Файл: Twitter.Clone/TWITTER.CLONE/UPLOAD/inc/config.php
Строк: 152
This is the main configuration file of the Twitter Clone.
Please BE VERY CAREFUL while making any changes in it.
How to change configuration:
Any config option consists of a name and a value.
If a value is a string, it's wrapped in quotation marks ("").
define(name, "value");
define("title", "ReVou | What are you doing??");
To set a particular configuration, change ONLY the VALUES
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
define(db_host, "localhost");
define(db_name, "revou");
define(db_user, "root");
define(db_pass, "password");
define(db_type, "MySQL");
//admin_panel login data
define(admin_user, "admin");
define(admin_pass, "admin");
define("CONTACT_MAIL", "support@example.tld");
define("title", "ReVou | What are you doing??");
//Meta tags
define("keywords", "twitter, miniblog, clone, what are you doing,micro blogging, blog, jaiku, blogging");
define("description", "ReVou | What are you doing? | Yet Another Twitter Clone");
//the root adress of the site. No slash "/" at the end!
define(root_domain, "http://www.example.tld");
//how many characters has the link in a message have to be treated as long
define(link_lenght_limit, 20);
define(spp, 20); //stuff per page - pagination
define(mpp, 20); //messages per page
//picture sizes
define("thsize", 60);
//images in messages:
define("post_img_size", 1048576);
define("post_img_max_width", 100);
define("post_img_max_height", 60);
define(max_length, 140); //max message length
//encryption password used to encrypt user data sent in a confirmation link
define(encryption_key, "somekeystring");
define(treshold, 2);
//rss feed data
define(rss_link, "http://www.example.tld/"); //link to a page (placed in the feed)
define(rss_limit, 30); //max messages to be put in the feed
define(rss_guid_prefix, "twittr_clne-"); //rss guid prefix
//Instant Messenger accounts
define(im_list, "MSN,ICQ,GTalk/Jabber,AIM,Yahoo Messenger"); //protocol name list
define("im_account_msn", "yourname@hotmail.com"); // YOUR HOTMAL ADDRESS
define("im_account_icq", "31234567"); // YOUR ICQ NUMBER
define("im_account_jabber", "yourname@gmail.com"); // YOUR JABBER ADDRESS
define("im_account_yahoo", "yourname@yahoo.com"); // YOUR YAHOO ADDRESS
define("im_account_aim", "yourname@aim.com"); // YOUR AIM ADDRESS
define("gateway_phone", "+44123456789"); // YOUR SKYPE NUMBER
define("paypal_business", "your@paypaladdress.tld");
define(paypal_addr, "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"); //paypal address - payment form is sent to it
define(paypal_success, "buy_ok"); //name of the page the user is sent to after a successful payment
define(paypal_failure, "buy_fail"); //name of the page the user is sent to when the payment goes wrong or is cancelled
//sms gateway
define("sms_user", "clickatelluser");
define("sms_pass", "pass");
define("sms_api_id", "12345678");
// Languages
define("lang_default", "ENG");
// sms callback: put it in the Clickatell configuration
// Clickatell will send sms messages to this address
// http://www.yourwebsite.com/get_sms.php