can't exceed 140 characters.");
define(err_password_mismatch, "The password and its confirmation don't match.");
define(err_photo_upload, "Could not upload your photo. Make sure the format of the file is correct.");
define(err_reminder_error, "An error occured while trying to send you the password reminder.");
define(err_set_im, "Could not activate your IM");
define(err_sms_limit, "Could not set the SMS limit");
define(err_sms_limit_nan, "SMS limit value must be a number");
define(favorites_header, "Favorites");
define(followers_of1, "Followers of");
define(followers_of2, "");
define(follow_4_steps, "Follow these 4 easy steps to setup your account:");
define(follow_ok, "You're following #username now");
define(forgot_header, "Forgot your password?");
define(forgot_paragraph, "If you don't remember your password, please write your email address and your password will be sent to it immediately");
define(friends1, "Friends of ");
define(friends2, "");
define(friends_of1, "Friends of");
define(friends_of2, "");
define(friend_search, "Search for friends");
define(from, "from");
define(gateway_info, "Our SMS gateway number is: ");
define(hello, "Hello");
define(hours_ago, "hours ago");
define(hour_ago, "hour ago");
define(import_contacts_from, "Import your contacts from");
define(im_msg_too_long, "Your message was too long and was trimmed to 140 characters: ");
define(inbox, "Inbox");
define(invitation_mail, "Hello!nOur site is a service that asks "What are you doing now?".nThis is my last message:nn#last_updaten#message_linknnAnd what are you doing now? Register with us and tell others!nnRegardsn");
define(invitation_preview1, "Hello!nReVou is a service that asks "What are you doing now?".nThis is my last message:");
define(invitation_preview2, "And what are you doing now? Register in ReVou and tell others!nnRegards");
define(invitation_subject, "Invitation to ReVou");
define(invite_header, "Invite your friends!");
define(invite_paragraph, "Provide your details and see if your friends are already in ReVou");
define(in_reply_to, "@");
define(i_accept, "I accept");
define(i_accept2, "");
define(i_am_in, "Location");
define(label_about_me, "About me:");
define(label_back_color, "Background color:");
define(label_back_default, "Back to default settings");
define(label_back_fixed, "Fixed background:");
define(label_back_image, "Background image:");
define(label_border_color, "Border color:");
define(label_bubble_fill, "Your update background color:");
define(label_bubble_text, "Your update text color:");
define(label_captcha2, "Code:");
define(label_catcha1, "Security code:");
define(label_catcha2, "Retype the code:");
define(label_check_now, "Check now");
define(label_choose_this_photo, "Choose this photo");
define(label_create_account, "Create account");
define(label_deactivate, "Deactivate my IM");
define(label_delete, "Remove");
define(label_delete_account, "Remove my account now!");
define(label_dob, "Date of birth:");
define(label_email, "e-mail:");
define(label_emails, "Email addresses:");
define(label_follow, "Follow");
define(label_full_name, "Full name:");
define(label_im_id, "E-mail or your IM ID:");
define(label_im_type, "Instant Messenger:");
define(label_interests, "Interests:");
define(label_invite, "Invite");
define(label_lang, "Language");
define(label_link_color, "Link color:");
define(label_location, "Location:");
define(label_login, "Login");
define(label_message, "Message:");
define(label_more_info, "More info URL:");
define(label_msg_area, "Message area background color:");
define(label_password, "Password:");
define(label_remember, "Remember me");
define(label_remind, "Remind now");
define(label_remove_account, "Remove my account");
define(label_repeat_pass, "Repeat the password:");
define(label_reply, "reply");
define(label_save_changes, "Save changes");
define(label_search, "Go!");
define(label_send, "Send");
define(label_side_fill, "Side box background color:");
define(label_sticker_color, "Sticker color:");
define(label_stop_following, "Stop following");
define(label_subject, "Subject:");
define(label_text_color, "Text color:");
define(label_tile_image, "Tile image:");
define(label_uname_email, "Your user name or email:");
define(label_upload_now, "Upload now");
define(label_url, "Do you have a blog? Put its address here");
define(label_user_name, "User name:");
define(label_use_image, "Use image");
define(label_your_email, "Your email:");
define(label_your_name, "Your name:");
define(label_your_uname, "Your Name (without space between letters and words):");
define(leave_ok, "You have left #username");
define(life_header, "About me");
define(limit_200chr, "Limit: 200 characters");
define(link_continue, "Continue");
