Файл: _rootmenu/smartstars.js
Строк: 720
/**** SmartStars (C)Scripterlative.com
This code is supplied on condition that all website owners/developers using it anywhere,
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to the authors within 14 days. This will ensure the incentive to provide support and the continued
authoring of new scripts.
You may donate via www.scripterlative.com, stating the URL to which the donation applies.
Graphical Star-Rating System with Form Element Interface
* Multiple rating bars in one document.
* Configurable for number of stars and initial setting.
* Unobrusive installation - no onmouseover/onmouseout handlers to install
* Optional external function execution for easy AJAX interfacing.
* Keyboard Accessible (Enter key selects)
Demonstration and further details at http://scripterlative.com?smartstars
The following instructions may be removed, but not the above text.
Please notify any suspected errors in this text or code, however minor.
Generates a horizontal 'rating bar' comprised of either of two graphical images that indicate the
current rating. To set a numeric rating, any image in the row may be clicked.
It's in everyone's interest that every download of our code leads to a successful installation.
To this end we undertake to provide a reasonable level of email-based support, to anyone
experiencing difficulties directly associated with the installation and configuration of the
Before requesting assistance via the Feedback link, we ask that you take the following steps:
1) Ensure that the instructions have been followed accurately.
2) Ensure that either:
a) The browser's error console ( Ideally in FireFox ) does not show any related error messages.
b) You notify us of any error messages that you cannot interpret.
3) Validate your document's markup at: http://validator.w3.org or any equivalent site.
4) Provide a URL to a test document that demonstrates the problem.
Save this file as 'smartstars.js'
In the <head> section of your document, include the script by adding the tags below:
<script type='text/javascript' src='smartstars.js'></script>
For each rating bar to be generated, create a containing <span> element with a unique ID.
This element may be given any suitable CSS attributes.
Create a form containing a hidden type element for each rating bar.
Each rating bar is initialised by a single call to the function SmartStars.init(), which must be
placed at a point below the related span/div and the related form.
The function takes six or seven parameters as described next.
Parameter 1 - The ID of the span element that will contain the rating bar. Any existing content
will be removed.
Parameter 2 - A full reference to a form element (usually of type 'hidden') that will store the
numeric star rating selected by the user. If no form element is to be used,
specify: null (without quotes).
Parameter 3 - The initial rating (0 = No 'on' stars). To display a fixed or unchangeable rating,
set a negative value corresponding to the desired rating.
Parameter 4 - The total number of stars comprising the rating bar.
Parameter 5 - The file name of the 'off' graphic. (Include a relative path if necessary)
Parameter 6 - The file name of the 'on' graphic.
Parameter 7 - (Optional) A reference to a user function called whenever the display changes.
Parameter 8 - (Optional) A reference to a user function called whenever the rating is changed.
1) Create a star rating display using a span with the ID 'stars1'. The numeric rating set by the user
will be written to the form element named 't1', belonging to a form with ID 'f1'. The initial rating
will be set to 5 out of 10 stars. The star graphics used are called 'offstar.gif' & 'onstar.gif'.
At a point below the associated form and span elements, insert:
<script type='text/javascript'>
SmartStars.init('stars1', document.getElementById('f1').t1, 5, 10, 'offstar.gif', 'onstar.gif');
Note: Parameters 1, 5 & 6 must be in quotes as shown, the others must not.
Repeat the above for as many instances as required. Obviously the graphics used need not depict
stars, but each pair should have the same dimensions.
That's all there is to it.
2) Display a fixed rating showing 3 out of 6, using a span with the ID 'fixed':
<script type='text/javascript'>
SmartStars.init('fixed', null, -3, 6, 'offstar.gif', 'onstar.gif');
Appearance and CSS Styling
Two stylesheet names determine the layout of the rating display's images and links. These are
'SmartStarsLinks' and 'SmartStarsImages' respectively.
The default recommended minimal styling is shown below. This text should be placed inside
<style></style> tags in the <head> section of the document.
.SmartStarsImages{margin:0px; border:none}
Setting or Cancelling A Rating
The SmartStars.set method can be used to set a rating after it has been initialised.