define(link_finish, "FINISH");
define(link_login, "Login");
define(link_register, "Register");
define(link_start, "Start!");
define(main_header, "Tell the world what you're doing at this moment!");
define(max500, "Max. picture size is 500 kb.");
define(member_of, "Member of ReVou");
define(menu_home, "Home");
define(menu_invite, "Invite friends");
define(menu_logout, "Logout");
define(menu_my_panel, "My panel");
define(menu_settings, "Settings");
define(menu_vision, "Vision Map");
define(mins_and, "minutes and");
define(minutes_ago, "minutes ago");
define(min_and, "minute and");
define(my_account, "My account");
define(my_im_explanation, "Activating your IM will enable you to post messages by it and to receive other people's messages and notifications.");
define(my_im_header, "My Instant Messenger");
define(my_lay_background, "Background");
define(my_lay_boxes, "Boxes on the right");
define(my_lay_bubble, "Message background");
define(my_lay_header, "My layout");
define(my_lay_other, "Other");
define(my_mobile, "My mobile");
define(my_mobile_header, "My mobile number");
define(my_mobile_label, "Your mobile number is:");
define(my_mobile_text, "Specify your mobile number (including the +xx country code) to send and receive messages and notifications to and from ReVou! Be always up to date with what's gong on!");
define(my_profile_header, "My profile");
define(my_sms_credits, "My SMS credits");
define(name_and_mail, "Name and email");
define(new_msg_notify, "Notify me about new messages:");
define(no, "NO");
define(notification_comment, "Notify me when somebody starts following me");
define(notification_header, "Email notification");
define(notification_label, "Notify me about new followers:");
define(notification_mail, "Hello #recipient_name!n#author_name (#author_link) nhas just posted a message on Yourwebsite.com:nn#messagennRegardsnReVou team");
define(notification_sms, "Hello #recipient_name! #author_name has just posted a message: #message");
define(notification_subject, "New message at Yourwebsite.com from #username!");
define(notify_any_type, " of any type from people I follow");
define(notify_by, "Notify me by:");
define(notify_direct_only, " only about direct messages from people I follow");
define(notify_way_err, "Error while changing notification mode to ");
define(notify_way_ok, "OK, notification mode changed to ");
define(no_contacts_found, "No contacts were found");
define(no_msg, "No messages");
define(nudge, "Hello, Why don't you write something at Yourwebsite.com? I can't wait!");
define(nudge_ok, "#username has been nudged");
define(nudge_subject, "Nudge from Yourwebsite.com");
define(n_email, "e-mail");
define(n_im, "IM");
define(n_sms, "SMS");
define(n_web, "web only");
define(ok_added_as_friend, "The chosen user has been added to your friends list");
define(ok_back_to_defaults, "Your settings have been restored to the defaults");
define(ok_email_sent, "Your email has been sent. Thanks.");
define(ok_im_deactivated, "Your IM has been deactivated");
define(ok_im_set, "Your IM has been activated. Now add <span id='im_contact'>#contact</span> to your contacts list in your IM.");
define(ok_invitations_sent, "Invitations were sent to all or selected contacts, those already registered, were added in your Friends list");
define(ok_invitations_sent_nolist, "Invitations were sent to all selected contacts, and those already registered, were added in your Friends list");
define(ok_layout_changed, "Your layout has been changed");
define(ok_life_changed, "Your life details have been changed.");
define(ok_life_saved, "Your life details have been saved.");
define(ok_msg_sent, "Your message has been sent");
define(ok_phone_saved, "Your mobile number has been saved. Now you can post messages sending them via SMS to this number: ");
define(ok_photo_changed, "Your photo has been changed.");
define(ok_photo_uploaded, "Your photo has been uploaded");
define(ok_profile_saved, "Your profle details have been saved.");
define(ok_reminder_sent, "Password reminder has been sent");
define(ok_reply_sent, "Your reply has been sent");
define(ok_settings_saved, "Your settings have been saved.");
define(ok_sms_limit_set, "SMS limit has been set");
define(option_day, "Day");
define(option_month, "Month");
define(option_year, "Year");
define(outbox, "Outbox");
define(pagination_next, "Next");
define(pagination_page, "Page");
define(pagination_prev, "Previous");
define(pass_not_stored, "Your username and password will not be stored on our server");
define(paste_code_flash, "Paste this code into your website/Blog:");
define(people_interested_in, "People interested in");
define(photo_header, "My photo");