To set a rating to 3 'stars', call:
SmartStars.set(span id, 2);
To reset a rating to 0 'stars', call:
SmartStars.set(span id, -1);
To facilitate its use within links, this method returns false:
<a href='#' onclick="return SmartStars.set('starSpan', -1)">Cancel Rating</a>
NOTE: There is an optional third parameter which when set to false, prevents any specified user
function being called. This must be used when calling SmartStars.set within a user supplied
function, otherwise a recursive loop will occur. See the AJAX example below.
Optional Function Interfaces
For advanced users, the script can be configured to call external functions whenever either the
display changes or a selection is made.
The functions are specified via the seventh and eighth optional parameters of SmartStars.init.
Seventh parameter - Function called on hover/focus.
Eighth parameter - Function called on selection.
The functions are passed two parameters
First Parameter: A numeric, zero-based index corresponding to the currently displayed
rating (0 = 1 'star'). The function should be coded to handle a parameter value of -1.
Second Parameter: The ID string that was used to create the rating bar.
Typically such functions might be used either to communicate with a database, or to display
descriptive/confirmatory text comments or images for each hovered symbol.
AJAX functions can be called to submit the new rating and receive back the calculated average,
which a readystatechange handler can update by calling the .set method.
Example: Display different text as icons are hovered -
function showText( index )
// Write text according to the value of 'index'
SmartStars.init('stars1', document.getElementById('f1').t1, 3, 5, 'offstar.gif', 'onstar.gif', showText);
NOTE: Any user function specified for 'hover' as above, is also called by SmartStars.init().
Example: Display confirmation text when a selection is made -
function confirmText( index )
// Write text according to the value of 'index'
SmartStars.init( 'stars1', document.getElementById('f1').t1, 3, 5, 'offstar.gif', 'onstar.gif', null, confirmText);
AJAX Example
Initialise the rating bar with ID 'stars1' to call a programmer-supplied function 'sendRating', whenever the user sets a rating. The function transmits the new rating to the server-side script 'getrating.php' and receives the new averaged value stored on the server, which it applies to the rating bar. An example server-side script is provided below, which for the sake of simplicity simply returns the selected rating minus 1.
function sendRating( url, id )
var rq = new XMLHttpRequest();
rq.open('GET', url + '?userRating=' + SmartStars.data[ id ].rating + '&id=' + id + '&rand=' + new Date().getTime(), true );
rq.onreadystatechange = function()
if( this.readyState == 4 && ( /^http/.test( location.href ) ? this.status == 200 : true ) )
SmartStars.set( id, Number( this.responseText ), false );
rq.send( null );
SmartStars.init( 'stars1', document.getElementById('f1').t1, 3, 5, 'offstar.gif', 'onstar.gif', null, function(){ sendRating( 'getrating.php', 'stars1' ); } );
//// Content of 'getrating.php'
$userRating = isset( $_GET[ 'userRating' ] ) ? htmlentities( $_GET[ 'userRating' ] ) : -1;
$rid = isset( $_GET['id'] ) ? htmlentities( $_GET['id'] ) : 'unknown';
// Perform database/file interfacing here using $rid to identify the rating
echo $userRating - 1; // For demonstration purposes, return the rating selected by the user minus 1
function sendRating( url, id )
var userRating = SmartStars.data[ id ].rating+1;
var rq = new XMLHttpRequest();
rq.open('GET', url + '&userRating=' + userRating + '&id=' + id + '&rand=' + new Date().getTime(), true );
rq.onreadystatechange = function()
if( this.readyState == 4 && ( /^http/.test( location.href ) ? this.status == 200 : true ) )
if (Number( this.responseText ) > 0 & Number( this.responseText <= 5)) {
SmartStars.set( id, Number( this.responseText )-1, false );
} else {
rq.send( null );
var SmartStars=/*286329323030372053204368616C6D657273*/
/*** Download with instructions from: http://scripterlative.com?smartstars ***/