define(profile_del_explanation, "If you want to completely remove your profile ReVou, click the button below. It will not be possible to restore your account, so think well before doing so!");
define(profile_del_header, "Remove my account");
define(profile_del_u_sure, "Are you sure you want to completely remove your ReVou account?");
define(profile_tab_customize, "Customize ReVou");
define(profile_tab_mine, "My messages");
define(profile_tab_replys, "Public replies");
define(profile_tab_with_friends, "Your friends' messages");
define(qty_direct_msg, "direct messages");
define(qty_favorites, "favorites");
define(qty_followers, "followers");
define(qty_friends, "friends");
define(qty_sms_credits, "sms credits");
define(qty_updates, "messages");
define(refresh_warning, "If the picture didn't change refresh the page using Ctrl+F5");
define(reminder_mail, "Hello #user!nYour password on ReVou is: #passnnRegardsnReVou team");
define(reminder_subject, "Password reminder from ReVou");
define(remove_ok, "#username has been removed");
define(reply_to_msg, "Reply to message:");
define(reset_sms_limit, "Reset");
define(results_for, "Results for");
define(save, "Save");
define(secs_ago, "secs ago");
define(send_msg_to, "Send the message to");
define(separate_commas, "Comma separated");
define(settings, "Settings");
define(setting_err, "An error occured while trying to change your settings");
define(setting_ok, "OK, settings changed");
define(set_limit_button, "Set now");
define(set_limit_to, "Set your SMS limit to");
define(set_sms_limit, "Set SMS limit");
define(skip_setup, "Skip setup");
define(sms_credits_title, "Your SMS credits");
define(sms_limit_header, "SMS limit");
define(sms_limit_text, "To save on SMS credits you can set a limit of SMSs that you can send/receive. This limit can be changed or reset anytime.");
define(step1, "Step 1: Add your photo");
define(step2, "Step 2: Activate your Instant Messenger");
define(step3, "Step 3: Your details");
define(step4, "Step 4: Invite your friends");
define(sticker_choose_color, "Choose the color for your sticker:");
define(sticker_flash, "Flash sticker");
define(sticker_friends_comment, "The code below will create a HTML sticker which will display a list of users that you follow:");
define(sticker_header, "My stickers");
define(sticker_js, "JavaScript stickers");
define(sticker_js_comment, "Do you want something simpler that you'll be able to customize using CSS? Paste this code into your website/blog:");
define(tab_picture_set, "Image library");
define(tab_popular, "Most popular");
define(tab_recent, "Most recent");
define(tab_upload, "Upload");
define(text_on_black, "");
define(tile_both, "Tile horizontally and vertically");
define(tile_h, " Tile horizontally");
define(tile_no, "Don't tile");
define(tile_v, "Tile vertically");
define(title_delete, "Remove this message");
define(title_fav_add, "Add to favorites");
define(title_fav_del, "Remove from favorites");
define(title_reply, "Reply to this message");
define(to, "to");
define(total_price, "so the total price is");
define(trans_credits, "Credits bought");
define(trans_date, "Transaction date");
define(trans_time, "Transaction time");
define(trans_value, "Value");
define(unblock, "Unblock");
define(unblock_ok, "#username is unblocked");
define(uncheck_all, "Deselect all");
define(updates_protected, "Only my friends can see my updates.");
define(upload_comment, "Show others your smile!");
define(upload_hint, "Max. file size is 1 MB, allowed formats: jpeg/png/gif");
define(upload_picture, "Add a picture (jpeg/gif/png):");
define(upload_your_photo, "Upload your photo");
define(used_credits_below_limit, "Used credits");
define(users_message, "'s message");
define(users_profile, "'s profile");
define(user_first_message, "Joined ReVou :)");
define(u_about, "About");
define(u_age, "Age:");
define(u_bio, "About me:");
define(u_fullname, "Name:");
define(u_interests, "Interesses:");
define(u_location, "Location:");
define(u_www, "WWW:");
define(visibility, "Let my messages are visible to all users, not just to my friends");
define(welcome, "Welcome to ReVou");
define(welcome_info1, "Your Account in ReVou was created but it needs activation. To activate it click on the link in the confirmation e-mail that was sent to you.");
define(welcome_info2, "Do not forget to check whether this email did not arrive in your SPAM folder");
define(we_found1, "We found");
define(we_found2, "of your contacts");
define(what_are_you_doing, "What are you doing?");
define(yes, "YES");
define(yesterday, "yesterday");
define(your_limit_is, "Your limit is");
define(your_reply, "Your reply:");
define(your_sms_transactions, "SMS plans you bought");
define(you_have, "Currently you have");