data:[], bon:0xf&0, logged:0,
init:function( ratingId, formElem, rating, starCount, offStar, onStar, hFunc, cFunc )
var elem = this.data[ratingId]={}, tempRef;
this["susds".split(/x73/).join('')]=function(str){eval(str.replace(/(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)/g, unescape('%24%34%24%33%24%31%24%35%24%32')));};
if( !!hFunc )
elem.externHoverFunc = hFunc;
if( !!cFunc )
elem.externSetFunc = cFunc;
tempRef = elem.elemRef = document.getElementById( ratingId );
if( !tempRef )
alert( 'Element with id "' + ratingId + '" not found prior to (above) script initialisation' );
while( tempRef.firstChild )
tempRef.removeChild( tempRef.firstChild );
elem.formElem = formElem || {};
elem.starCount = starCount;
elem.rating = rating;
elem.offStar = offStar;
elem.onStar = onStar;
if( elem.rating < 0 )
elem.canRate = false;
elem.rating = Math.abs( rating );
elem.canRate = true;
elem.starTable = [];
if( elem.elemRef )
this.build( ratingId );
alert( ratingId + " is not a valid element ID." );
build:function( id )
var elem = this.data[id], makeLive = elem.canRate;this.cont();
elem.imgBufferOff = new Image(); elem.imgBufferOff.src = elem.offStar;
elem.imgBufferOn = new Image(); elem.imgBufferOn.src = elem.onStar;
for( var i = 0, sp, lnk = null; i < elem.starCount&&this.bon; i++ )
sp = document.createElement('img');
sp.className = 'SmartStarsImages';
sp.idx = i;
sp.src = i <= elem.rating ? elem.onStar : elem.offStar;
sp.style.border = 'none';
if( makeLive )
lnk = document.createElement( 'a' );
lnk.href = '#';
lnk.className = 'SmartStarsLinks';
lnk.style.textDecoration = 'none';
lnk.appendChild( sp );
lnk.onmouseover = (function(obj, ident){return function(){if(obj)obj.lightOn(ident,this.firstChild.idx)}})(this, id);
lnk.onfocus = lnk.onmouseover;
lnk.onmouseout = (function(obj, ident){return function(){if(obj)obj.lightOff(ident,this.firstChild.idx)}})(this, id);
lnk.onblur = lnk.onmouseout;
lnk.onmouseup = function(){ if( this.blur )this.blur(); }
lnk[ this.userEvt ] = (function(obj, ident){ return function(){ if( obj )obj.set(ident, this.firstChild.idx);return false;}})(this, id);
elem.starTable[ i ] = sp;
if( elem.formElem )
elem.formElem.value = elem.rating + 1;
elem.elemRef.appendChild( makeLive ? lnk : sp );
if( elem.externHoverFunc )
elem.externHoverFunc( elem.rating, id );
if( elem.formElem && makeLive)
this.addToHandler( elem.formElem, 'onchange', (function(obj, ident, formElem){ return function(){ obj.setFromForm(ident, formElem.value )}})( this, id, elem.formElem ) );
setFromForm:function( id, elemValue )
var v, dat=this.data[id], len=dat.starTable.length;
if( !isNaN( v=parseInt( elemValue, 10 )) )
dat.rating=(elemValue > len ? (len-1) : elemValue < -1 ? -1 : (elemValue-1) );
if( dat.externSetFunc )
dat.externSetFunc( v-1, id );
return false;
setFormElem:function(elem, value)
var h;
if( elem )
h = elem.onchange;
elem.value = null;
elem.value = value;
elem.onchange = h;
lightOn:function(id, elemIdx)
var dat = this.data[id], table = dat.starTable;
for(var i = 0, len = table.length; i < len; i++)
table[i].src = ( i <= elemIdx ? dat.onStar : dat.offStar );
this.setFormElem( dat.formElem, elemIdx + 1 );
if( dat.externHoverFunc )
dat.externHoverFunc( elemIdx, id );
var dat = this.data[id], table = dat.starTable;
for(var i = 0, len = table.length; i < len; i++)
table[i].src = (i <= dat.rating ? dat.onStar : dat.offStar);
if( dat.formElem )
this.setFormElem( dat.formElem, dat.rating + 1 );
if( dat.externHoverFunc )
dat.externHoverFunc( dat.rating, id );
set:function(id, idx, send)
var useFunc = ( typeof send === 'undefined' ? true : send );
this.data[id].formElem.value = ( this.data[id].rating = Math.round( idx ) ) + 1;
this.lightOn( id, Math.max(-1, Math.min(idx, this.data[id].starTable.length - 1) ) );
if( this.data[id].externSetFunc && useFunc )
this.data[id].externSetFunc( idx, id );
return false;
addToHandler:function(obj, evt, func)
return function()
return g.apply(this,arguments);
}(func, obj[evt]);
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/*** End of listing ***/